The ITRF activities are funded by the Institut Géographique National (IGN France), hosting the IERS ITRS
Product Center, and partly by the Space Geodesy Research Group (GRGS).
We are indebted to all IERS Technique and Analysis Centers who constantly provide data
for ITRF solutions which would not exist without their
valuable contributions.
The mapping application has been developed by student engineers of the Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques
(ENSG) to whom we are grateful :
Bertrand Cannelle, Jerôme Chatillon, Laurent Halard, Thomas Rugi and Xavier Thauvin.
The following individuals contributed to the design and
implementation of this web site in alphabetical order: Zuheir Altamimi, Claude Boucher, Xavier Collilieux, Bruno Garayt, Edouard Gaulué, Guy Saint-Martin, Patrick Sillard