ITRF2008 is the new realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System.
Following the procedure already used for the ITRF2005 formation,
the ITRF2008 uses as input data time series of station positions
and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) provided by the Technique
Centers of the four space geodetic techniques (GPS, VLBI, SLR, DORIS).
Based on completely reprocessed solutions of the four techniques, the
ITRF2008 is expected to be an improved solution compared to ITF2005.
Input data used for ITRF2008
- Space geodesy solutions from 4 space geodesy techniques. Description
Scale and Geocenter time series
| Detrended Plots | Plots with respect to ITRF2008 |
| Scale | Geocenter | Scale | Geocenter |
VLBI | Plot Time Series | | Plot Time Series | |
SLR | Plot Time Series | Plot Time Series |
DORIS | Plot Time Series | Plot Time Series |
Station position residuals
Download residuals files. On line residuals plots.
ITRF2008 files
Figure 1: ITRF2008 velocity field
The IERS ITRS Product Center is indebted to the Technique Services
and IVS) and their Analysis and Combination Centers
for their contribution by providing reprocessed solutions.
The quality of the ITRF2008 is certainly benefiting from these
technique improved solutions. Many institutions and individuals
have also contributed to the ITRF2008 project.
We also acknowledge the contribution of DGFI colleagues to the
ITRF2008 analysis.
The IERS ITRS Product Center is particularly grateful to all the
institutions who provide the necessary investment for the space
geodetic observatories which constitute the main ITRF foundation.