IDS-LCA solution
L. Soudarin (CLS)
J.F. Crétaux (LEGOS-GRGS)
A series of weekly station coordinates and daily pole coordinates has been computed using 13 years (January 1993 to December 2005) of DORIS measurements collected by the instruments onboard SPOT2, SPOT3, SPOT4, SPOT5, TOPEX/Poseidon and ENVISAT.
The tracking data are processed nominally on 3.5-day arc (half a week of the GPS calendar) for all the 6 satellites using the GINS/DYNAMO software of the GRGS.
Individual normal equations are accumulated to form weekly combined matrices. The inversion of these matrices yields the weekly solutions for the geodetic parameters. This time series of site and pole coordinates is expressed in free network with loose constraints (10 meter and 500 mas respectively). The coordinate solutions are expressed at the median epoch of the week. Pole coordinates are estimated daily at 12:00.
The gravity field model used in the orbit computation is GRIM5-C1.