* File : iers_sta_list.txt * Release : 2019/05/21 * DOMES Site name cdp gnss doris Point Description *---------+------------------------------+----+----+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10001M007 Paris SMNE P BUILDING TERRACE / NORTH-EAST CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10001M008 Paris PANA Dorian College 10001S006 Paris OPMT Paris Observatory / 3S Navigation TSA 100 S/N 19 / ARP 10001S007 Paris OP71 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof concrete structure 10002M001 Grasse (OCA) Mark Caussols 3 (F 2) 10002M003 Grasse (OCA) 7605 Mobile VLBI mark 1989 10002M004 Grasse (OCA) 7846 Concrete Slab/ 25 mm brass mark 10002M006 Grasse (OCA) GRAS GPS Pillar/brass mark 10002M008 Grasse (OCA) SELF 2 mark 10002M010 Grasse (OCA) GRAC Concrete Pillar with Brass antenna base/GLONASS Marker 10002S001 Grasse (OCA) 7835 SLR IAR 10002S002 Grasse (OCA) 7845 LLR IAR 10002S014 Grasse (OCA) GRAA DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 10002S016 Grasse (OCA) GR2B DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10002S017 Grasse (OCA) 7829 "French transportable Laser System" (FTLRS) - Telescope axis intersection reference point 10002S018 Grasse (OCA) GR3B DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10002S019 Grasse (OCA) GR4B DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10003M003 Toulouse 7608 VLBI mark 10003M004 Toulouse TOUL TOUL IGS mark 10003M005 Toulouse DORIS 1 mark 10003M006 Toulouse DORIS 2 mark 10003M008 Toulouse Cite de l espace / Mark under the DORIS antenna 10003M009 Toulouse TLSE Mark on a terrace roof 10003M010 Toulouse TLMF METEO FRANCE / CNRM / BUILDING CONCRETE WALL / METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10003M034 Toulouse TLSG Top and axis of a brass mark embedded in a concrete building roof 10003S001 Toulouse TLSA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10003S003 Toulouse TLHA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10003S004 Toulouse TCEB Cite de l espace / DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10003S005 Toulouse TLSB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type). 10004M002 Brest 7604 Mobile VLBI mark 1989 10004M003 Brest BRSG Stainless steel mark in concrete block 10004M004 Brest BRST Building terrace / SO corner /hemisheric bronze bolt 10004M501 Brest GUIP GUIPAVAS / METEO FRANCE BUILDING / TERRACE / NORTH WEST CORNER / METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10004S001 Brest BRAB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 10011M001 Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire MICH Pillar/Top of forced centring device 10012M001 Nice NICE ASTRONOMIC OBSERVATORY / BUILDING ROOF / CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTER OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10012M002 Nice NICA CONCRETE WALL / TOP AND CENTRE OF STEEL MAST 10013M001 Bordeaux CUBX METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10014M001 Strasbourg STJ9 EOST / CONCRETE PILLAR ANCHORED ON A BUNKER / TOP AND CENTER OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10014M002 Strasbourg ENTZ Top and centre of an inox plate on top of an inox mast 10014M003 Strasbourg EOST EOST Institute building - Forced centering device fixed on top of a 1.5m high mast 10014M004 Strasbourg ETOI Forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 10016M001 Creil CREI IGN SAA buildings / Top and centre of an Inox triangular plate fixed on a wall 10017M002 Malo-les-Bains-Dunkerque DGLG ARMBOUTS LES BAINS / METALLIC MAST / TOP AND CENTRE 10018M001 Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d Or MDOR IGN BUILDING TERRACE / METALLIC PILLAR/ TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10018M101 Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d Or LYON VILLEURBANNE - IGN BUILDING - ROOF - TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10019M001 Bretigny-sur-Orge BRET JP Timbaud college 10020M001 Chize CHIZ Geodetic ground marker (hemispheric bronze bolt) 10023M001 La Rochelle LROC Triangular centering plate / aluminium mast / concrete bunker terrace 10025M001 Pic du Midi de Bigorre PIMI Forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10028M007 Besancon BSCN OBSERVATORY LABORATORY BUILDING / INOX MAST / TOP AND CENTER OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10032M001 Egletons EGLT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY / ADM. BUILDING ROOF / TOP AND CENTRE OF OF TRIANGULAR PLATE 10046M001 Villefranche-sur-Cher VFCH MAPS STORAGE BUILDING / ROOF / METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTER OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10047M001 Rennes RENN Technical Services building roof - Top and centre of a steel mast 10048M001 Bressuire BRES Top and centre of a metallic mast fixed on a wall 10048M002 Bressuire BRE2 Top of a stainless steel mast, fixed on the side of a wall 10049M001 Thorigne THOR top and centre of a metallic mast fixed against a wall 10050M001 Villiers Saint Frederic VSFR Viollet le Duc high school - 10051M001 Lille Metropole LILL VILLENEUVE D ASCQ / TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES / BUILDING TERRACE / TOP AND CENTRE OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10051M002 Lille Metropole LMCU Lille / technical department building / roof / top and center of a geodetic device 10051M003 Lille Metropole LIL2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar, fixed to a concrete wall 10052M001 Mogneneins MOGN Top and centre of an aluminium triangular plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 10053M001 Saint-Clement-Les-Places SCLP Top and centre of an aluminium triangular plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 10055M004 Flottemanville - Hague HEAU HEAVILLE DGPS STATION / METALLIC PILLAR FIXED ON A CONCRETE BLOCK / TOP AND CENTER OF A CENTERING DEVICE 10057M001 Aix-en-Provence AXPV CEREGE / BUILDING SOUTH WALL / 2.5M METALLIC MAST / TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10058M002 Nantes NANT LCPC - ROOF MAIN BUILDING - STEEL MAST - TOP AND CENTRE OF A FORCED CENTERING DEVICE 10058M003 Nantes NMCU Top and center of a forced centering stainless steel tube 10058M004 Nantes BOUG Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 10059M001 Mont Aigoual AIGL CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A BRASS BASE FIXED ON AN ALUMINIUM PLATE 10061M001 Metz METZ School / Steel mast fixed on a wall / Top and centre 10063M001 Sables d Olonne SABL METALLIC PILLAR - TOP AND CENTRE OF AN INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE 10064M001 Pen Men - Groix island GROI Inox triangular plate on top of a metallic pillar fixed on a concrete block 10065M001 Le Puy-en-Velay PUYV Top and centre of a triangular plate fixed on top of a 4m triangular metallic pillar 10067M002 Le Havre HEVE La Heve lighthouse building / Metallic mast / forced centering device 10073M008 Marseille MARS Tide gauge building s terrace / S corner /hemisheric bronze bolt 10074M001 Biarritz BRTZ METALLIC PILLAR - TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10074M002 Biarritz BIAZ Force centering device on top of a metallic mast 10075M001 Ecluse Sablons ESAB Top and centre of an aluminium plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 10076M001 Charvieu Chavagneux CHAR Top and centre of a metallic mast 10077M002 Ajaccio 7848 Concrete Monument / Brass mark 10077M005 Ajaccio AJAC Renforced concrete pillar/Top of forced centring device 10077S001 Ajaccio DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10077S002 Ajaccio AJAB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type 10079M001 Port-Vendres BEAR BEAR CAPE DGPS STATION / METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10079S001 Port-Vendres BEA2 Bear cape DGPS station - Metallic pillar - AERAT2772_42 Antenna Reference Point (ARP) 10080M001 Autun, Laboratoire Regional de AUTN Top of on inox plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 10080M002 Autun, Laboratoire Regional de AUT2 Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 10081M001 Saint Etienne de Tinee CLAP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 10082M001 Pont-De-Buis-Les-Quimerch PNDB INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF A METALLIC PILAR 10083M101 Troyes TROY SAINTE SAVINE / D3E / TOP OF A WALL / TOP AND CENTER OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10083M102 Troyes TRYS SAINTE SAVINE - CONCRETE WALL - TOP AND CENTRE OF A TRIANGULAR PLATE 10083M103 Troyes TRY2 Saint Savine - D3E - Concrete wall - Forced centering device fixed on top of an aluminium palte 10084M001 Porquerolles PQRL CONCRETE BLOCK / TOP AND CENTRE OF AN INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE FIXED ON TOP OF A METALLIC PILLAR 10085M001 Angers ANGE Top and centre of a 2m metallic mast fixed to a wall 10086M001 Fontjoncousse FJCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A BRASS BASE 10086M002 Fontjoncousse FJC2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast embedded on a concrete pillar. 10087M001 Cap Ferret FERR Axis and top of a metallic tube tied to a metallic mast, fixed on top of a lighthouse 10088M001 Ciboure (Saint-Jean-de-Luz) Tide gauge jetty / Eurogauge marker 10088M002 Ciboure (Saint-Jean-de-Luz) SCOA Socoa tide gauge building - Inox mast - forced centering device on top 10089M001 Cannes - La Bocca CNNS Top and centre of a metallic mast fixed to a building 10089M002 Cannes - La Bocca CANN Top and center of an inox triangular plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete wall 10089M003 Cannes - La Bocca CANE Top and centre of an inox triangular plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete wall. 10090M001 Saint-Jean-des-Vignes SJDV Top of forced centring device 10091M001 Le Mans MANS Steel tube on the roof of the ESGT building 10091M002 Le Mans MAN2 Steel tube on the roof of the ESGT building. Replace MANS monument. 10092M001 Marne la Vallee MLVL ENSG building/ hemisheric bronze bolt 10093M001 Vernon LRBA Steel mast in reinforced concrete building 10094M001 Sevres BIPD Steel guard rail: engraved cross 10095M001 Cadarache-Ginasservis GINA Pillar/Top of forced centring device 10096M001 Modane Avrieux MODA Pillar/Top of forced centring device 10097M001 Montpellier MTPL Pillar - Top of forced centring device 10097M002 Montpellier MTP2 Axis and top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall. 10097M003 Montpellier MNTP Top and center of a forced centering plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall on a building roof 10098M001 La Feclaz FCLZ Pillar/Top of forced centring device 10099M001 Chatel CHTL Pillar/Top of forced centring device 10101M003 Copenhaguen BUDP Pillar / center hole of antenna mount device (1-13-829) 10101M004 Copenhaguen DK01 1-13-821, Pillar with iron plate and punch mark with fixed steel tripod 10101M005 Copenhaguen DK0A 1-13-001, Concrete plate in soil with a brass bolt 10101S001 Copenhaguen BUDD GPS Ant. Ref. Point 10106M001 Hirtshals DK02 54-05-834, Brass bolt on concrete pier 10106M002 Hirtshals HIRS Top and centre of a brass mark fixed on a 4.m high conrete piller 10108S001 Hvitanes TORS Torshavn / LEIS GPS Antenna on steel mast / ARP 10112S001 Hovvig HVIG GPS Ant. Ref. Point 10113M001 Suldrup SULD Pillar / center hole of antenna mount device (61-10-802) 10113M002 Suldrup SUL5 Top of a forced centering device on top of a 4m high stainless steel mast 10114M001 Smidstrup SMID Pillar / center hole of antenna mount device (117-05-810) 10114M002 Smidstrup SMI2 Top of a forced centering device on top of a 4m high stainless steel mast 10115M001 Esbjerg DK03 K-75-956, Brass bolt on concrete pier 10115M002 Esbjerg ESBH Center top of 6.4m solid "invar" (NILO36) rod 10116M001 Gedser DK04 Brass bolt on concrete pier 10116M002 Gedser GESR Top and centre of a brass mark fixed on a 4.0m concrete piller 10117M001 Thorshavn DK05 K-87-9035, Concrete plate with bronze sheet and polished steel bolt 10117M002 Thorshavn ARGI Forced centering device on top of a steel mast attached to the Umhvorvisstovan building 10118M001 Esbjerg City ESBC Brass marker in 4.0 m concrete pillar 10119M001 Tvoroyri TVOR Top and center of a plate embedded in bedrock 10120M001 Klaksvik KLAK Top and center of a brass bolt embedded in bedrock 10121M001 Sorvagur SORV Top and center of a brass bolt, embedded in bedrock 10122M001 Torshavn havn TORH Top and center of a bolt embedded in bedrock 10123M001 Havnebyen HABY Top and center of a brass mark fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 10124M001 Tejn Havn TEJH Top and center of a brass mark fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 10126M001 Fynshav FYHA Top and center of a brass mark fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 10127M001 Moegeltoender MOJN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 10128M001 Aarhus SKEJ Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 10202M001 Reykjavik REYK Univ/bolt GPS marker 10202M002 Reykjavik DORIS mark 10202M003 Reykjavik REY2 Top and center of a survey marker bolt anchored into the concrete of the balustrade wall on the top of the elevator tower 10202M003 Reykjavik REYZ Top and center of a survey marker bolt anchored into the concrete of the balustrade wall on the top of the elevator tower 10202M004 Reykjavik DORIS 2 mark : domed brass bolt on a concrete wall of the NRA building 10202S001 Reykjavik REYA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10202S002 Reykjavik REYB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10202S003 Reykjavik REZB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 10204M001 Hofn 7635 VLBI monument 1992/brass marker in bedrock 10204M002 Hofn HOFN IFAG GPS monument/chimney pillar /steel plate 10204M003 Hofn Statens kartverk GPS monument / chimney pillar/steel plate 10204M004 Hofn PRARE monument/observation tower/concrete pillar 10204M005 Hofn EUREF monument/concrete pillar/brass marker 10205M001 Reykjahlid MYVA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod 10206M001 Akureyri AKUR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod bolted on the roof of a building 10207M001 Gufuskalar GUSK Top of a foced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10208M001 Heidarsel HEID Top of a foced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10209M001 Isafjordur ISAF Top and center of a marker bolt, anchored into a concrete balustrade wall on top of a building 10210M001 Reykholar RHOL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10211M001 Skardshamrar SKHA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10212M001 Fjordungsalda FJOC Forced centering antenna mount on top of a short drilled braced monument anchored in bedrock. 10213M001 Inntakshus (Karahnjukar) INTA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, bolted on a building roof 10214M001 Isakot ISAK Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10215M001 Kalfafell KALF Bolt fixed on top of a concrete pillar, acnhored into bedrock 10216M001 Raufarhofn RHOF Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10217M001 Vestmannaeyjar VMEY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel quadripod, anchored into bedrock 10218M001 Hveravellir HVEL The antenna is mounted on a stainless steel quadripod, that is bolted and cemented into stable bedrock. The bottom of the antenna is the ARP. 10302M001 Tromso Trig. point (N 5481) 10302M002 Tromso 7602 Mobile VLBI and SLR mark 10302M003 Tromso TROM GPS marker TSS GPSM 10302M004 Tromso Mark TSS III 10302M005 Tromso Mark WMC2 10302M006 Tromso TRO1 Hole top center/horizontal top plate/steel tower/bedrock 10302S001 Tromso TI4100/L1 20-DEC-87 - 26-OCT-88 10302S002 Tromso TI4100/L1 28-OCT-88 - 07-NOV-88 10302S003 Tromso TI4100/L1 07-NOV-88 - 21-SEP-89 10302S004 Tromso TI4100/L1 21-SEP-89 - 17-JUL-90 10302S006 Tromso TI4100/L1 17-JUL-90 - 22-AUG-90 10302S007 Tromso ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 28-MAY-90 - 30-JUN-90 10302S008 Tromso ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 01-JUL-90 - 18-JUL-90 10302S009 Tromso ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 18-JUL-90 - 10302S010 Tromso TROA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10307M001 OSLO OSLO BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10307M001 OSLO OSLS BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10310M001 Bergen BRGS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10316M001 Longyearbyen LYRS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10317M001 Ny-Alesund NYAC Top and centre of a brass nail (GIG'91 mark) 10317M001 Ny-Alesund NYAL Top and centre of a brass nail (GIG'91 mark) 10317M003 Ny-Alesund NYA1 Hole top center/horizontal top plate/steel tower/bedrock 10317M004 Ny-Alesund DORIS 1 mark (12 mm brass mark) 10317M005 Ny-Alesund NYAG Brass Bolt / Concrete block / Steel tower 10317M006 Ny-Alesund DORIS 2 mark (12 mm domed brass mark) 10317M007 Ny-Alesund Domed brass mark on concrete roof (DORIS 3) 10317M008 Ny-Alesund NYA2 Top and center of a steel plate on top of a steel tripod, fixed to a pillar 10317S001 Ny-Alesund ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 17-JAN-91 10317S002 Ny-Alesund SPIA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10317S003 Ny-Alesund 7331 20 m VLBI antenna reference point 10317S004 Ny-Alesund SPIB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10317S005 Ny-Alesund SPJB DORIS Starec antenna reference point (SPJB) 10320M001 Tregde vannstandsmaler TGDE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a carbon pipe, fixed on concrete block 10322M002 DOMEN VARD BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10322M002 DOMEN VARS BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10325M001 HONEFOSS HONE SK Tower GPS mark 10325M002 HONEFOSS HFSS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10325M003 HONEFOSS HFS4 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10326M002 Bodo BOD3 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10329M001 TRYSIL 7607 VLBI mark 10329M002 TRYSIL TRY1 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10330M001 Stavanger STAS BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10330M001 Stavanger STAV BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10331M001 Trondheim TRDS BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10331M001 Trondheim TRON BOLT IN SOLID ROCK 10332M001 GiH Gjovik GJOV Gjovik University College / Building B / Bolt of antenna mounting device / 5300 10333M001 Alomar observatoriet ANDO Top and centre of drilled hole on concrete floor 10334M001 Longyearbyan S03A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10334M001 Longyearbyan S03G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10334M001 Longyearbyan S03M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10334M004 Longyearbyan S03B Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10334M004 Longyearbyan S03H Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10334M004 Longyearbyan S03N Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 10335M001 Jan Mayen S30A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10335M001 Jan Mayen S30G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10335M001 Jan Mayen S30M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10335M002 Jan Mayen S30B Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10335M002 Jan Mayen S30H Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10335M002 Jan Mayen S30N Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 10336M001 Alesund ALES Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10337M001 Adamselv ADAC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10338M001 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABA Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M002 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABB Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M003 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABC Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M004 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABD Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M005 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABE Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M006 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna NABF Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). 10338M007 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna Top and center of a doomed brass mark 10338S001 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna 7392 Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (south telescope) 10338S002 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna 7393 Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (north telescope) 10338S003 Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna SVAC DORIS Starec antenna reference point 10339M001 Bjorli BJOC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10340M001 Bomlo BMLC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10341M001 Dagali DGLS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10342M001 Donna DONC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10343M001 Haukeli HAUC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10344M001 Hellesylt HELC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10345M001 Honningsvag HONS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10346M001 Kautokeino KAUS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10347M001 Kristiansand KRSS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10348M001 Lauvsnes LAUC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10349M001 Lodingen LODC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10350M001 Lofoten LOFS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10351M001 Lom LOMC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10352M001 Luroy LURC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10353M001 Maurset MAUC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10354M001 Portor PORC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10355M001 Roan ROAC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10356M001 Royrvik ROYC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10357M001 Sirevag SIRC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10358M001 Sveindal SVEC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10359M001 Tjome TJMC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10360M001 Vega VEGS Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10361M001 Dombas DOM1 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10362M001 Froya FROC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10363M001 Vikna VIKC Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10364M001 Vardo kai VAR1 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10365M001 Andenes AND1 Axis and base of the forced centering bolt on top of a steel mast 10401M002 Uppsala-Hallby UPP0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10402M003 Onsala NLS Mark 761331 (S7331) 10402M004 Onsala ONSA Mark 301 GPSM 10402M005 Onsala Mark 401 10402M006 Onsala OS0G Mobile VLBI mark 1992 10402M006 Onsala 7211 Mobile VLBI mark 1992 10402M007 Onsala ONS1 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10402S001 Onsala 7212 VLBI ref. pt. ONSALA85 10402S002 Onsala 7213 VLBI ref. pt. ONSALA60 10402S011 Onsala TI4100/L1 18-DEC-87 -23-JAN-91 10402S012 Onsala ASHTECH/L1 27-JAN-91 -20-MAY-91 10402S013 Onsala ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 31-MAY-91 10402S014 Onsala 7636 Intersection of rotation axes of the ONSA13NE permanent VLBI radio telescope 10402S015 Onsala 7637 Intersection of rotation axes of the ONSA13SW permanent VLBI radio telescope 10403M001 Kiruna - Jukkasjarvi KIRUNA GEOPHYS. INST. TRIG. POINT 299681 10403M002 Kiruna - Jukkasjarvi KIRU GPS mark 10403M003 Kiruna - Jukkasjarvi GKIR Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a plate on top of a concrete pillar 10405M002 Martsbo MAR6 STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10405M002 Martsbo MR6G STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10405M003 Martsbo MAR7 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10405S005 Martsbo ASHTECH/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 10410M002 Norrkoeping NOR0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10410M003 Norrkoeping NOR7 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10422M001 Kiruna - Esrange KIR0 STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10422M001 Kiruna - Esrange KR0G STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10422M002 Kiruna - Esrange KIR8 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10423M001 Visby VIS0 STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10423M001 Visby VS0G STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10423M002 Visby VIS6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10424M001 Vilhelmina VIL0 STAINLESS PLATE/PILLAR/BEDROCK 10424M002 Vilhelmina VIL6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10425M001 Boras SPT0 Concrete monument on bedrock / metal plate 10425M002 Boras SPT7 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10426M001 Skellefteaa SKE0 GEODETIC MARKER ON CONCRETE PILLAR 10426M002 Skellefteaa SKE8 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10427M001 Stockholm Stupi STH0 Forced centering device on top of a steel tube, fixed on a roof 10428M001 Arjeplog ARJ0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10428M002 Arjeplog ARJ6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10429M001 Hassleholm HAS0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10429M002 Hassleholm HAS6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10430M001 Jonkoping JON0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10430M002 Jonkoping JON6 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10431M001 Karlstad KAD0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10431M002 Karlstad KAD6 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10432M001 Kungsholmsfort KUN0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10433M001 Leksand LEK0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10433M002 Leksand LEK6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10434M001 Lovo LOV0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10434M002 Lovo LOV6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10435M001 Oskarshamn OSK0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10435M002 Oskarshamn OSK6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10436M001 Ostersund OST0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10436M002 Ostersund OST6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10437M001 Overkalix OVE0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10437M002 Overkalix OVE6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10438M001 Ratan RAT0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10439M001 Smogen SMO0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10440M001 Sundsvall SUN0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10440M002 Sundsvall SUN6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10441M001 Sveg SVE0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10441M002 Sveg SVE6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10442M001 Umea UME0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10442M002 Umea UME6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10443M001 Vanersborg VAE0 Centre and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10443M002 Vanersborg VAE6 Centre and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10444S001 Kiruna IRF KRNA GNSS antenna reference point (LEICA AR25, S/N 725243) 10445M001 Bjuroklubb BJU0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10446M001 Graftavallen GRN0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10447M001 Hol HOA0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10448M001 Holmsund HOS0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10449M001 Kvikkjokk KVI0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10450M001 Tjurholmen TJU0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10451M001 Kramfors KRA0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10452M001 Lycksele LYC1 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a concrete pillar 10453M001 Stora Sjofallet SSJ1 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10454M001 Storlien STL0 Centre of drilled hole and top of steel plate on a steel mast 10455M001 Alvsbyn ALB1 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the side of a building 10456M001 Alvdalen ALV0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the side of a building 10457M001 Grovelssjon GRO0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to a chimney 10458M001 Hede HED0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to a chimney 10459M001 Javre JAV0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to a chimney 10460M001 Kabdalis KAB0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the side of a building. 10461M001 Mala MLA0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the corner of a building. 10462M001 Ostmark OTM0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to a chimney. 10463M001 Saxnas SAX0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the ridge of a building. 10464M001 Slussfors SLU0 Centre (drilled hole) and top of steel plate on a steel stand fixed to the side of a building. 10465M001 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07A Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10465M001 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07G Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10465M001 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07M Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10465M002 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07B Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10465M002 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07H Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10465M002 Kiruna - GSS station 1 S07N Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 10503M001 Metsahovi Mark (SF 348) 10503M002 Metsahovi METG Top and axis of a VLBI survey mark 10503M002 Metsahovi 7601 Top and axis of a VLBI survey mark 10503M003 Metsahovi 24 m high bilby tower 10503M004 Metsahovi Upper bench mark (FGI) under the DORIS antenna 10503M005 Metsahovi METZ STEEL MAST/Antenna mounting device 10503M006 Metsahovi FGI mark on a concrete block (DORIS 2) 10503M008 Metsahovi Lower bench mark under the DORIS antenna 10503M010 Metsahovi MET3 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10503S001 Metsahovi 7805 SLR IAR 10503S002 Metsahovi 7385 14M PARABOLOIDAL RADIOTELESCOPE/REFERENCE POINT 10503S009 Metsahovi ASHTECH L-XII/L1 ??-MAY-91 10503S010 Metsahovi ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 01-JAN-92 10503S011 Metsahovi METS ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/Bottom of the choke ring 10503S013 Metsahovi META DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 10503S014 Metsahovi 7806 METLAS/ Fixed laser 7806 /IAR 10503S015 Metsahovi METB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10503S016 Metsahovi MEUB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 10505M001 Helsinki SG40 Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a permanent monument 10511M001 Vaasa VAAS BOLT/TOP OF STEEL GRID MAST 10511M002 Vaasa VAA2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10512M001 Joensuu JOEN BOLT/TOP OF STEEL GRID MAST 10512M002 Joensuu JOE2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel grid mast 10513M001 Sodankyla / Pittiovaara SODA BOLT/TOP OF STEEL GRID MAST 10513M002 Sodankyla / Pittiovaara SOD3 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10514M001 Degerby DEGE Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10515M001 Kevo KEVO Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10515M002 Kevo KEV2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel grid mast 10516M001 Kivetty KIVE Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10516M002 Kivetty KIV2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10517M001 Kuusamo KUUS Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10517M002 Kuusamo KUU2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10518M001 Olkiluoto OLKI Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10518M002 Olkiluoto OLK2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10519M001 Oulu OULU Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10519M002 Oulu OUL2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10520M001 Romuvaara ROMU Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 10520M002 Romuvaara ROM2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a matallic mast 10521M001 Tuorla TUOR Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10521M002 Tuorla TUO2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10522M001 Virolahti VIRO Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar 10522M002 Virolahti VIR2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic pillar 10523M001 Finnstrom FINS Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10524M001 Hetta HETT Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10525M001 Kilpisjarvi KILP Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10526M001 Mikkeli MIK3 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10527M001 Orivesi ORIV Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10528M001 Pyhajoki PYHA Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10529M001 Savukoski SAVU Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10530M001 Tornio TORN Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast 10531M001 Helsinki - University of Helsi SG02 Top of a forced centering device on top of a monument 10532M001 Muonio OLOS TOP OF STEEL GRID MAST. 10533M001 Kittila AAKE Top and axis of a stainless steel grid mast 10534M001 Kolari KOL2 Top and axis of a stainless steel grid mast 10535M001 Enontekio SINT Top and axis of a stainless steel grid mast 10536M001 Hollola HALV Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10537M001 Imatra IMA2 Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10538M001 Alajarvi JUOP Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10539M001 Kristiinankaupunki KRIK Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10540M001 Raasepori RAAS Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10541M001 Virrat VIRR Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10542M001 Forssa FORF Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10543M001 Haapajarvi HAAJ Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a grid mast 10544M001 Salla AATS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10545M001 Ilomantsi ILO2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10546M001 Ivalo IVAO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10547M001 Jyvaskyla JYV2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10548M001 Kajaani KAJJ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10549M001 Loviisa LOV3 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10550M001 Maaninka MAAN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10551M001 Nurmes NUR2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10552M001 Pieksamaki PIEM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10553M001 Ranua RAN2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10554M001 Rovaniemi ROV2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10555M001 Savonlinna SLIN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10556M001 Suomussalmi SUOS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel grid mast 10557M001 Gylto GYLT Top of steel grid mast 10558M001 Pietarsaari PIES Top of steel grid mast 10601M001 Suurupi SUUR Lighthouse - Metallic triangular plate with hole for centering , fixed on a metallic tripod at the top of the cupola. 10601M002 Suurupi SUR4 Top and center of a triangular plate on top of a tripod, fixed on top of the Suurupi lighthouse. 10602M001 Toravere TOR2 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to a roof of the meteo building 10602S001 Toravere TORA LEICA GRX1200GG PRO receiver (s/n 355254) + LEICA AT504GG antenna (s/n 200451) with radome LEIS. The plate (ca 500 * 500 * 3 mm), is fixed on the top of platform with screws at the four corners of the plate; the pillar is brazed to the plate; the height of the pillar from platform is about 1 m, antenna is mounted on the top of the pillar. 10603S001 Audru AUDR LEICA GRX1200GG PRO receiver (s/n 355312) + LEICA AT504GG antenna (s/n 200447) with radome LEIS. The plate (ca 500 * 700 * 3 mm), is fixed on the top of the chimney with screws at the four corners of the plate; the pillar is brazed to the plate; the height of the pillar from platform is about 1.7 m, antenna is mounted on the top of the pillar. 10604M001 Kuressaare KURG Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10604M002 Kuressaare KURS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10604S001 Kuressaare KURE LEICA GRX1200GG PRO receiver (s/n 355256) + LEICA AT504GG antenna (s/n 200437) with radome LEIS. The plate (ca 500 * 500 * 3 mm), is fixed to the wall with screws at the four corners of the plate; the pillar is brazed to the plate; the height of the pillar from platform is about 1 m, antenna is mounted on the top of the pillar. 10605S001 Toila TOIL LEICA GRX1200GG PRO receiver (s/n 355265) + LEICA AT504GG antenna (s/n 200461) with radome LEIS. The plate (ca 500 * 500 * 3 mm), is fixed to the wall with screws at the four corners of the plate; the pillar is brazed to the plate; the height of the pillar from platform is about 1 m, antenna is mounted on the top of the pillar. 10606M001 Kohtla-Jarve AHTM Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10606M002 Kohtla-Jarve JOHV Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10607M001 Antsla ANTS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10608M001 Avinurme AVIN Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10609M001 Emumae EMUM Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10610M001 Parnu SAUG Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10611M001 Kardla HKAR Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10611M002 Kardla KARG Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10611M003 Kardla KARD Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10612M001 Janeda JANE Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10613M001 Kabli KABL Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10614M001 Tallinn MUST Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10614M002 Tallinn MUS2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10615M001 Karksi-Nuia KARK Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10615M002 Karksi-Nuia KAR0 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10616M001 Kehtna KEHT Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10617M001 Kuivastu KUIV Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10617M002 Kuivastu KUI2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10618M001 Kunda KUND Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10618M002 Kunda KUN2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10619M001 Marjamaa MARM Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10619M002 Marjamaa MRJA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the ventilation chimney at the roof of Marjamaa Municipality Government building with a quadrangural plate 10620M001 Koidula MATI Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10620M002 Koidula KOID Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar anchored on a parapet roof building 10621M001 Misso MISS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10622M001 Mustvee MVEE Forced centering brass adapter on top of a rod cemented in concrete 10623M001 Narva NARV Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10624M001 Olustvere OLUS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10624M002 Olustvere OLU2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10625M001 Ulila RAMS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10626M001 Rapina RAPI Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10626M002 Rapina RAP3 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10627M001 Kilingi-Nomme REIN Forced centering brass adapter on top of a concrete pillar 10628M001 Risti RIST Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10628M002 Risti RIS2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10629M001 Sagadi SAGD Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10630M001 Saku SAKU Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on top of a old chimney 10631M001 Sillamae SILL Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a building 10631M002 Sillamae SIL2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 10632M001 Viljandi VILJ Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 10632M002 Viljandi UGAL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the cover plate of the semi-open staircase of the Ugala Theatre stage tower 10632M004 Viljandi UGA2 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, clamped on the roof of theater Ugala 10633M001 Voru VORU Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 10633M002 Voru VOR2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on top of a building 10633M003 Voru GSV2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10634M001 Paide MAOH Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10635M001 Sojamae SOJA Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed to a building 10636M001 Lihula LIHU Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10637M001 Nomme GEOS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10638M001 Raatuse PRIA Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10639M001 Kadrina PARI Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10640M001 Haademeeste HAAD Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10641M001 Paldiski PAL0 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 10642M001 Valga VALG Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10643M001 Dirhami DIR2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10644M001 Lasva LASV Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10645M001 Orissaare ORIS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10646M001 Ristna RISN Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10647M001 Praaga PRAA Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10648M001 Kivioli KIV3 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10649M001 Puurmani PUUR Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10650M001 Sorve SRVE Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10651M001 Vasknarva VASK Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10652M001 Veere VEER Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 10653M001 Alajoe AJOE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the chimney of the Alajoe Municipality Government building 10654M001 Emmaste EMMA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the lantern room of Emmaste light beacon 10654M002 Emmaste EMM1 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, clamped to the north-western side of the lantern room of Emmaste light beacon 10655M001 Hanila HANI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the stage tower roof of Hanila Municipality Government building 10656M001 Ikla IKLA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the wall of the Ikla boarder checkpoint building 10657M001 Mehikoorma MEHI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the technical room on the roof of the Meeksi Municipality Government building 10658M001 Purksi PYRK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the chimney of Noarootsi Municipality Government building 10659M001 Roosna-Alliku RALL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the stage tower of the Roosna-Alliku Community Centre 10660M001 Ringsu RUHN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the wall of the cafe building of the Ringsu port 10661M001 Tarva TARV Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed to the ventilation chimney at the roof of Laane-Viru County Government building 10662M001 Vandra VAND Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar on a building roof 10663M001 Vergi VERG Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar 10664M001 Jogeva JOGE Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar, fixed on a building roof 10665M001 Narva-Joesuu NJOE Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar anchored on a parapet roof building 10666M001 Kuusalu KUSA Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar on a roof peek 10667M001 Mustjala MUJA Top of a forced centering mounting pipe, fixed on a pillar on a chimney 10668M001 Pangodi PAND Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP). 10669M001 Saula SAUA Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP). 10670M001 Tori TORJ Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP). 10671M001 Tostamaa TOSM Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP) 10672M001 Uuri UURI Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP) 10673M001 Virtsu VIRT Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP) 10674M001 Voiste VOIS Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof; tracking point is an antenna reference point (ARP) 10675M001 Kose KOSI Antenna is mounted on the southern wall of the staircase wall of municipality building with fixation clamps. The steel mounting pipe is brazed to the clamps. The height of the pillar from the roof peek is about 1.0 m; antenna is mounted on the top of the mounting pipe. 10676M001 Moisakula MOIS Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete chimney fo a 3 storey building 10701M001 Aizkraukle AIZK Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10702M001 Balvi BALV Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10703M001 Bauska BAUS Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10704M001 Daugavpils DAUG Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10704M002 Daugavpils DAU1 Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10705M001 Dobele DOBE Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10705M002 Dobele DOB1 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10706M001 Gulbene GULB Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10707M001 Jekabpils JEKA Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10707M002 Jekabpils JEK1 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10708M001 Kuldiga KULD Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10708M002 Kuldiga KUL1 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10708M003 Kuldiga KUL2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building structure 10709M001 Liepaja LIEP Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10709M002 Liepaja LIPJ Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10710M001 Limbazi LIMB Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10711M001 Lode LODE Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10712M001 Madone MADO Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10713M001 Ojars OJAR Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10714M001 Preili PREI Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10715M001 Rezekne REZ1 Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10715M002 Rezekne REZE Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10716M001 Sigulda SIGU Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10717M001 Talsi TALS Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10718M001 Valmiera VALM Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10718M002 Valmiera VAL1 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10719M001 Ventspils VENT Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10720M001 Saldus SLDS Force centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10720M002 Saldus SLD1 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10721M001 Riga - Anninmuizas ANNI Top of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast 10722M001 Riga - Kreimenu KREI Top of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast 10723M001 Riga - Raina bulvaris LUNI Top of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast 10724M001 Riga - Maskava MASK Top of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast 10725M001 Riga - Vangazu VANG Top of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast 10726M001 Irbe IRBE Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10727M001 Mazsalaca MAZS Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10727M002 Mazsalaca MAZ1 Reference point of a self centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a 2 floor house roof ventilation chimney 10728M001 Dagda DAGD Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10729M001 Palsmane PLSM Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10730M001 Lielvarde LVRD Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10730M002 Lielvarde LVR1 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast fixed on the roofside of a 3 storeys height building 10731M001 Aluksne ALUK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10731M002 Aluksne ALKS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pyramid mast fixed on a concrete basement 10732M001 Salaspils SALP Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10733M001 Vaivari VAIV Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10734M001 Tukums TKMS Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 10735M001 Valka VALK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 10736M001 Vainode VAIN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 10801M001 Vilnius VLNS Concrete block/Concrete pier/Steel plate with a forced centering hole 10802M001 Klaipeda KLPD Steel plate with a forced centering hole embedded on top of a 0.5m high metal tube 10802M002 Klaipeda KLAI Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10803M001 ALYT Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10804M001 Birzai BIRZ Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10805M001 Didziasalis DIDZ Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10806M001 Dukstas DKST Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10807M001 Elektrenai ELKT Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10808M001 Joniskis JNSK Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10809M001 Kaunas KAUN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10810M001 Kedainiai KEDN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10811M001 Kelme KELM Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10812M001 Kretinga KRTN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10813M001 Mazeikiai MAZK Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10814M001 Marijampole MRJM Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10815M001 Nida NIDA Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10816M001 Panevezys PNVZ Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10817M001 Rietavas RTVS Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10818M001 Rokiskis RKSK Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10819M001 Sakiai SAKI Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10820M001 Siauliai SAUL Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10821M001 Silute SILT Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10822M001 Salcininkai SLCN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10823M001 Svencioneliai SVNL Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10824M001 Taurage TAUR Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10825M001 Telsiai TELS Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10826M001 UKMG UKMG Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10827M001 Utena UTEN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10828M001 Varena VARN Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10829M001 Veisiejai VEIS Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10830M001 Vilnius - VGTU VGTU Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10831M001 Vistytis VSTT Force centering device on top of a metallic tube on the roof of a building 10901M001 Wartsteinkopf WART Brass plate on the top of a concrete pillar 10902M001 Breitenberg BREI Brass plate on the top of a concrete pillar 10903M001 Herzogstand-fahrenberg FAHR Brass plate on the top of a concrete pillar 10904M001 Hochgrat HGRA Brass plate on the top of a concrete pillar 10905M001 Hochries HRIE Brass plate on the top of a concrete pillar 10906M001 Goettingen GOET Pivot on a steelpipe with concrete, mounted on a concrete foundation on the ground at the meteorological station of the DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst 10907M001 Schiltach BFO1 Brass nail on concrete pillar. 4 m south of magnetics hut 10908M001 Gellin GELL Survey marker bolt on a pillar in the area of the waterworks of Gellin. 10909M001 Offshore research platform FIN TGF3 Reference point of a forced centering device on a metallique structure, fixed to the plattform 10910M001 Wittdun - Amrum island TGWD Reference of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to the tide gauge building 10911M001 Wilhelmshaven (Neue Seeschleus TGWH Reference of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to the tide gauge building 10912M001 Bremerhaven TGBH Reference of a forced centering device on a mettalic structure, fixed to a steel mast 10913M001 Augsburg AUBG Top and center of a survey marker bolt, fixed on a concrete pillar 10914M001 Rantum - Island of Sylt RANT Top of a survey marker bolt on a steel mast, mounted on a concrete foundation 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO1 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO2 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO3 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO4 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO5 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESO6 Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESOB Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10915M001 Darmstadt ESOC Center of a geodetic marker on a stainless steel mast 10916S001 Stuttgart Sternwarte 7816 Rotation axes intersection of a permanent SLR telescope 10917M001 FINO2 FIN2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 11001M001 GRAZ LUSTBUEHEL Mark (A171) 11001M002 GRAZ LUSTBUEHEL GRAZ GPS Mark 11001M003 GRAZ LUSTBUEHEL GRAA Alu tripod ground marker fixed on the roof of the observatory (GRAA 306-164) 11001M004 GRAZ LUSTBUEHEL GRAB Alu ground marker rod fixed on the roof of the observatory (GRAB 306-164) 11001S002 GRAZ LUSTBUEHEL 7839 Fixed Laser / intersection of axes 11005M001 PFANDER A 102 BREGENZ PILLAR 11005M002 PFANDER CENTRAL MARKER/BED ROCK/BRASS BOLT 11005M003 PFANDER PFA2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11005M004 PFANDER PFA3 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11005S002 PFANDER PFAN MINI-ROGUE / DM B /ARP 11006M001 Innsbruck - Hafelekar HAFELEKAR/CENTRAL MARKER/BED ROCK/BRASS BOLT 11006M002 Innsbruck - Hafelekar IBK1 Innsbruck Univ./Institut Fur Geodasie/Pillar on the flat roof 11006M003 Innsbruck - Hafelekar HFL2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11006S003 Innsbruck - Hafelekar HFLK HAFELEKAR/MINI-ROGUE / DM B /ARP 11027M002 HUTBIEGL AT01 KT T73-21B1, Granite pillar with bolt (KT) and forced centering device 11028M001 Reisseck CENTRAL MARKER/BED ROCK/BRASS BOLT 11028S001 Reisseck GRMS MINI-ROGUE / DM B /ARP 11029M001 Patscherkofel CENTRAL MARKER/BED ROCK/BRASS BOLT 11029M002 Patscherkofel PAT2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11029S001 Patscherkofel PATK MINI-ROGUE / DM B /ARP 11030M001 Mattersburg MTBG Steel mast/station reference marker 11030M002 Mattersburg Steel mast/IGEX marker 11031M001 GAISBERG/SALZBURG Brass bolt in bedrock/Central markeR 8-64 11031M002 GAISBERG/SALZBURG SBG2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11031S001 GAISBERG/SALZBURG SBGZ GPS Trimble 4000SSI Antenna/ARP 11032M001 THOERL-MA AT03 KT 397-200A1, Granite pillar with bolt (KT) and forced centering device, set in bedrock 11033S001 Linz LINZ LEICA AT504 (ChokeRing) / ARP 11034M001 Woergl AT04 KT T89-121B1, Pillar with bolt (KT) and forced centering device 11035M001 Vienna WIEB Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a concrete roof 11035M002 Vienna WIEP Top of a foced centering antenna mount fixed on a concrete pillar 11035S001 Vienna WIEN Trimble 4000SSI, Dorne Margolin antenna / ARP 11036S001 Villach VLCH Trimble 4000 SSI, Choke ring antenna / ARP 11037M001 ROTTENMANN RTM2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11037S001 ROTTENMANN RTMN ASHTECH Z-18 (091049) Choke ring antenna / ARP 11038M001 Kitzbuehel KTZ2 tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11038S001 Kitzbuehel KTZB ASHTECH uZ-12, Choke ring antenna / ARP 11039S001 Hauser Kaibling HKBL LEICA SR520, Ckoke ring antenna / ARP 11040S001 Voelkermarkt VLKM LEICA SR250, Dorne Margolin antenna / ARP 11041S001 Saint Poelten STPO LEICA SR250, Choke ring antenna / ARP 11042S001 Zettersfeld - Lienz LIEN ASHTECH UZ-12, Choke ring antenna / ARP 11043S001 Krahberg KRBG LEICA SR250, Choke ring antenna / ARP 11044M001 Wels WELS Tubular steel mast fixed on the local office building (T56-49L1) 11045M001 Guessing GUES Steel Plate on top of a mast / SATVB-4 11045M002 Guessing GUE2 tubular steel mast fixed on office building 11046M001 Koetschach KOET Steel Plate on top of a mast / KELAG-6 11046M002 Koetschach KOE2 tubular steel mast fixed on office building 11047M001 Trafelberg TRFB Top and centre of a tubular steel mast with protected iron rod 11047M002 Trafelberg TRF2 Tubular steel mast fixed on concrete pillar 11048M001 Amstetten AMST Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a house chimney 11049M001 Bleiburg BLE2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11049M002 Bleiburg BLEI Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11050M001 St_Leonhard BSL2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11050M002 St_Leonhard BSLE Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11051M001 Dienten DIEN Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 11052M001 Deutschlandsberg DLBG Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11053M001 Doerflach DOER Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11054M001 Feldbach FLDB Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11055M001 Freistadt FRST Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11056M001 Gmunden GMND Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a wall 11057M001 Gmuend GMUE Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11058M001 Horn HOR2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11059M001 Innsbruck INBK Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 11060M001 Klagenfurt KLA2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11060M002 Klagenfurt KLAG Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11061M001 Kops KOP2 Top and axis of a forced centering device fixed on concrete pillar 11061M002 Kops KOPS Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 11062M001 Landskron LAN2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11062M002 Landskron LANK Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11063M001 Lech LECH Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 11064M001 Lieserhofen LIE2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11064M002 Lieserhofen KIES Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11064M002 Lieserhofen LIES Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11065M001 Mistelbach MSTB Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11066M001 Muenster MUEN Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a wall 11067M001 Oberwart OBWT Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11068M001 Poels POEL Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a concrete roof 11069M001 Ried RIED Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a concrete roof 11070M001 Feldkirch FLDK Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11071M001 Rohrbach ROHR Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 11072M001 Schareck SECK Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a rock 11073M001 Sillian SIA2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11073M002 Sillian SIAN Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed to a brick wall 11074M001 Sonnblick SON2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11074M002 Sonnblick SONN Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11075M001 Tamsweg TAM2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11075M002 Tamsweg TAMS Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11076M001 Treibach TRE2 Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11076M002 Treibach TREI Top and axis of a tubular steel mast 11077M001 Windischgarsten WING Top and axis of a tubular steel mast fixed on a roof 11078M001 Vocklabruck VKLB Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 11079M001 Spittal an der Drau SPDR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 11080M001 Heiligenblut HBLT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 11101M001 Sofia 7505 SLR MARKER 7505 11101M002 Sofia SOFI PILLAR ON THE FLAT-ROOF 11102M001 STARA ZAGORA STZA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11103M001 Belogradchik BELO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11104M001 VARNA BG04 Pillar on base with screw bolt in brass plate on pillar top, with forced centring device 11104M002 VARNA VARP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11106M001 BURGAS BG01 Concrete pillar with brass plate and screw bolt inserted into a concrete slab, with forced centring device 11106M002 BURGAS BRGA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11107M001 Aitos AITO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11108M001 Belene BELN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11109M001 Biala BIAR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11110M001 Blagoevgrad BLAG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11111M001 Bobov Dol BOB0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11112M001 Cherven Brjag CHER Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11113M001 Dobrich DOBR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11114M001 Dragoman DRAN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced 1.8m high concrete pillar 11115M001 Elena ELEA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11116M001 Elhovo ELH1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11117M001 Gabrovo GAB0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11118M001 Gotze Delchev GDE1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11118M002 Gotze Delchev GDEL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11119M001 Harmanli HARM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11120M001 Haskovo HSKO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11121M001 Isperih ISPE Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11122M001 Karlovo KARV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11123M001 Karjali KARJ Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11124M001 Kavarna KAV0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11124M002 Kavarna KAV2 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11125M001 Krumovgrad KRUM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11126M001 Kustendil KUST Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 11127M001 Mirkovo MIRK Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11128M001 Sofia, NIGGG NIGG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11129M001 Oriahovo ORIA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11130M001 Panagyurishte PAGY Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced 1.6m high concrete pillar 11131M001 Pazarjik PAZA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.8m high reinforced concrete pillar 11132M001 Pernik PERN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11133M001 Plana Geodetic Observatory PLA1 Top and center of a brass mark on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 11134M001 Pleven PLEV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11135M001 Plovdiv PLOP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11135M001 Plovdiv PLOV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11136M001 Popovo POPO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11137M001 Primorsko PRIM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11138M001 Rakovski RAKO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11139M001 Razlog RAZ1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11139M002 Razlog RAZL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11140M001 Ribaritza RIBI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11141M001 Rozhen National Astronomical O ROZH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11142M001 Ruse RUSE Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11142M002 Ruse RUS1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11143M001 Samokov SAMK Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11144M001 Sandanski SANI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11145M001 Shcorpilov SHCO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11146M001 Shumen SHU1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11147M001 Silistra SILI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11148M001 Sliven SLIV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11149M001 Smolian SMOL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel plate fixed on a building roof 11150M001 Sofia Cadastre SOFA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11151M001 Sredetz SRED Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11152M001 Svilengrad SVIL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11153M001 Tervel TERV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11154M001 Tran TRAN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11155M001 Troyan TRYA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11156M001 Tutrakan TUTR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11157M001 Varshetz VARH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11158M001 Velingrad VELI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11159M001 Vidin VID1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11160M001 Varna VRNA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11161M001 Varna Tide Gauge Station VTAG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 11162M001 Yundola YUND Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced pillar anchored to a building roof 11163M001 Sofia - EUROMARKET Business Ce SOF2 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 11206M006 Penc PENC CONCRETE PILLAR ON THE ROOF OF THE MAIN BUILDING 11206M007 Penc PEN2 Reference point is the intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast. Mast is fixed to a brick wall on the top of the building. 11207M001 OROSHAZA OROS GPS marker on a roof 11208M001 NYIRBATOR NYIR Metallic rod on the roof 11209M001 Budapest University of Technol BUTE Forced centered GPS marker tied to an unused chimney 11210M001 Szekesfehervar SZFV Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a metallic tripod 11211M001 Kaposvar KAPO Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed in a concrete slab 11212M001 Zalaegerszeg ZALA Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a metallic tripod 11213M001 Kecskemet KECS Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed in a concrete slab 11214M001 Csorna CSOR Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a roof structure 11215M001 Sumeg SUME Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of a bush in a concrete pillar fitted in a steel mast. 11216M001 Gyor GYFI Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter, fixed to a flat floor. 11216M002 Gyor GYFC Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a wall 11217M001 Monor MONO Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed in a roof structure 11218M001 Jaszbereny JASZ Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to concrete structure 11219M001 Baja BALE Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed into a concrate slab. 11220M001 Pecs PESO Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed into a concrete slab 11221M001 Tata TATA Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11222M001 Miskolc MILE Reference point of a forced centering threaded piece of steel fixed on top of a steel rod, fixed to a wall 11222M002 Miskolc MISC Reference point of a forced centering threaded piece of steel fixed on top of a steel rod 11223M002 Szeged SZEG Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11224M001 Fuzesabony FUZE Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof structure 11225M001 Paks PAKS Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11226M001 Puspokladany PUSP Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11227M001 Sopron SPRN Top and centre of an aluminium rod fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 11228M001 Nyiregyhaza NYLE Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a roof structure 11228M002 Nyiregyhaza NYL2 Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a wall 11229M001 Vasarosnameny VASA Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11230M001 Debrecen DEBR Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a wall 11231M001 Papa PAPA Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11232M001 Gyomaendrod GYOM Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11233M001 Siklos SIKL Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11234M001 Szolnok SZOL Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11235M001 Kiskunhalas HALA Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 11236M001 Siofok SIOF Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11237M001 Nagykanizsa NIZS Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed in a concrete slab 11238M001 Gyula GYUL Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11239M001 Sarvar SARV Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to the roof concrete structure 11240M001 Tapolca TPOL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 11241M001 Salgotrajan SALG Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a roof structure 11242M001 Barcs BARC Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed into a concrate slab. 11243M001 Dunaujvaros DUJV Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a wall 11244M001 Fertod FERT Intersection of the vertical axis and horizontal plane of upper end of a threaded steel mast, fixed to the ground 11245M001 Budapest BUBO Intersection of the vertical axis and uppermost horizontal plane of a brass adapter fitted in a steel mast, fixed to a wall 11401M001 Bucarest BUCU University Roof/Survey marker on pillar 11401M002 Bucarest TOPG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.2 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a 3 storey height building 11402M001 Cluj CLUJ Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11402M002 Cluj CLU2 Top of forced centering device 11404M001 Timisoara TIM1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11405M001 Bacau BACA Forced centering device. Top of townhouse building 11406M001 Baia Mare BAIA Forced centering device. Top of the Cadastre county office 11407M001 Constanta COST Forced centering device. TOP of the Port Museum 11407M002 Constanta CONA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11408M001 Deva DEVA Forced centering device. Top of the cadastre county office 11409M001 Adjud ADJU Top of a forced centering device built on top of a concrete pillar. 11410M001 Alba Iulia ABIU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11411M001 alexandria ALXR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11412M001 Arad ARAD Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11413M001 Bailesti BAIS Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11413M002 Bailesti BAES Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11414M001 Beius BEIU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11415M001 Bistrita BIST Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11416M001 Buzau BUZA Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11417M001 Calarasi CALR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11418M001 Darmanesti DRMN Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11419M001 Flamanzi FLAM Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11420M001 Giurgiu GIUR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11421M001 Campeni CAM1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11422M001 Huedin HUED Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11423M001 Medias MEDS Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11424M001 Mangalia MNGL Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11424M002 Mangalia MNGM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11424M003 Mangalia MNG2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11424M004 Mangalia MNGA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 11425M001 Horezu HORE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11426M001 Moldova Noua MOLD Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11427M001 Nehoiu NEHU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11428M001 Petresti PTRS Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11429M001 Sulina SULI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11429M002 Sulina SULN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 11430M001 Tatarastii de Jos TAJO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11431M001 Valtra Moldovitei VAMO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11432M001 Zerind ZERI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11433M001 Braila BRAI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11434M001 Miercurea Ciuc CIUC Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11435M001 Cernavoda CRNV Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11436M001 Corabia CORA Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11437M001 Craiova CRAI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11438M001 Dej DEJ1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11439M001 Dorohoi DORO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11440M001 Drobeta-Turnu Severin DRTS Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11441M001 Fagaras FAGA Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11442M001 Faget FAGE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11443M001 Focsani FOCS Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11444M001 Gheorgheni GHE1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11445M001 Gurahont GURA Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11446M001 Harsova HAR1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11447M001 Iasi IASI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11448M001 Insuratei INSU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11449M001 Istria ISTR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11450M001 Lehliu-Gara LEHL Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11451M001 Targu Mures MURE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11451M002 Targu Mures TGMS Reference point of a self cen,tring antenna mount. 11452M001 Odorheiu Secuiesc ODO1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11452M002 Odorheiu Secuiesc TGGT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 0.2 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a 2 storey height building 11453M001 Oradea ORAD Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11454M001 Pascani PASC Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11455M001 Pitesti PITE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11456M001 Ploiesti PLOI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11457M001 Piatra Neamt PTNT Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11458M001 Petrosani PETO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11459M001 Resita RESI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11460M001 Satu Mare SATU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11461M001 Sfantu Gheorghe SFGH Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11462M001 Sibiu SIB1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11463M001 Slobozia SLOB Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11464M001 Slatina SLTN Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11465M001 Suceava SUCE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11465M002 Suceava TGWA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.0 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a building 11466M001 Targoviste TRGV Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11467M001 Targu Bujor TBUJ Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11468M001 Targu Jiu TJIU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11469M001 Tulcea TLCA Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11469M002 Tulcea AEGY Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 11470M001 Valea Doftanei VADO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11471M001 Ramnicu Valcea VLC1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11471M002 Ramnicu Valcea VLC2 Top of forced centering device 11472M001 Vaslui VASL Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11473M001 Vatra Dornei VATR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11474M001 Viseu de Sus VISE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11475M001 Zalau ZALU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast 11476M001 Bicaz BICA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11477M001 Bucegi BUCE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11478M001 Buziasi BUZE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11480M001 Histria Museum Complex HIST Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11481M001 Jugureni JUGU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11482M001 Lacauti LACP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11483M001 Madarjac MAJA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11484M001 Magurele MAGU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11485M001 Rosia Montana ROSP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11486M001 Muntele Rosu ROSU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11487M001 Sulina I SLNA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11488M001 Tismana TIMA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11489M001 Tirgu Ocna OCNA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11490M001 Tirgusor TIRG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11491M001 Tudor Vladimirescu TUDO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11492M001 Vladesti VLDS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11493M001 Plostina VRAP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11494M001 Carcaliu CRCL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11495M001 Bors BORS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11496M001 Constanta CONB Top and axis of a sef centered antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 11497M001 Bucovina ARYB Top and axis of a sef centered antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 11498M001 Baicoi YO9N Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a one storey building roof 11499M001 Banloc BANL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 11502M001 Pecny - Ondrejov Geodetic Monument/EUREF GPS 0209 / #2207010 11502M002 Pecny - Ondrejov GOPE GEODYNAMICAL PILLAR/ROOF MAIN BUILDING 11502M003 Pecny - Ondrejov GOP3 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on the roof of main building 11502M004 Pecny - Ondrejov GOP4 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on the roof of main building 11502M005 Pecny - Ondrejov GOP5 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on the roof of main building 11502M006 Pecny - Ondrejov GOP6 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on the roof of main building 11502M006 Pecny - Ondrejov GOP7 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on the roof of main building 11503M001 Brno TUBO Marker on pillar 11504M002 Praha CPRG Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the wall of a building 11504M003 Praha PRAG Steel rod in concrete pillar on the bearinng wall of the brick building. 11505M002 Bratislava GKU4 Forced centering brass module with thread on roof 11507M001 Modra-Piesok MOPI CONCRETE PILLAR/BEDROCK 11507M002 Modra-Piesok MOP2 Forced centering brass adaptor fixed on top of a 1m diameter concrete pillar 11508M001 Prednipricka CZ03 Geodetic Monument /EUREF GPS 0210 / EUVN CZ03 / #3524005 11510M001 Chrastava CZ01 Levelling bench mark/EUVN CZ01/Steel bolt on iron tube filled with concrete / CZ4-13.1 11511M001 Kotoun CZ02 Levelling bench mark/EUVN CZ02 / HM-0.1, Steel bolt on iron tube filled with concrete 11512M001 Vrbatuv Kostelec CZ04 Eeg-25, Bronze bolt with forced centring in special pillar 11513M001 Klet Geodetic Mark /EUREF 0218/#40130285 11514M001 Banska Bystrica BBYS GEODYNAMIC CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE 11515M001 Ganovce GANP CONCRETE PILLAR ; TOP AND CENTRE OF A FORCED CENTERING 11515M002 Ganovce CONCRETE MONUMENT ; TOP AND CENTRE OF FORCED CENTERING 11516M001 Vacov VACO Pillar on concrete building roof / Brass plate with screw 11517M001 Marianska MARJ Panel on reinforcemented brick chimney / Brass plate with screw 11518M001 Poustka POUS Concrete pillar on concrete building roof / Axis and base of a screw fixed on a brass plate 11519M001 Snezka SNEC Panel on reinforcemented brick chimney / Axis and base of a screw fixed on a brass plate 11519M002 Snezka SNE2 Steel rod with thread in concrete pillar. 11520M001 Biskupska Kupa BISK Pillar on top of a stone tower / Axis and base of a screww fixed on a brass plate 11521M001 Ostrava VSBO screww in a pillar on a building 11522M001 Lysa Hora LYSH Screw in the steel rod on the chimney 11523M001 Plzen PLZE Hole in the pillar on the building 11523M002 Plzen PLZN hole in steel top of pillar on the roof of building. 11524M001 Kunzak KUNZ Hole in steel plate embeded on bricked tower 11525M001 Frydek Mistek CFRM Forced centering steel mounting device fixed on a plate, on top of a steel structure anchored to a brick chimney 11526M001 Liberec CLIB Forced centering steel mounting device fixed on a plate, on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a reinforced concrete building 11527M001 Pardubice CPAR Forced centering steel mounting device fixed on a plate, on top of a steel structure anchored to the concrete frame of a concrete building 11528M001 Rakovnik CRAK Forced centering steel mounting device fixed on a plate, on top of a steel structure fixed to the concrete wall of a building 11529M001 Tabor CTAB Forced centering steel mounting device fixed on a plate, on top of a steel structure anchored to a brick chimney 11530M001 Polom/Dobruska POL1 Forced centering device on top of a Geodynamic concrete pillar 11531M001 Kosice KUKE Forced centering brass module with thread on roof 11532M001 Zilina KUZA Forced centering brass module with thread on roof 11533M001 Liesek LIE1 Brass module with thread on top of a deep stabilized ferroconcrete pillar 11534M001 Partizanske PEMB Brass module with thread on top of a deep stabilized ferroconcrete pillar 11535M001 Presov PRES Brass module with thread on roof 11536M001 Galanta SKGA Brass module with thread on roof 11537M001 Liptovsky Mikulas SKLM Brass module with thread on a roof 11538M001 Levice SKLV Brass module with tread on a roof 11539M001 Martin SKMT Brass module with thread on a roof 11540M001 Nove Zamky SKNZ Brass module with thread on a roof 11541M001 Rimavska Sobota SKRS Brass module with thread on a roof 11541M002 Rimavska Sobota RISA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tripod 11542M001 Roznava SKRV Brass module with thread on a roof 11543M001 Senica SKSE Brass module with thread on a roof 11544M001 Svidnik SKSK Brass module with thread on a roof 11545M001 Stara Lubovna SKSL Brass module with thread on a roof 11546M001 Snina SKSV Brass module with thread on a roof 11547M001 Trencin SKTN Brass module with thread on a roof 11547M002 Trencin TRCN Top and axis of an iron module on top of a 3.7m height steel girder anchored in deep ferro-concrete foundation 11548M001 Trebisov SKTV Brass module with thread on a roof 11548M002 Trebisov TREB Forced centering device on top of a steel pole, fixed to a concrete bearing wall 11549M001 Velky Krtis SKVK Brass module with thread on a roof 11550M001 Zvolen SKZV Brass module with thread on a roof 11551M001 Brezno BREZ Forced centering brass module with a thread, fixed to a roof 11552M001 Jaslovske Bohunice JABO Forced centering brass module with a thread, fixed to a roof 11553M001 Vranov nad Toplou SKVT Forced centering brass module with a thread, fixed to a roof 11554M001 Dunajska Streda SKDS Forced centering device on top of a steel pole, fixed to a concrete bearing wall 11555M001 Bruntal CBRU Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a brick chimney 11556M001 Daeice CDAC Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a brick chimney 11557M001 Domazlice CDOM Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the concrete frame of a building 11558M001 Sumperk CSUM Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a brick chimney 11559M001 Mlada Boleslav CMBO Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a brick chimney 11560M001 Kaplice CKAP Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the gable wall of the building 11561M001 Znojmo CZNO Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the wall of the lift engine house 11562M001 Hodonin CHOD Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the gable wall of the building 11563M001 Trutnov CTRU Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the wall of lift engine house 11564M001 Kromisiz CKRO Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the wall of lift engine house 11565M001 Vsetin CVSE Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the gable wall of a building 11566M001 Litomisice CLIT Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a chimney 11566M002 Litomisice LITO Steel rod in concrete pillar. 11567M001 Prachatice CPRA Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a chimney 11568M001 Karlovy Vary CKVA Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a concrete wall 11569M001 Svitavy CSVI Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to a chimney 11570M001 Psibram CPRI Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, tied to the concrete frame of a building 11571M001 Jihlava CJIH Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel plate fixed on a steel metal structure, welded on the steel load bearing beam and tightly connected with the horizontal load bearing beam of the roof 11572M001 Kosice I KOSE Reference point of a brass module with tread on the top of deep stabilized ferroconcrete pillar for GNSS antenna handle, pilar foundation more than 10 meters, height of pillar over ground is 3 m. 11573M001 Nitra SKNR Reference point of a brass module with tread for GNSS antenna handle on the roof, module situated on the bearing wall of the building. 11574M001 Puchov SKPU Reference point of a brass module with tread for GNSS antenna handle on the roof, module situated on the bearing wall of the building 11575M001 Sobrance SKSO Reference point of a brass module with tread for GNSS antenna handle on the roof, module situated on the bearing wall of the building 11576M001 Jesenik CJES Top and base of a forced centering antenna mounton top of a steel plate, fixed on top of a steel structure anchored to a brick chimney. 11577M001 Povazska Bystrica SKPB Forced centering brass module with tread for GNSS antenna handle fixed on a wall 11578M001 Ceske Budejovice CBUD Reference point of a steel plate on top of a 2 m hight steel mast on a roof, fixed on top of a concrete reinforced building (antenna height 0.0659 m). 11579M001 Jindrichuv Hradec CJHR Steel structure (height 2m) situated 1.0m above the chimney on the roof of the brick/concrete building. The reference point of the station lies on the steel plate on the top of the steel structure. The antenna is joined with the steel plate by 0.0661m high steel mounting device. 11580M001 Bezdekov nad Metuji BEZD Steel rod in pillar on chimney of the brick builing. 11581M001 Chotebor CHOT Steel rod in concrete pillar on bearing wall of the brick builing. 11582M001 Habartov HABA Steel rod in pillar on bearing wall of the high-rise apartment builing. 11583M001 Kynsperk nad Ohri KYNS Steel rod in concrete pillar on wall of the elevator engine room on building. 11584M001 Luby LUBY Steel rod in concrete pillar on the bearing wall of the brick building. 11585M001 Pruhonice PRUH Rotation axis of forced centering old chimney on the roof of building. 11586M001 Sec SECZ Steel rod in concrete pillar on the bearinng wall of the high-rise apartment building. 11587M001 Sluknov SLUK Steel rod in concrete pillar. 11588M001 Stare Mesto STAM Steel rod in concrete pillar on the chimney of the high-rise apartment building 11589M001 Temelin TEME Steel rod in concrete pillar on the bearing wall of the reinnforced concrete hall. 11590M001 Upice UPIC Steel rod in concrete pillar on the bearing wall of the brick building. 11591M001 Olomouc UPOL Screew of forced centering on top of steel rod on the roof of building. 11592M001 Vidnava VIDN Steel rod in concrete pillar on the roof of the brick building. 11701M001 Banska Stiavnica BASV Top of a forced centering seco levelling mount fixed on top of a stainless steel tripod, anchored into bedrock 11702M001 Telgart TELG Top of a forced centering seco levelling mount fixed on top of a stainless steel tripod 11703M001 Kamenica nad Cirochou KAME Top of a forced centering seco levelling mount fixed on top of a stainless steel tripod, anchored into conglomerate 11704M001 Velke Slemence VELS Top of a shallow drilled braced monument 11705M001 Kolonicke Sedlo KOLS ferroconcrete pillar,GPS ARP - bottom of antenna mount, no defined geodetic marker in beneath 11706M001 Hurbanovo HUVO Top and axis of a steel pole fixed on top of a concrete pillar 11707M001 Dolne Plachtince DOPL Bottom of antenna mount (at GPS ARP) of a GNSS permanent station on top of a ferroconcrete pillar (no defined geodetic marker in beneath). 11801M001 SARAJEVO IMBH Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on the rooftop construction of a 3 storeys height building 11801S001 SARAJEVO SRJV Old chimney of institute building/Trimble 4000SSI/GPS ARP 11901M001 Dubrovnik DUBR Marker in a steel-plate on a permanent steel-tripod 11901M002 Dubrovnik DUB2 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel rod. 11902M001 Osijek OSJE Bolt-Marker on a steel-mast 11903M001 Pula Geodetic Ground Marker / 187 PULA-E / (EUREF No. 0729) 11903S001 Pula PULA TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / ARP / URS3580 11904M001 Split SPLT center and top of the antenna adapter. pillar/roof of the tide gauge building 11905M001 Zadar ZADA Top and axis of antenna base plate mounted on a stainless steel rod, fixed to a wall 11906M001 Cakovec CAKO Top and axis of antenna base plate mounted on a stainless steel rod, fixed to a wall 11907M001 Porec PORE Top and axis of antenna base plate mounted on a stainless steel rod, fixed to a chimney 11908M001 Pozega POZE Top and axis of antenna base plate mounted on a stainless steel rod, fixed to a wall 12001M001 University of Donja Gorica DGOR reference point of an adapter for antenna mount 12102M001 Belgrade Observatoire BEOG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a roof 12103M001 Zagreb ZGRB Reference point of a self centering antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 12108M001 Ljubljana LJUB GPS Marker 12109M001 Dimitrovgrad DIMI Reference point of a forced centering metal base adapter on top of a steel mast, attached to a chimney 12110M001 Novi Pazar NPAZ Reference point of a forced centering metal base adapter fixed on the concrete top of a chimney 12111M001 Plandiste PLND Reference point of a forced centering metal base adapter on top of a metallic structure, fixed to a concrete chimney 12112M001 Sabac SABA Reference point of a forced centering metal base adapter on top of a steel mast, tied to a metallic stairway, attached to a concrete wall 12113M001 Knjazevac KNJA Reference point of a forced centering device fixed to a concrete chimney, roof of the local cadastre building 12114M001 Bor BOR_ Reference point of a forced centering iron pillar attached to a brick chimney , roof of the local cadastre building 12115M001 Negotin NEGO Reference point of a forced centering iron pillar attached to a brick chimney , roof of the local cadastre building 12116M001 Subotica SUBO Reference point of a forced centering iron pillar attached to the roof of the local cadastre building 12117M001 Bajina Basta BAJI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a chimney 12118M001 Batocina BATO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a chimney 12119M001 Bosilegrad BOSI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron console, fixed to a chimney 12120M001 Bujanovac BUJA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 12121M001 Gornji Milanovac GJML Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic console, fixed on a concrete curb on a roof 12122M001 Grocka GROC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of concrete pillar 12123M001 Indjija INDJ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed to a chimney 12124M001 Ivanjica IVAN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic structure, fixed to a chimney 12125M001 Kikinda KIKI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed to a chimney 12126M001 Kladovo KLAD Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron console, fixed to a wall 12127M001 Krusevac KRUS Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic structure, fixed on a roof 12128M001 Kursumlija KRLJ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron pillar, fixed to a chimney 12129M001 Leskovac LESK Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a chimney 12130M001 Loznica LOZN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron pillar, fixed to a chimney 12131M001 Prijepolje PRIJ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron pillar, fixed to a chimney 12132M001 Sid SID0 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed to a chimney 12133M001 Sombor SOMB Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a chimney 12134M001 Srbobran SRBO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a chimney 12135M001 Valjevo VALJ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron pillar, fixed to a wall 12136M001 Veliko Gradiste VGRA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of an iron pillar, fixed to a chimney 12137M001 Zitiste ZITI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar, fixed on a roof 12202M001 Torun TORU Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12203M001 Olsztyn - Kortowo OLST Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12203M002 Olsztyn - Kortowo KROL Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 12203M003 Olsztyn - Kortowo OPNT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12204M001 Jozefoslaw - Warsaw JOZE Geodynamical Pillar 12204M002 Jozefoslaw - Warsaw JOZ2 Steel mast (1.5m hgt) on the roof of building 12205M002 Borowiec BOR1 Geodynamical pillar on roof/main building 12205M004 Borowiec BORG Stable gedynamical concrete pillar on the roof of the main building/GPS+GLONASS 12205S001 Borowiec 7811 SLR IAR 12206M001 Poznan POZN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12207M002 Borowa Gora BOGO PILLAR/ROOF OBSERVATORY MAIN BUILDING 12207M003 Borowa Gora BOGI Concrete pillar covered with wooden casing, on the top of the pillar brass plate with centring device 12207M004 Borowa Gora BOGE Reference point of a self centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete block. 12209M001 Lamkowko LAMA Concrete Pillar 12217M001 Wroclaw WROC PILLAR/ROOF MOUNT 12218M001 Krakow KRAK Concrete pillar on the roof 12218M001 Krakow KRAW Concrete pillar on the roof 12218M002 Krakow KRA1 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar on top of a roof 12219M001 Katowice ASG-PL KLOB Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12219S001 Katowice ASG-PL KATO DORNE MARGOLIN ASH / ARP=BPA 12220S001 ZYWIEC ASG-PL ZYWI DORNE MARGOLIN ASH / ARP=BPA 12221M001 Warsaw Space Research Centre P CBKA Concrete pier with short mast and bolt to forced centering 12221M002 Warsaw Space Research Centre P GWAR Mark at the top and axis of a forced centering steel mast fixed on the concrete roof of a building 12222M001 Wladyslawowo WLAD Center and top of granite plate. 5 m from two tide gauge sensor. Concrete pillar on top of a roof. 12223M001 Biala Podlaska BPDL aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12224M001 Bydgoszcz BYDG aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12225M001 Gorzow Wielkopolski GWWL aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12226M001 Lodz LODZ aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12226M002 Lodz LOD1 Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side of a wall 12227M001 Redzikowo REDZ aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12228M001 Suwalki SWKI aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12229M001 Ustrzyki Dolne USDL aluminium plate on top of aluminium mast 12230M001 Tarnow TRNW Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12231M001 Nowy Sacz NWSC Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12232M001 Nowy Targ NWTG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12232M002 Nowy Targ NWT1 Forced centering steel connector on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof. 12233M001 Proszowice PROS Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12234M001 Bartoszyce BART Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12235M001 Biaystok BIAL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12236M001 Bilgoraj BILG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12237M001 Bransk BRSK Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12238M001 Busko Zdroj BUZD Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12239M001 Ciechanow CCHN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12240M001 Chelm CHEL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12241M001 Choszczno CHNO Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12241M002 Choszczno CHOS Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12242M001 Chojnice CHOJ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12243M001 Drawsko Pomorskie DRWP Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12244M001 Dzialdowo DZIA Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12245M001 Grajewo GRAJ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12246M001 Grudzildze GRUD Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12247M001 Hajnowka HAJN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12248M001 Horyniec-Zdroj HOZD Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12249M001 Hrubieszow HRUB Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12250M001 Ilawa ILAW Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12251M001 Jelenia Gora JLGR Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12252M001 Gdansk - Urzad Miasta GDAN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12252M002 Gdansk - Urzad Miasta GDA1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on an aluminium mast. 12253M001 Gizycko GIZY Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12254M001 Glogow GLOG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12255M001 Gniezno GNIE Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12256M001 Goleniow GOLE Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12257M001 Kalisz KALI Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12258M001 Kamien Pomorski KAM1 Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12259M001 Kepno KEPN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12260M001 Kielce KLCE Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12261M001 Klodzko KLDZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12262M001 Konin KONI Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12263M001 Kooecierzyna KOSC Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12264M001 Koszalin KOSZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12265M001 Krosno KROS Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12266M001 Krotoszyn KROT Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12267M001 Kutno KUTN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12267M002 Kutno KUT1 Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 12268M001 Legnica LEGN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12268M002 Legnica LEGA Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 12269M001 Lelow LELO Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12270M001 Leszno LESZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12271M001 Lomza LOMZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12272M001 Lublin LUBL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12273M001 Minsk Mazowiecki MIMA Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12274M001 Milocin MLCN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12275M001 Myszyniec MYSZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12276M001 Nowy Dwor Maz NODW Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12277M001 Nowy Tomyoel NTML Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12278M001 Nysa NYSA Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12279M001 Przemyoel PRZM Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12280M001 Radom RADM Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12281M001 Rawa Mazowiecka RWMZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12281M002 Rawa Mazowiecka RWM1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on an aluminium mast. 12282M001 Ryki RYKI Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12283M001 Opole OPLE Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12284M001 Opole Lubelskie OPLU Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12285M001 Ostrow Mazowiecka OSMZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12286M001 Pila PPIL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12287M001 Piotrkow Trybunalski PITR Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12287M002 Piotrkow Trybunalski PIOT Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side of a wall 12288M001 Sieradz SIDZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12288M002 Sieradz SIER Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 12289M001 Siedlce SIED Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12290M001 Sierpc SIPC Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12291M001 Sochaczew SOCH Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12292M001 Sokolka SOKL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12293M001 Swiebodzin SWIB Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12294M001 Szczenicek SZE2 Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12294M002 Szczenicek SZEK Forced centering steel connector on top of an steel mast 12295M001 Tarnobrzeg TABG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12296M001 Tarnowskie Gory TARG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12296M002 Tarnowskie Gory TAR1 Reference point of a steel connector on top of aluminium mast. 12297M001 Warszawa WAT1 Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12297M002 Warszawa WAT2 Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12298M001 Walbrzych WLBR Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12299M001 Wlodawa WLDW Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 12301M001 Uzhgorod UZHL Laboratory for Space Research/roof of the main office/Top of steel pillar 12302M001 Riga 7560 SLR mark 12302M002 Riga RIGA CONCRETE MONOLITH 10371 12302S002 Riga 1884 SLR IAR 12302S006 Riga 1885 FIXED LASER /ULISS CDP 1885 12305M001 Pulkovo PULK Top and centre of a metal tube fixed to the brick wall on the roof of a 2-store Observatory building 12307M001 LENINGRAD SPBU Top a a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12308M001 MOSCOU I GISH bolt on metal plate / roof of building 12309M001 MENDELEEVO MDVO Roof/1 m square metallic plate 12309M002 MENDELEEVO MDVO ROOF/2ND GPS MARKER 12309M003 MENDELEEVO MDVG Pillar on the main building roof 12309M004 MENDELEEVO MDVZ Roof/Pillar 12309M005 MENDELEEVO MDVJ Stable geodynamical pillar on the roof main building 12309S001 MENDELEEVO 1870 MENLAS / SAZHEN-2 / INTERSECTION OF AXES 12309S003 MENDELEEVO 1874 GRAN SLR system/intersection of axes 12312M001 Yerevan NSSP 5/8-inch bolt set in a concrete pillar 12312M002 Yerevan ARUC Top and axis of a Unavco leveling mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12313M001 Irkoutsk IRKM East GPS/GLONASS Geodynamical Mark on top of a concrete pillar enclosed in an isolated steel casing 12313M001 Irkoutsk IRKT East GPS/GLONASS Geodynamical Mark on top of a concrete pillar enclosed in an isolated steel casing 12313M002 Irkoutsk IRKG West GPS/GLONASS Geodynamical Pillar 12313M002 Irkoutsk IRKJ West GPS/GLONASS Geodynamical Pillar 12313M003 Irkoutsk IRKZ Roof Briks Monument 12313S007 Irkoutsk 1891 Intersection of telescope axes of a permanent SLR instrument 12314M001 Kharkiv KHAR Top of the steel pillar on the roof 12314M002 Kharkiv KHR1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 5 storeys height building 12315M001 Kiev KMST Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on a roof. 12319M001 Novossibirsk NVSK GPS Marker 12326M001 Tartu TART Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 12326M002 Tartu GST2 Forced centering brass adapter on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete roof 12327M001 Tashkent TASH pillar / bedrock 12329M002 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk DORIS mark 12329M003 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk YSSK Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics/ Roof/ Top of 5/8-11" diameter vertical rod 12329M004 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk DORIS 2 mark : hole in metal plate on small concrete block on a building 12329S001 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk SAKA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 12329S002 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk SAKB DORIS Starec antenna Reference point (SAKB) 12330M001 Zwenigorod ZWEN Roof main building / GPS pillar 12330M002 Zwenigorod ZWEG Roof main building / GLONASS pillar 12330M003 Zwenigorod ZWE2 Roof main building / GPS pillar 12334M001 Kitab KIT3 Thread mark in rock 12334M002 Kitab DORIS mark 12334M003 Kitab DORIS concrete pillar (ex-PRARE) : top of bolt 12334M004 Kitab KITG Top of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a metallic pilar, fixed on a concrete block 12334M005 Kitab DORIS mark (below KIVC) 12334S004 Kitab KITA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 12334S005 Kitab KITB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 12334S006 Kitab KIUB DORIS 3 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 12334S007 Kitab KIVC DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 12335M001 Nikolaiev MIKL Top of mark of concrete pillar on the roof of main office 12335M002 Nikolaiev NKR1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 2 storeys height building 12335M003 Nikolaiev NKR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building 12335M004 Nikolaiev NKRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building 12336M001 Poltava POLV Top of steel pillar located on the roof of the main office of the Poltava Gravimetrical Observatory 12337M001 Simeiz 7561 Simeis SLR mark 12337M002 Simeiz CRAO Divot in stainless steel pin in concrete 12337M003 Simeiz KTVL Top and axis of a steel pillar fixed on a concrete block 12337S003 Simeiz 1873 Simeis fixed SLR IAR 12337S006 Simeiz 1893 Katzively Crimea fixed SLR IAR 12337S008 Simeiz 7332 22 m AZ-EL Paraboloidal Radiotelescope Ref. pt. 12338M001 Badary Hole in aluminium plate (DORIS mark) 12338M002 Badary BADG 2-story laboratory building/stainless plate on concrete pillar 12338S001 Badary BADA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 12338S002 Badary BADB DORIS Starec antenna reference point () 12338S003 Badary 7382 Intersection of axes of permanent VLBI antenna 12338S004 Badary 1890 Intersection of the telescope rotation axis 12338S005 Badary 7384 Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 12339S001 Paramushir (Kouril islands) PASB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 12340S001 Maidanak 1863 MDN. FIXED LASER 1863 12340S002 Maidanak 1864 MDN2. FIXED LASER 1864 12341S001 KOMSOMOLSK-NA-AMURE 1868 KOM. FIXED LASER 1868 12342S001 USSURIISK 7247 70 m VLBI antenna ref. pt. 12343S001 BALKHASH 1869 Balkhash fixed laser 12344M001 Evpatoria EVPA Top of a concrete steel pillar 12344M002 Evpatoria EVRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on the roof of a building with a bolt. 12344S001 Evpatoria 1867 EVP. FIXED LASER 1867 12347M001 Dunaovcy DNR0 Reference point of a self-centring antenna mount 12347M003 Dunaovcy DNRS Top of a steel tube fixed on a steel structure fixed on the roof of a 3 storeys height building with a bolt 12347M004 Dunaovcy DVRS Top of a steel tube fixed on a steel structure fixed on the roof of a 3 storeys height building with a bolt 12347S001 Dunaovcy 1866 Dun. Fixed SLR system 12348M001 POLIGAN/BISHKEK POL2 Forced centering device on top of a 14 cm diameter steel mast, fixed on a concrete pad 12348M001 POLIGAN/BISHKEK POLJ Forced centering device on top of a 14 cm diameter steel mast, fixed on a concrete pad 12349M001 Krasnoyarsk DORIS mark on a terrace 12349M002 Krasnoyarsk KSTU Concrete pillar / threaded mark 12349M004 Krasnoyarsk DORIS mark on a terrace 12349M005 Krasnoyarsk KRAS Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 12349M006 Krasnoyarsk KRSN Forced centering antenna mount on a permanent monumument 12349S001 Krasnoyarsk KRAB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 12349S002 Krasnoyarsk KRBB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 12350M001 Svetloe SVTL Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate, fixed on a concrete pedestal 12350M002 Svetloe Ground pillar 102 12350M003 Svetloe SVT3 Bronze mark 103 on the roof of the laboratory building 12350S001 Svetloe 7380 Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 12350S002 Svetloe 1888 Intersection of telescope rotation axis 12351M001 ZELENCHUKSKAYA ZECK Top and center of a bolt embedded on a concrete pillar, anchored on the roof of the observation tower 12351S001 ZELENCHUKSKAYA 7381 Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 12351S002 ZELENCHUKSKAYA 1889 Intersection of the telescope rotation axis 12351S003 ZELENCHUKSKAYA 7383 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 12352M001 Selezaschita SELE Top of metallic tube (4m height 0.12m diameter) 12353M001 YAKUTSK YAKA Top of 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12353M001 YAKUTSK YAKZ Top of 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12353M002 YAKUTSK YAKT Top of 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12354M001 MAGADAN MAG0 Top of 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12355M001 Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka PETR Top of 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12355M002 Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka PETP Top of 15.5-mm diameter vertical brass rod 12355M003 Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka PETS Top and centre of a 5/8-11" diameter stainless steel rod 12356M001 Golosiiv - Kiev GLSV Top of steel pillar on the roof of the main office. Station name : Kiev/Golosiiv 12356S001 Golosiiv - Kiev 1824 Intersection of axes of a permanent SLR instrument. Station name : Golosiiv-Kiev 12357S001 SARAPUL 1871 SARLAS/fixed laser/IAR 12358M001 Bishkek BISH GFZ GPS MARK 12358M002 Bishkek BISZ Top of metal sheet on a concrete tube /GPS+GLONASS marker 12358M003 Bishkek BIK0 Base of a forced centering screw fixed on top of a concrete pillar, on a building roof. 12358M004 Bishkek BSHK Top of a forced centering stainless steel tube on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a concrete roof 12359M001 KOROLEV CNS1 Steel mast 12360M001 Tixi Seismic station TIXG Punched center of top surface of 5/8-11" diameter, vertical stainless steel rod 12360M001 Tixi Seismic station TIXI Punched center of top surface of 5/8-11" diameter, vertical stainless steel rod 12360M002 Tixi Seismic station TIXJ Seismic station appartments building roof - Stainless steel rod with SIGN forced centering device on top, fixed on a 2m high rectangular concrete block 12361M001 KHABAROVSK KHAJ East GPS/GLONASS Geodynamical Mark 12362M001 Arti ARTU Arti Geophysical Observatory/ Roof/ Top of 5/8-11" diameter vertical rod 12363M001 Bilibino BILI Punched center on top of 5/8-11" diameter vertical rod 12363M002 Bilibino BILB Top and center of a 5/8 inch diameter stainless steel rod, glued into the beam of a flat concrete roof 12364M001 NORILSK NRIL Punched center on top of 5/8-11" diameter vertical rod 12365M001 Obninsk/Moscow Seismic station MOBN Roof / Punched center on top surface of 5/8-11" diameter, vertical stainless steel rod 12365M002 Obninsk/Moscow Seismic station MOBJ Seismic Station Moscow building - Stainless steel rod glued into the concrete parapet - SIGN forced centering device 12365M002 Obninsk/Moscow Seismic station MOBK Seismic Station Moscow building - Stainless steel rod glued into the concrete parapet - SIGN forced centering device 12366M001 Lviv SULP Lviv Polytechnic / Fundamental astronomical monument / Pillar 12367M001 NOVOSIBIRSK, SNIIM NOVJ Stable geodynamical pillar on the roof main building 12367M002 NOVOSIBIRSK, SNIIM NOVM Maker on stable pillar. Roof of a 11-floor building. 12368S001 Brjuhovychi 1831 Intersection of axes of a permanent SLR instrument 12369M001 Dniepropetrovsk DNMU STEEL ROUND PLATE / TOP AND CENTRE 12370M001 Lviv Polytechnic University - SHAZ Main office / Steel pillar on the roof / Top and centre 12371S001 Alchevsk ALCI SLR building / Bottom and axis of Zephyr Geodetic antenna mounted on top of a steel pillar 12371S002 Alchevsk Intersection of the rotation axes of a permanent SLR instrument telescope 12372S001 Altay 1879 AZ-EL Telescope, 0.6m, CASSEGRAIN - Intersection of axes 12373S001 Arkhyz 1886 Intersection of the telescope rotational axis 12374M001 Kazan Federal University KZN2 Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12375M001 Bashkir State University, Ufa UFAB Reference point of a antenna mount on a mast (0.4) on the top of the roof. 12376M001 Sibai SBAI Antenna mount reference point on a mast (0.5 m), on the top of a roof. 12377M001 Neftekamsk NFBK Antenna mount reference point on a mast (0.6 m), on the top of a roof. 12378M001 Oktyabrsk OKTB Antenna mount reference point on a mast (1.06 m), on the top of a roof. 12379M001 Dolgoprudny DOLG Reference point of a self centering antenna mount on top of a 0.7 m height aluminium pipe fixed on the side of a 4 storys. 12380M001 Ekaterinburg URAL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a 0.5m high welded metal construction, fixed on a concrete slab bearing wall buildings 12501M001 Himara HIMA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12502M001 Peshkopia PESH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12503M001 Leskoviku LESU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12504M001 Maliq MALQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12505M001 Bajram Curri BACU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12506M001 Shkodra SHKO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12507M001 Tirana TIRN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12508M001 Berati BERA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 12509M001 Gramsh GRAH Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12510M001 Korce KOR2 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a building 12511M001 Kukes KUKS Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12512M001 Librazhd LIBR Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12513M001 Lushnje LUS2 Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12514M001 Permet PERM Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12515M001 Rreshen RRES Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12516M001 Sarande SAR2 Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12517M001 Tepelen TEP2 Axis and base of a forced centering brass nail on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a roof 12518M001 Orikum ORIK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12602M001 Dionysos Central Pillar 12602M002 Dionysos 7515 Mark SLR Standard WEGENER disk 12602M003 Dionysos DORIS mark 12602M004 Dionysos DION EUVN GPS Marker (unknown description) 12602M005 Dionysos DORIS 2 domed brass mark on concrete wall 12602M006 Dionysos DYNG Top and center of a domed bronze mark embedded on a concrete pad 12602M007 Dionysos DIOP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12602S001 Dionysos 7940 SLR IAR 12602S011 Dionysos DIOA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 12602S012 Dionysos DIOB DORIS antenna Ref. Point (Starec type) 12605M001 Athenes I IGD1 IGD roof - Mettallic pillar - Top and centre of the centring device on top 12610M001 Larissa LARI Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar fixed on a roof 12610M002 Larissa LARM Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch bolt on top of an inox pillar 12612M001 Askites 7510 Mark SLR 7510 12613M001 Roumelli 7517 Mark SLR 7517 12614M001 Karitsa 7520 Mark SLR 7520 12615M001 Katavia 7512 Mark SLR 7512 12615M002 Katavia KATC Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored on the SLR concrete pad 12616M001 Xrisokalaria 7525 Mark SLR 7525 12617M001 Chania SBT1 Souda Bay Naval Base/Top of tide gauge shack 12617M002 Chania 7830 Geodetic marker on concrete pad 12617M003 Chania TUC2 Geodetic marker on top of concrete pillar 12617S001 Chania TUC1 Leica CRS1000/ARP 12618M001 Gavdos GVD0 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 12618M002 Gavdos Domed brass mark on the DORIS concrete pillar 12618S001 Gavdos GAVB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 12619M001 Thessaloniki AUTH Metal Pillar fixed on a roof / Forced centering device 12619M002 Thessaloniki AUT1 Metallic pillar fixed on a roof / Centering device 12620M001 Athens - National Observatory NOA1 NOA Solar Ray Building Roof Metal pillar - Forced centring device 12621M001 Xanthi DUTH Centering device. Metal pillar fixed on a roof. 12622M001 University of Patras PAT0 Building - Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on the roof 12623M001 Serres TEIS Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar 12624M001 Veria VERI Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch bolt on top of an inox pillar 12625M001 Valsamata VLSM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12626M001 Apollonii PONT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12627M001 Kassopei KAS0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12627M001 Kassopei KASI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12628M001 Spanochori SPA0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12628M001 Spanochori SPAN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12629M001 Riolos RLSO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast 12630M001 Atalanti ATAL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar embedded into the Townhall building roof 12631M001 Kipouria KIPO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the roof of a building 12632M001 Klokotos KLOK Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 12633M001 Lemnos LEMN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 12634M001 Platanitis NAFP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 12635M001 Neapolis NEAB Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 12636M001 Agia Paraskevi PRKV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar fixed into bedrock 12637M001 Pylos PYLO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 12638M001 Skyros SKYR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast on top of a building roof 12639M001 Stefanovikio STEF Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the roof of a building 12640M001 Thira THIR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the roof of a small Church. 12641M001 Volimes VOLI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on a building roof 12642M001 Kerya KERY Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12643M001 Ano Tiros ATRS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12644M001 Arkitsa ARKI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12645M001 Kithira KITH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12646M001 Anopoli ANOP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12647M001 Agios Kirillos AKYR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12648M001 Gavdos GVDS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12649M001 Kryoneri KRYO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12650M001 Chrisoskalitissa XRSO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar on a roof 12651M001 Vasses VASS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12652M001 Methoni MTHO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12653M001 Santorini Island SNTR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed a roof 12654M001 Methana MTHA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod fixed to a roof 12655M001 Sparti SPRT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12656M001 Milos Island MLOS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed to a concrete pillar 12657M001 Athens, NTUA-LAMBADARIO LAMY Top of a self centring antenna mount on a stainless steel rod, fixed on top of a 3 storeys height NTUA building 12658M001 Aigion EGIO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a building roof 12659M001 Katochi KTCH Forced centering hole in steel plate at the roof of concrete building. 12660M001 Lepenou LEPE Forced centering hole in steel plate at the roof of concrete building. 12661M001 Paravola PVOG Forced centering hole in steel plate at the roof of concrete building. 12662M001 Kato Retsina RETS Forced centering hole in steel plate at the roof of concrete building. 12663M001 Rigani RGNI Forced centering hole in steel plate at the roof of concrete building. 12664M001 Porto Kagio PTKG Top of center support screw on SCIGN antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach 12665M001 Sissia, Cephalonia Island SISS Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a building roof 12666M001 Agios Nikolaos, Messinia ANIK GNSS Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12667M001 Anogia, Crete IDI0 Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12668M001 Koroni KORO Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12669M001 Metsovo MTSV Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12670M001 Sivas, Heraklion-Crete SIVA Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12671M001 Vamos, Chania-Crete VAM0 Antenna Reference Point (ARP) 12672M001 Zakros, Lasithi-Crete ZKRO Antenna Reference Point (ARP 12701M001 Firenze Iroe Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12701M003 Firenze Iroe IGMI IGMI building roof - Geodetic marker on top of a pillar 12701M004 Firenze Iroe FIPR Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12701M005 Firenze Iroe IGM2 Forced centering device on top of a 1.2m concrete pillar anchored on the roof of the Geodetic Department building (IGM) 12702M002 Cagliari I - University CAG1 Top of a forced centering steel plate fixed on top of a metallic pole 12702M003 Cagliari I - University UCAG Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12702M004 Cagliari I - University CA05 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12702M005 Cagliari I - University CAEF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12703M002 CATANIA I ESLN Top of center support iron screw 5/8 inch, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 12704M001 Fucino S01A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12704M001 Fucino S01G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12704M001 Fucino S01M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S52A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S52G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S52M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S92A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S92G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M002 Fucino S92M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M003 Fucino S92B Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M003 Fucino S92H Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M003 Fucino S92N Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 12704M004 Fucino S01B Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12704M004 Fucino S01H Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12704M004 Fucino S01N Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 12706M001 Lampedusa 7544 Mark SLR 7544 12706M002 Lampedusa LAMP GPS Marker 12710M001 Milano MILA Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 12710M002 Milano MIL2 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount 12711M001 Medicina Pillar 12711M002 Medicina 7546 Mark SLR 7546 12711M003 Medicina MEDI PILLAR MARKER R 12711M004 Medicina FORCED CENTERING BRASS MARKER DUG ON TOP OF A CONCRETE PILLAR OF THE LOCAL GROUND CONTROL NETWORK (P1) 12711M005 Medicina FORCED CENTERING BRASS MARKER DUG ON TOP OF THE CONCRETE PILLAR OF THE LOCAL GROUND CONTROL NETWORK (P2) 12711M006 Medicina FORCED CENTERING BRASS MARKER DUG ON TOP OF THE CONCRETE PILLAR OF THE LOCAL GROUND CONTROL NETWORK (P3) 12711M007 Medicina FORCED CENTERING DEVICE ON TOP OF SLR PILLAR (C) / TOP AND CENTRE OF THE SCREWED ADPTER 12711M008 Medicina MSEL To pand centre of a mast fixed on a concrete block 12711S001 Medicina 7230 Radiotelescope ref. pt. 12712M002 Genova GENO Stable pillar on the roof 12712M003 Genova GENU Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on top of a building 12712M004 Genova GENV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12712M005 Genova GENA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12714M001 ASIAGO ASIA MARKER ON THE ROOF OF THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY ; TOP AND CENTRE 12714M002 ASIAGO ASIB Astronomical observatory - Forced centering device on the roof 12714M003 ASIAGO EKAR Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, anchored on the ground 12717M001 Noto 7543 Mark SLR 12717M002 Noto BOLT GPS EUREF 89 (G) 12717M003 Noto NOTO PILLAR MARKER R 12717M004 Noto NOT1 Stable pillar on the ground 12717M005 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker on top of the concerete pillar of the local ground control network. marker P3 12717M006 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker on top of the concrete pillar of the local ground control network. marker P4 12717M007 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker on top of the concrete pillar of the local ground control. marker P5 12717M008 Noto WILD type centering brass marker on top of the concrete pillar on the local ground control. marker P6 12717M009 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker on top of the higher concrete pillar of the local ground network. marker P7 12717M010 Noto WILD type brass marker on top of the higher concrete pillar of the local ground control network. marker P8 12717M011 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker dug on the top of the concrete pillar of the local ground control network. marker P9 12717M012 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker dug on the top of the concrete pillar hosting marker R. marker P10 12717M013 Noto WILD type forced centering brass marker dug on the top of the concrete pillar of the local ground control network. marker P11 12717S001 Noto 7547 Radiotelescope ref. pt. 12718M001 TRIESTE Mark (I 400130) 12718M002 TRIESTE 7550 Mark SLR 7550 12718M003 TRIESTE TRIE PIVOT ON STEEL NIPPLE OF ANTENNA ADAPTER 12718M004 TRIESTE BSVZ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, anchored on the ground 12719M001 UDINE UDIN STEEL MAST FIXED ON A ROOF ; PIVOT ON STEEL NIPPLE OF ANTENNA ADAPTER (GPS ARP) 12719M002 UDINE UDI1 Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter 12719M003 UDINE UNUD Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12719M004 UDINE RUDI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12719M004 UDINE URFV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12721M002 ELBA ISLAND ELBA One meter stable pillar on the rock 12723M001 Orzinuovi Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 12723M002 Napoli PNGS Top and center of a forced centering bolt on a steel stick, fixed to a steel tube 12723M003 Napoli FRUL Top and center of a stainless steel rod, fixed on a concrete wall on a roof 12724M002 Torino I TORI GPS Marker "1" 12724M003 Torino I GIEN Forced centering device on top and center of aluminum structure mounted on the roof of a building. 12724M003 Torino I OATO Forced centering device on top and center of aluminum structure mounted on the roof of a building. 12724M004 Torino I TORC Forced centering device 12724M005 Torino I GR02 Top and axis of a stainless steel structure fixed to a concrete wall, on top of a building 12724S001 Torino I IENG ASHTECH Z-XII3T / ARP 12725M001 Cagliari ILS Mark (I 234165) 12725M002 Cagliari 7545 Mark SLR 7545 12725M003 Cagliari CAGL PILLAR MARKER G 12725M004 Cagliari CAGZ 1.5 meter ground stable pillar 12725S013 Cagliari 7548 Fixed SLR system 12729M004 ROME ROAN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12734M001 Matera Mark (I 201130) 12734M004 Matera 7541 Mark SLR 7541 "C" 12734M005 Matera 7540 Mark SLR 7540 "B" 12734M007 Matera Roof GPS Mark 12734M008 Matera MATE Top and center of a brass nail fixed on a concrete pillar 12734M009 Matera MAT1 0.4 meter stable pillar on the roof 12734M010 Matera MATG Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount, fixed on a concrete pillar 12734S001 Matera 7939 SLR IAR 12734S005 Matera 7243 Fixed VLBI antenna 12734S006 Matera ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 22-JAN-91 12734S007 Matera ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 16-APR-91 12734S008 Matera 7941 Intersection of alt-az axes of the 1.5 m SLR/LLR telescope 12735M002 Specchia Christi SCTE Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 12738M002 Mondovi MONI Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 12738M003 Mondovi MONV Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod on the roof of a building 12738M004 Mondovi MOND Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12738M005 Mondovi MOGE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12739M001 LA SPEZIA LAS0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12739M001 LA SPEZIA LASP Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12741M001 VENEZIA VENE METALLIC PILAR ON THE ROOF 12743M001 PIEVE DI CADORE PIEV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metal pipe fixed with bolts on the roof of a building 12745M002 CASSINO CSIN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12749M001 MONTE VENDA 7542 SLR mark 12750M001 PADOVA UPAD Concrete pillar 12750M002 PADOVA UPAD Screw under plastic mast 12750S001 PADOVA PADO TRIMBLE 4000SSI Antenna / Bottom of Chocke Ring 12751M001 Bolzano BZRG Stable metallic pillar on the roof (local nb. 909) 12751M002 Bolzano BOLZ Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12752M001 Perugia UNPG Brass nail on top of a concrete stable pillar "A" on the roof 12753M001 Trento TREN Pilaster placed on the roof of a building made of reinforced concrete (Palazzo Giulia) 12753M002 Trento MOCA Concrete pillar with forced centering device on top 12753M003 Trento TNTN Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 12754M001 CAMERINO CAME One meter stable pillar 12755M001 REGGIO CALABRIA TGRC One meter stable pillar on the roof 12756M001 FERRARA UNFE 0.4 meter stable metallic pillar on the roof 12756M002 FERRARA FER0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12757M001 L AQUILA AQUI Roof / 0.5 meter stable metallic pillar 12757M002 L AQUILA AQRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount, fixed on a concrete wall 12757M003 L AQUILA INGP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12758M001 TRAPANI-MILO MILO 1.5 meter stable pillar on the ground 12758M002 TRAPANI-MILO ERIC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12759M001 Novara comune NOVA 2.5 meter steel pillar (pole) on the roof 12759M002 Novara comune NOVR Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 12760M001 PRATO PRAT 1.5 m stable pillar on the roof of PIN 12761M001 MILANO-CAMPUS COMO COMO 0.9 meter stable pillar on the roof 12762M001 BRESCIA BRIX Chiselled cross at the top of a pillar 12762M002 BRESCIA BREA Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 12762M003 BRESCIA BREU Top of a forced centering mounting device on top of reinforced concrete pillar on the roof of the building 12763M001 CERCIVENTO ZOUF Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter 12764M001 FORGARIA MPRA Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter 12765M001 MEDEA MDEA PIVOT ON STEEL NIPPLE OF ANTENNA ADAPTER 12766M001 ALPE FALORIA - CORTINA D AMPEZ AFAL PIVOT ON STEEL NIPPLE OF ANTENNA ADAPTER (GPS ARP) 12767M001 ACOMIZA - MALBORGHETTO-VALBRUN ACOM STEEL NIPPLE OF GPS ANTENNA ADAPTER / GPS ANTENNA ARP 12768M001 Politecnico di Milano - Lecco LEC1 PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A CHISELLED CROSS ON TOP 12768M002 Politecnico di Milano - Lecco LECC Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 12769M001 ROVIGO ROVI Concrete Pillar / Top and centre of a device fixed on the centre of a steel plate 12770M001 Caneva CANV Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter 12771M001 Bologna BOLG Top and centre of a mast fixed on the roof of a building 12772M001 ROME - S. Pietro in Vincoli M0SE Roof of the Faculty of engineering main building - Metallic tower - Base and axis of a screw fixed on top of a steel plate 12772M002 ROME - S. Pietro in Vincoli ROM0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 12772M003 ROME - S. Pietro in Vincoli ROUN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12773M001 Taranto FATA steel mast - Forced centering device 12773M002 Taranto TARA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12773S001 Taranto TARS LEICA AT504 antenna / Bottom of antenna (ARP) 12774M001 Rovereto ROVE Building roof - Geodetic mark on concrete pillar 12775M001 Predazzo FDOS Concrete pillar with forced centering device on top 12776M001 Basovizza BASO Forced centering device / 2 m high concrete pillar 12777M001 Lago Agnel AGNE Concrete pillar with forced centering device fixed on top 12778M001 Monte Carza CARZ Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12779M001 Alpe Devero DEVE Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 12780M001 Poggio grande fort POGG Forced centering device fixed on reinforced concrete pillar 12781M001 Pavia PVIA Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 12781S001 Pavia PAVI Antenna reference point (ARP) of the LEIAT504 antenna with LEIS dome 12782M001 Serle SERL Foced centering device on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 12783M001 Monte Coltignone - Lecco CLTN Forced centering device on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 12784M001 Sondrio SOND Forced centering device on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 12784M002 Sondrio SONP Top of a forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast on the roof of the building 12785M001 Terni UNTR Brass nail on stable pillar. Building of the University of Perugia 12786M001 Frosinone FROS Brass nail on concrete pillar on the roof of a building. 12786M002 Frosinone FR0S Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12787M001 Viterbo VITE Brass nail on a concrete pillar. Roof of a building. 12787M002 Viterbo VIT1 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12788M001 Rieti RIET Brass nail on a concrete pillar. Roof of a building 12788M002 Rieti RITI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12789M001 Latina LATI Brass nail on a concrete pillar. Roof of a bulding 12789M002 Latina LAT1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12789M003 Latina LTNA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12790M001 Roma Laurentina ROMA Brass nail on a concrete pillar. Roof of a building. 12791M001 Modena MOPS center of the screw support of a SCIGN mount placed on reinforced concrete pilaster. 12792M001 Monte Pora PORA Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 12793M001 Codroipo CODR Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter 12794M001 Torreano di Cividale JOAN Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN). Fixed to concrete pilar. 12795M001 Fusea FUSE Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter. Concrete pillar. 12796M001 Terni - Catasto TERN Brass nail on concrete pillar. Roof of a building 12796M002 Terni - Catasto TERI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 12797M001 Palazzolo Dello Stella PAZO Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter / Tripod. 12798M001 CREMA CREA Forced centering device on top of steel pole. 12799M001 Vigevano VIGE Forced centering device on Top of Steel Pole 12801M001 RSMN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 12801M002 RSM1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 13001M001 Andorra la vella RULL Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 13101M004 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa BRUS Old astrolab observation dome - Top and axis of a brass nail on top of a steel mast 13101M005 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa BRUG Top and axis of a steel plate 13101M006 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa RTBR Steel Mast / Plateforme / fixed centrering device 13101M007 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa BRH1 Steel Mast / Plateforme / fixed centrering device 13101M008 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa BRH2 Steel Mast/Plateforme/fixed centrering device 13101M009 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa ZTBR Steel Mast / fixed centrering device 13101M010 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa BRUX Top of a steel mast 13101M011 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa UKKE Intersection of a metallic rod axis fixed to a concrete wall, and the base of the threaded part on top. 13101M012 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa ORBA Fixed centrering device on top of a steel mast. 13101M013 Brussels Ukkle - Royal observa GRCB Fixed centering device on top of a stainless steel mast 13102M001 Redu REDU Center of metal plate (top surface) embedded in monument 13102M002 Redu S02A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13102M002 Redu S02G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13102M002 Redu S02M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13102M003 Redu S02B Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13102M003 Redu S02H Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13102M003 Redu S02N Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 13104M002 Oostende BE01 12B14R3, Metal support with plate over a small pillar with inserted bolt on building roof 13104M003 Oostende OOST Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13104M004 Oostende OSTN Top of antenna mounting pole, installed on roof top 13111M002 Arlon ARLO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13112M001 Dentergem DENT PILLAR (EUREF # 0705) 13113M001 Dourbes DOUR PILLAR (EUREF # 0708) 13114M001 Waremme WARE PILLAR (EUREF # 0706) 13115M001 Membach MEMB Barrage de La Gileppe / STEEL MAST 13116M001 Meeuwen MEEU Buurthuis / STEEL MAST 13117M001 Bree BREE STEEL MAST 13118M001 Jalhay JALH Steel mast - forced centering device on top 13119M001 Battice BATT Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13120M001 Berloz BERL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13121M001 Leglise LEGL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13122M001 Florenville FLRV Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13123M001 Mabompre MABO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13124M001 Marche-en-Famenne MAFA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13125M001 Meix-Devant-Virton MEIX Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13126S001 Moha MOHA Antenna reference point mounted on a threaded rod on top of a mettalic mast 13127M001 Tellin TELL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13128S001 Sart-Tilman TILM Antenna reference point mounted on a threaded rod on top of a mettalic mast 13129M001 Werbomont WERB Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13130S001 Charleroi CHLR Antenna reference point mounted on a threaded rod on top of a mettalic mast 13131M001 Fontaine-Valmont FOVA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13132M001 Mariembourg MARI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13133S001 Namur NAMR Antenna reference point mounted on a threaded rod on top of a mettalic mast 13134M001 Nivelles NIVL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13135M001 Ottignies-Lln OLLN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13136M001 Onhaye ONHA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13137M001 Saint-Ghislain GHIS Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13138M001 Kain KAIN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13139M001 Ostiches OSTI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13140M001 Saint-Vith VITH Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a metallic pillar 13141M001 Aarschot AARS Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13142M001 Antwerpen ANTW Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13142M002 Antwerpen ATWR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall on a roof top 13143M001 Bertem BERT Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13144M001 Brecht BRCT Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13145M001 Brugge BRGG Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13146M001 Buggenhout BUGG Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13147M001 Diest DIES Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13148M001 Diksmuide DIKS Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13149M001 Eeklo EEKL Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13150M001 Erpe-Mere ERPE Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13151M001 Gent GENT Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13152M001 Geraardsbergen GBGN Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13153M001 Herentals HERE Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13154M001 Hoegaarden HOEG Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13155M001 Houthalen HOUT Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13156M001 Ieper IEPE Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13157M001 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw LEEU Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13158M001 Lillo-Fort BEZA Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13159M001 Maaseik MAAS Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13160M001 Maasmechelen MAME Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13161M001 Mechelen MECH Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13162M001 Menen MENE Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13163M001 Mol MOL1 Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13164M001 Neerpelt NEER Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13165M001 Sint-Niklaas NIKL Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13166M001 Oudenaarde OUDE Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13167M001 Pittem PITM Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13168M001 Ruiselede RUIS Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13169M001 Ruiselede TGRN Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13170M001 Sint-Truiden TRUI Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13171M001 Turnhout TURN Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13172M001 Veurne VEUR Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13173M001 Voeren VOER Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13174M001 Zeebrugge ZEEB Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13175M001 Zelzate ZELZ Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13176M001 Zwevegem ZWEV Top and forced centering antenna mounting pole, fixed on roof top 13201S002 BARTON STACEY/CHILBOLTON 7215 25m radiotelescope ref. pt. 13205S001 Carlisle CARL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13206S001 CARMARTHEN CARM LEIAT504 / ARP 13207S001 COLCHESTER COLC LEIAT504 / ARP 13208S001 Daresbury DARE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13209M001 Droitwich DROW Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13209S001 Droitwich DROI ASH700936E / ARP 13210M001 Cambridge CMBR Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 13212M002 Herstmonceux Castle Primary pillar (GB 481) 13212M005 Herstmonceux Castle Solar pillar 13212M007 Herstmonceux Castle HERS GPS reference mark 13212M009 Herstmonceux Castle HERP PRARE Steel Pillar 13212M010 Herstmonceux Castle HERT CENTER OF GPS ANTENNA MOUNTING PLATE 13212S001 Herstmonceux Castle 7840 SLR IAR 13212S012 Herstmonceux Castle ROGUE SNR-8A/DM B/L1 04-SEP-91- 13213S001 GREAT YARMOUTH GTY1 GPS Trimble 4000 SSE ARP 13213S002 GREAT YARMOUTH GTY2 GLONASS Ashtech GG24 ARP 13214M001 Guildford SIGL BRASS PLATE 13215M001 Leeds LDS1 STAINLESS STEEL/BRASS PLATE 13215M002 Leeds Geodetic ground marker / IGLOS_01 13215S001 Leeds LEED Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13216M001 NORTH SHIELDS TIDE GAUGE NSTG BOTTOM OF 5/8" THREAD ON TOP OF 4m ALUMINIUM POLE 13216M002 NORTH SHIELDS TIDE GAUGE NSLG Bottom of 5/8" male thread on 3m steel pole 13216S001 NORTH SHIELDS TIDE GAUGE GPS Choke Ring Antenna ARP 13217S001 EDINBURGH EDIN Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13219S001 Glasgow GLAS Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13220M001 Nottingham IESG TOP OF 5/8" THREAD ON TOP OF 0.6m STEEL POLE ON STEEL BRACKET 13220S001 Nottingham ASH700936D M / ARP 13220S002 Nottingham NOTT ASH700936E / ARP 13221M001 INVERNESS INVR Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 13221S001 INVERNESS INVE ASH700936E / ARP 13222S001 ISLE OF MAN NORTH IOMN LEIAT504 / ARP 13224S001 ISLE OF MAN SOUTH IOMS LEIAT504 / ARP 13225S001 Kings Lynn KING ASH700936E / ARP 13226M001 Mallaig MALX Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13226S001 Mallaig MALG LEIAT504 / ARP 13227M001 Newcastle NCAS Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13227S001 Newcastle NEWC ASH700936E / ARP 13228S001 NORTHHAMPTON NORT ASH700936E / ARP 13229M001 Plymouth PMTH Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13229S001 Plymouth PLYM LEIAT504 / ARP 13230M001 Thurso THUS Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13230S001 Thurso THUR LEIAT504 / ARP 13231M001 Aberdeen ABER Tide Gauge / TOP OF 40mm DIA THREAD ON STEEL PLATE 13231M002 Aberdeen ADEE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13232M001 LOWESTOFT LOWE Tide Gauge / TOP OF 40mm DIA THREAD ON STEEL BRACKET 13233M001 Liverpool LIVE Tide Gauge / TOP OF 40mm DIA THREAD ON STEEL PLATE 13234M001 TEDDINGTON NPLC NPL Building 2/South East corner/Top of Aluminium pole 13234M002 TEDDINGTON NPLB NPL Building 2/North East corner//Top of Aluminium pole 13234M003 TEDDINGTON NPLD Building 2/NE corner of liftshaft roof / Centre of top of bolt through steel railing 13234M004 TEDDINGTON NPLE NPL Building 2/centre of South side of liftshaft roof / Centre of top of bolt through steel railing 13234M005 TEDDINGTON NPLF NW corner of liftshaft roof, Building 2/Steel railing/ Center of top bolt 13235S001 HERMITAGE ENGL NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1123 / ARP 13235S001 HERMITAGE HRM1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1123 / ARP 13235S001 HERMITAGE HRM2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1123 / ARP 13235S002 HERMITAGE OAK1 NGA GNSS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-11858 /ARP 13235S002 HERMITAGE OAK2 NGA GNSS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-11858 /ARP 13236M001 SHEERNESS SHEE Tide Gauge / TOP OF 5/8" THREAD ON STEEL BRACKET 13237M001 Blackpool BLAK TOP AND CENTRE OF A RIGID STEEL TRIPOD COINCIDING WITH GPS ARP 13237M002 Blackpool BLAP Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13238M001 Scarborough SCAR TOP AND CENTRE OF A RIGID STEEL TRIPOD COINCIDING WITH GPS ARP 13238M002 Scarborough SCAO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13239M001 Taunton TAUN TOP AND CENTRE OF A RIGID STEEL TRIPOD COINCIDING WITH GPS ARP 13239M002 Taunton TAUT Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13240M001 Colby House BELF Mounting point on stainless steel monument, fixed to central supporting wall on flat roof of two-story brick building 13240M002 Colby House QUB1 Top and axis of an forced centering antenna mount fixed on a stainless steel pole 13241M001 Foyle FOYL standard thread on the top of a mast. 13242M001 Markethill MRKT standard thread on 40mm stainless steel tube fixed to concrete block foundation. 13244M001 Omagh OMGH Standard thread on tripod constructed from 50mm stainless teel tube fixed to flat roof. 13245M001 Kilrea KLRE Standard thread on tripod constructed from 50mm stainless steel tube, fixed on flat roof. 13246M001 Saint Angelo ENIS Static fixed standard survey thread fixed on top of a metallic tripod 13258M002 Stornoway STOR Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13273M103 Bartinney NEWL Newlyn Tide Gauge / TOP OF 40mm DIA THREAD ON STEEL PLATE 13274M001 Southampton SOTN Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 13274S002 Southampton SHAM ASH700936E / ARP 13279M001 Farnborough FARB Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13283M002 Dover DVTG Top and centre of a 40mm diametre thread mounted on a steel plate, fixed to the stone wall of a pier 13289M003 Portsmouth PMTG Tide Gauge / TOP OF 5/8" THREAD ON TOP OF 1.5m STEEL POLE ON STEEL BRACKET 13296M002 BUDDON - CARNUSTY 7603 Mobile VLBI mark 1989 13299M001 Morpeth MORG Stainless steel pin with 5/8" thread in the top of 4 tonne sandstone monolith, grouted onto bedrock 13299M002 Morpeth MORO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 13299S001 Morpeth MORP INTERSECTION OF THE VERTICAL AXIS FROM THE HORIZONTAL BENCHMARK (FORCED CENTRING PLATE) WITH THE HORIZONTAL PLANE TANGENT TO THE HEIGHT BENCHMARK (VERTICAL BOLT) 13301M001 Gibraltar GIBR Top and centre of a 40mm diametre thread mounted on a steel plate, fixed to the stone wall of the quay 13402M004 SAN FERNANDO SFER TOP OF TOWER/GPS MARKER 13402M005 SAN FERNANDO 7823 MOBILE SLR OBSERVING SYSTEM - GROUND MARK SFEF 13402M006 SAN FERNANDO ROAP Solid mark in the roof of the Time Section building. 13402M007 SAN FERNANDO ROAG Top of a forced centering steel rod on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete wall 13402S004 SAN FERNANDO 7824 Old SLR system (until April 1999) 13402S006 SAN FERNANDO ROAH AOAD/M_T GPS Antenna Reference Point 13402S007 SAN FERNANDO 7824 SLR Fixed System / New position April 1999 / intersection of axes 13406M001 VILLAFRANCA VILL ESA GPS marker 13407S001 Madrid-Robledo 1563 64m antenna DSS63, intersection of azimuth and elevation axes 13407S003 Madrid-Robledo 1561 26(34) antenna DSS61 13407S010 Madrid-Robledo 1565 34m antenna DSS65 13407S011 Madrid-Robledo ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 21-MAR-90 13407S012 Madrid-Robledo MAD2 ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the AOAD/M_T 451-U 13407S012 Madrid-Robledo MADR ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the AOAD/M_T 451-U 13407S013 Madrid-Robledo ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Top of the choke ring 21-MAR-90 13407S014 Madrid-Robledo 1567 Intersection of the 34m VLBI antenna axis 13407S015 Madrid-Robledo 1554 Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS54) 13407S016 Madrid-Robledo Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS55) 13408M001 Cebreros CEBR center of metal plate embedded in concrete monument 13410M001 ROQUETES - TORTOSA EBRE Geodetic Pillar 13411M001 MADRID-FACULTAD IGNE IGN building - Reinforced concrete block on the terrace - Brass radial forced centering device 13411S001 MADRID-FACULTAD TRIMBLE 4000SLD/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 13412M001 Barcelone BCLN Reference point of a forced centering device brass plate embedded in a reinforced concrete block 13420M001 Yebes YEBE Reinforced concrete pillar/roof of the Centro Astronomico de Yebes (53602) 13420M002 Yebes YEB1 Forced centering brass plate fixed embedded in a reinforced concrete block on top of the gravity building in Yebes Astronomical Observatory 13420S001 Yebes 7333 14M RADIOTELESCOPE 13420S002 Yebes 7386 Center of the turning head of the 40-m Radiotelescope 13420S003 Yebes 7389 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna 13420S020 Yebes Center of the turning head of the 40-m Radiotelescope. 13431M001 BELLMUNT DE SEGARRA BELL 4.5 m concrete pillar with forced centering 13432M001 Cap de Creus CREU 3m concrete pillar with forced centering 13433M001 Alicante ALAC Metallic plate/Concrete pillar/Roof of the IGN tide gauge building (87201) 13434M001 A Coruna ACOR Metallic plate/Concrete pillar/Roof of the IGN tide gauge building (2101) 13435M001 Escornacrabes ESCO 3m concrete pillar with forced centering device 13436M001 Llivia LLIV 3.5m concrete pillar with forced centering device 13437M001 Almeria ALME Reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Observatorio Geofisico de Almeria (105901) 13437M002 Almeria ALMR Srew with a double nut stainless steel - Roof of the Hospital Torre Cardenas 13437M003 Almeria ALM1 Base of a forced centering 5/8" screw of a brass plate embedded in a concrete pillar on the roof of the tide gauge building 13438M001 Cantabria CANT Reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Universidad de Cantabria (3502) 13439M001 Valencia VALE Reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (72268) 13440M001 Les Avellanes AVEL 3m concrete pillar with forced centering device 13441M001 Montcada MNTC concrete base with forced centering device (290121001) 13442M001 Les Planes PLAN 4m concrete pillar with forced centering device (285124002) 13443M001 Malaga MALA Brass plate on reinforced concrete pillar on the top terrace of the Observatorio Geofisico de Malaga (E-105324) 13444M001 Palma de Mallorca MALL Brass plate with bolt to fix the antenna on reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Centro Oceanografico de Palma (E-069801) 13444M002 Palma de Mallorca MAL1 Center of a forced centering screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on the tide gauge building 13445M001 MADRID UPM-EUITT MERC Roof of EUITT/1m reinforced concrete pillar / Metallic plate with 3/8" centering bolt 13446M001 Sonseca SONS Reinforced concrete pillar on roof of the Sismological Center of Sonseca (65761) 13447M001 Caceres CACE Reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Universidad Politecnica de Caceres (70459) 13447M002 Caceres CCEX Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 13448M001 La Rioja RIOJ Reinforced concrete block blasted tower on bedrock (20401) 13448M002 La Rioja RIO1 Reference point of a forced centering device brass plate embedded in a reinforced concrete block 13449M001 Ceuta CEUT CEUTA Port Authority building roof / Reinforced concrete pillar (1078B) 13449M002 Ceuta CEU1 Center and top of a brass plate in a reinforced concrete block on the roof of the heliport building 13449M003 Ceuta CEUD Forced centering device on top of a pillar 13450M001 Vigo VIGO Reinforced concrete pillar on roof of the building of Spanish Oceanographic Institute of Vigo 13451M001 Huelva HUEL Huelva's Politechnical University / Roof / Reinforced concrete pillar 13451M002 Huelva HULV srcew with a double nut stainless steel on the roof of the hospital Infanta Elena 13452M001 Albacete ALBA Reinforced concrete block blasted tower on the roof of the Castilla-La Mancha University 13453M001 Cordoba COBA University of Cordoba / reinforced concrete block on the terrace of the Ramon y Cajal building / 13454S001 Ibiza tide gauge IBIZ TOPCON CR-3 choke ring antenna / ARP 13455M001 Cadiz UCAD screw with a double stainless steel nut on roof 13455M002 Cadiz LAGC Screw with a double stainless steel nut on roof. 13455M002 Cadiz UCA1 Screw with a double stainless steel nut on roof. 13456M001 Algeciras ALGC Forced centering device 13457M001 Sevilla SEVI Forced centering device 13458M001 Jain UJAE Forced centering device 13459M001 Granada GRAN Screw with a double nut stainless steel - roof of the Geophysic Andalusian 13459M002 Granada GRA1 Screw with a double nut stainless steel - roof of the Geophysic Andalusian 13460M001 Malaga (Department of Agricult MLGA Screw with double nut stainless steel 13461M001 Cordoba (Department of Publics CRDB Screw with double nut stainless steel 13462M001 Zaragoza ZARA National Meteorological Institute - Reinforced concrete block blasted tower on the roof - Top and centre of a brass plate 13462M002 Zaragoza ZGZA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 13463M001 Valladolid VLID Forced centering device. Mast located on a roof. 13463M002 Valladolid VALA Brass plate with centering screw on reinforced concrete pillar of 0.5 m height. Terrace of a second floor building. 13464M001 Ronda ROND Screw with double nut stainless steel 13465M001 Osuna OSUN Screw with double nut stainless steel 13466M001 Lebrija LEBR Screw with a double nut stainless steel 13467M001 Aracena ARAC Srew with double nut stainless steel 13468M001 Pozoblanco POZO Screw with double nut stainless steel 13469M001 Salamanca SALA Roof of the National Meteorological Intitute building - Top and centre of a brass plate in a reinforced concrete block 13470M001 Castril (Granada) CAST Screw with stainless steel double nut 13471M001 Cazalla de la Sierra CAZA Screw with a stainless steel double nut 13472M001 Villanueva del Arzobispo (Jain VIAR Screw with a stainless steel double nut 13473M001 Cabra (Cordoba) CABR Screw with stainless steel double nut 13474M001 Calar Alto (Almeria) CAAL Screw with stainless steel double nut on a monolith 13475M001 Leon LEON Leon Airport - National Meteorological Institute - Focred centering device embedded in a reinforced concrete block 13476M001 Parador Nacional Canadas del T PNAL Screw with a stainlees steel double nut 13477M001 Andujar (Jain) ANDU Screw with double nut stainless steel. Roof of the Hospital Alto Guadalquivir 13478M001 Motril (Granada) MOTR Screw with a stainless steel double nut. Roof of the Hospital Basico Santa Ana 13479M001 Huercal-Overa (Almeria) HUOV Screw with stainless steel double nut. Roof of the Hospital La Immaculada 13480M001 Borriana BORR Geodetic marker under steel tower of 1.05 meter height 13481M001 Soria SORI top of the mast and center of the centering screw 13482M001 Murcia MURC Screw with a simple nut stainless steel. Top of the agriculture building 13482M002 Murcia MCIA Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a wall on a building roof 13483M001 Cartagena CRTG Metallic plate over concrete pillar. Top of forestry House building. 13484M001 Lorca LORC Metallic plate over concrete pillar. Top of forestry House building. 13484M002 Lorca LRCA Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a building roof 13484M003 Lorca ORCA Brass plate located in a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in a brass plate. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 13485M001 Caravaca CRVC Metallic plate over concrete pillar. Top of the Forestry House building. 13486M001 Jumilla JUMI Metallic plate over concrete pillar. Top of Forestry House building 13486M002 Jumilla JUMA Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 13487M001 Teruel TERU reference point located in a brass plate in the concrete block. Reinforced concrete block 3m height on the garden of the National Meteorological Institute building in Teruel 13488M001 Lleida LLEI Forced centering on a steel pole 13489M001 Begues GARR 3 m concrete pillar with forced centering 13490M001 Mataro MATA Antenna mounted on a steel tower with forced centering 13490M002 Mataro MARE Forced centering device fixed on a steel tower 13491M001 Reus REUS 30x30x30 cm concrete base with steel forced centering 13492M001 Sant Bartomeu del Grau SBAR Antenna mounted on a steel tower with forced centering 13493M001 Soriguera SORG Antenna mounted on a steel tower with forced centering 13494M001 Cassa de la Selva CASE Reinforced concrete pillar with forced centering 13495M001 SOLSONA SONA Forced centering device / Steel tower 13496M001 Alcoi ALCO Top and center of a steel screw centered on a brass plate embedded in 30 cm high concrete block / roof of a building 13497M001 Pinedo VCIA center of brass plate anchored on concrete pillar / roof of a building 13498M001 Denia DENI Center of a brass plate on concrete block. 13499M001 Ayora AYOR Leveling mount on top of steel tower / concrete platform on the roof of a building. 13502M002 DELFT GPS EUREF 89 (MARK # 18) 13502M003 DELFT GPS MARK # 15 13502M004 DELFT DELF GPS MARK # 16 13502M005 DELFT GPS MARK # 19 13502M006 DELFT DLFT GPS MARK # 20 13502M007 DELFT GPS MARK # 21 13502M008 DELFT VSLD Van Swinden Laboratorium/Marker on steel mast on top of elevator housing of building entrance T 13502M009 DELFT DLF1 GPS MARK # 02 13502M009 DELFT DLF3 GPS MARK # 02 13502M010 DELFT GPS MARK # 04 13502M011 DELFT DLF2 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 13504M001 KOOTWIJK Perm. mark 1980 13504M002 KOOTWIJK 8833 Monument MTLRS 1984 13504M003 KOOTWIJK KOSG GPS mark 339334-25 13504M005 KOOTWIJK KOS1 Downward pointing point of a steel pin, fixed to a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast 13504S001 KOOTWIJK 7833 SLR IAR (NL 233) 13504S013 KOOTWIJK ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 20-JAN-91 13506M005 WESTERBORK WSRT TOP OF MAST (MARK #01)/RD 179811/NAP 0A-262 13510M001 APELDOORN APEL Top of 14 store building / survey marker (01) / RD 339347 13533M001 Eijsden EIJS TOP OF MAST (MARK #1)/RD 610326/NAP 61H002 13534M001 Terschelling TERS TOP OF MAST (MARK #01)/RD 059306/NAP 0A-403 13535M001 Noordwijk GNOR Top and axis of a forced centering steel mast, mounted on the roof of a building. 13535M002 Noordwijk GNO2 Axis and base of a forced centering steel mast fixed to a aluminium structure mounted on the roof of a building. 13535M002 Noordwijk GNO3 Axis and base of a forced centering steel mast fixed to a aluminium structure mounted on the roof of a building. 13535M003 Noordwijk GNO4 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored on an aluminium structure on a building roof 13536M001 Cabauw CABW Permanent GPS marker 80 m South of tower. Local number: 00 13536M002 Cabauw CAB1 GPS marker on top of 213 m high tower. Local number 01 13536M003 Cabauw CAB2 Permanent GPS marker at remote sensing site, 300 m SE of main tower. Local number : 02 13537M001 IJmuiden IJMU Permanent GPS marker on Tide-gauge station. 13538M001 Vlissingen VLIS Permanent GPS marker at tige gauge station. 13539M001 Oost-Vlieland VLIE Top and center of a forced mounting adapter, fixed on top of a steel mast 13540M001 Ameland - Nes AMEL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on Rijkswaterstaat building at the Ballumerweg near marker 000A2592. 13541M001 Schiermonnikoog SCHR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on Wetterskip Fryslan building at the Reeweg, near marker 000A2594. 13542M001 Texel - Oude Schild TXE2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount located at the Haven near marker 000A4037. 13612M001 Arklow ARKL Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13613M001 Athlone ATHL Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13614M001 Bantry BNTY Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13615M001 Cavan CAVN Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13616M001 Carrick on Ssannon CKSH Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13617M001 Clonmel CLNM Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13618M001 Cork CORK Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13619M001 Castlebar CSTB Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13619M002 Castlebar CASB Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13620M001 Donegal DNGL Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13621M001 New Ross NWRS Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13622M001 Portlaoise PRTL Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13622M002 Portlaoise PRT2 The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13623M001 Sligo Hospital SLGO Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13624M001 Swords SWRD Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13625M001 Tralee TRLE Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13626M001 Valentia VLNT Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13627M001 Galway GLWY Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13628M001 Limerick LMRK Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13629M001 MAce Head MACE Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13630M001 Tallaght TLLG Forced centering standard survey thread fixed on top of a 1m stainless steel tube, attached to a building 13630M002 Tallaght TLL1 Top and center of a standard survey thread mounting point fixed on, top of a 1 meter stainless steel tube fixed to a roof 13631M001 Carlow CRLW The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13632M001 Glenamaddy GLNM The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13633M001 Loughrae LGHR The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13634M001 Mitchelstown MCHT The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13635M001 Mullingar MLGR The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13636M001 Navan NAVN The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13637M001 Newmarket NWMR The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13638M001 Templemore TPMR The monument is a 1 metre stainless steel tube attached with brackets to side of building.The mounting point is a static, fixed, standard survey thread. The antenna reference is the mounting point on the monument. 13702M001 ULUX Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel pole fixed on a roof 13902M001 Porto GAIA Astronomical Observatory / concrete pillar / metalic structure 13903M001 Lagos LAGO 17th century fort/metal structure 13909S001 Cascais CASC LEICA SR9500/GPS ANTENNA: AT303/ARP 13910S001 Lisbonne OALN GPS ARP / Ashtech Z-XII3 # 5555-1122A0 / DORNE MARGOLIN ASH 13911M001 Funchal IMMA Top and axis of a steel pipe fixed on top of a wall 13911S001 Funchal FUNC Trimble 4000SSI Antenna / ARP 13912M001 Porto Santo PSAN Geodetic marker on top of the one-floor building, rigidly attached to its structure 13913M001 Montes de Cima PORL Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 13914M001 Borba BORB Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 13915M001 Mirandela MIRA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 13916M001 Selvagem Grande Island SELV Top and axis of a forced centering steel rod, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 13917M001 Covilha - Segal-UBI SUBI Self-Center Mounting in a Steel Mast 13918M001 Agueda AGUE Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13919M001 Amareleja AMAR Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13920M001 Avis AVIS Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13921M001 Beja BEJ_ Metallic structure on the top of a building at Beja University. 13922M001 Arruda dos Vinhos ARRD Stainless steel mast with 1,50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13923M001 Baiao BAIO Stainless steel mast with 1,50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13924M001 Benafim BNAF Stainless steel mast with 1,50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13925M001 Boticas BOTI Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13926M001 Braga BRAG Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13927M001 Braganca BRGN Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13928M001 Castelo Branco CBRA Stainless steel mast with 1.00m, fixed on the side of the building. 13929M001 Caldas da Rainha CRNH Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13930M001 Entroncamento ENTM Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13931M001 Fajao FAJA Stainless steel mast with 3.00m, fixed on the side of the building. 13932M001 Vila Nova de Foz Coa FCOA Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13933M001 Foros de Vale Figueira FVFI Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13934M001 Gloria do Ribatejo GRIB Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13935M001 Guarda GUAD Concrete pillar on top of the building. 13936M001 Lisbonne - IGP IGP0 Stainless steel mast with 3.00m, fixed on the top of the building. 13937M001 Leiria LEIR Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13938M001 Melrica MELR Metallic structure on the top of the building. 13939M001 Mertola MERT Concrete pillar on top of the building. 13940M001 Messejana MESS Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13941M001 Mogadouro MOGD Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13942M001 Montemor-o-Velho MVEL Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13943M001 Odemira ODEM Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13944M001 Paredes de Coura PCOU Stainless steel mast with 4.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13944M002 Paredes de Coura PCO1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 3.om stainless steel mast, fixed on the side of a building. 13945M001 Portalegre PLGR Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the top of the building. 13946M001 Palmela PMLA Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13947M001 Penamacor PNMC Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13948M001 Santiago do Cacem SCAC Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the top of the building. 13949M001 Sao Mancos SMA1 Stainless steel mast with 3.00m, fixed on the side of the building. 13950M001 Tabuaco TABU Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13951M001 Tavira TAVI Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13952M001 Torrao TRRA Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13953M001 Viseu VSEU Stainless steel mast with 1.50m, fixed on the side of the building. 13954M001 Alcochete ALCH Bottom of antenna mount 13955M001 Serra da Arrabida SRRA Bottom of antenna mount 13957M001 Braga BAGA Bottom of antenna mount 13958M001 Caldas da Rainha CLDS Bottom of antenna mount 13959M001 Caminha CAMH Bottom of antenna mount 13960M001 Cercal CERC bottom of antenna mout 13961M001 Charves CHAV bottom of antenna mout 13962M001 Coimbra COIM bottom of antenna mout 13963M001 Covilha COVL bottom of antenna mont 13965M001 Elvas ELVA bottom of antenna mont 13966M001 Estremoz ESTR bottom of antenna mont 13967M001 Evora EVOR bottom of antenna mont 13968M001 Faro FFAR bottom of antenna mont 13969M001 Mafra MAFR bottom of antenna mont 13970M001 Paco D'Arcos PACC bottom of antenna mont 13971M001 Povoa de Varzim PVAR bottom of antenna mont 13972M001 Sagres SAGR bottom of antenna mont 13973M001 Constancia SMGR bottom of antenna mont 13974M001 Sao Jacinto SJAC bottom of antenna mont 13975M001 Serra de Sao Mamede SSMA bottom of antenna mont 13976M001 Polytechnic Institute of Braga TMAD bottom of antenna mont 13977M001 Vendas Novas VNOV bottom of antenna mont 13978M001 Vila Real Infantry Regiment n. VREA bottom of antenna mont 13979M001 Vila Real de Santo Antonio VRSA bottom of antenna mont 13980M001 Viseu Infantry Regiment n.o14 VISU bottom of antenna mont 13982M001 Leiria Artillery Regiment n.o LIRI bottom of antenna mont 14001M001 Zimmerwald Brass mark in a concrete monument (CH 99) 14001M002 Zimmerwald ZIMA DOPPLER Mark (DOP80) on top of an aluminium tube on the roof of the observatory. Removed Oct 1998. Replaced by GPS98. 14001M003 Zimmerwald Steel tube on the roof of the observatory (GPS87) 14001M004 Zimmerwald ZIMM GPS Marker on top of a 9m mast (L+T88) 14001M005 Zimmerwald ZIMZ Steel tube on the roof of the obervatory (GPS97) 14001M006 Zimmerwald ZIMJ Eccentric mount on steel tube (GPS87) on the roof of the observatory (GPS87E) 14001M007 Zimmerwald Steel tube on the roof of the observatory (GPS98). Installed Oct 1998. Replaces DOP80. 14001M008 Zimmerwald ZIM2 GNSS marker on top of a 9m mast (CH07) 14001M008 Zimmerwald ZIM3 GNSS marker on top of a 9m mast (CH07) 14001S001 Zimmerwald 7810 Fixed Laser / intersection of axes 14001S007 Zimmerwald 7810 New Laser Telescope (ZIMLAT) /intersection of axis 14005M001 MONTE GENEROSO Mark (CH 65) 14005M002 MONTE GENEROSO 7590 SLR Mark 14006M002 CHRISCHONA CH01 1047.700, Concrete block with screw bolt 14007M002 LA DOLE CH03 La Grivine / 1260.800 14009M001 BOURG_SAINT PIERRE CH02 1345.700 14010M001 OBERALP CH04 1232.200 14011M001 SIBLINGEN CH05 1031.366 14012M001 STABIO CH06 1373.425, Bolt in rock 14013M001 ZERNEZ CH07 1218.400 14014M001 Wabern WAB1 GEODETIC MARKER ON ROOF 14014M002 Wabern WAB2 Geodetic mark on roof 14102M001 BAUTZEN BAUT Survey Marker Bolt on top of a pillar , anchored to the bedrock 14106M001 Potsdam Pillar tour Helmert 14106M003 Potsdam POTS Geodetic pillar N-E - building A17 14106M004 Potsdam POTM Top and center of a brass nail on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a roof 14106S001 Potsdam 1181 SLR IAR 14106S009 Potsdam 7836 POTLAS / intersection of axes 14106S011 Potsdam 7841 SRP of SLR telescope 14108M001 DRESDEN DRES GPS Geodetic Marker/roof-platform/Tech. Univ. 14108M002 DRESDEN DREJ Survey Marker on Mast-Platform / Roof / Geodetic Institute / Tech. Univ. 14111S001 Neustrelitz NZ01 GNSS antenna reference point (TOPCON G3-A1, S/N 403-0106) 14114M001 Lindenberg LDBG METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY ; STEEL MAST FASTENED ON THE ROOF ; TOP AND CENTRE OF SURVEY BOLT 14114M002 Lindenberg LDB2 Meteorological Observatory building - Survey marker bolt on a steel mast filled with concrete 14115M001 GORLEBEN GORL ROOF / STEEL MAST FASTENED ON CONCRETE FLOOR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A SURVEY BOLT 14115M002 GORLEBEN GOR2 Pivot on top of a steel pipe mounted on concrete foundation 14201M001 Wettzell Astro. Pillar 14201M002 Wettzell Trig. Point (D6843) 14201M003 Wettzell 7595 SLR and GPS mark 14201M004 Wettzell 7596 SLR mark 14201M005 Wettzell 7597 SLR mark 14201M006 Wettzell 7598 SLR and GPS (ROGUE) mark 14201M007 Wettzell 7599 SLR mark 14201M008 Wettzell Mark 1000 (bottom TI4100 12-NOV-90 - 27-JUL-89) 14201M009 Wettzell WETT GPS mark 1200/top of tower 14201M010 Wettzell WTZR Pillar 1202 - Forced centering device on steel plate, on top of a metallic pillar fixed on concrete survey tower 14201M011 Wettzell WTZT Pillar 1201 14201M012 Wettzell WTZG Pillar 1203 - Screw embedded on a steel plate, fixed on concrete survey tower 14201M012 Wettzell WTZJ Pillar 1203 - Screw embedded on a steel plate, fixed on concrete survey tower 14201M013 Wettzell WTZA Pillar 1204 14201M014 Wettzell WTZZ Pillar 1205 - Screw embedded on a steel plate, fixed on concrete survey tower 14201M015 Wettzell WTZ2 Wettzell station building / Top and centre of a bolt fixed on a steel mast 14201M015 Wettzell WTZS Wettzell station building / Top and centre of a bolt fixed on a steel mast 14201M016 Wettzell Marker under DORIS WEUC antenna. 14201M021 Wettzell WT21 Brass survey marker bolt on concrete survey pillar 21 14201M022 Wettzell WTZL Wettzell station main building / Top and centre of the 1206 marker on a steel plate fastened fastened on the concrete survey tower 14201M023 Wettzell Geodetical Observatory Wettzell main building - Top and center of a steel bolt on a steel plate fastened on a concrete survey tower 14201M024 Wettzell WRLG Survey Marker Bolt on a steel antenna mount, fastened on the top of the concrete pillar for WRLG. The pillar is on the hill above the Ringlaser Gyroscope west in the area of the Geodetical Observatory. 14201M200 Wettzell 7594 Marker at TIGO-platform for the TIGO-SLR-telescope. 14201S002 Wettzell 7834 SLR / IAR 14201S004 Wettzell 7224 VLBI Reference Point 14201S013 Wettzell TI4100/L1 12-NOV-87 - 27-JUL-89 14201S016 Wettzell MINI MAC/L1 23-MAY-89 - 14201S017 Wettzell ROGUE SNR-800/DM B/L1 20-DEC-90 14201S018 Wettzell 8834 SLR WLRS IAR 14201S019 Wettzell ROGUE SNR-800/DM B/L1 22-JUL-91- 14201S020 Wettzell ROGUE SNR-800/DM B/Bottom of the choke ring 22-JUL-91- 14201S021 Wettzell GPS ROGUE SNR 800 / TOP OF THE CHOKE RING 14201S042 Wettzell WETB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 14201S043 Wettzell 7387 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna 14201S044 Wettzell 7388 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna 14201S045 Wettzell 7827 Intersection of rotation axes of the telescope (SLR System Reference Point) 14201S046 Wettzell WEUC DORIS antenna reference point / red ring centre. 14201S100 Wettzell 7593 Intersection of the axis of the TIGO-VLBI radiotelescope. 14202M002 HOHENBUNSTORF 7600 Mobile VLBI mark 1989 14202M003 HOHENBUNSTORF HOBU Marker on GPS Pillar 14208M001 Oberpfaffenhofen OBER STEEL PILLAR/ROOF/DLR/D-PAF BUILDING 14208M002 Oberpfaffenhofen DLRA Universal antenna mount/centre of top plate 14208M003 Oberpfaffenhofen OBE2 STEEL PILLAR/ROOF/DLR/D-PAF BUILDING 14208M004 Oberpfaffenhofen OBET Center of the nail G01 in the parapet on the roof of the building #102 of DLR-OP 14208M005 Oberpfaffenhofen OBE3 STEEL PILLAR/ROOF/DLR/D-PAF BUILDING - marker on the pillar. AOA benchmark ACT S/N 1121 AOAD/M_T 14208M006 Oberpfaffenhofen GOBE Top and center of a forced centering steel mast, bolted to a roof 14208M007 Oberpfaffenhofen OBE4 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 3.88 m high steel structure, anchored on a roof. 14208M008 Oberpfaffenhofen S91A Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M008 Oberpfaffenhofen S91G Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M008 Oberpfaffenhofen S91M Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M009 Oberpfaffenhofen S911 Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M009 Oberpfaffenhofen S91M Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M009 Oberpfaffenhofen S91P Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M009 Oberpfaffenhofen S91V Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M011 Oberpfaffenhofen S91B Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M011 Oberpfaffenhofen S91H Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14208M011 Oberpfaffenhofen S91N Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 14209M001 EFFELSBERG Control network mark 14209M002 EFFELSBERG EFBG Bolt on the antenna mast, screw anchored to the roof and the wall of the building across the radiotelescope 14209S001 EFFELSBERG 7203 100m radiotelescope ref. pt. 14213M002 HOHENPEISSENBERG 7630 Mobile VLBI mark 1992 14214M002 KLOPPENHEIM KLOP Pillar with bolt 14216M001 KARLSRUHE KARL PLATE & BOLT/SURVEY TOWER/TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY 14234M001 BRAUNSCHWEIG PTBB Marker on roof-platform 14234M002 BRAUNSCHWEIG GPTB Top and axis of a metallic tube 14258M002 EUSKIRCHEN DE04 MARK EUREF D93 / Pillar with lightkeepers bolt and forced centring device 14258M003 EUSKIRCHEN EUSK GPS Geodetic Marker/roof-platform/Mainbuilding 14260M001 KARLSBURG 7632 Mobile VLBI mark 1992 14261M001 KIRSCHBERG 7631 Mobile VLBI mark 1992 14262M001 NEUBIBERG BLVA Concrete pillar on roof top of BLVA building/DREF No. 64 14263M001 NEUSTRELITZ NTZ1 Pillar North-East on building 202 14263M002 NEUSTRELITZ NTZ3 Pillar South-West on building 202 14264M001 HELGOLAND ISLAND HELG Survey mast-platform with marker 14264M001 HELGOLAND ISLAND HELJ Survey mast-platform with marker 14264M002 HELGOLAND ISLAND HEL2 Concrete pillar / Top and centre of a survey marker bolt 14265M001 DAUN DAUN Marker on roof-platform 14266M001 ERLANGEN ERLA Marker on roof-platform 14267M001 LEIPZIG LEIJ Steel survey marker bolt on top of a steel pillar, fixed on the BKG roof building 14267M001 LEIPZIG LEIP Steel survey marker bolt on top of a steel pillar, fixed on the BKG roof building 14268M001 Borkum BORK Rivet thread on a circular tube of steel 14268M002 Borkum BORJ Survey marker bolt on top of a bunker 14268M003 Borkum TGBF Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 14269M001 FLECHTING DE01 TP3633006100 = NivP 3633901510, bolt on top of granite pillar 14270M001 BRONNZELL DE02 00426, Granite pillar 14271M001 Cuxhaven DE03 2118-9-9000, Concrete pillar with centring plate 14271M002 Cuxhaven TGCU Top and axis of a screw on top of a metallic plate, fixed on a metallic mast 14272M001 HONAU DE05 752105408, Granite pillar with bolt 14273M001 NIEDERWEILER DE06 6009001310, TP-pillar with brass bolt over TP-plate 14274M001 Meerane DE07 51401599, Granite Niv-pillar with lightkeepers bolt on top 14275M001 SCHERNFELD DE08 TP-plate with centric ceramic marker, marked 0.7 m deep 14276M001 WALLENHORST DE09 3614/551, Granite plate with brass bolt 14277M001 WARNEMUENDE DE10 Steel plate with screw bolt on jamb wall of the roof 14277M002 WARNEMUENDE WARN Marker on a steel mast 14278M001 TITZ-JACKERATH TITZ Marker on a Steel tripod fixed on a concrete-platform 14278M002 TITZ-JACKERATH TIT2 Top of a marker on a concrete pillar, anchored on the ground 14279M001 FRANKFURT FFMJ Survey Marker on Mast-Platform / Roof / BKG 14280M001 HUEGELHEIM HUEG Survey Marker on Mast-Platform / Roof / Gas compressor station 14281M001 Sassnitz SASS Marker on a steel tripod, fastened on the platform on the top of the tower in the harbour of Sassnitz 14281M002 Sassnitz SAS2 Survey Marker Bolt. Rivet thread on a hexagon tube of steel, 9m length, placed on the ground of the docks at the city port in Sassnitz, Island of Ruegen. 14282M001 MUENCHEN MUEJ MUNICH TECNICAL UNIVERSITY / BUILDING ROOF / MARKER ON PILLAR 14283M001 Moxa MOXA Geodynamic Observatory / Marker on a steel mast 14283M002 Moxa MOX2 Power supply and transformer building - top and centre of a marker on a steel pillar fastened on the roof 14284M001 Hoernum - Sylt island HOER GRUNDSCHULE BUILDING ROOF / STEEL MAST FASTENED ON A WALL / TOP AND CENTRE OF A MARKER 14284M002 Hoernum - Sylt island HOE2 SURVEY MARKER BOLT ON A STEEL MAST 14285M001 KIEL-HOLTENAU HOLT TONNENHOF / ADMINISTRATION BUILDING / STEEL MAST FASTENED ON THE WALL / TOP AND CENTRE OF A MARKER BOLT 14285M002 KIEL-HOLTENAU HOL2 Wasser und Schifffahrtsamt - Survey marker bolt on a concrete pillar 14286M001 Dillingen - Saarland DILL Survey marker bolt on a pillar 14287M001 Diepholz - Niedersachsen DIEP Survey marker bolt on a pillar 14288M001 Bad Homburg BADH Marker on a steel mast, fastened on a wall on the roof of the castle 14289M001 Hof HOFJ Meteorological station - Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 14290M001 Knock TGKN Top and axis of a screw fixed on top of a metallic fence 14291M001 Dwarsgat FLDW Top and axis of a screw fixed on top of an antenna mount plate 14292M001 Alte Weser LHAW Top and axis of a screw fixed on top of a metallic plate, fixed on a metallic mast 14293M001 Dagebuell TGDA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 14294M001 Buesum TGBU Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 14295M001 Tide Gauge Emden TGEM Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 14296M001 Tide Gauge Dukegat TGDU Forced centering fixed on top of a metallic fence 14296M002 Tide Gauge Dukegat TGD2 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 14297M001 Tide Gauge Mellumplate TGME Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 14302M001 NICOSIA-ATHALASSA NICO BOLT ON PILLAR 14303M001 LARNAKA CY01 Metal pipe filled with concrete and bolted on concrete foundation 14401M001 Balzan FG35 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 14402M001 St. Francis Ravelin SFRP Top and center of a circular brass bolt marker flush with wall at rooftop level 14403M001 Birzebbuga MALT Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod 14501M001 Ljubljana GSR1 1.5 m high 6x6 cm stainless steel pillar / roof of a building at Litijska cesta 45 14501M001 Ljubljana ZZZM 1.5 m high 6x6 cm stainless steel pillar / roof of a building at Litijska cesta 45 14502M001 Koper KOPE Top of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar, fixed on a building roof 14503M001 Areh - Sv. Areh Church, Frajha ARA1 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14503M002 Areh - Sv. Areh Church, Frajha ARA2 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14504M001 Korada - Sv. Genderca Church, KDA1 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14504M002 Korada - Sv. Genderca Church, KDA2 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14505M001 Kog - Laeaves KGA1 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14506M001 Prilozje - Airfield Prilozje, PZA1 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14506M002 Prilozje - Airfield Prilozje, PZA2 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14507M001 Sentvid pri Stieni STA1 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14507M002 Sentvid pri Stieni STA2 Bottom of forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m heigh concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 14508M001 Bodonci - post office BODO Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14509M001 Bovec - police station BOVC Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14510M001 Brezice - surveying and mappi BRZC Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14511M001 Celje - fire station Babno CELJ Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14512M001 Ernomelj - fire station CRNM Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14513M001 Idrija - town centre IDRI Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14514M001 Ilirska Bistrica - retirement ILIB Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14515M001 Lendava - bilingual highschool LEND Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14516M001 Maribor - surveying and mappin MRBR Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14517M001 Nova Gorica - meteorological s NOVG Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14518M001 Ptuj - electricity distributio PTUJ Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14519M001 Radovljica - municipality buil RDVL Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14520M001 Slovenj Gradec - surveying and SLOG Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 14521M001 Trebnje - public utility compa TRBN Bottom of forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast 15001M001 Santolaya de Cabranes CBRN Concrete pillar on the roof of the Town Hall 15101M001 Chisinau IGEO Brass reference marker, rotating adapter with 5/8x11 threaded bolt, on a concrete pillar 15501M001 Chernihiv CNIV Main Astronomical Observatory NASU - Top of the steel mast on the roof 15501M002 Chernihiv CHRS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel structure fixed on the roof of a 6 storeys height building 15502M001 Pryluky PRYL center of round table / steel pillar. 15503M001 Smila SMLA Top and axis of forced centering geodetic table mounted on top of a steel pillar 15504M001 Kharkov National University of SURE Forced centering device on top of a steel pillar fixed on a concrete roof 15505M001 Korop KORP Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a wall 15506M001 Kyiv-Darnytsia KVDA Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building concrete roof 15507M001 Malyn MALN Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed on the concrete roof of a car repair station building 15508M001 Nizhyn NIZH Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed on an industrial building concrete roof 15508M001 Nizhyn NIZN Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed on an industrial building concrete roof 15509M001 Skvyra SKVR Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 15510M001 Slavutych SLVC Reference point of a forced centering steel pole on top of a steel mast, fixed on the concrete roof of a building 15511M001 Berezivka BERZ Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on the roof of a four storey residential building. 15512M001 Magdalynivka MAGD Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a pipe, on the roof of a four-storey residential building. 15513M001 Nikopol NKPL Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a pipe, on the roof of a four-storey artistic production workshop. 15514M001 Velyka Myhailivka VELM Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on the roof of a five-storey residential building. 15515M001 Kaniv SHEV Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on the roof of a four-storey malt processing workshop. 15516M001 Shabo SHAB Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, situated on the roof of a three-storey office building. 15517M001 Zlatoustivka ZLST Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, situated on the roof of a two-storey agriculture building. 15518M001 Vatutino VATU Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed at a wall on the roof of a two-storey industrial building. 15519M001 Uman UMAN Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed at a wall on the roof of a two-storey warehouse. 15520M001 Tulchin TULC Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed at a wall on the roof of a three-storey administrative building. 15521M001 Huliaipole GPLE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed against a wall of a three-storey administrative building. 15522M001 Pavlogtad PAVL Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed against the gable wall of a two-storey warehouse. 15523M001 Bashtanka BASH Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a two-storey warehouse. 15524M001 Beryslav BERY Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a one-storey warehouse. 15525M001 Nyjni Sirohozy NSRG Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a one-storey administrative building. 15526M001 Ochakiv OCHA Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a two-storey administrative building. 15527M001 Prymorsk PRMR Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a one-storey workshop. 15528M001 Melitopol MLTP Point situated on a steel mast mounted to the side of a two-storey inhabited building. 15529M001 Pervomaysk PERV Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed against the gable wall of a two-storey administrative building. 15530M001 Bobrynec BOBR Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on the roof of a three-storey industrial building. 15531M001 Schors SNOV Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed against the gable wall of a two-storey inhabited building. 15532M001 Globyne GLBN Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on the roof of a three-storey office building. 15533M001 Khotyn KHOT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15534M001 Chernivtsi CHNT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a three storey building 15535M001 Vyzhnitsa VYZH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a one storey building 15535M002 Vyzhnitsa VYZN Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15536M001 Buchach BUCH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a one storey building 15537M001 Yaremche YARM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a one storey building 15538M001 Ivano-Frankivsk FRKV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a four storey building 15539M001 Gusiatyn GUSI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15540M001 Bilogirria BLGR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15541M001 Ternopil TERP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a three storey building 15542M001 Rivne RIVN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15543M001 Lutsk LUTS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15544M001 Kovel KOVL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a two storey building 15545M001 Kamin-Kashirskiy KKSH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a one storey building 15546M001 Kuznecovsk VRSH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall of a four storey building 15547M001 Amvrosiivka AMVR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15548M001 Armiansk ARMK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15549M001 Artsyz ARTS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof with self made tribrach and adapter. 15550M001 Balta BALT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15551M001 Dokuchaievsk DOKU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof with self made tribrach and adapter. 15552M001 Pokrovsk GRSH Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15553M001 Kropyvnytsky INGU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof with self made tribrach and adapter. 15554M001 Liman LMAN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof with self made tribrach and adapter. 15554M002 Liman LYMN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, fixed to the wall of a 1 storey building 15555M001 Liubar LUBR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 4 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15556M001 Mariupol MARP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concreted steel pillar on the roof with self made adapter. 15557M001 Novograd-Volynsky NVOL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 4 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15558M001 Rozivka ROZV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15559M001 Stepnogirsk SGOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 4 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15560M001 Starobilsk STBL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15560M002 Starobilsk STRB Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on a wall of a superstructure on a roof of 4 storeys height building 15561M001 Troitske TROI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15562M001 Yagotyn YAGO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15563M001 Dovzhansk DVZH Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15564M001 Kirovske / Aslamm Terek ITRK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15565M001 Krasnogvardiyske / Qurman QURM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15566M001 Simferopol SMPL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15567M001 Bar BAR9 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 4 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15567M002 Bar BRRS Ref point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 4 storeys height building 15568M001 Dolyna DLNA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a chimney of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15569M001 Genichesk GNCH Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15570M001 Kalynivka KALN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15571M001 Konotop KTOP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15572M001 Koziatyn KZTN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15572M002 Koziatyn KZTY Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15573M001 Okhtyrka OKH0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15573M002 Okhtyrka OKHT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15574M001 Skadovsk SKDV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15575M001 Stanytsia Luganska SLUG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15576M001 Sumy SUMY Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15577M001 Svitlodarsk SVDR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15578M001 Verkniodniprovsk VRDP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15579M001 Zhytomyr ZHTM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15580M001 Kamianets-Podilsky KAMC Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15581M001 Kherson KHRN Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15582M001 Kiliya KLIA Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15583M001 Novgorod-Siversky NVDS Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15584M001 Novograd-Volynsky - Barvynivka NVVL Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15585M001 Odessa ODSA Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15586M001 Romny ROMN Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15587M001 Dymer DYMR Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of the building with self made tribrach and adapter 15588M001 Kozelets KOZL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building with self made tribrach and adapter. 15589M001 Yuzhne - Voronivka PVNE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a geodetic pole fixed on the roof of a 6 storeys height building. 15590M001 Zaporizhzhia ZPRZ Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building 15591M001 Velyki Sorochyntsi VSOR Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the side of a 2 storeys height building 15592M001 Grebinka GRBN Top of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building 15593M001 Bekhtery BTRY Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building. 15594M001 Golovkove GLVK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the wall of a building with self made tribrach and adapter 15595M001 Gorodok GDRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the wall of a superstructure on a roof of a building with a bolt. 15596M001 Yavoriv - IPSC JVRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a building with a bolt. 15597M001 Kropyvnytsky - Ukrgeoinform KRRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 3 storeys height building with a bolt. 15598M001 Lubny LBRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount steel pillar fixed on the wall of building with a bolt. 15599M001 Mukachevo-12 MKRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a steel pillar fixed on the roof of building with a bolt. 15601M001 Ohrid ORID Marker on top of a concrete pillar 15602M001 Prilep PRIL Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15603M001 Skopje SKOP Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15604M001 Tetovo TETO Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15605M001 Valandovo VLDV Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15606M001 Veles VELE Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15607M001 Vinica VINI Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15608M001 Berovo BERO Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15609M001 Bitola BITO Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15610M001 Debar DEBA Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15611M001 Kicevo KICE Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15612M001 Kriva Palanka KRPA Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15613M001 Kumanovo KMNV Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15614M001 Negotino NGTN Top of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 15615M001 Stip STIP Point is installed on the roof of the local cadastre office in Stip on the steel mast. Reference point of a self centring antenna mount (bottom of antenna mount). 15801M001 Sumy 2 SSUM Reference point of a self-centring antenna mount 15802M001 Cherkassy CHKS Reference point of a self-centring antenna mount 15803M001 Pryshyb PRSB Reference point of a self-centring antenna mount 17001M001 El Mazo EMAZ Instrument reference point of GNSS Euskadi network permanent observing system. The monument is on top of a concrete block at a Telecomunications Installation. 17002M001 Ronda I RON1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast located on a three story building. 17003M001 Sevilla - Cartuja SEV1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored on the roof of a two storeyed building. 17003M002 Sevilla - Cartuja SEV2 Reinforced concrete block on the terrace of the Mechanic Engineering University facilities. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete block. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 17004M001 Puerto de Huelva HUE1 Brass plate located in a metallic structure of the tide gauge. The reference point is located in a brass plate. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The reference point is the center of the screw. 17005M001 Tarrega TARR Reinforced concrete block on the roof of the Road's Conservation Center of Tarrega. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete block. The reference point is the center of the screw. 17006M001 El Carpio CRPO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast. 17007M001 Villamanan VNAN Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast. 17008M001 Huesca OSCA Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on a roof 17009M001 Fuente De (Cantabria) FUDE Reinforced concrete block on the roof of the Cableway building of Fuente De. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete block. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 17010M001 Bejar BEJR Top and base of a screw fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on "La Cerrallana" sports facilities 17011M001 Fuentes de Onoro ONOR Center of a forced centering screw fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar, embedded on the roof of the Transport Center facilities 17012M001 Alto do Rodicio RODI Axis and bas eof a screw fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar embeded on the ground 17013M001 la Vila Joiosa, Alicante VJOI Forced centering device of the brass plate anchored on 0.6m height concrete pillar 17014M001 Islas Columbretes ICOL Base and center of a 5/8" screw embedded in a metallic disc on top of a reinforced concrete pillar, fixed on the terrace of a building 17015M001 San Pablo de los Montes SPAB Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch screw embeded in a SECO antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the bedrock 17016M001 Talavera de la Reina TALV Reference point of a SECO piece embebed with a 5/8" screw in the center of a reinforced concrete pillar on the ground. 17017M001 Almazan ALMZ Base and axis of a 5/8" screw embedded in the center of a SECO adaptor on top of a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored on the ground 17018M001 Torrejon de Ardoz TOR1 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building 17019M001 Villahermosa VILH Reference point of a forced centering SECO piece embebed in a concrete pillar 18000M001 Stolnici STOL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18001M001 Brasov TGBV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 0.2 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a 9 storey height building 18002M001 Campina TGGC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 2.2 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a building 18003M001 Botosani TGRT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 2.0 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a 4 storey height building 18004M001 Moinesti TGTS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.0 m height stainless steel mast fixed on top of a 4 storey height building 18005M001 Agigea AGIG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18006M001 Babadag BABA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18007M001 Chilia Veche CHIE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18008M001 Chituc CHIT Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18009M001 Dunavat DUNA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18010M001 Gura Portitei GPOR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18011M001 Midia MIDI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18012M001 Perisor PERI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18013M001 Sfantu Gheorghe SGHE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18014M001 Tuzla TUZL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18016M001 Barlad BRLD pillar monument and have a concrete foundation 18017M001 Ramnicu Sarat RMSR GPS ARP 18018M001 Tecuci TECC GPS ARP 18019M001 Adamclisi ADCS GPS ARP 18101M001 Vinnytsia - SSPE Poshuk VNRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 9 storeys height building with a bolt. 18102M001 Zaporizhzhia - Zaporizhdiprovo ZPRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pipe fixed on the roof of a 5 storeys height building with a bolt. 18103M001 Chornomorsk CMOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 10 storeys height building 18104M001 Tetiiv TETI Top of a forced centering antenna mount non top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the wall of a 3 storeys height building 18105M001 Kremenchuk KREM Top of a forced centering antenna mount non top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on the wall of a 9 storeys height building 18106M001 Khmilnyk HLRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the wall of a 2 storeys height building 18107M001 Khmelnytsky HMRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the wall of a superstructure on a building roof 18107M002 Khmelnytsky HMTS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 18108M001 Sarny SRNY Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 2 storeys building 18109M001 Myronivka MRNK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, fixed to the wall of a 3 storeys height building 18110M001 Slobidka-Okhrimovetska VINK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, fixed to the wall of a 1 storey building 18111M001 Balaklia BLKL Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on a wall of a superstructure on a roof of 5 storeys height building 18112M001 Krasnograd KSNG Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on a wall of a superstructure on a building roof 18113M001 Kupiansk KUPA Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar fixed on a wall of a superstructure on a roof of 1 storey building 18114M001 Donetsk DNCK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 15 storeys height building 18115M001 Izmail IZR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 9 storeys height building 18115M002 Izmail IZRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 9 storeys height building 18116M001 Kharkiv - RIRM KHR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 8 storeys height building 18118M001 Kharkiv - SSPE Kommunar Corpor KHRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 15 storeys height building 18119M001 Sebastopol - Geodetic centre SVR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the wall of a 2 storeys height building 18120M001 Starokostiantyniv STRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel pillar fixed on the roof of a 2 storeys building 18121M001 Sudak - Bugaz SUDA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar fixed on the roof of a 2 storeys height building 18122M001 Yalta YARS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on the roof of a building 18123M001 Sebastopol - Cape Chersonesos SVRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on the roof of a building 18124M001 Lugansk LGRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on the wall of the superstructure of a roof building 18125M001 Feodosia - Prymorsky FDRS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on the roof of a 4 storeys building 18301M001 Saint-Gaudens STGS Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a roof edge 18302M001 L'Isle-sur-le-Doubs ISLD Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete block on a building roof 18303M001 Crevoux CREF Bottom of antenna mount 18304M001 Chamrousse-les-cetes CHA2 Bottom of antenna mount 18305M001 Brive-La-Gaillarde BRIV bottom of antenna mount 18306M001 Lezignan Corbieres LEZI Bottom of antenna mount 18307M001 Port-Tudy (Groix) ILDG top of antenna mount 18308M001 Beugnatre BEUG Bottom of antenna mount 18309M001 Saint-Denis de Palin SDDP Bottom of antenna mount 18310M001 SBG SYSTEMS SBGS bottom of antenna mout 18311M001 Pradines PRAD Bottom of antenna mount 18312M001 Gap (ZI Chateauvieux) GAPC Bottom of antenna mount 18401M001 Ariano BIOG Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a steel rod on a roof 18402M001 Andria CADM Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete wall 18403M001 Castiglion CAFI Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18404M001 Caggiano CAGG Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18405M002 Carolei CARO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18407M001 Colobraro COLR Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18408M001 Corleone CORL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18409M001 Panarea CPAN Top of center support screw on 3-D/b INGV adaptor model, fixed on a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18410M001 Castelluccio CTEL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18411M001 Gagliano GALF Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18413M001 Municipio IPRO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18414M001 Kithira KTHA Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18415M001 Lisca LI3D Top and center of a steel mounting 3-D/a INGV model, fixed on a metallic tube, anchored to bedrock 18416M001 Longano LNGN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18417M001 Montemonaco MONA Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18418M001 Palizzi MPAZ Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18419M001 Montemarano MTMR Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18420M001 Motta MTTG Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18421M001 Monte MTTO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18422M001 MVAL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 18423M001 Noci NOCI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18424M001 Pietralunga PIET Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18425M001 Pignataro PIGN Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18426M001 Pietrapaola PIPA Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18427M001 Placanica PLAC Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18428M001 Pietramontecorvino PMCO Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a stainless teel rod, anchored on a concrete building roof wall 18429M001 Posta POFI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18431M001 Pesco PSB1 Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18432M001 Pietrapertosa PTRJ Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18433M001 Pietrapertosa PTRP Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18434M001 Raffo RAFF Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18435M001 Rocca RDPI Top and center of a steel mounting 3-D/b INGV model adaptor, fixed on a steel rod, anchored to a concrete wall on a building roof 18436M001 Resuttano RESU Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18437M001 Monte RMPO Top and center of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18438M001 Rionero RNI2 Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18439M001 Roio ROPI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18440M001 Rovere ROVR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18441M001 Santa SACR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18442M001 San SACS Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18443M001 Salo SALO Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18446M001 San SGRE Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18447M001 SGRT Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18448M001 Sant'Agata SGTA Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18449M001 Monte SIRI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18450M001 Sant'Angelo SNAL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18451M001 Sortino SSYX Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18452M001 Stamfani STRF Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18453M001 Miglionico SVTO Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 18454M001 Zona industriale de Tito TITO Top and center of steel plate, fixed on a concrete wall on a building roof 18457M001 Umbertide UMBE Top and center of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete wall of a building roof 18459M001 Vitulano VITU Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18460M001 Villa San Giovanni VLSG Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod on a building roof 18461M001 Melfi VULT Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18462M001 Villavallelonga VVLO Top and center of a stainless steel tube, anchored to bedrock 18463M001 San Lorenzo Bellizzi SALB Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18464M001 Albano ALPA Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a stainless steel rod anchored to a concrete wall 18465M001 Carmignano CRMI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a stainless steel rod on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18466M001 Lariano LARN Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a stainless steel rod anchored to a concrete wall 18467M001 Nemi NEMI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on tiop of a stainless steel rod anchored to a concrete wall 18468M001 Paolisi PAOL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18469M001 Ussita USSI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 18470M001 Reno Superiore RSPX Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18471M001 Catenanuova ECNV Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18472M001 Augusta HAGA Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a metallic tribrach anchored to the bedrock 18473M001 Avola HAVL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a metallic tribrach anchored to the bedrock 18474M001 Carlentini HCRL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18475M001 Lentini HLNI Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18476M001 Pachino HPAC Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18477M001 Vizzini HVZN Top and center of a 5/8 inch iron screw on top of a stainless steel pillar anchored to the bedrock 18478M001 Alicudi IACL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar anchored to the bedrock 18479M001 Filicudi IFIL Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar anchored to the bedrock 18480M001 Licola LICO Top and axis of a stainless steel 3D mount 18481M001 Lipari LOSV Top and center of a 5/8 inch iron screw fixed on a pillar 18482M001 Castroreale MCSR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 18484M001 Roccafiorita MMME Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 18485M001 Novara MNOV Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 18486M001 San Pier Niceto MPNC Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 18487M001 Ucria MUCR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 18488M001 Zinedi PZIN Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a stainless steel pillar 18489M001 Vulcano VCSP Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a stainless steel pillar 18490M001 Isnello GALH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach anchored into bedrock 18491M001 Lucera LCRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach anchored into bedrock 18492M001 Savelli SVLL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach anchored into bedrock 18493M001 Cavaso del Tomba MT10 Top and axis of a steel rod anchored to the concrete wall 18494M001 Lago del Cuga, Uri, Sassari CUGA Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18495M001 Villagrande Strisaili, Nuoro NORO Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18496M001 Lignan, Aosta LIGN Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tribrach, anchored to the ground 18497M001 Pranusanguni San Basilio SART Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel tribrach, anchored in the bedrock 18501M001 Acerenza ACER Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18502M001 Albidona ALB0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18503M001 Alife ALIF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18504M001 Serre di Burano ATBU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18505M001 Montelovesco ATLO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18506M001 Perugia I ATTE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18507M001 Aulla AULL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18508M001 Calitri AV04 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18508M001 Calitri AVE4 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18509M001 San Bartolomeo in Galdo BAR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18510M001 Barisciano BAR5 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18510M001 Barisciano BARS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18511M001 Bagno di Romagna BGDR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18512M001 Bobbio BOBB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18513M001 Bardi BRDI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18514M001 Brisighella BRI1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18515M001 Camerota BUL0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18515M001 Camerota BULG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18516M001 Carife CAFE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18517M001 Camerino I CAM3 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18518M001 San Panfilo d Ocre CAOC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18519M001 Castiglione della Pescaia CASG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18519M001 Castiglione della Pescaia CASP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18520M001 San Marco CASM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18521M001 Celico CELI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18522M001 Filignano CERA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18523M001 Cerreto Laziale CERT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18524M001 Cesi CESI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18525M001 Chiari CHRI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18526M001 Sant Elia a Pianisi CIGN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18527M001 Velturno-Feldthurns FLDT Top of a forced centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete building 18528M001 Campai CIAM Top of a forced centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete building 18529M001 Campora CMPR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18530M001 Collecchio COL1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18531M001 Collebrincioni CONI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18532M001 Corigliano Calabro COR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18533M001 Craco CRAC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18534M001 Colle Sassi Bianchi CSSB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18535M001 Desenzano del Garda DESE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18536M001 Bivio Cioffi EBOL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18537M001 Gambatesa GATE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18538M001 Gibilmanna GBLM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18539M001 Crognaleto GNAL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18540M001 Grizzana Morandi GRZM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18541M001 Guarcino GUAR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18542M001 Guastalla GUAS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18543M001 Gualdo di Macerata GUMA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18544M001 Joppolo JOPP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18545M001 Legnaro LERO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18546M001 Leonessa LNSS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18547M001 Lama dei Peligni LPEL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18548M001 Aliano MAL3 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18549M001 Tramutola MCEL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18550M001 Melissa MEL1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18551M001 Montefusco MFUS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18552M001 Melanico MELA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18553M001 Calabritto MCRV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18554M001 Monte Lago MLAG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18555M001 Monte Gabbione MGAB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18556M001 Malga Garda MGRD Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18557M001 Mormanno MMNO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18558M001 Bernalda MME0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18559M001 Montesano sulla Marcellana MTSN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a steel rod anchored to the bedrock 18560M001 Mondragone MODR Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a steel rod anchored to the bedrock 18561M001 Monterenzio MTRZ Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a steel rod anchored to the bedrock 18562M001 Monte San Angelo MSAG Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a steel rod, anchored to the bedrock 18563M001 Minervino Murge MRVN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a steel rod, anchored to the bedrock 18564M001 Santandra MT01 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel rod anchored to a roof 18565M001 Santandra MT06 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of steel anchored to a concrete building roof 18566M001 Acquapendente ACQA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18567M001 Amatrice AMAT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18567M002 Amatrice AMAP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18568M001 Ardea ARDE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18569M001 Fiumicino FIUM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18570M001 Montalto di Castro MOCT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18571M001 Ponza PONZ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18572M001 Rignano Flaminio RIFL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18573M001 Rumiod RUMI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18574M001 Torre di Nus TNUS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18575M001 Verres VERR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18576M001 Viterbo VIRB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18577M001 Vicovaro VIVA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18578M001 Valmontone VLMN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18579M001 Ventotene VTEN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18580M001 Napoli Poggioreale NAP0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18581M001 San Nicola la Strada NIC0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18582M001 Olbia OLB2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18583M001 Pannarano PANN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18584M001 Reggio Emilia San Paolo Tribun REGG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18585M001 Rivello RVLO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18586M001 Sala Consilina SAL0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18587M001 Salerno SAPR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18588M001 Borgo Val di Taro TARO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18589M001 Trebisacce TBCC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18590M001 Trebisacce TRE0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18591M001 Tortona TRTN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18592M001 Vergato VER0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18593M001 Pisa Migliarino PIS1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18594M001 Antikithira ANKY Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18595M001 Apricena APRC Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18596M001 Acquaformosa AQSA Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18597M001 Arquata ARQT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18598M001 Monte ATFO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 18599M001 Monte ATMI Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 18601M001 Aubiet AUBT Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a roof edge 18602M001 Serres-et-Montguyard SRMG Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a rooftop 18603M001 Nivolas-Vermelle NIVO Top and axis of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 18604M001 Varois et Chaignot VRCT Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 18605M001 Roanne RNNE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 18606M001 Remuzat RMZT Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 18607M001 Arc-les-Gray ALGY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 18608M001 Lux DROU Top and center of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18609M001 Bourganeuf BRG9 Top and axis of a stainless steel mast, fixed to the edge of a roof 18610M001 Quinson QNSN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a water tower roof 18611M001 Sannat SNNT Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 18612M001 Monteils MTLS Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 18613M001 Sisteron SIST Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 18614M001 Apt APT1 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 18615M001 CEPI Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 18616M001 Trignac TRIG Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18617M001 Uzerche UZER Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18618M001 Laignes LAIG Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18619M001 Brantome BRTM Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18620M001 Semur en Auxois SEMU Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a building structure 18621M001 Le Sambuc LESA Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 18622M001 Lurcy-Levis LULI Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of an inox mast 18623M001 Vouziers VOUZ Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of an inox mast 18624M001 Rupt RUPT Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of an inox mast 18625M001 Solaure en Diois SOLR Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of an inox mast 18626M001 Prayssac PRAC Stainless steel triangular plate on top of a stainless steel pole. 18627M001 Jou Sous Monjou JOUS Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18628M001 La Ciotat IXLT Top of a stainless steel tube fixed on a concrete wall 18629M001 Saint-Jean-d Angely SJDA INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF AN INOX MAST. 18630M001 Paule KEGA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic pole fixed on a roof. 18631M001 Crest CRTS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic pole fixed on a roof. 18632M001 Unieux UNIX Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic pole fixed on a roof. 18633M001 Flers FLER Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a roof. 18634M001 Carhaix-Plouguer CRHX Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic pole fixed on a roof. 18635M001 Mazayes Grand-Chambois MAGC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18636M001 Saint-Affrique SAFQ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18637M001 Fort de Saint Ours - Val d Oro SURF Bottom of antenna mount on top of a 1.75m height plain stainless steel tripod anchored in concrete block. 18638M001 Cancon - CRA Aquitaine CANC Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18638M002 Cancon - CRA Aquitaine C2CN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18639M001 La Bastide Saint Pierre - Frej LABA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18640M001 Gajan - CRA Avignon GAJN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18641M001 Nattages NATT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 2m height steel mast anchored in bedrock. 18642M001 Fillols FILF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 0.6 m height steel mast anchored in bedrock. 18643M001 Refuge d Argentiere ARGR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1m height steel mast anchored in bedrock. 18644M001 Thal-Drulingen DRUL Forced centering device on top of steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18645M001 La Crau CRAU Forced centering device on top of steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18646M001 La Ferte-Gaucher FEGA Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed against a concrete wall. 18647M001 Bois-Guillaume BOGU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel triangular plateon top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall on a building roof 18648M001 Dagonville DAGO Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast. 18649M001 Chantonnay CHTA Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18650M001 Lalleyriat LALL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18651M001 Langey CT84 Top of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18652M001 Noirmoutier en l'ile NMTR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18653M001 Sainte Marie SAMR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18654M001 Vars LCVA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18655M001 Queyrac QUYC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18656M001 Saint Maurice Crillat SMCR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18657M001 Dommartin-les-cuiseaux DOCX Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18658M001 Parc Naturel Regional du Verc GERL Self-centered antenna mount on top of a 3 meter high stainless steel mast anchored in bedrock. 18659M001 Chateau Porcien CHPO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18660M001 Bauge - Le Sablon BAUG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18661M001 Plestan - Les Landres de Penth PLST Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18662M001 Pleumeur Gautier PLMG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18663M001 Plouigneau - Kerbriand PLGN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18664M001 Bourg-Blanc BGBC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18665M001 La Gonterie Boulouneix LGBO Top and axis of an inox triangular plate on top of an inox mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18666M001 Fougerolles FOUG Reference point of a self centring INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF AN INOX MAST fixed against a wall. 18667M001 Fraillicourt Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18668M001 Dombasle sur Meurthe DBMH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18669M001 Brumath BRMH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18670M001 Fragnes FRGN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 18671M001 Senetosa RG00 Top of a hemispheric brass marker fixed on an inox plate on top of a stainless steel pillar 18672M001 Argentiere la Bessee OGAG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, acnhored to the bedrock 18673M001 Les Rejeaudoux GRJF Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, acnhored to the bedrock 18674M001 Chamonix CHMX Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed on a building roof 18675M001 Blieux BLIX Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod, acnhored to the bedrock 18676M001 Avignonet AVR1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tripod, acnhored to the bedrock 18677M001 Caudry CAUD Top of a triangular steel plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18678M001 Herbignac HERB Top of a triangular steel plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18679M001 Montmorency-Beaufort MTBT Top and axis of a triangular steel plate fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 18680M001 Le Breil-sur-Merize BRMZ Top and axis of an inox triangular plate on top of an inox mast fixed to a concrete wall 18681M001 Cosse-le-Vivien COVI INOX TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF AN stainless steel MAST fixed against a wall. 18682M001 Toulon TLTG Marker on the roof of tghe tide gauge shelter. The marker is below the GNSS antenna on a mast 2 m in height. 18683M001 Oison OISO Stainless steel TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF a stainless steel MAST on a concrete wall. 18684M001 Charroux CHRX Reference point of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a mast fixed against a concrete wall. 18685M001 Chalandry-Elaire CHLD Stainless steel TRIANGULAR PLATE ON TOP OF AN stainless steel MAST,on a concrete wall. 18686M001 Puyoo PUYO Self centring stainless steel triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed against a concrete wall. 18687M001 Lavelanet-de-Comminges LACO Self centring stainless steel plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed against a concrete wall. 18688M001 Jonzac JONZ Self centring stainless steel plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed against a concrete wall. 18689M001 Pontivy PNTV Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast fixed to a roof 18690M001 Dol de Bretagne DOLB Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast fixed to a roof 18691M001 Saint-Germain-en-Laye (site ix IXSG Top and axis of an inox triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18692M001 Valognes VLGN Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18693M001 Periers PRRS Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18694M001 Poix Terron PXTN Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 18695M001 Nozay CTY1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18696M001 Hardricourt CTX7 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18697M001 Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc CTX6 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18698M001 La Celle-les-Bordes CTX5 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18699M001 Venon CTX4 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18699M001 Venon VEN2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 18699M002 Venon Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18701M001 Madonna Dell'acqua MAD0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18702M001 Villasimius VILS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18702M002 Villasimius VISI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18703M001 Busso BSSO Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18704M001 Ottati CDRU Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18705M001 Altamura AMU0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18706M001 Grottaminarda GR0T Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete wall 18706M001 Grottaminarda GROT Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete wall 18706M002 Grottaminarda GRO1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18707M001 Roma - Istituto Nazionale di G ING0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete pillar on a building roof 18707M001 Roma - Istituto Nazionale di G INGR Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete pillar on a building roof 18708M001 Modica HMDC Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18709M001 Massalubrense - ENAV station ENAV Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 18710M001 Castrocucco CUCC Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18711M001 Fresagrandinaria FRES Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18712M001 Brasimone BR0S Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 18712M001 Brasimone BRAS Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 18713M001 Gorgona island GROG Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18714M001 Morge MRGE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18715M001 Castanea delle Furie MSR0 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18715M001 Castanea delle Furie MSRU Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18716M001 Biccari MOC0 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18716M001 Biccari MOCO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18717M001 Parma PARM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete block on a building roof 18717M002 Parma PAM0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18718M001 Valle Agricola VAGA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pillar 18719M001 Monte Urbino 1 MUR1 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18719M002 Monte Urbino 1 MUR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18720M001 San Giovanni in Persiceto SGIP Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18720M002 San Giovanni in Persiceto PER0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18721M001 Valle Agricola SBPO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18722M001 Madesimo STU0 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 18723M001 Sersale SERS Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar 18724M001 Modena MODE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18725M001 Monte Argentario MAON Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 18726M001 Muro Lucano MRLC Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod 18727M001 Isernia ISE0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18728M001 Firenzuola FIR0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18729M001 Citta di Castello CIT0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18730M001 Altamura ALT0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18731M001 Gravere GRA0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18732M001 Calenzano CAL0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18733M001 Sant'Antioco ANT1 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18734M001 Brugnato BRU0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18735M001 Arcevia ARVI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18736M001 Quattromiglia ARC0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18737M001 Bronte BR0N Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18738M001 Palazzolo sull'Oglio PA1A Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18739M001 Valdobbiadene VLDB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18740M001 San Martino Bassa PSA0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18741M001 Ventimiglia VMI0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18742M001 Ramiseto RAM0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18743M001 Settimo Vittone SEV0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18744M001 Tirano TIR0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18745M001 Macerata MAC0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18746M001 Magasa MA0A Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18747M001 Siracusa SIR0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18748M001 Larino LAR0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18749M001 Petacciato PET0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18750M001 Monterotondo MOR0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18751M001 Lucera LUC0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18752M001 Carpenedolo CAR1 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18753M001 Chiusaforte PMNT Reference point of a self centring device on top of a steel mast (GPS ARP). 18754M001 Venezia Punta Sabbioni VIN0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18755M001 Belpasso BELP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18756M001 Urbino UNUB Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18757M001 Feltre FELT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18758M001 Ariano Irpino AVE1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18759M001 Quindici AVE3 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18760M001 Norcia REN0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18761M001 Sassari SAS0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18762M001 Morbegno MORB Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18763M001 Borrasilano-canova BOR0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18764M001 Montella AVE2 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18765M001 Arezzo AREZ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18766M001 Curno CURN Top of a forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast on the roof of the building 18767M001 Darfo Boario Terme DARF Top of a forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast on the roof of the building 18768M001 Lecco LECO Top of a forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast on the roof of the building 18769M001 Alcamo ALCM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18770M001 Campobasso CABU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18771M001 Campobello di Mazara CAMM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18772M001 Formia FORU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18773M001 Palmanova PALU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18774M001 Pennabilli PEN3 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18775M001 Folignano ASCO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18776M001 Borgoricco BOR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18777M001 Castelfidardo CASF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18778M001 Catanzaro CATN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18779M001 Civitavecchia CIVI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18779M002 Civitavecchia CVTV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18780M001 Cutro CUT1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18780M002 Cutro CUT2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18781M001 Empoli EMPO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18781M002 Empoli EMNS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18782M001 Pieve Fosciana FOSC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18782M002 Pieve Fosciana PFOS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18783M001 Fornace Zarattini FOZA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18784M001 Grassano GRSN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18784M002 Grassano GRS1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18785M001 Capo d'Orlando CAP0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18786M001 Cavallino Treporti CAV0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18787M001 Lodi L0DI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18787M002 Lodi LOD0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18788M001 Lecce LEC0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18789M001 Moncucco Torinese M0NC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18789M001 Moncucco Torinese MONC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18789M002 Moncucco Torinese Reference point of a forced centering steel mounting 3-D/b INGV model on top of a concrete pillar with steel rods 18790M001 Sciacca SCI0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18790M002 Sciacca SCI4 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18791M001 San Felice Circeo SFCI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18792M001 Sirmione SIR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18793M001 Sora SOR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18794M001 Stromboli - San Vincenzo SVI0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18794M001 Stromboli - San Vincenzo SVIN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18795M001 Termini Imerese TER0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18796M001 Todi TOD2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18796M002 Todi TOD3 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18797M001 Orvieto UNOV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18797M002 Orvieto UNV2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18798M001 Ustica USIX Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18799M001 Villanova Monteleone VIMO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 18799M002 Villanova Monteleone VIML Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18801M001 Gioia Tauro GIOI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18801M002 Gioia Tauro Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18802M001 Grottammare GRAM Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18803M001 Grado GRDO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18804M001 Gubbio GUB2 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18805M001 Iglesias IGLE Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18806M001 Imola IMOL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18806M002 Imola ITIM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18807M001 Imperia IMP3 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18808M001 Isili ISIL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18809M001 Lanusei LANU Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18810M001 Macomer MACO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18811M001 Manoppello MANO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18812M001 Montalcino MCIN Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18813M001 Marconia MNIA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18814M001 Monza MONZ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18815M001 Borgo A Mozzano MOZ2 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18816M001 Muravera MURA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18817M001 Oderzo ODEZ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18818M001 Roma - Cesano OLGI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18819M001 Milis ORIM Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18819M002 Milis MIL0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18820M001 Paglieta PAGL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18821M001 Portoferraio PFER Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18822M001 Piacenza PIAC Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18823M001 Ponte Felcino PIBI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18824M001 Pitigliano PITI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18825M001 Pozzallo POZL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18826M001 Premolo PREM Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18827M001 Prignano Cilento PRIG Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18828M001 Potenza PTNZ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18829M001 Porto Tolle PTO1 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18830M001 Rassina RASS Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18831M001 Pegolotte REBO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18832M001 Ramini RMN2 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18832M002 Ramini ITRN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18832M003 Ramini RMES Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18832M004 Ramini ITR2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 18833M001 Siena S1EN Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18833M002 Siena SIEN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18834M001 Quiliano SAQU Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18835M001 Sermide SERM Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18836M001 San Giorgio A Liri SGL1 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18837M001 Siniscola SIN2 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18838M001 Sorrento SORR Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18839M001 Soverato SOV1 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18840M001 Taormina TAOR Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18841M001 Tarquinia TARQ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18842M001 Toirano TOIR Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18843M001 Varese VARE Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18844M001 Venosa VENO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18845M001 Vercelli VERL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18846M001 Vico del Gargano VGAR Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18847M001 Vittorio Veneto VITT Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18848M001 Volterra VRRA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 18849M001 Venezia Nicelli VENI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metal pipe fixed with bolts on the roof of a building. 18850M001 Accadia ACCA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18851M001 Fasano FASA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18852M001 Foggia FOGG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18853M001 Ginosa GINO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18854M001 Giurdignano GIU0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18855M001 Ischitella ISCH Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18856M001 Margherita di Savoia MAR0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18857M001 Poggiorsini POG0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18858M001 Salice Salentino SASA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18859M001 San Paolo di Civitate SPCI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18860M001 Ugentu UGEN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18861M001 Valenzano VAL0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18862M001 San Bonifacio BON1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18863M001 Bergamo BRGM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18864M001 Breno BRNO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18865M001 Belvedere Marittimo BVDR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18866M001 Castrignano del Capo CGNO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18867M001 Chiampo CHMP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18868M001 Chatillon CHTN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18869M001 Cantu CNTU Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18870M001 Carrara CRRR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18871M001 Crispiano CRSP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18872M001 Ampezzo AMPE Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18872M001 Ampezzo RAMP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18873M001 Barcis RBAR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18874M001 Latisana - Bevazzana BEVA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18874M001 Latisana - Bevazzana RBEV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18875M001 Gorizia GORI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18875M001 Gorizia RGOR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18876M001 Tarvisio RTAR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18877M001 Pordenone PORD Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18877M001 Pordenone RPOR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18878M001 Moggio Udinese MOGG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18878M001 Moggio Udinese RMOG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18879M001 Trieste RTRI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18879M002 Trieste RTRS Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast on the roof of a building 18880M001 Godega di Sant'Urbano GODU Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18881M001 Castellamonte MON0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18882M001 Nettuno NET1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18883M001 Marostica MACA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18884M001 Lanciano LANO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18885M001 Matera MAT0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18886M001 Mascali MASL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18887M001 Porto Mantovano MNTV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18888M001 Casale Monferrato MNFT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18889M001 Menaggio MENG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18890M001 Sona SON0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18891M001 Santa Marinella SMA0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18892M001 Stornarella STNL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18893M001 Senise SENE Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18894M001 Vinchiaturo VICT Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18895M001 Cervignano RCER Bottom of a self centring antenna mount on a steel mast on the roof of a building. 18896M001 Palma Campania PAC0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18896M002 Palma Campania PACA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 18897M001 Pergusa EDEN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18898M001 Carinola CAR0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18899M001 Tempio Pausania TEM0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 18899M002 Tempio Pausania MDEU Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod, anchored to the bedrock 18948M001 Krakow - Zwierzyniec KRUR Reference point of a self centring device. 18949M001 Boleslawiec BOLE Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 18950M001 Jakuszyce JAKU Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 18951M001 Opoczno OPOC Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18952M001 Uniejow UNIE Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18953M001 Brodnica BROD Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18954M001 Bydgoszcz BYDO Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18955M001 Golub-Dobrzyn GOLU Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18956M001 Izbica Kujawska IZBY Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18957M001 Lowicz LOWI Centre and top of a steel mast fixed to a side wall of a chimney 18958M001 Czarny Bor CZAR Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 18959M001 sycow SYCO Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 18960M001 Wolow WOLO Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 18961M001 Przedborz PRZE Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 18962M001 Strzegom STOM Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of building. 18963M001 Gorzanow GORZ Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 18964M001 Zgorzelec ZGOR Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of building. 18965M001 Bielawa BIWA Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 18966M001 Strzelin STRZ Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney 18967M001 Mielec MIEL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 18968M001 Wielun WIEL Reference point of a steel connector on top of an aluminium mast. 18969M001 Bytow BYTW Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,2m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18970M001 Gdansk - University of Technol GDPG Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,0m pipe, fixed on the top of a chimney. 18971M001 Hel HELO Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,7m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18972M001 Jastrzebia Gora JAGA Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,7m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18973M001 Kartuzy KART Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,2m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18974M001 Reda REDA Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,5m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18975M001 Starogard Gdanski - Nad Jarem STAR Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,2m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18976M001 Tczew TCZE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,2m pipe, fixed on a roof. 18977M001 Lebork LEBO Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 0,5m pipe, fixed on the side of a chimney. 18978M001 Ustka USTA Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,5m pipe, fixed on the side of a chimney. 18979M001 Koscierzyna KOSA Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,2m pipe, fixed on the side of a chimney. 18980M001 Debnica Kaszubska DKAS Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 1,5m pipe. 18981M001 Nowy Dwor Gdanski NDGD Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 5m steel mast, fixed on the side of an house wall 18982M001 Leba LEBI Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 5m steel mast. 18983M001 Braniewo BRWO top and axis of a 2m steel mast 18984M001 Walcz WALC Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18985M001 Slawno SLAW Forced centering steel connector on top of an steel mast 18986M001 Kolobrzeg KOLO Forced centering steel connector on top of an steel mast 18987M001 Debno DEBN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18988M001 Lobez LOBE Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18989M001 Szczecin SZCZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18990M001 Swinoujscie SWIN Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18991M001 Elblig ELBL Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18992M001 Plock PLCK Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18993M001 Mieszkowice MIES Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18994M001 Starogard Gdanski - Starostwo STRG Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18995M001 Zielona Gora ZIGR Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18996M001 Zary ZARY Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18997M001 Wronki WRKI Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18998M001 Wodzislaw Olyski WODZ Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18999M001 Wloclawek WLOC Forced centering steel connector on top of an aluminium mast 18999M002 Wloclawek WLO1 Centre and top of steel mast fixed to a side wall of chimney. 19001M001 Crotona CROT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19002M001 Catania IV CTAC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19002M002 Catania IV EIIV Top of a self-centering benchmark anchored on roof 19003M001 Fiano Romano FIAN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19004M001 Santa Fiora FIOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19005M001 Fondi FOND Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19005M002 Fondi FON0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19006M001 Gairo Sant Elena GAIR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19007M001 Ancona GEOT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19007M002 Ancona ANCG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19007M003 Ancona ANCN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19008M001 San Ginessio (passo) GINE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19009M001 Roseto degli Abruzzi ITRA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19009M002 Roseto degli Abruzzi RSTO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on a concrete pillar 19010M001 Lamezia Terme LAME Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19010M002 Lamezia Terme LAMZ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19011M001 Malfa LINA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19012M001 Lamporecchio LMPR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19013M001 Luino LUIN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19014M001 Magliano di Tenna MAGL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19015M001 Manfredonia MANF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19016M001 Moie MOIE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19017M001 Molfetta MOLF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19017M002 Molfetta MLFT Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19018M001 Borgomanero NERO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19019M001 Nuoro NUOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19019M002 Nuoro NU01 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19020M001 Pittulongu OLBI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19021M001 Orosei ORO0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19022M001 Oristano ORST Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19023M001 Orzinuovi ORZI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19024M001 Osimo OSIM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19025M001 Ozieri OZIE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19026M001 Paganica PAGA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19027M001 Partinico PART Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19028M001 Palermo PAUN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19028M002 Palermo UNP0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19028M003 Palermo PALR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19028M004 Palermo PING Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a self-centering benchmuark anchored on concrete roof 19029M001 Guissago PAVA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19030M001 Pesaro PESA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19030M002 Pesaro PES2 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19030M003 Pesaro PESR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 19031M001 Pescara PESC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19032M001 Piobbico PIOB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19033M001 Pisa PISA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19034M001 Possidente PODE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19035M001 Prizzi PRIZ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19036M001 Porto Santo Stefano PSST Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19036M002 Porto Santo Stefano PST0 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19037M001 Torrita di Siena PULC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19038M001 Palazzo San Gervasio PZSG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19038M002 Palazzo San Gervasio PALZ Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on a metallic tripod anchored to bedrock 19039M001 Rapallo RAPA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19040M001 Rossano Stazione ROSC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19041M001 Sanluri SANL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19042M001 Sessa Aurunca SAUR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19043M001 Scicli SCIC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19043M002 Scicli HSCI Top and center of a self centering benchmark fixed on a concrete roof 19044M001 Seano SEAN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19045M001 Senigallia SENI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19046M001 Caltanissetta SETA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19047M001 San Giorgio in Bosco SGIO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19048M001 Silandro Schlanders SILA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19049M001 Soleminis SOLE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19050M001 San Vito dei Normanni SVDN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19051M001 Termoli TELI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19052M001 Teulada TEUL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19053M001 Villa Latina TINA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19054M001 Verbania VERB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19055M001 Vibo Valentia VIBO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19055M002 Vibo Valentia VVAL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19056M001 Villaputzu VIZU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19057M001 Valpiana VLPN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19057M002 Valpiana VLP1 Italian GNSS Permanent Network Station 19058M001 Rome I ZAGA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19059M001 Bolca BOLC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19060M001 Monte Avena MAVE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19061M001 Ortucchio OTRA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19062M001 Trapani I TRAP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19063M001 Boscochiesanuova BOCN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.3 m pillar. 19064M001 Bribano BRSE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19065M001 Bonavigo BTAC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19066M001 Cittadella CITT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19067M001 Mantova I LDNS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a 1.5 m pillar on a roof. 19068M001 Legnago LEGO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete block on a large building roof. 19068M002 Legnago LEG1 Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a concrete block on a large building roof. 19069M001 Mestre MSTR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19070M001 Schio SCHI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19071M001 Teolo TEOL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on a 1.5 m concrete pillar. 19072M001 Vicenza VICE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19073M001 Verona VR02 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a concrete block on the roof of a large building. 19073M002 Verona VERO Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19074M001 Treviso TRVS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19075M001 Tolfa TOLF Top of a center support screw on SCIGN forced centering antenna mount, fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 19076M001 Alatri ALAT Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19077M001 Aprilia APRI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19078M001 L'Aquila - Monticchio AQUM Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19079M001 Arbus ARBU Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19080M001 Ascoli Piceno ASCC Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19081M001 Asti ASTI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19082M001 Bolonia - University di Boloni BOLO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19083M001 Pula CA02 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19084M001 Senorbi CA04 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19085M001 Castelfranco CAFV Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19086M001 Camucia CAMU Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19087M001 Cecina CECI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19088M001 Citta della Pieve CIPV Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19088M002 Citta della Pieve REPI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19089M001 Colico Piano COLI Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19090M001 Faenza FAEZ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19091M001 Ferrara FERA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19092M001 Figline Valdarno FIGL Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19093M001 Fisciano FISC Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19094M001 Foligno FOL1 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19094M002 Foligno REFO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19095M001 Fossombrone FOSS Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19096M001 Fermo FRMO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19097M001 Favara FVRA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19097M002 Favara FAVR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar anchored to the bedrock 19098M001 Bagno di Gavorrano GAVO Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19099M001 Gazzaniga GAZZ Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19101M001 Michaelchurch Escley MCHA Pivot of the centre support bolt of the SCIGN antenna adapter. UNAVCO short braced drilled monument connected to bedrock. 19102M001 Eskdalemuir Observatory ESMA Pivot of the centre support bolt of the SCIGN antenna adapter. UNAVCO short braced drilled monument connected to bedrock. 19102M002 Eskdalemuir Observatory ESKD Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19103M001 Ambleside AMBE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19104M001 Amersham AMER Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19105M001 Appledore APPL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19106M001 Ardleigh ARDL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19107M001 St Asaph ASAP Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19108M001 Attleborough ATTL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19109M001 St Bees BEES Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19110M001 Braemar BRAE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19111M001 Brecon BREC Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19112M001 Buckie BUCK Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19113M001 Campbeltown CAML Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19114M001 Drumalbin DRUM Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19115M001 Church Lawford CLAW Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19116M001 Loftus LOFT Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19117M001 Dundee DUND Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19117M002 Dundee DUNE Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19118M001 Girvan GIRA Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19119M001 Fort Augustus FAUG Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19120M001 Fraserburgh FRAE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19121M001 Helmsdale HELS Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19122M001 Hardham HARD Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19123M001 Giggleswick GIGG Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19124M001 Gorleston GORS Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19125M001 Kelso KELO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19126M001 Keyworth KEYW Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19127M001 Killin KILN Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19128M001 Kinlochbervie KINL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19129M001 Kirkcudbright KIRK Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19130M001 Leek LEEK Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19131M001 Lincoln LINO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19132M001 Lichfield LICF Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19133M001 Lochcarron LCAR Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19134M001 Machynlleth MACY Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19135M001 St Neots NEOT Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19135M002 St Neots SNEO Center of mount thread/top of height marker bolt 19136M001 Newmarket NEWR Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19137M001 Oban OBAN Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19138M001 Poole POOL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19139M001 Stroud STRO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19140M001 Wellingborough WELI Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19141M001 Shobden SHOB Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19142M001 Wearhead WEAR Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19143M001 Richmond NY RICM Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19144M001 Stevenage STEE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19145M001 Easington EASN Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19146M001 Holyhead HOLY Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19147M001 Weirwood WEIW Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19148M001 Hoober HOOB Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19149M001 Kirkwall KIRW Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19150M001 Lochilphead LOCG Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19151M001 Manchester MANH Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19152M001 Oxford OXFR Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19153M001 Portland Bill PBIL Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19154M001 Padstow PADT Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19155M001 Shrewsbury SHRE Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19156M001 Ullapool ULLP Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19157M001 Warminster WARI Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19158M001 Stornoway SWTG Top and centre of a 40mm diametre thread mounted on a steel plate, fixed to a conrete wharf 19159M001 Lerwick LWTG Top and centre of a 40mm diametre thread mounted on a steel plate, fixed to the stone pier/breakwater 19159M002 Lerwick LERW Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread fixed on a steel plate 19159M003 Lerwick LERI Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on the rock. 19160M001 Aberporth ABEP Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19161M001 Aberdaron ADAR Center of mount thread/top of height marker bolt 19162M001 Aldeburgh ALDB Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19163M001 Angle ANLX Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19164M001 Barra BARR Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19165M001 Benbecula BENB Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19166M001 Dungeness DUNG Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19167M001 Exmouth EXMO Forced centering device fixed on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19168M001 Herstmonceux HERO Center of mount thread/top of height marker bolt 19169M001 Lizard LIZR Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19170M001 Margate MART Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19171M001 Peterborough PETE Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19172M001 Prawle Point PRAE Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19173M001 St Abbs SABB Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19174M001 Sandown SANO Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19175M001 Skegness SKEE Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19176M001 stranraer STRN Center of mount thread/top of height marker bolt 19177M001 Swanland SWAN Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19178M001 Weybourne WEYB Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19179M001 Yearsley YEAS Forced centering device on top of an antenna mounting plate, fixed on a metallic mast 19180M001 South Uist UIST Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread on steel plate 19181M001 Dunkeswell DUNK Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread on steel plate 19182M001 Watnall WATN Axis and base of a 5/8inch thread 19183M001 Hurn HURN Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread on steel plate 19184M001 Wattisham WATT Axis and base of a 5/8inch thread 19185M001 Aberystwyth ABYW Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread fixed on a steel plate 19186M001 Pershore PERS Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread fixed on a steel plate 19187M001 Camborne CAMB Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread fixed in a steel plate 19187M002 Camborne CAMO Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on a helical pier quadpod. 19188M001 Rutherford Appleton RAL2 Axis and base of a 5/8inch thread 19189M001 Cardington CARD Top and center of a 40mm diameter thread fixed on a steel plate 19190M001 Arisaig ARIS Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on the rock.. 19191M001 Buxton BUXT Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on the rock. 19192M001 Kintore KINT Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on the rock. 19193M001 Swansea SWAS Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on the rock. 19194M001 CHILBOLTON CHIO Mount thread axis / top of height marker bolt, fixed on a helical pier quadpod. 19195M001 Cardiff CARI Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19196M001 Maidstone MAID Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19197M001 Shoeburyness SHOE Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19198M001 Stratford STRA Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19199M001 Hungerford HUNG Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19201M001 Scilly Isles SCIL Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19202M001 Tiree TIRE Intersection of top of antenna mounting plate and forced centring device 19203M001 Bayfordbury Observatory BAYF Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on a building wall 19204M001 Thomastown - Enniskillen THMS Top and axis of an forced centering antenna mount fixed on a stainless steel pole 19205M001 Ballypatrick BPTK Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 4m high stainless steel pole 19206S001 Bangor BNGR GNSS ARP. Bottom of choke-ring antenna. 19301M001 Utiel UTIE stainless steel plate on top of steel mast fixed to concrete wall. 19301M002 Utiel UTI1 Reference point of a SECO piece embebed with a 5/8" screw in the center of a reinforced concrete pillar on the ground. 19302M001 Torrevieja TORR Stainless steel plate on top of steel mast fixed to concrete wall. 19303M001 Morella (Castellon) M0RE Forced centering device fixed on top of a steel mast anchored in concrete wall. 19303M002 Morella (Castellon) BERG Forced centering levelling mount in top of a steel mast anchored in concrete wall 19304M001 Vilaflor TN04 Municipal morgue facilities building - Reinforced concrete block - Forced centering device fixed on top - Top and axis of a brass plate 19305M001 Zamora ZMRA Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19306M001 Alcanices ACNS Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19307M001 Agreda AGRD Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19308M001 Arcos de Jalon AJAL Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19309M001 Arenas de San Pedro ARSP Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19310M001 Astorga ASTO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19311M001 Avila - Escuela Politecnica Su AVIL Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19312M001 El Burgo de Osma BUOS Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19313M001 Ciudad Rodrigo CDRD Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19314M001 Burgos BURG Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19315M001 Guijuelo GUIJ Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19316M001 Lerma LERM Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19317M001 Medina de Pomar MDPM Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19318M001 Mayorga MYRG Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19319M001 Olmedo OLME Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19319M002 Olmedo OLM1 Forced centering screw on top of 1.5m metallic mast anchored in 0.4 m concrete block on roof 19320M001 Palencia PALE Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19321M001 Penaranda de Bracamonte PDBC Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19321M002 Penaranda de Bracamonte PDB1 Forced centering screw on top of 1.5m metallic mast anchored on the side of roof 19322M001 Penafiel PENA Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19322M002 Penafiel PEN1 Forced centering screw on top of a 1.5m metallic mast anchored in 0.4 m concrete block on roof 19323M001 Ponferrada PONF Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19324M001 Puebla de Sanabria PSBR Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19325M001 Quintanar de la Sierra QINT Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19326M001 Riano RIAN Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19327M001 Riaza RIAZ Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19327M002 Riaza RIA1 Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast. 19328M001 Saldana SALD Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19329M001 Segovia SGVA Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19330M001 Santibanez de Vidriales STVD Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19331M001 El Tiemblo TIEM Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19332M001 Toro TORO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19333M001 Villablino VBLO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19334M001 Villadiego VDGO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19335M001 Vitigudino VTGD Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19336M001 Otero de Herreros OHER Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19337M001 Olias del Rey OREY Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19338M001 Brihuega BRIH Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19339M001 Fuente el Saz de Jarama FSAZ Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19340M001 Somosierra SOMO Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19341M001 Fuentiduena del Tajo FTAJ Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19342M001 Trimble Navigation Iberica TNIB Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19343M001 Calahorra CALH Top and center of a forced centering device fixed at the end of a metallic brace 19344M001 Casalarreina CAS0 Top and center of a forced centering device fixed at the end of a metallic brace 19345M001 Cervera del Rio Alhama CERV Top and center of a forced centering device fixed at the end of a metallic brace 19346M001 San Roman de Cameros SROM Top and center of a forced centering device fixed at the end of a metallic brace 19347M001 Ventrosa VTRO Top and center of a forced centering device fixed at the end of a metallic brace 19348M001 Aranda de Duero ARDU Forced centering brass plate embedded in a reinforced concrete block 19349M001 Pozo Alcon (Jaen) PALC Roof of the Health Center - Forced centering screw with double nut stainless steel on top of a metallic mast 19350M001 Tarifa TARI Top and center of a brass plate fixed on top of a reinforced concrete block, on a tide gauge building 19351S001 Pasaia PASA Tide Gauge GNSS ARP / LEAIT504GG LEIS (102852) / Steel mast 19352S001 Igeldo IGEL Tide Gauge GNSS ARP / LEAIT504GG LEIS (103139) / Steel mast 19353S001 Elgeta ELGE Tide Gauge GNSS ARP / LEAIT504GG LEIS (102842) / Steel mast 19354S001 Lazkao LAZK Tide Gauge GNSS ARP / LEAIT504GG LEIS (102857) / Steel mast 19355M001 Zafra ZFRA Basis of a forced centering bolt on a brass plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar, located in the local police station building 19356M001 Santa Cilia - Los Pirineos JACA Axis and base of a forced centering brass plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19357M001 Miranda de Ebro MIBR Reference point of a forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19358M001 Lugo LUGO Reference point of a forced centering device on a brass plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 19359M001 Zuera ZUER Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19360M001 Sarrion SARR Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19361M001 Sainena SRNA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19362M001 Sabinanigo SABI Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19363M001 Quinto de Ebro QNTO Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19364M001 Muniesa MUNI Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19365M001 Mequinenza MEQU Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19366M001 Valderrobres VROB Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19367M001 Graus GRAU Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19368M001 Castejon de Sos CSOS Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19369M001 Binefar BINE Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19370M001 Alcaniz ALCA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19370M002 Alcaniz ALC1 Brass plate located on top of a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in a brass plate with forced centering. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19371M001 Ejea de los Caballeros EJEA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19372M001 Calatayud CATY Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19373M001 Carinena CRNA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19374M001 Borja BRJA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19375M001 Cantavieja IEJA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19376M001 Aliaga ALIA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19377M001 Calamocha CALA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19378M001 Albarracin ACIN Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof 19379M001 Melilla MELI Reference point of a forced centering brass plate on top of a reinforced concrete pillar located in the terrace of the "Infanta Leonor" primary School 19380M001 Fraga FRAG Reference point of a forced centering device brass plate embedded in a reinforced concrete block 19381M001 Girona GIRO Reference point of a forced centering device brass plate embedded in a reinforced concrete block 19382M001 Elciego ELCI Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19383M001 Alda ALDA Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19384M001 Lantaron LANT Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19385M001 Vitoria VITO Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19386M001 Sopuerta SOPU Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19387M001 Barazar BRZR Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19388M001 Amurrio AMUR Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19389M001 Gernika GERN Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 19390M001 Medina de Rioseco RIOS Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19390M002 Medina de Rioseco MDNR Forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast. 19391M001 Peniscola PENI Forced centering brass plate on top of a concrete pillar 19392M001 Coria CORI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19393M001 Herrera del Duque HERR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19394M001 Navalmoral de la Mata NAVA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19395M001 Trujillo TRUJ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19396M001 Valencia de Alcantara VALC Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19397M001 Jerez de los Caballeros JERE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19398M001 Llerena LLER Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19399M001 Merida MEDA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19401M001 Badajoz BADJ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19402M001 Castuera CATU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 19403M001 Tres cantos GAP1 Top and axis of a forced centering steel rod, fixed on top of a steel mast anchored on a building roof 19404M001 Beuda BEUD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 19405M001 Almodovar del Campo ALMO Intersection of the top of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a forced centering device. 19406M001 Mota del Cuervo MOTA Forced centering device in a brass plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19408M001 Molina de Aragon MOLI Top and axis of a brass plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19409M001 Santiago de Compostela SNTG Top and axis of a brass plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 19411M001 Villacarrillo VICA Forced centering screw on a brass plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar in a roof. 19412M001 Port of Cartagena CARG Top and axis of a forced centering screw on a plate, on top of a reinforced concrete pillar, fixed on the roof of the tide gauge building 19413M001 Avila - Parque Maquinaria de F AVI2 Top of a forced centering screw on top of a metallic mast 19414M001 Talarrubias (Badajoz) TALR Top of a forced centering screw on a brass plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in a building roof 19415M001 Moron de la Frontera MOFR Axis and base of a forced centering screw fixed on a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on the roof roof the Sanitary Center 19416M001 Pamplona PAML Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19417M001 Tafalla TAFA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19418M001 Tudela TUDE Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19418M002 Tudela TUD1 Center of a forced centering screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on the terrace of Benjamin Secondary School. 19419M001 Altsasu ALSA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19420M001 Roncal RONL Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19421M001 Los Arcos LOSA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19422M001 Sanguesa SANS Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19423M001 San Adrian SANR Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19424M001 Carcastillo CARC Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19425M001 Aribe ARIB Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19426M001 Estella-Lizarra ESTE Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19427M001 Oronz ORON Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19428M001 Leitza LEIT Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19429M001 Milagrosa UPNA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19430M001 Abanilla ABAN Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19431M001 Alcazares ACAL Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19432M001 Aeropuerto Internacional Regio AIRM Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a wall on a building roof 19433M001 Alhama de Murcia ALHA Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19434M001 Barranda CARV Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19435M001 Cieza CIEZ Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19436M001 Mazarron MAZA Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19437M001 Moratalla MRAT Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 5m high concrete block anchored to the ground 19438M001 Mula MUL1 Top of a forced centring antenna mount fixed on a 2m high steel mast anchored to a concrete dice on a building roof 19439M001 La Gudina GUDI Reinforced concrete pillar located in the ground. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19440M001 Laredo LARE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on building roof. 19441M001 Reinosa RENS Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on building roof. 19442M001 Rionansa RNAN Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on building roof. 19443M001 Torrelavega TRLV Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on building roof. 19444M001 Villacarriedo VCRD Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on building roof. 19445M001 Arbeca ARBE Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19446M001 Balestui BLST Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19447M001 Avia AVIA Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19448M001 Bellver BEL0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19449M001 Cambrils CAM0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19450M001 Flix FLIX Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19451M001 Cubelles CUBE Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19452M001 Ferrol FERL Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19453M001 Figueres FIGU Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19454M001 Igualada IGU1 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19455M001 Sant Julia de Vilatorta STJV Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19456M001 Ribeira RIBR Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19457M001 Orense OREN Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19458M001 Santiago STCM Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19459M001 Sarral SAR0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19460M001 Ribes de Freser RIB0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19461M001 El Molar MOL0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19462M001 Villarejo VRJO Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19463M001 Suria SURI Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19464M001 Vacarisses VACA Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19465M001 Girona GIR1 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19466M001 Santa Barbara BAR0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19467M001 Castellcir CAS2 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19468M001 Mondariz MON2 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19469M001 Balaguer BAL0 Top and center of a foced centering antenna mount on a stainless steel mast 19470M001 Aviles AVLS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19470M002 Aviles AVL1 Concrete pillar monumented on the roof of the new Art School building in Aviles 19471M001 Campo de Caso CASO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19472M001 Cangas del Narcea CNAR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19473M001 Ribadesella RIBE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19474M001 Pola de Lena LENA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19475M001 Panes PANE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19476M001 Salas SALS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19477M001 Grandas de Salime GRSL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19478M001 Luarca LUAR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19479M001 Vegadeo VEGA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steal pole, fixed to the terrace wall 19479M002 Vegadeo VEG1 Reinforced concrete pillar located on the roof of Jovellanos School. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The reference point is the center of the screw. 19480M001 Gijon XIXO Reinforced concrete pillar located on the top of the "Campa Torres" Museum. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19480M002 Gijon XIX1 Center of a screw on a brass plate fixed on top of a metallic structure of the tide gauge 19481M001 Alboran Island ALBO Reinforced concrete pillar in the ground of the island. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. The island is in the midle of the Mediterranean and it is uninhabited. 19482M001 Barcelona - Puerto BCL1 Brass plate located in a metallic structure of the tide gauge. The reference point is located in a brass plate. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref. point is the center of the screw. 19482M001 Barcelona - Puerto BCN1 Brass plate located in a metallic structure of the tide gauge. The reference point is located in a brass plate. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref. point is the center of the screw. 19483M001 Buitrago de Lozoya BUIT Reinforced concrete pillar located in a wall of the Conservation Road Center of Buitrago de Lozoya. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19484M001 Ispaster ISPS Reinforced concrete pillar built in the ground. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19485M001 Alaior (Menorca) ALOR Reinforced concrete pillar located in the terrace of the Universitat de les Illes Balears in Menorca. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19486M001 Cala Bona (Mallorca) CBON Mast metal anchored to the building of Port Authorities in Cala Bona, Mallorca. The reference point is in the top of the mast, where it is a screw. The reference point is the bottom of the screw. 19487M001 Eivissa (Ibiza) EIVI Reinforced concrete pillar located in the terrace of the Firefighter building in Sant Antoni. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19488M001 Formentera FORM Mast metal anchored to the building of the town hall of Sant Francesc Xavier, Formentera. The reference point is in the top of the mast, where it is a screw. The reference point is the bottom of the screw. 19489M001 Sant Jordi (Mallorca) SJOR Mast metal anchored to the building of the fishermen house in Sant Jordi, Mallorca. The reference point is in the top of the mast, where it is a screw. The reference point is the bottom of the screw. 19490M001 Menorca MENC Reinforced concrete pillar located in the terrace of the Port Authority in Ciutadella, Menorca. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19491M001 Sineu (Mallorca) SINE Reinforced concrete pillar located in the terrace of the Health Centre in Sineu, Mallorca. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19492M001 Tramuntana (Mallorca) TRAU Reinforced concrete pillar located in the roof of the Son Amer building in Escorca, Mallorca. The reference point is located in a brass plate in the concrete pillar. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19493M001 Puerto de Ferrol - San Cibrao FRRL Center of a screww fixed in the center of a brass plate located in a concrete pillar 19494M001 Belagua BLGU Brass plate located in a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in a brass plate with forced centering. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19495M001 La Fresneda SIRO Steal pole fixed to the terrace wall of the La Fresneda School building in Aviles. Coordinates refered to the ARP. 19496M001 Puigcerda PUIG Center of a forced centering screw on top of a brass plate, fixed on a concrete pillar 19497M001 San Martin de Valdeiglesias SMDV Brass plate located on top of a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in the self centring brass plate. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 19498M001 Aras de los Olmos (Valencia) ARAS Top and center of the plate on top of a stainless steel tower, anchored in concrete floor and wall 19499M001 Kastrexana KAST Instrument reference point of GNSS Euskadi network permanent observing system. The monument is on top of a concrete block at a Telecomunications Installation 19501M001 Dalmine (BG) DALM Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19502M001 Bormio (SO) BORM Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19503M001 Gavirate (VA) GAVI Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19504M001 Chiavenna CHIA Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19505M001 Mantova MANT Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19506M001 Cremona CREM Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19507M001 Varzi (PV) VARZ Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter / plate / top of steel pole 19508M001 Bric del Paluco PARO Station of the GAIN network 19509M001 Bassano del Grappa BSNO Triangular plate / concrete block on roof of large building 19509M002 Bassano del Grappa BASS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19510M001 SAN DONA DI PIAVE SDNA Triangular plate / concrete block on roof of large building 19511M001 Taglio di Po TGPO Triangular plate / concrete block on roof of large building 19512M001 PORTOGRUARO PRTG Triangular steel plate / concrete block on roof of large building 19513M001 Venezia II VEN1 Top and center of plate on top of a metallic pipe / top of a building 19513M002 Venezia II PSAL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount (triangular steel plate with level screws). 19514M001 Noventa di Piave NOVE Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter / Tripod. 19515M001 Borca di Cadore BORC Top and center of a forced centering steel plate, fixed on top of a roof 19516M001 Sappada SAPP Top and center of a forced centering steel plate, fixed on a wall 19517M001 Porto Garibaldi GARI Steel plate with forced centering device on top of a steel pilar 19518M001 Velo d Astico VELO Forced centering triangular steel plate fixed on a concrete block on roof of large building 19519M001 Bajardo (Imperia) BAJA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod on the roof of a public building. 19520M001 Beverino (La Spezia) BEVE Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod on the roof of a building 19521M001 Cairo Montenotte (Savona) CAMN Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19522M001 Chiavari (Genova) CHIV Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19523M001 Loano (Savona) LOAN Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19524M001 Grosseto GROS Brass nail on top of a concrete pillar 19524M002 Grosseto GROA Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19525M001 Acceglio ACCE Top and axis of metal pole embedded on a concrete pillar 19526M001 Perugia-Catasto PERU Brass nail fixed on a croncrete pillar, on top of a roof 19527M001 Lecce USAL Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar, fixed on the roof of a building 19528M001 Domodossola DOMO Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19528M002 Domodossola DOMS Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod fixed on the roof of a building 19529M001 Lenta LENT Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19530M001 Mede MELO Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19531M001 Nizza Monferrato NMON Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19532M001 Serravalle Scrivia SESC Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19532M002 Serravalle Scrivia SERR Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a bearing wall of a building 19533M001 Santo Stefano Roero ROER Top and center of the bottom antenna adapter fixe on a plate, on top of a steel pole 19534M001 Cosenza COSE Forced centering device on top of a pillar on a roof 19535M001 Vallo della Lucania VLUC Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a roof 19536M001 Predoi Prettau PRET Forced centering device on a steel support, fixed on a trellis 19536M002 Predoi Prettau HELM Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, embedded into bedrock 19537M001 Brunico Bruneck BRBZ Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19538M001 Malles Mals MABZ Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on the roof of a building 19539M001 Vipiteno Sterzing STBZ Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19540M001 Piz La Villa PILA Forced centering device on a steel support, fixed on a trellis 19541M001 Merano 2000 MITT Forced centering device on top of a steel pillar 19542M001 Ostana OSTA Forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a bearing wall of a building 19543M001 Alessandria ALSN Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod on the roof of a building 19543M002 Alessandria ALIN Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19543M003 Alessandria ALE0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19544M001 Canelli CANL Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod o n the roof of a building 19545M001 Demonte DEMN Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a reinforced concrete pillar 19546M001 Savigliano SAVI Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a bearing wall of a building 19546M002 Savigliano SAV0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19547M001 Biella BIEL Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a bearing wall of a building 19548M001 Crescentino CRSN Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed to a bearing wall of a building 19549M001 Bussoleno BUSL Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19550M001 Cuorgne CUOR Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19551M001 Gozzano GOZZ Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a stainless steel rod, fixed on the roof of a building 19552M001 Chioggia CGIA Top and axis of a forced centering rod on a plate, fixed on a concrete wall 19553M001 Collalto di Susegana SUSE Axis and base of a steel nipple of antenna adapter, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19554M001 Tambre d Alpago TAMB Top and axis of a forced centering metallic mast fixed to the roof of a building 19555M001 Milan - Vimodrone GMIL Top and center of a steel plate on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19556M001 Varmost VARM Forced centering device on top of a steel mast. 19557M001 Spera SPER Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19558M001 Sarnonico SARN Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19559M001 Roncone RONC Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19560M001 Pozza POZZ Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19561M001 Pejo PEIO Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19562M001 Passo Cereda PASS Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19563M001 Parrocchia PARR Pivot on steel nipple of antenna adapter (SCIGN - MOUNT) 19564M001 Viggiano VIGG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar. 19565M001 Alfedena ALRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast , fixed to a concrete wall 19566M001 Atri ATRA Top of a forced centering device on a steel mast , fixed to a concrete wall 19567M001 Bolsorano BLRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a building roof 19568M001 Castel del Monte CDRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast 19569M001 Caststiglion Messer Marino CMRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast 19570M001 Caststiglion Messer Marino FRRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19571M001 Martinsicuro MRRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, anchored to a concrete roof 19572M001 Montereale MTRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, anchored to a roof 19572M002 Montereale MTER Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 on top of a permanent monument 19573M001 Oricola OCRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19574M001 Ovindoli OVRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast 19575M001 Palombaro PBRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, anchored to a roof 19576M001 Scafa SCRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a roof 19577M001 Sulmona SMRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19577M002 Sulmona SULM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 19578M001 Vasto VTRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19579M001 TERA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19580M001 Valle Castellana VCRA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19581M001 Ales Corso Umberto ABAS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19582M001 Acquedolci ACQU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19582M002 Acquedolci MSFR Top and center of a support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor, fixed on top of a pillar 19583M001 Adrano ADRA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19584M001 Agrigento AGRG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19584M002 Agrigento AGRN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach anchored into bedrock 19585M001 Belluno BLNO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19585M002 Belluno BL01 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19586M001 Aosta AOST Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19586M002 Aosta AO01 Forced centering device on a permanent monument 19587M001 Arzachena ARZA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19588M001 Avetrana AVET Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19589M001 Bovalino BOVA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19590M001 Budoni BUDO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19591M001 Caltagirone CAGI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19591M002 Caltagirone CTG0 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19591M003 Caltagirone CALT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19592M001 Santa Caterina Dello Ionio Mar CATE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19593M001 Catanzaro CATZ Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19594M001 Castrovillari CAVI Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19595M001 Cavour CAVO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19596M001 Sant Ambrogio di Valpolicella CELL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19597M001 Cisterna di Latina CIST Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19598M001 Loro Ciuffenna CIUF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19599M001 Concordia Sulla Secchia CONC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount 19601M001 Sivry-Courtry CT5I Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a building. 19602M001 Amillis CT5H Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast fixed on a grain silo. 19603M001 Lons-le-Saunier LONS Top of a self centring triangular plate on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall. 19604M001 Saint-Varent STVA Top of a forced centering stainless steel triangular plate on top of an stanless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19605M001 Connantre CONN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a mast fixed on a roof side. 19606M001 Neuwy - Lycee du Bourbonnais MONS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a mast fixed on a roof side. 19607M001 Concremiers COCR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a mast fixed on a roof side. 19608M001 Le Mayet de Montagne LMDM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a mast fixed on a roof side. 19609M001 Romigny ROMY Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a mast fixed on a roof side. 19610M001 Vincelles VIN1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19611M001 Colondannes MATC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19612M001 Malay-le-Grand MAGR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19613M001 Paray-le-Monial - ZI champ bos PAMO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19614M001 Culan - Route du Chatelet CULA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19615M001 Villerville VLRV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of an stainless steel plate on top of a concrete pillar. 19616M001 Mauquenchy - Ets Mouchard MOMO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a tube on the side of a wall. 19617M001 Flauville en Caux - Ets Moucha MOFA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a tube on the side of a wall. 19618M001 Beaumont-de-Lomagne BMNT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a tube on the side of a wall. 19619M001 Jebsheim JEBS Tube on the side of a wall. 19619M002 Jebsheim JEB2 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tube, fixed to a wall 19620M001 Port-Joinville JOIN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19620M002 Port-Joinville JOI2 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19621M001 Avranches AVRA Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19622M001 Cherbourg CHTG Top of a brass mark, embedded on the tide gauge building roof 19623M001 Angers - Saint Lazare NGER Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19624M001 Beauvais - Manoury BOVE Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19625M001 Thiverval-Grigon TGRI Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19626M001 Dompierre DOMP Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19627M001 Chateaudun CHTD Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19627M002 Chateaudun CH2T Top of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19628M001 Dieppe Port autonome DIPP Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of a metallic pillar fixed on the tide gauge building 19629M001 Fayence FAYE Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a stainless stell mast, anchored to a concrete wall 19630M001 Mazerolles MAZE Top and axis of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19631M001 Bardenac BARD Top and axis of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19632M001 Le Plessis Saint Benoist CT74 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 19633M001 Cannes -Ranguin CNNE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel plate, fixed on top of a metallic mast 19634M001 Belle Ile - Le Palais LPAS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on the side of a wall 19635M001 Verneyrolles VERN Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19636M001 Saint Genes Champese STGN Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19637M001 Saint Ferreol Des Cotes STFE Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19638M001 Amilly AMIY Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19639M001 Albi ALBI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19639M002 Albi ALBM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast 19640M001 Fanjeaux FAJP Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 19641M001 Hameau Dhuilet DHUI Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19642M001 Noyal sur Vilaine NOYL Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19644M001 Arudy ARUF Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19645M001 L Hospitalet du Larzac HOLA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, anchored in the bedrock 19646M001 Beauvais - Tille BEAV Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19647M001 Saint Maurice sur Aveyron CTBC Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19648M001 Le Havre - Vigie ecluse Franco FRAN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel pillar 19649M001 Tancarville - Vigie Nouvelle E TANC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a steel mast 19650M001 Gien CTB4 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19651M001 Hardricourt CTXA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19652M001 La Brosse Monceau CTX2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19653M001 Marckolsheim CTC3 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19654M001 Wiwersheim CTC2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19655M001 Seebach CTC1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19656M001 Erstein CTC0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19657M001 Saint Martin sur Ouanne CTBD Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19658M001 Le Charme CTBB Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19659M001 Saint Prive CTBA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19660M001 Vernoy CTB6 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19661M001 Nogent-sur-Vernisson CTB1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19662M001 Senlis CT5G Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19663M001 Dangu CT3O Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19664M001 Broquiers CT3N Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19665M001 Hornoy le Bourg CT3M Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a mast. 19666M001 Les Longevilles Mont D Or MRON Top of the cylindric interface of the forced centring device, fixed on a concrete pillar 19667M001 Marly-le-Roi IXBL Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 19668M001 Saint-Nazaire STNA Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 19669M001 Le Fied FIED Top of the cylindric interface of the forced centring device fixed on a concrete monument, on the top of a watertank facility 19670M001 Dunkerque maregraphe - Ecluse DUNQ Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate, fixed on top of a metallic mast on the tide gauge building 19671M001 Belvoir BLVR Top of the cylindric interface of the forced centring device on a concrete pillar. 19672M001 Avallon AVAL Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a tube, fixed to a wall 19673M001 "Felopaul" Observatory, Flagey FLGY Top of the cylindric interface of the forced centring device, fixed on a concrete pillar 19674M001 Chevannes CTB9 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19675M001 Chuelles CTB7 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19676M001 Cudot CTB5 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19677M001 Ladon CTB2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19678M001 Hauterive-la-Fresse - Perdrix PERX Top of the cylindric interface of the forced centring device, fixed on a concrete pillar 19679M001 Esclavel-les-Hayons CT3K Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on the side of a wall. 19680M001 Dugny CT1C Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on the side of a wall. 19681M001 Feurs FEUR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19682M001 Tremblay-les-Villages TRBL Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube. 19683M001 Athies-sous-Laon ATHI Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 19684M001 Lisieux LSIE Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19685M001 Cannet-des-Maures CAMA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19686M001 Bron BRON Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar, fixed on a concrete block 19686M002 Bron BRMF Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate fixed on a metallic pillar. 19687M001 Consenvoye CEVY Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19688M001 Doullens DOUL Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19689M001 Beauvois BVOI Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed on a roof. 19690M001 Beaumont-les-Autels CT1B Forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19691M001 Beaumont-le-Hareng CTX3 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19692M001 Attainville CTX1 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19693M001 Saint-Brieuc STBR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a tube on the side of a wall 19694M001 Jaunay-Clan NAYC Reference point od a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on the side of a wall. 19695M001 Fondettes FDET Reference point od a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on the side of a wall. 19696M001 Couvrons-et-Aumenancour COAU Reference point od a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on the side of a wall. 19697M001 Limoges LGES Reference point od a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on the side of a wall. 19698M001 Obterre OTER Pipe on the side of a wall 19699M001 Villiers-Saint-George CT91 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19701M001 Nogent NOGT Forced centering device on top of a mast, fixed on a roof 19702M001 Opme OPME Axis and base of a forced centering threaded screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 19703M001 Puy de Dome PDOM Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic pillar 19704M001 Granvilliers CT44 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19705M001 Lizy-sur-Ourcq CT5F Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19705M002 Lizy-sur-Ourcq LIZY Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19706M001 Beuzeville CT3I Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19707M001 Lalandelle CT3H Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19708M001 Saint-Quentin-au-Bosc CTA1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19709M001 Toury CT1A Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19710M001 Saint Ambroix STBX Reference point of a forced centering device on top on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19711M001 Jossigny CT5E Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19712M001 Goderville CT3J Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19712M002 Goderville CTZ2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19713M001 Saint Vaast Dieppedale CT3G Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19714M001 Gonneville la Mallet CT3F Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19715M001 Saint Ouen du Breuil CT3E Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19716M001 Vieux Manoir CT3D Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19717M001 Alvimare CT3C Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19718M001 Bertreville-Saint-Ouen CT3B Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19718M002 Bertreville-Saint-Ouen CTZ3 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a building. 19719M001 Fresne le Plan CT29 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall 19720M001 Rixheim RIXH Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete pillar 19721M001 Chamblac CHBL Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19722M001 Agen - Le Passage AGEN Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19723M001 Annonay ANAY Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19724M001 Ile d'Aix ILDX Reference point of a forced centering device on a stone building 19725M001 Salins de Giraud - Domaine de PALI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19726M001 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer STMR Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19727M001 Champmotteux CT73 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 19728M001 Orsonville CT72 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 19729M001 Chateauroux CHAX Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19730M001 Montvalezan ROSI Forced centering device on top of a steel tube, fixed to a concrete wall 19731M001 Captieux CAPT Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube, fixed to a wall 19732M001 Corte CORT Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic pilar 19733M001 Thionville THNV Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19734M001 Grandchain CT39 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19735M001 Reuilly CT38 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19736M001 Osani OSAN Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on the side of a wall 19737M001 Bonneval CT83 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19738M001 Peronville CT19 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19739M001 Olmetta di Tuda TUDA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a tube attached to a wall 19740M001 Villebon-sur-Yvette VSYV Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19741M001 Saunay SAUN Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19742M001 Saint-Patrice PTRC Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19743M001 Reignac-sur-Indre RGNC Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19744M001 Peyrusse-Grande PEYR Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19745M001 Paisay-le-Sec PSEC Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19746M001 Nuits-Saint-Georges NUIT Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19747M001 Mauprevoir MPRV Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19748M001 Gardonne GARD Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19749M001 Chaumont CHAU Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19750M001 Cadaujac CDJC Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19750M002 Cadaujac CDJ2 Reference point of a forced centring device on top of a mast fixed on the side of a wall. 19751M001 Boe BOE1 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19752M001 Auxerre AUXE Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19753M001 Ardon ARDN Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19754M001 Amiens AMNS Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19755M001 Serra Di Scopamena SCOP Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a wall 19756M001 Alluy ALUY Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19756M002 Alluy ALU2 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19757M001 Bastelica BAST Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19757M002 Bastelica BAS2 Top of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19758M001 Fretigny CT81 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19759M001 La Haute Maison CT5B Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19760M001 Narbonne NARB Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19761M001 Saint Verain STVR Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19761M002 Saint Verain STVN Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19762M001 Prevessin-Moens CERN Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19763M001 Monacia d Aullene MAUL Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19764M001 Brando BRDO Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19765M001 Montargis MGIS Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19766M001 Annecy ANCY Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19766M002 Annecy ANNY Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a concrete wall 19767M001 Lutz en Dunois CT80 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19768M001 Lommoye CT27 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19769M001 Artenay CT18 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19770M001 Capelle les Grands CT37 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19771M001 Tournan En Brie CT5A Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19772M001 Ostreville OSTR Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19773M001 Mortagne Au Perche MAUP Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19774M001 Gien Aerodrome Briare GIE1 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19775M001 Belleville Sur Meuse BVSM Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19775M002 Belleville Sur Meuse BVS2 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a stainless steel tube fixed to a building concrete wall 19776M001 Mere CT10 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19777M001 Avrainville CT71 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19778M001 Baudreville CT70 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast fixed to a wall 19779M001 Rebais CT56 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19780M001 Verneuil l Etang CT53 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19781M001 Thury en Valois CT58 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19782M001 Villeron CT52 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19783M001 Perthes CT57 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19784M001 Nanteuil le Houdauin CT50 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19785M001 Nangis CT51 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19786M001 Raray CT59 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19787M001 Charny CT55 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19788M001 Brie Comte Robert CT54 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19789M001 Voves CT12 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19789M002 Voves CTZ1 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19790M001 Brou CT17 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19791M001 Dance CT16 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19792M001 Illiers Combray CT60 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19793M001 Courville sur Eure CT15 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19794M001 Gellainville CT14 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19795M001 Gas CT13 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19796M001 Saint Sauveur Marville CT41 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19797M001 Saint christophe sur Avre CT40 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19798M001 Fessanvilliers CT43 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19799M001 Marchezais CT11 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19801M001 Le Neubourg LENE Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19802M001 Isle Adam ISLA Parmain 19803M001 Fere-en-Tardenois FETA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19804M001 Mery-sur-Seine MERY Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19805M001 Jargeau JARG Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19806M001 Aillant-sur-Tholon AILT Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19807M001 Chateau-Chinon CACI Forced centering device on top of metallic mast 19808M001 Seurre SEUR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19809M001 Bellignat BLGN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19809M002 Bellignat BLG2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19810M001 Vourles VOUR Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19811M001 Chambery CBRY Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19812M001 Chatillon-sur-Seine CHAS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19813M001 Saint Pourcain sur Sioule STPS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19814M001 Villard-de-Lans VILR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19814M002 Villard-de-Lans VILD Bottom of preamplifier 19815M001 Fort du Janus - Montgenevre JANU triangular plate on 2m higth pillar anchored on a limestone bedrock 19816M001 Puy Aillaud - Vallouise PUYA triangular plate on pillar anchored on solid rock (limestone) 19817M001 Roselend ROSD triangular plate on pillar anchored in solid rock (gneiss) 19818M001 Trementines TREM Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19819M001 Ile Bouchard ILBO Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar 19820M001 Angles ANGL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19821M001 Royan ROYA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19822M001 Mornac MORN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19823M001 Payrin-Augmontel PAYR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19824M001 Saint-Gilles SGIL Foced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19825M001 Sauveterre-de-Comminges BARY Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19826M001 Perpignan PERP Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19827M001 Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer RAYL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19828M001 Lacanau LCAU Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19829M001 Saint-Julien-Puy-Laveze SJPL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19830M001 Ambert AMBR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19830M002 Ambert AMB2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19831M001 Melun MELN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19832M001 Epron EPRN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19832M002 Epron EPR2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19833M001 Beaumont-Hague BMHG Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19834M001 Foucarmont FOUC Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19834M002 Foucarmont FOU2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19835M001 Merignies PEVL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19836M001 Somme Suippe SMSP Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19837M001 Drusenheim DRUS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19838M001 Gorron GORN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19839M001 Sees SEES Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19840M001 Selestat TANZ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19841M001 Mimizan MIMZ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19841M002 Mimizan MZAN Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof 19842M001 Tremouilles TRMO Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19843M001 Auch AUCH Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19844M001 Pau UNME Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19845M001 Chateaubriant CHBR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19846M001 Vendome VDOM Foced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19847M001 Plemet PLEM Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19848M001 Floing FLOI Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19849M001 Doncourt Les Conflans DOCO Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19850M001 Dinart Pleurtuit DIPL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19851M001 Champhol CHPH Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19852M001 Saint Lo STLO Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19853M001 Lannion LANN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19854M001 Charmes CHRM Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19855M001 Sarzeau SARZ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19856M001 Danjoutin BLFT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19857M001 Pontarlier PRNY Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19858M001 Montmorillon MTMN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19859M001 Boussac BOUS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19860M001 Poisson Busseuil POBU Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19861M001 Marignier MARG Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19862M001 Coutras COUT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19863M001 Sousceyrac SOUS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19864M001 Gap STVG Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a wall 19864M002 Gap STV2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed on a low wall 19865M001 Toulouse TLIA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19866M001 Rustrel RST2 Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m square concrete pillar 19866M001 Rustrel RSTL Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m square concrete pillar 19866M002 Rustrel RUSB Bottom of antenna mount 19866M003 Rustrel RUSA Bottom of antenna mount 19867M001 Marseille PRIE Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19868M001 Coudekerque-Branche COUD Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19869M001 Hirson HRSN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19870M001 Saint-Maixent-L'Ecole SMLE Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19871M001 Saint-Chely-D'Apcher SCDA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19872M001 Mont-De-Marsan MTDM Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19873M001 Caussade CAUS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19874M001 Visan VISN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19875M001 Barcelonnette BACT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19875M002 Barcelonnette SEOL Reference point of a self centring antenna inox plate mount fixed on top of a stainless steel mast on top of a roof. 19876M001 Chaulnes CHLN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19877M001 Sarralbe SARL Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19878M001 Lampaul-Plouarzel LPPZ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19879M001 Concarneau KONE Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19880M001 Sable-sur-Sarthe SBLS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19881M001 Machecoul MACH Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19882M001 Le Touquet Airport LETO Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19883M001 Yport YPOR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19884M001 Chabris CHBS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19885M001 Gron GRON Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19886M001 Le Bugue LBUG Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19887M001 La Brede LBRD Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19888M001 Lagarrigue LGAR Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19889M001 Frettes FRTT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19890M001 Gluiras GLRA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19891M001 Pezenas PZNA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19892M001 Mercus-Garrabet MSGT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19893M001 Donjeux DOJX Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19894M001 Masseret MSRT Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19895M001 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie MSMM Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19896M001 Eze - Village EZEV Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast 19897M001 Florac FLRC Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19898M001 Piana PIAA Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19899M001 Antisanti ATST Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19901M001 Clery en Vexin CT23 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19902M001 Emanville CT25 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19903M001 Hargeville CT24 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19904M001 Sainte Colombe pres Vernon CT20 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19905M001 Morgny CT21 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19906M001 Tilly CT26 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19907M001 Houville en Vexin CT22 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19908M001 Saint Andre de l Eure CT42 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19909M001 Herouville CT36 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19910M001 Breteuil sur Iton CT31 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19911M001 Gisay la Coudre CT30 Force centering device on top of a steel mast 19912M001 La Haye du Theil CT35 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19913M001 Lieurey CT33 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19914M001 Routot CT32 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19915M001 Harcourt CT34 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19916M001 Campo dell ORO Ajaccio CAMP Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19917M001 Sari Solenzara SARI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19918M001 Santa Lucia Di Moriani LUCI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19919M001 Pianottolli Caldarello PIAN Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19919M002 Pianottolli Caldarello PICO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. 19920M001 Luri LURI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19921M001 Lumio LUMI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19922M001 Coarraze CORZ Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19923M001 Aicirits AICI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19924M001 Villedieu Les Poeles VLPL Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19925M001 Grand Dijon GDIJ Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 19925M002 Grand Dijon DJON Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19926M001 Sandillon SLLN Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19927M001 Saint Maur STMA Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19928M001 Neuville de Poitou NVPT Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19929M001 Lit et Mixe LMIX Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19930M001 Laval LAVL Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19931M001 La Roche sur Yon RYON Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19932M001 Equihen EQHE Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19933M001 Carrouges CRRG Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19934M001 Arnage ARNA Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19935M001 Aigrefeuille d Aunis AUNI Forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19936M001 Saint-Malo SMTG Brass nail marker 19937M001 Saint-Sever STSE Forced centering device. Mast fixed to the building on the roof. 19937M002 Saint-Sever STSV Forced centering device on top of an inox mast, fixed to a building 19937M003 Saint-Sever STS2 Forced centering device on top of an inox mast, fixed to a building 19938M001 Roscoff ROTG Geodetic brass nail marker 19939M001 Centre de Recherche Atmospheri CRAL Forced centering device on steel plate, fixed on top of a metallic mast 19940M001 Sete SETE Top and center of a geodetic brass nail marker 19941M001 Rabuons RABU Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19942M001 Welsbruch - Le Hohwald WLBH Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19943M001 Barri de Gassin TROP Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19944M001 Tence TENC Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19945M001 Saint-Veran SVRN Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19946M001 Sophia-Antipolis SOPH Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a concrete wall 19947M001 Le Sauvan - Issirac SAUV Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m diameter concrete pillar 19948M001 Ploemeur PLOE Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m diameter concrete pillar 19949M001 Chatel de Joux JOUX Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m diameter concrete pillar 19950M001 Guillestre GUIL Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m squarre concrete pillar 19951M001 Chateaurenard CHRN Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m diameter concrete pillar 19952M001 Plateau de Bure BURE Forced centering device on top of a 0.4m diameter concrete pillar 19953M001 Arandon ARAN Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a wall 19954M001 Erckartswiller ERCK Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 19955M001 Chalon-sur-Saone CHAL Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19956M001 Vesoul VSOL Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19957M001 Plumecoq PLCQ Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19958M001 Montbeliard MNBL Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19959M001 Montbard MONB Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19960M001 Mirecourt MIRE Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19961M001 Dijon DIJO Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19962M001 Cap Seine (Falmets Fretils) CPSN Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19962M002 Cap Seine (Falmets Fretils) CT3L Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe fixed on the side of a wall. 19963M001 Coucy-les-Eppes COLE Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19964M001 Castanet Tolosan CSTN Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19965M001 Balgau BALG Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a wall 19965M002 Balgau BAL2 Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a wall 19966M001 Andernay ANDE Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19967M001 Ambrumesnil AMBL Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19968M001 Baubiac BAUB Old building - Forced centering device - Axis and bottom of a threaded metal rod 19969M001 Pardailho PARD Reinforced concrete pillar - Forced centering device - Axis and bottom of a threaded metal rod 19970M001 Sens SENS Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a wall 19971M001 Chateauneuf-en-Thymerais CTHY Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a wall 19972M001 Vaudrey VAUD Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19973M001 Bure - ANDRA lab. BUAN Top and center of a plate / concrete pillar located inside the ANDRA laboratory 19974M001 Lucelle LUCE plate over concrete pillar located inside Meteo France site. 19975M001 La Salvetat SLVT Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19976M001 Cap d Agde AGDE Forced centering device on top of a building 19976M002 Cap d Agde AGDS Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19977M001 Aubure AUBU Forced centering device fixed on top of a 1.8m high concrete pillar anchored to the rock basement 19978M001 Markstein MAKS Meteo France site - Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 19979M001 Favieres (Eure ET Loir) FAVI Foced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19980M001 Carquefou CARQ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a concrete block 19981M001 Nancy LRTZ Lycee Loritz - Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a chemney 19982M001 Bargny BRNY Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a wall 19983M001 Villeneuve la Guyard VILG Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a wall 19984M001 Outarville OUTA Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to a roof 19984M002 Outarville OUT2 Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 19985M001 Alpe d Huez ALPE Triangular plate on 2m high pillar anchored in solid rock 19986M001 Clermont-Ferrand CLFD Top and center of the inox triangular plate fixed on top of a metallic tube 19986M002 Clermont-Ferrand CLMT Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 19986M003 Clermont-Ferrand CLFE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19987M001 Col de Lebe LEBE Forced centering device fixed on top of a 1.8 m high concrete pillar 19988M001 Palaiseau - Ecole Polytechniqu SIRT Forced centring device on top of a metallic mast fixed on a wall 19989M001 Chaumes-en-Brie CHEB Forced centring device on top of a metallic plate,fixed against a wall 19989M002 Chaumes-en-Brie CHE2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a metallic mast. 19990M001 Venette VNTE Forced centring device on top of a metallic pillar, fixed to a wall 19991M001 Beauvais BEAU Metallic pillar - Top and centre of the metallic plate 19992M001 Ivry le Temple IVRY Top and centre of an aluminium plate on top of a mettalic mast 19993M001 Nimes NIME Metallic mast - Foced centering device on top 19994M001 Caen CAEN Metallic pillar - Forced centering device on top 19994M002 Caen CAE1 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of an inox mast 19995M001 Lacaune LACA Axis and base of a forced centering device embedded on top of a concrete pillar 19996M001 Saint Eynard STEY metal plate on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 19997M001 Col du Faz LFAZ metal plate on top of a 1.2m high concrete pillar 19998M001 Chamrousse CHAM metal plate on top of a 2m high concrete pillar 19999M001 Banne BANN metal plate on top of a 1.2m high concrete pillar 20101M001 SOLAR VILLAGE - RIYADH SOLA Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 20101M002 SOLAR VILLAGE - RIYADH SLRO Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20101M003 SOLAR VILLAGE - RIYADH Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20101M004 SOLAR VILLAGE - RIYADH RY01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.2 m height ground type concrete pillar 20101S001 SOLAR VILLAGE - RIYADH 7832 Intersection of the AZ-EL rotation axis - SALRO 20102M001 Halat Ammar HALY SCIGN antenna mount 20103M001 Namas NAMA SCIGN antenna mount 20104M001 Haradh HRAD Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 3 m high metallic mast. 20105M001 Al Khafji KAFJ Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20105M002 Al Khafji ES03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20106M001 Arar ARR0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20106M002 Arar ARRA Top and axis of a brass mark, fixed on a concrete roof 20106M003 Arar NB01 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3 m height concrete pillar 20107M001 Al Baqa BAQA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20107M002 Al Baqa BAQ2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20108M001 Al Aflaj AFLJ Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20108M002 Al Aflaj LAYL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20109M001 Wadi Dawasir Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 1 m high metallic mast. 20109M002 Wadi Dawasir RY09 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 3.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20110M001 Najran NJAN Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20110M002 Najran NJ01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground concrete pillar 20111M001 Al Qunfidhah QFDA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20111M002 Al Qunfidhah MK03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.6 m height ground type concrete pillar 20112M001 Al Taif TAIF Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m high metallic mast. 20112M002 Al Taif MK90 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 20113M001 Al Wajh ALWJ Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 3 m high metallic mast. 20113M001 Al Wajh WAJH Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 3 m high metallic mast. 20113M002 Al Wajh TB05 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20114M001 Tayma TYMA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20114M002 Tayma TB06 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.6 m height ground type concrete pillar 20114M003 Tayma TAYM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20115M001 Al Madinah MDNA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 3 m high metallic mast. 20116M001 Afif AFIF Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 1 m high metallic mast. 20116M002 Afif AFI2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20117M001 Haql HAQE Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20117M001 Haql HAQL Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 20117M002 Haql TB02 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.3 m height concrete pillar 20118M001 Al Qurayyat QRAT Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 3 m high metallic mast. 20119M001 Al Muzahimiyah MUZH Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 2 m high concrete pillar. 20119M002 Al Muzahimiyah RY88 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20120M001 Al Bayroni BAYN Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete block. 20120M002 Al Bayroni JEDD Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 20120M003 Al Bayroni SHMA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20121M001 Al Qatif QATF Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete building roof 20123M002 An Nu'ayriyah ES19 Intersection of the concrete pillar top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 20124M001 Hafar el Batin HFBT Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete building roof 20124M002 Hafar el Batin ES07 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.4 m height ground type concrete pillar 20126M001 Al Ula AULA Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete building roof 20126M002 Al Ula ALUL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 20127M001 Al Birk BIRK Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete building roof 20128M001 Bishah BSHA Top and axis of brass mark fixed on a concrete building roof 20129M001 Jabal Zaba HAIL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20129M001 Jabal Zaba ZABA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20130M001 Al Badi al Shamali SHML Top and axis of a brass mark, fixed on a building concrete roof 20130M002 Al Badi al Shamali RY08 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 3.0 m height ground type concrete pillar 20130M003 Al Badi al Shamali BADE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 20131M001 Jizan JIZN Top of a forced SCIGN antenna mount fixed on a steel pipe, anchored in a concrete block 20131M002 Jizan JZ01 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.7 m height concrete pillar 20131M003 Jizan FARA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20132M001 Khamis, Assir Area AS01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount support description, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20133M001 Bisha, Aser Region AS02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount support description, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20134M001 Tathlith, Assir Area AS03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount support description, fixed on top of a 2.8 m height ground type concrete pillar 20134M002 Tathlith, Assir Area TATH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20135M001 Ras Tanura, Eastern Area ES01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20136M001 Mardoum, Eastern Area ES02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20137M001 Markaz Mesnat, Eastern Area ES06 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20138M001 Ajab'ib, Eastern Area ES09 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20139M001 Ras Abu Qamees, Eastern Area ES05 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20140M001 Yabrin, Eastern Area ES10 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20141M001 Hulayfah, Hail Area HL04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 3.5 m height ground type concrete pillar 20142M001 Turabah, Hail Area HL02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 3.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20142M002 Turabah, Hail Area TRUB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20143M001 Tafeah, Makkah Area HL03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20143M002 Tafeah, Makkah Area KHAF Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 20144M001 Hail, Hail Area HL01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20145M001 Bani Yazid, Makkah Area MK04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20146M001 Al Qufayf, Makkah Area MK05 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20147M001 Khurmah, West Region MK06 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.9 m height ground type concrete pillar 20147M002 Khurmah, West Region ALKH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20148M001 Diqalah, Riyadh Area RY02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.2 m height ground type concrete pillar 20149M001 Tawdiyyah, Riyadh Area RY03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.7 m height ground type concrete pillar 20150M001 Umm Rujum, Riyadh Area RY04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.2 m height ground type concrete pillar 20151M001 Al-Afj, Riyadh Area RY05 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.4 m height ground type concrete pillar 20152M001 AL-Majmah, Riyadh Area RY06 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20153M001 Khasra, Riyadh Area RY07 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.4 m height ground type concrete pillar 20154M001 Thumamah, Riyadh Area RY10 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20155M001 Al Khurayzah, Riyadh Area RY11 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20156M001 Mawan, Riyadh Area RY12 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20157M001 Airport/Kharj, Riyadh Area RY13 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20158M001 Agriculture, Riyadh Area RY14 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20159M001 Goodah, Eastern Area ES97 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the roof of 2 storeys height building 20160M001 Al-Thaj, Eastren Area ES98 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 1 storey height building 20161M001 Al-Rafiah, Eastren Area ES99 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20162M001 Yalamlam, Makkah Region MK86 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20163M001 Al-Mojermah, Makkah Region MK87 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 1 storey height building 20164M001 Baida, Makkah Region MK88 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 3 storeys height building 20165M001 Sidirah, Makkah Region MK89 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20166M001 Rahat, Makkah region MK92 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 4 storeys height building 20167M001 Wadi Starah, Makkah Region MK94 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 1 storey height building 20168M001 Jeddah, Jeddah Region MK97 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20168M002 Jeddah, Jeddah Region JED2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20169M001 Al Khaledah, Najran Area NJ03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.9 m height ground type concrete pillar 20170M001 Sharourah, Najran Area NJ04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.9 m height ground type concrete pillar 20170M002 Sharourah, Najran Area SHRH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20170M003 Sharourah, Najran Area SHAR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20171M001 Tabuk, Tabuk Area TB01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.7 m height ground type concrete pillar 20171M002 Tabuk, Tabuk Area TBUK Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20172M001 Magna, Tabuk Area TB03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.2 m height ground type concrete pillar 20173M001 Duba, Tabuk Area TB04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 20174M001 Budan / Howtah Bani Tamim, Riy RY77 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20175M001 Al-Rafa'i, Riyadh Area RY82 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20176M001 Ha'ir, Riyadh Area RY83 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 2 storeys height building 20176M002 Ha'ir, Riyadh Area HAIR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20177M001 Al-Jufiyar, Riyadh Area RY84 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20178M001 Ruwaidah, Riyadh Area RY85 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20178M002 Ruwaidah, Riyadh Area RWDH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20179M001 Quwaiyyah, Riyadh Area RY86 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20179M002 Quwaiyyah, Riyadh Area QWYH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20180M001 Jillah, Riyadh Area RY87 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20180M002 Jillah, Riyadh Area JILA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20181M001 Huwaitah, Riyadh Area RY89 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20182M001 Al Majmah, Riyadh Area RY92 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 3 storeys height building 20182M002 Al Majmah, Riyadh Area MJMH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20183M001 Hifnah, Riyadh Area RY93 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20184M001 Ushayer, Riyadh Area RY94 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20185M001 Rumah, Riyadh Area RY95 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20185M002 Rumah, Riyadh Area RUMH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20186M001 Qaryat Sa'ad, Riyadh Area RY96 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 20187M001 Al-Natheem, Riyadh Area RY97 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 2 storeys height building 20188M001 General Commision for Survey, RY99 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 10 storeys height building 20189M001 Al-Barrah, Riyadh Area RY90 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 1 storey height building 20190M001 Bahra, Makkah Region MK98 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20191M001 Thowal, Makkah Area MK96 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 1 storey height building 20192M001 Goranah, Makkah Area MK91 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20193M001 Madinah MD99 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20194M001 Basitaa, Jouf Area JW03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.6 m height ground type concrete pillar 20195M001 Farasan Island, Jizan Area JZ02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.1 m height ground type concrete pillar 20196M001 Mahad Al Dahab, Madinah MD04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.8 m height ground type concrete pillar 20196M002 Mahad Al Dahab, Madinah MAHD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 20197M001 Turaif, Northern Border NB03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.1 m height ground type concrete pillar 20198M001 Shagrah, Riyadh Area RY91 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete wall of a 2 storeys height building 20199M001 Al-Lith, Makkah Area MK85 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 20201M003 Sanaa University SANH Self centering mounting device on a concrete pillar on the Roof of the Department of Geology 20202M001 Socotra SOCY Top and axis of the sxrew of a bolt fixed on top of a concrete pillar 20302M001 Baghdad IZBD Tribrach adapter secured into the top of roof 20303M001 Basrah IZBA Tribach adapter leveled and secured into roof 20304M001 Tallil IZTL Tribrach adapter secured into roof 20305M001 Balad IZBL Tribrach adapter secured into roof 20306M001 Al Asad IZAD Tribrach adapter secured and leveled using 3 inch screws 20307M001 Qayyarah IZQW Tribrach adapter mounted and leveled into concrete roof using 3 inch screws 20308M001 Palestine street - Iraq Survey ISBA Top and center of a tribrach adapter on top of a steel pipe, fixed to a reinforced cement building 20403M001 Mashhad MASH Geodetic Ground Mark 20403M002 Mashhad MSHN Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20404M001 Teheran II TEHR Geodetic Ground Mark 20404M002 Teheran II TEHN TOP AND CENTRE OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE PILLAR 20405M001 CHAH BAHAR CHAB Geodetic Ground Mark 20406M001 TORBAT-E-HEYDARIYEH KASH Geodetic Ground Mark 20406M002 TORBAT-E-HEYDARIYEH YAS1 Yas / Concrete pillar 20407M001 DREZFUL NILO Nilofar / Concrete pillar 20408M001 BANDAR-E-BUSHEHR REIH Reihaneh / Concrete pillar 20409M001 YAZD ROSE Rose / Concrete pillar 20410M001 Zabol ZABO Geodetic Ground Mark 20411M001 Hamedan HAMD Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20412M001 Tabriz TABZ Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20413M001 Ahvaz AHVA Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20414M001 Jask JASK Top and axis of the sxrew of a bolt fixed on top of a concrete pillar 20501M001 Lebanese American University J LAUG Forced centering device fixed on a roof 20601M001 University of Damascus UDMC Forced centering antenna mount 20702M001 BAR GIYYORA 7530 SLR mark 7530 20702M002 BAR GIYYORA BARG GPS Mark 20702S001 BAR GIYYORA 7530 MOBLAS-2 20703S001 Mitzpe Ramon RAMO ASHTECH Choke Ring 700936/ARP 20704M001 TEL AVIV TELA 5/8" hole in a metal device 20705M001 HAIFA BSHM 5/8" hole in a metal device 20706M001 ELAT ELAT Screw in a metal device inside antenna, .011 m above antenna bottom 20707M001 KATZRIN KATZ Screw in a metal device inside antenna, .011 m above antenna bottom 20708S001 MAALE GILBOA GILB Antenna - ASH700936D_M SNOW (SN CR15923) / BPA 20709S001 KIBUTZ KABRI KABR Antenna - ASH700936D_M SNOW (SN CR15924) / BPA 20710S001 METZOKI DRAGOT DRAG GPS Antenna - ASH700936D_M CR14346 / BPA 20711S001 KIBUTZ EL-ROM ELRO Bottom of pre-amplifier of GPS antenna ASH700936D_M /CR520000101 20712S001 KIBUTZ LAHAV LHAV GPS Antenna - ASH701945C_M SNOW/BAP 20713M001 Ceasarya CSAR Forced centering device 20714M001 Jerusalem JSLM TOp of a forced centering device of top of a monument 20715M001 Kibutz Cerem Shalom SLOM Top of a forced centering device on top of permanent monument 20716M001 Kibutz Neve Harif NRIF Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 20717M001 Morze Martwe - Ded-Sea Manufac DSEA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 20718M001 Yerucham YRCM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 20719M001 Ashkelon - Waste treatment fac ALON Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 20801M001 Diyarbakir 7575 Mark SLR 20801M002 Diyarbakir DYR2 UNAVCO leveling mount screwed onto threaded metal pin cemented into the roof 20802M001 Yozgat 7585 Mark SLR 20803M001 Melengiclick 7580 Mark SLR 20804M001 Yigilca 7587 Mark SLR 20805M001 Ankara 7589 SLR mark 1993 20805M002 Ankara ANKR Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20806M001 Gebze TUBI 2m Pillar in bedrock 20807M001 Istanbul ISTA Roof of the technical university/Survey Marker on a pillar 20808M001 Trabzon TRAB Roof of the technical university/Survey Marker on a pillar 20809M001 Mentes MENT Concrete Pillar 20810M001 Bodrum BODR Geodetic Ground Marker Drilled on Concrete 20811M001 Erdek ERDK Geodetic Ground Marker Drilled on Concrete 20812M001 Antalya ANTG Geodetic Ground Marker Drilled on Concrete 20812M002 Antalya ANTA Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 20813M001 Harran University HRRN Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 20814M001 Mersin MERS Forced centering device 20815M001 Istanbul - Yildiz Technical Un YLDZ Top and center of a survey mark on a concrete pillar, anchored on a roof building 20816M001 Kars KRS1 Top and centre of a 2 m height stainless steel mast (1 m above the roof) fixed on top of the roof of a 4 storeys height building. 20817M001 Izmir IZMI Top and centre of a 2 m height stainless steel mast (1 m above the roof) fixed on top of the roof of a 4 storeys height building. 21401M001 Bumthang BUMT Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21402M001 Deothang DEOT Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21403M001 Gelephu GELE Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21404M001 Kanglung KANG Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21405M001 Phuntsholing PHUN Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21406M001 Thimphu THIM Reference point of a forced centering Leica antenna base support on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 21501M001 EVEREST DORIS mark 21501S001 EVEREST EVEB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 21502M001 Nagarkot NAGA Forced centering device 21502M002 Nagarkot NAGR Top and axis of a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21503M001 Chitwan CHTW Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a short driven braced monument 1.75 meters deep 21601M001 BEIJING BJFS Concrete on the bedrock/Bench mark 21601M002 BEIJING 7343 Concrete monument 21601S004 BEIJING 7249 BEIJ fixed SLR system 21601S005 BEIJING 7357 Intersection of axes of SLR instrument 21602M001 WUHAN-JIUFENG WUHN Top and centre of a chiselled brass nail on concrete block 21602M002 WUHAN-JIUFENG Top and centre of a metallic pole fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21602M003 WUHAN-JIUFENG WHJF Top and centre of an adaptor fixed on top of a concrete pier 21602M004 WUHAN-JIUFENG top and centre of a domed brass screw at the top of a concrete pillar 21602M005 WUHAN-JIUFENG GWUH Top and center of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel pillar, bolted to the roof of a building 21602M006 WUHAN-JIUFENG JFNG Top and centre of a metallic pole fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21602M007 WUHAN-JIUFENG WUH2 Top of a brass nail, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21602S003 WUHAN-JIUFENG 7236 Wuhan fixed laser 21602S004 WUHAN-JIUFENG 7231 Jiufeng fixed laser (new location of 7236) / intersection of axes 21602S005 WUHAN-JIUFENG JIUB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 21602S006 WUHAN-JIUFENG JIVB DORIS antenna ref. point (Starec type) 21602S007 WUHAN-JIUFENG JIWC DORIS antenna ref. point (Starec type) 21602S008 WUHAN-JIUFENG 7396 rotation axes intersection of a permanent SLR telescope 21604M002 PURPLE MOUNTAIN DORIS mark 21604S003 PURPLE MOUNTAIN PURA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 21605M001 SHANGHAI Mark connect with bedrock 21605M002 SHANGHAI SHAO GPS marker JPL 4027-S 21605S001 SHANGHAI 7837 SLR IAR 21605S008 SHANGHAI 7226 VLBI 6m radiotelescope ref. pt. 21605S009 SHANGHAI 7227 VLBI 25m antenna ref. pt. 21605S010 SHANGHAI 7821 SLR station - Intersection of rotation axis 21609M001 KUNMING KUNM Brass pin cemented into concrete pillar 21609S002 KUNMING 7820 YSLR01 / intersection of axes 21609S003 KUNMING 7367 Intersection of axes of a permanent 40m VLBI antenna 21609S004 KUNMING 7819 AZ EL intersection. 21611M001 Changchun CC06 Geodetic Ground Mark 21611M002 Changchun CHAN Steel nail on Pillar / Concrete Block 21611S001 Changchun 7237 CHALAS / intersection of axes 21612M001 Urumqi URUM Geodetic pillar 21612M002 Urumqi 7355 SLR PILLAR 21612M003 Urumqi GUAO Marker on the top of concrete pier 21612S001 Urumqi 7330 25 m VLBI antenna reference point 21613M001 Lhasa LHAS GPS PILLAR / BOLT LS 12 21613M002 Lhasa LHAZ GPS/GLONASS pillar with bolt 21613M003 Lhasa 7356 Pillar 21614M001 Shaanxi XIAN GPS MARK JPL 3233-S 21615M001 Peijiakong - Xian PJKG GPS/GLONASS PILLAR 21616M001 Beijing s Ming Tombs nature re BJNM Foced centering antenna mount on top of a metal rod fixed in one corner of square metal rack siting on the roof of Building 20 21617M001 Chengdu PIXI Bottom and axis of a forced centering steel mast on top of a concrete pillar 21618S001 Tianma Radio Telescope - Shesh 7379 Rotation axis intersection of a 65m VLBI antenna 21701M001 KASHIMA Metal station mark (Denken 1) 21701M002 KASHIMA 7335 SLR geodetic ground marker 21701S001 KASHIMA 1856 26m VLBI antenna 21701S004 KASHIMA 1857 34m VLBI antenna 21701S006 KASHIMA 7334 Steerable 11m Cassegrain VLBI antenna/intersection of axes 21701S007 KASHIMA KSMV Ashtech Z-XII with GEODETIC L1/L2 antenna/ARP 21702M001 MIZUSAWA Mobile VLBI marker 21702M002 MIZUSAWA MIZU Concrete pilar / Building Roof 21702M003 MIZUSAWA GMIZ Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic mast, bolded to a concrete pillar. 21702S009 MIZUSAWA 7314 Mobile VLBI 21702S010 MIZUSAWA 7324 10-m VLBI antenna/AZ-EL (MIZNAO10) 21702S011 MIZUSAWA MZSW ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 23-MAR-1996 (940029) 21702S012 MIZUSAWA 7362 20 M DIAMATER VLBI ANTENNA / 2 AND 8 GHZ RECEIVERS / ARP 21704M001 KOGANEI 7328 SLR geodetic ground marker 21704M002 KOGANEI 10cm squared concrete base with nonprecise cross hair/M20-VLBI-S 21704S002 KOGANEI 7308 SLR CRLLAS IAR 21704S004 KOGANEI 7327 Steerable 11m Cassegrain VLBI antenna/intersection of axes 21704S005 KOGANEI KGNI Ashtech Z-XII with GEODETIC L1/L2 antenna/ARP 21704S006 KOGANEI KGN0 Ashtech Choke Ring Antenna / SN 701933-02 REV.A CRN21999080101 / ARP 21704S007 KOGANEI 7344 3-m antenna Ref. Point. 21705S001 DODAIRA 7935 DDR Fixed SLR system 21709M001 OKINAWA 7301 7301 SLR Marker 21709S001 OKINAWA 7301 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 21710S001 Uchinoura 7349 34-m VLBI antenna reference point 21715M001 KAINAN - Wakayama 7350 Mobile VLBI marker / 8cm metal marker 21715S001 KAINAN - Wakayama 7350 KAINAN 5m VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21715S002 KAINAN - Wakayama P117 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21718S001 Miyazaki 7312 5m mobile VLBI 21725S001 NOBEYAMA 7244 6m VLBI antenna ref. pt. 21726M001 Simosato SMST Stone marker on a concrete block 21726M002 Simosato 7838 SLR mark (center of the ring of the base pier) 21726S001 Simosato 7838 SLR IAR fixed 21729M001 USUDA GPS mark Control RM roof 21729S001 USUDA 7246 64M VLBI antenna IAR 21729S002 USUDA ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 29-JAN-91/09-AUG-92 21729S003 USUDA USUD ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 29-JAN-91/09-AUG-92 21729S004 USUDA ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Top of the choke ring 29-JAN-91/09-AUG-92 21729S005 USUDA ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 09-AUG-92/29-OCT-92 21729S007 USUDA USUD ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 29-OCT-92/ 21730M001 Tsukuba Mobile VLBI marker 21730M002 Tsukuba GSI 5 MARKER 21730M003 Tsukuba TSKA Stainless Steel Pillar/IGEX Marker 21730M004 Tsukuba TSUKUB32 VLBI geodetic ground marker 21730M005 Tsukuba 7360 8cm metal marker / Mobile VLBI marker 21730M006 Tsukuba Top surface of TSKB reference pillar 21730M007 Tsukuba Pillar around VLBI 1, 39m away in a NE direction from 217030S007. 21730M008 Tsukuba Pillar around VLBI 2, 35m away in a SE direction from 217030S007 21730M009 Tsukuba Pillar around VLBI 3, 55m away in a WSW direction from 217030S007 21730M010 Tsukuba Pillar around VLBI 4, 63m away in a NW direction from 217030S007 21730M011 Tsukuba Rhombus Baseline Pt. 2, 61m away in a E direction from 217030S005 21730M012 Tsukuba Rhombus Baseline Pt. 3, 55m away in a NNE direction from 217030S005 21730M013 Tsukuba Rhombus Baseline Pt. 4, 238m away in a WNW direction from 217030S005 21730M014 Tsukuba Rhombus Baseline Pt. 5, 114m away in a SSW direction from 217030S005 21730M015 Tsukuba TSBA Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 21730S001 Tsukuba 7311 5m mobile VLBI 21730S002 Tsukuba MINI MAC2816AT/L1 10-JUL-88 - 17-DEC-91 21730S003 Tsukuba MINI MAC2816AT/L1 18-DEC-91 21730S004 Tsukuba TSUK MINI MAC2816AT / Bottom of the antenna 21730S005 Tsukuba TSKB AOA BENCHMARK ACT/18-JUN-02, AOAD/M_T/22-AUG-00, TurboRogue/DM T/15-DEC-93 - 2 meter Stainless Pillar 21730S006 Tsukuba TKBA ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 06-APR-1996 (942002) 21730S007 Tsukuba 7345 Fully steerable 32m Cassegrain antenna with AZ/EL mount (TSUKUB32)/Intersection of axes 21730S008 Tsukuba 7360 3.8m VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21730S009 Tsukuba TKSC TRM33429.20+GP Antenna / ARP 21730S010 Tsukuba TSK2 BPA = ARP with antenna TRM29659.00 . 5 meter monument with concrete block foundation 21731M001 SHINTOTSUKAWA 7315 Mobile VLBI marker 21731S001 SHINTOTSUKAWA 7315 Mobile VLBI 21731S002 SHINTOTSUKAWA STKW ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 06-APR-1996 (942001) 21731S003 SHINTOTSUKAWA 7346 Fully steerable 3.8m Cassegrain antenna with AZ/EL mount (SINTOTU3)/ Intersection of axes 21731S004 SHINTOTSUKAWA STK2 BPA = ARP with antenna TRM29659.00. 5 meter monument with concrete block foundation 21732M001 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA VLBI geodetic ground marker 21732M002 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA CCJ2 Center of upper surface of an antenna mount fixed on top of a 5m stainless steel pillar 21732S001 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA 7316 mobile VLBI 21732S002 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA 7844 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 21732S003 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA CCJM ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 06-APR-1996 (942003) 21732S004 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA 7347 Fully steerable 10m Cassegrain antenna with AZ/EL mount(CHICHI10)/ Intersection of axes 21732S005 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA 7363 20M DIAMETER VLBI ANTENNA / 2 AND 8 GHZ RECEIVERS / ARP 21732S006 CHICHIJIMA / OGASAWARA P213 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21733S001 MINAMI TORI SIMA (MARCUS) 7300 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 21733S002 MINAMI TORI SIMA (MARCUS) 7310 mobile VLBI 21735M001 TSUSHIMA 7302 7302 SLR Marker 21735S001 TSUSHIMA 7302 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 21736S001 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7307 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 / 18-Jul-88 17-Sep-88 21736S002 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7365 20M DIAMETER VLBI ANTENNA / 2 AND 8 GHZ RECEIVERS / ARP 21736S002 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7365 20M DIAMETER VLBI ANTENNA / 2 AND 8 GHZ RECEIVERS / ARP 21736S003 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7307 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 / 03-Aug-97 05-Nov-97 21736S004 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7307 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 / 11-Aug-98 13-Nov-98 21736S005 ISHIGAKI SHIMA 7307 SLR IAR HTLRS-1 / 14-Sep-99 12-Dec-99 21737M001 SAGARA 7325 Mobile VLBI marker / 8cm metal marker 21737S001 SAGARA 7325 VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21738S001 DAITO 7326 VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21739M001 MIURA 7337 SLR geodetic ground marker 21739S001 MIURA 7336 Steerable 11m Cassegrain VLBI antenna/intersection of axes 21739S002 MIURA Ashtech Z-XII with GEODETIC L1/L2 antenna/ARP 21740M001 TATEYAMA 7339 SLR geodetic ground marker 21740S001 TATEYAMA 7338 Steerable 11m Cassegrain VLBI antenna/intersection of axes 21740S002 TATEYAMA Ashtech Z-XII with GEODETIC L1/L2 antenna/ARP 21741S001 MITAKA MTKA TSA-100 GPS ARP 21741S002 MITAKA MTKA ASHTECH 701073 ARP 21742M001 AIRA VLBI geodetic ground marker 21742M002 AIRA TIE1 Top and center of a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 21742M003 AIRA TIE2 Top and center of a stell plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21742M004 AIRA TIE3 Top and center of a stell plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21742S001 AIRA AIRA TRIMBLE 4000SSI-RC II/Permanent L1/L2/ARP 24-FEB-1998 (970837) 21742S002 AIRA 7348 Fully steerable 10m Cassegrain antenna with AZ/EL mount (AIRA)/ Intersection of axes 21743S001 Touhaku TOHK ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 23-MAR-1996 (940073) 21744S001 TAMAGUSUKU OKNW ASHTECH Z-XII3/Rev.D(70718)/ARP 23-MAR-1996 (940100) 21745M001 Tonami 7351 Mobile VLBI marker / 8cm metal marker 21745S001 Tonami 7351 TONAMI 2.4m VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21746S001 KANOZAN 7352 KANOZAN 2.4m VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 21747S001 GIFU 7354 Fully steerable 3m Cassegrain VLBI antenna with Az/El mount / Intersection of axes 21747S002 GIFU 7361 11-m VLBI antenna ref. Point 21748S001 IRIKI 7364 20M DIAMETER VLBI ANTENNA / 2 AND 8 GHZ RECEIVERS / ARP 21749M001 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR SLR GEODETIC REFERENCE MARKER 21749S001 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR 7358 SLR PERMANENT STATION / 1M TELESCOPE / INTERSECTION OF AXIS 21749S002 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR GMSD TRIMBLE NETR9 GPS TRM59800.00 + SCIS 21749S101 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR SLR TARGET-1 / CORNER REFLECTOR 21749S102 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR SLR TARGET-2 / CORNER REFLECTOR 21749S103 Tanegashima Island - GUTS-SLR SLR TARGET-3 / CORNER REFLECTOR 21750S001 Tomakomai 9001 Reference Point of a paraboric 11-m diameter VLBI antenna 21751S001 YAMAGUCHI 7366 Intersection of axes of permanent VLBI antenna 21752S001 Tobishima - Yamagata 0194 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21753S001 P-Oshoro - Hokkaido P101 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21754S001 P-Okushiri - Hokkaido P102 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21755S001 P-Asamushi - Aomori P103 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21756S001 P-Oga - Akita P104 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21757S001 P-Nezugaseki - Yamagata P105 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21758S001 P-Soma - Fukushima P106 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21759S001 P-Katsuura - Chiba P107 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21760S001 P-Aburatsubo P108 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21761S001 P-Ogi - Niigata P109 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21762S001 P-Kashiwazaki - Niigata P110 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21763S001 P-Wajima - Ishikawa P111 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21764S001 P-Mikuni - Fukui P112 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21765S001 P-Ito - Shizuoka P113 trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21766S001 P-Tago - Shizuoka P114 trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21767S001 P-Yaizu - Shizuoka P115 trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21768S001 P-Onisaki - Aichi P116 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21769S001 P-Tajiri - Tottori P118 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21770S001 P-Susa - Yamaguchi P119 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=TRM 21771S001 P-Kure - Kouchi P120 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21772S001 P-Kariya - Saga P121 trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21773S001 P-Hosojima - Miyazaki P122 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21774S001 P-Akune - Kagoshima P123 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21775S001 P-Okinawa - Okinawa P124 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21776S001 P-Wakkanai - Hokkaido P201 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21777S001 P-Abashiri - Hokkaido P202 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21778S001 P-Kushiro - Hokkaido P203 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21779S001 P-Hakodate - Hokkaido P204 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21780S001 P-Ofunato - Iwate P205 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21781S001 P-Mera - Chiba P206 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21782S001 P-Toyama - Toyama P207 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21783S001 P-Kushimoto - Wakayama P208 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21784S001 P-Hamada - Shimane P209 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21785S001 P-Nagasaki - Nagasaki P210 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21786S001 P-Aburatsu - Miyazaki P211 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21787S001 P-Naha - Okinawa P212 Trimble antenna TRM29659.00 / ARP=BPA 21788M001 Chofu CHOF Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on a roof 21789S001 Minamitorishima MCIL BPA =ARP TRM29659.00 . 3 meter monument with concrete block foundation 21790M001 Tokyo TOKY Forced centering device on rooftop steel mast 21791M001 Ishioka ISHI The reference point is the bottom of preamplifer of the GNSS antenna. The reference point coincides with the top and center of the antenna mount. About 2m-height stainless pillar anchored to a concrete foundation. 21791M002 Ishioka ISK2 Top and center of a stainless steel plate fixed on top of a 2m-height stainless pillar anchored to a concrete foundation 21791S001 Ishioka 7369 Intersection the VLBI antenna rotation axis 21901M001 Chiang Mai CHGM Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21903M001 Chon Buri CHON Geodetic Ground Mark 21904M001 Bangkok CHUL Chulalongkorn Univ. / Geodetic survey mark on top of Survey Building 21904M002 Bangkok RTSD Mapping School / Pillar on top of building /RTSD2 21904S001 Bangkok CUSV GPS ARP. Bottom of Zephyr Antenna. Steel tripod on the roof of the 22-storey building. 21904S002 Bangkok CUUT Antenna Reference Point (ARP)on a 2.0 m anchored steel mast on the roof of the building. Antenna is screwed directly onto the mast. 21905M001 Phuket PHUK Geodetic Ground Mark 21906M001 Bangkok - Asian Institute of T AITB Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 21907M001 Chumphon airport CPNM Top of a forced centering steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 21908M001 Chiang Mai II CMUM top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 21909M001 National Institute of Metrolog THAI Top and center of the stainless steel mast fixed on the side with concrete base of a 3 stories height building. 22003M001 Quezon I PIMO Geodetic ground marker under mobile geodetic system (GPS) 22005M001 Zamboanga PZAM Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22006M002 Manila - Taguig MANA DORIS mark 22006M003 Manila - Taguig MMA8 Geodetic Ground Mark 22006M004 Manila - Taguig RP01 5mm metal pin 22006M005 Manila - Taguig PTAG Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22006M006 Manila - Taguig PTGG Top and center of a brass mark embedded in a concrete block 22006M007 Manila - Taguig JPLU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 22006S001 Manila - Taguig MANA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 22006S002 Manila - Taguig MANB DORIS Antenna (Starec type) 22007M001 Kaygabok KAYT Forced centering device 22008M001 Taal Volcano TVST Forced centering antenna mount 22009M001 Bayombong PBAY Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22010M001 Cabanatuan PCAB Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22010M002 Cabanatuan PCB2 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 2.0m height stainless steel pillar anchored on the column on the side of a three-storey building 22011M001 Candelaria PCAN Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22012M001 Floridablanca PFLO Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22013M001 General Santos PGEN Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22014M001 Iloilo PILC Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22015M001 Legaspi City PLEG Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22016M001 Puerto Princesa City PPPC Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22017M001 Surigao City PSUR Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22018M001 Tacloban City PTAC Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22019M001 Tagaytay City PTGY Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22020M001 Urdaneta City PURD Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 22021M001 ADDU, Davao DVAO Self-Center antenna mount on a concrete Pillar (1.5m) on the roof of the main building of Ateneo De Davao University 22022M001 Basco PBAS Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22023M001 Catarman PCAT Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22024M001 Cebu PCEB Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22025M001 Davao PDAV Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22026M001 Dumaguete PDUM Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22027M001 Kalibo PKAL Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22028M001 Masbate PMAS Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22029M001 Mogpog PMOG Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22030M001 Mariveles PMRV Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22031M001 El Nido PNDO Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22032M001 San Rafael PSRF Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22033M001 Santa Cruz PSTC Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22034M001 Tagoloan PTGO Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22035M001 Tuguegarao PTUG Forced centering device on top of a permanent pillar 22036M001 Santa Ana PSTN Top and center of a stainless steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 22037M001 Batac PBAT Top and center of a stainless steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 22038M001 Bislig PBIS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar attached to a beam on the side of a three-Storey building 22039M001 Candon PCDN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored on the beam on the side of a four-storey building 22040M001 Calapan PCLP Forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored on the beam on the side of a three-storey building 22041M001 Cotabato City PCOT Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a two-storey building 22042M001 Tagum City PDDN Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a two-storey building 22043M001 Dipolog City PDIP Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a three-storey building 22044M001 Naga City PNAG Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a three-storey building 22045M001 San Narciso PSNR Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a four-storey building 22046M001 Tarlac City PTLC Top and axis of a 1.5m height stainless steel pillar anchored and fixed on a beam on the side of a five-storey building 22047M001 Pagadian City,Zamboanga del Su PPAG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m Deep Drilled Braced Monument 22048M001 San Juan, Batangas PSJN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m Deep Drilled Braced Monument 22049M001 Maramag, Bukidnon PMRM Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m Deep Drilled Braced Monument 22050M001 Borongan, Eastern Samar PBOR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m Deep Drilled Braced Monument 22051M001 Baguio City, Benguet PBGU Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 2 m high stainless steel pillar fixed on a building roof 22052M001 Gumaca, Quezon PGUM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 2 m high stainless steel pillar fixed on a building roof 22053M001 Ilagan City, Isabela PILN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m deep drilled braced monument fixed on a concrete block on the ground 22054M001 Sorsogon City, Sorsogon PSRG Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.5m deep drilled braced monument fixed on a concrete block on the ground 22201M001 AMMAN AMMN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 22305M002 Lucknow LCKI Top and axis of a levelled forced centering tribrach fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 22305M003 Lucknow LCK2 Top and axis of a levelled forced centering tribrach fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 22305M004 Lucknow LCK3 Top and axis of a levelled forced centering tribrach fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, on top of a 10m high concrete tower 22305M005 Lucknow LCK4 Top and axis of a levelled forced centering tribrach fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar, op top of a 10m high conrete tower 22306M001 Bangalore IISC Divot in bottom plate of antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 22306M002 Bangalore IISC CIRCLE AND DOT 22306M003 Bangalore BAN2 Pillar 22307M001 Hyderabad HYDE Stainless steel platform/Pillar/main building of NGRI 22308M001 Port Blair PBRI Top of a forced centering tribrach fixed on a concrete pillar 22308M002 Port Blair PBR2 Top of a forced centering tribrach fixed on a rectangular reinforced concrete pillar 22308M003 Port Blair PBR4 Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel plate mounted on stainless steel mast, embedded on a 1.5m concrete pillar on top of ISTRAC Port Blair building 22309M001 Mumbai MUMB Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 22310M001 CIMFR - Dhanbad DHBD Reference point of a foced centering antenna mount on a concrete pillar, fixed on the Roof of the department of geology 22311M001 Goa GOAN Reference point of a SEGAL forced centering antenna mount, fixed on top of a steel mast, clamped on a building roof. 22312M001 Hutbay HUTB Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 22501M001 Buket Kayu Arang BRUN Top and axis of a steel plate, fixed on top of a metallic structure 22601M001 Nanyang Technological Universi NTUS MARKER NTUS-01 / STEEL POLE /ROOF OF THE SCHOOL CIVIL ENGINEERING 22601M002 Nanyang Technological Universi NTBS Pillar 22601M003 Nanyang Technological Universi SIN0 Reference point of a forced antenna device fixed on a roof 22601M003 Nanyang Technological Universi SIN1 Reference point of a forced antenna device fixed on a roof 22601M004 Nanyang Technological Universi SGQZ Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 22601S002 Nanyang Technological Universi SNTU Trimble Choke Ring with Radome (TRM29659.00) reference point mounted on top of a building 22602M001 Singapore II CCBS Changkat Changi Base Station / Pole secured to building 22602M002 Singapore II SMU1 200 Airport Road / Stainless steel bolt on top of pillar 22603M001 Singapore III PPBS Peixin Primary School, Yishun Ring Road / Pole secured to building 22604M001 Singapore IV RMBS Radin Mas Base Station / Pole secured to building 22605M001 Geylang SING Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 22606M001 Singapore National Sailing Cen SNSC Forced centering device on top of a 2m pillar 22607M001 TMSI - National University of TMSI Self-Centering antenna mount on a 1.5m high concrete pillar, on a roof 22608S001 Pulau Semakau SSMK Trimble Zephyr Geodetic 2 (TRM55971.00) reference point mounted on top of a three storey building 22609S001 Nanyang Polytechnic SNYP Trimble Choke Ring with Radome (TRM29659.00) reference point mounted on top of a building 22610S001 Loyang SLOY Trimble Choke Ring with Radome (TRM29659.00) reference point mounted on top of a building 22611S001 Senoko SSEK Trimble Choke Ring with Radome (TRM29659.00) reference point mounted on top of a building 22612S001 Keppel SKEP Trimble Choke Ring with Radome (TRM29659.00) reference point mounted on top of a two storey building 22701M001 Arau ARAU Concrete Piller Piled to Bedrock 22702M001 Bintulu BINT Galvanised Iron Pipe Mounted on Concrete Jetty 22703M001 Kota bahru GETI Brass Thread piled on the concrete roof of Tide House 22703M002 Kota bahru GET2 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 3m concrete pillar 22704M001 Gunong Rapat IPOH Stainless Steel Pillar mounted on concrete slab (piled to bedrock) 22705M001 Kota Kinabalu KINA Concrete Pillar Piled to bedrock 22706M001 Kuala Lumpur KTPK Galvanised Iron Piped Mounted on top of Concrete roof 22707M001 Kuala Terengganu KUAL Brass Tread piled to bedrock (Geodyssea Station) 22708M001 Kuantan KUAN Concrete Pillar Piled to Bedrock 22709M001 Kuching KUCH Concrete Pillar Piled to Bedrock 22710M001 Labuan LABU Concrete Pillar Piled to Bedrock 22710M002 Labuan LAB1 Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 9m high concrete monument 22711M001 Miri MIRI Stainless Steel Pipe Mounted on Concrete Roof 22712M001 Sandakan SAND Concrete Pillar Piled to Bedrock 22713M001 Tawau MTAW Concrete Pillar Piled to Bedrock 22714M001 Skudai, Johor Bahru UTMJ Brass Thread piled to concrete roof 22715M001 Kota Kinabalu - University Mal UMSS Top and center of a geodetic marker on concrete pillar 22716M001 Kuching - University Malaysia UMAS Top and center of a geodetic marker on concrete pillar 22717M001 Tokai TOKA Top and center of a geodetic marker on concrete pillar 22718M001 JUPEM Melaka JUML Top and center of a geodetic marker on concrete pillar 22719M001 Bintulu 1 BIN1 Top and center of a geodetic marker on concrete pillar 22720M001 Banting ANMG Forced centering device on top of a steel mast. 22720M002 Banting BANT Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 22720M003 Banting BAN1 Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22721M001 Nibal Tebong - University Sain EUSM Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored on a concrete block on a building roof 22721M002 Nibal Tebong - University Sain BABH Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete roof 22722M001 Langkawi - Balai Bomba dan P LGKW Top and center Geodetic ground marker (circle plate with bolt) 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of tower 22723M001 Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sin UUMK Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the building 22724M001 Sik - Balai Bomba dan Penyel SIK1 Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3 meter concrete monument 22725M001 Sungai Petani - Pejabat Ukur SGPT Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the building 22726M001 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pul USMP Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3m concrete pillar 22727M001 Gerik - Bangunan Persekutuan GRIK Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22728M001 Cameron Highlands - SK Ringl CMRN Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3m concrete monument 22729M001 Lasah - SMK RLKTP Lasah, Per LASA Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3m concrete monument 22730M001 Pusing - SMK Pusing, Perak PUSI Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3m concrete pillar 22731M001 Pulau Pangkor - SMK Pangkor, PUPK Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 2.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete roof 22732M001 Teluk Intan - SM Teknik (Per TLKI Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a building roof 22733M001 Sabak Bernam - Politeknik Su SBKB Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete roof 22734M001 Behrang - Institut Tanah dan BEHR Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 2.5m concrete monument 22735M001 UPMS - Universiti Putra Mala UPMS Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete roof 22736M001 Meru - Sekolah Keb Meru, Per MERU Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6.0m concrete monument 22737M001 Labis LBIS Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter high concrete monument 22738M001 Kuala Klawang - Maktab Renda KLAW Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6.0m concrete monument 22739M001 Port Dickson - Majlis Perban PDIC Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete roof 22740M001 Bahau - SMK Datuk Mansor, Ba BAHA Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 3m concrete pillar 22741M001 Segamat - Kampus UiTM Segama SEG1 Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22742M001 Parit Sulong - SMK Penghulu PRTS Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on concrete rooft 22743M001 Kg Gajah - Padang Ragut Hija GAJA Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22744M001 Simpang Renggam - SMK Simpan SPGR Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete building 22745M001 Kukup - Pejabat Jabatan Peng KUKP Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22746M001 Johor Jaya - SMK Johor Jaya JHJY Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of tower 22747M001 Tanjung Peneglih - SK Tanjun TGPG Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22748M001 Mersing - SMK Mersing, Jalan E MRSG Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the building 22749M001 Kuala Rompin - Sek. Men Tekn KROM Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete building 22750M001 Muadzam Shah - SMKA Muadzam MUAD Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22751M001 Temerloh - Pejabat Jurutera TLOH Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the building 22752M001 Pekan - Pejabat Jurutera Dae PEKN Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the building 22753M001 Sri Jaya - SMK Sri Jaya, Mar SRIJ Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22754M001 Kuala Lipis - SMK Kuala Lana KLIP Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22755M001 Jerantut - SMKA Tengku Ampua JRNT Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22756M001 Bentong - Pejabat Daerah Ben BENT Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete building 22757M001 Al Mukhtafi Billah Shah - Ba MUKH Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22758M001 Cheneh Baru -SMK Cheneh Baru CENE Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 2 meters stainless steel pillar on top of concrete building 22759M001 Teris -SMK Matang, Kual Bera TRIS Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 2 meter stainless steel pillar on top of concrete building 22760M001 Setiu - SMK Tengku Ibrahim, SETI Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 2 meters steel pillar on top of a concrete roof 22761M001 Gua Musang - Balai Bomba dan GMUS Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 2 meters stainless steel pillar on top of concrete tower 22762M001 Kuala Krai - Maktab Rendah S KRAI Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22763M001 Pasir Putih - Sekolah Meneng PASP Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22764M001 Ayer Lanas - Maktab Rendah S AYER Top and axis of a forced centgering stanless steel plate on top of a 6 meters concrete monument 22765M001 Beaufort - SMK Beaufort, Bea BFOR Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 3 meter stainless steel pillar on top of concrete building 22766M001 Tambunan - SMK Tambunan, Tam TMBN Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 8 meter concrete monument 22767M001 Ranau - SMK Ranau, Ranau Sab RANA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22768M001 Kota Belud - SMK Taun Gusi, BELU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 2 meter stainless steel pillar on top of concrete building 22769M001 Kota Marudu - SK Kota Marudu I MRDU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 8 meter concrete monument 22770M001 Keningau - SMK Keningau II, KGAU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6 meter concrete monument 22771M001 Tenom - SMK Tenom, Tenom Sab TENM Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 2 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete building 22772M001 Lahad Datu - SMK Sepagaya, L DATU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 2 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete building 22773M001 SEMA - SMK Sematan, Sematan SEMA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22774M001 Tebedu - Pejabat Daerah Kecil TEBE Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22775M001 Sri Aman - SK Seri Aman, Kg AMAN Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22776M001 Saratok - SMKA Sri Aman,Sara SARA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22777M001 Sibu - SMK Meradong, Bintago SIBU Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22778M001 Mukah - Politeknik Mukah, Ja MUKA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22779M001 Kapit - SMK Kapit No. 2, Ka KPIT Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22780M001 Sg Asap - SK Batu Keling, S BELA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22781M001 Niah - SMK Suai, Batu Niah, NIAH Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 8m high concrete monument 22782M001 Marudi - SMK Marudi, Marudi, MRDI Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22783M001 Lawas - SK Agama (MIS) Lawas S LAWS Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22784M001 Kudat KUDA Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 6m high concrete monument 22785M001 Tanjung Sedeli SDLI Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22786M001 Kota Tinggi TING Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22787M001 Parit Sulong TENG Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22788M001 Muar MUAR Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 1.5 meter stainless steel pillar on top of the concrete roof 22789M001 Triang TRIA Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22790M001 Raub RAUB Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22791M001 Bandar Tun Razak RAZA Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22792M001 Sekinchan SEKI Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22793M001 Sungai Bayor BYOR Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter high concrete monument 22794M001 Gulau GULA Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22795M001 Changkat Jering JRNG Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter high concrete monument 22796M001 Tasik Banding BAND Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22797M001 Lebir LBIR Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter high concrete monument 22798M001 Limau Kasturi MUSA Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 22799M001 Merchang MRCH Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter high concrete monument 22901M001 Male airport MALE Brass rod with stainless steel cap 22901M002 Male airport Hole on top of a screw embedded in a concrete block 22901M003 Male airport HULE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe on a tripod anchored in the ground. 22901S001 Male airport MALD LEIAT504 chokering ant./ LEIS spherical radome /ARP 22901S002 Male airport MALB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 22902M001 Gan, Addu City ADDU Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe on a tripod anchored in the ground. 23001M001 HONG-KONG HKPU Concrete Pillar / GLONASS MARKER 23002M001 KAU YI CHAU KYC1 Geodetic monument / concrete pillar with forced centering device 23003M001 FANLING T430 Geodetic mark 23003M002 FANLING HKFN Referenec point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on a 1.8 m height metal rack on a building roftop. 23004M001 Chek Lap Kok HKCL Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on a wall 23005M001 Kau Sai Chau HKKS Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on a building roof wall corner 23006M001 Kam Tin HKKT Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete pad 23007M001 Lamma Island HKLM Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on a building roof wall 23008M001 Lam Tei HKLT Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23009M001 Mui Wo HKMW Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23010M001 Ngong Ping HKNP Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23011M001 Obelisk Hill HKOH Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23012M001 Peng Chau HKPC Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a building roof concrete wall 23013M001 Quarry Bay HKQT Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on a concrete block on a building roof 23014M001 Stonecutters Island HKSC Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a building roof concrete wall corner 23015M001 Siu Lang Shui HKSL Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23016M001 Shap Sze Heung HKSS Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23017M001 Sha Tin HKST Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23018M001 Sha Tau Kok HKTK Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on a building roof wall corner 23019M001 Wong Shek HKWS Reference point of a forced centring antenna mount, fixed on top of a 5.M high concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete block 23101M001 Cibinong DORIS mark 1 (destroyed) 23101M002 Cibinong BAKO Concrete monument TTG1 23101M003 Cibinong Domed brass mark on concrete pillar (DORIS 2 mark) 23101M004 Cibinong LABG Concrete pillar / Bakosurtanal 23101M005 Cibinong CIBG Top of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a metallic structure, fixed on a wall 23101S001 Cibinong CIBB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 23101S002 Cibinong CICB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 23101S003 Cibinong CIDB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 23103M001 Parepare PARE Concrete pillar on top of building 23104M001 Medan SAMP Concrete pillar on top of building / Sampali 23105M001 Bitung PBIT Concrete pillar 23105M002 Bitung BTNG Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of an aluminum mast anchored to a concrete monument. 23106M001 Pendak Dayung, Jakarta PDAY Concrete pillar 23107M001 Sorong, Irian Jaya PSOR Concrete pillar 23108M001 Manado MAND Manado Airpor / Concrete pillar / Manado N.4001 23108M002 Manado WINA Winangun / Concrete pillar 23109M001 YogYakarta JOGJ Top and center of a brass bot fixed on a concrete roof 23109M002 YogYakarta JOG2 Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in a roof 23110M001 Bulasat - South Pagai Island BSAT Forced centering adapter fixed on top of a shallow drilled braced monument 23111M001 Muara Saibi MSAI Forced centering antenna adapter on top of a metallic pillar 23112M001 Pulau Bais PBAI Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a shallow drilled braced monument 23113M001 Pulau Sikuai PSKI Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a shallow drilled braced monument 23114M001 Pulau Simuk PSMK Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a shallow drilled braced monument 23115M001 Pulau Telo PTLO Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a shallow drilled braced monument 23116M001 Benoa BNOA Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of an aluminum mast anchored to a concrete monument. 23117M001 Cilicap CLCP Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of an aluminum mast anchored to a concrete monument. 23118M001 Jakarta Selatan GLIS Center of a mark on a concrete pad, on top of a 3 strorey building roof 23119M001 Plawangan Merapi PLAW reference point of an antenna mount fixed on concrete monument 23120M001 Pos Jrakah Merapi JRAK reference point of an antenna mount 23401M001 PHNOM PENH PENH Geodetic Ground Mark 23401M002 PHNOM PENH LAND Geodetic Ground Mark 23402M001 SIEM REAP SIEM Geodetic Ground Mark 23403M001 SIHANOUKVILLE SIHA Geodetic Ground Mark 23404M001 STUNG TRENG STUE Geodetic Ground Mark 23405M001 SVAY RIENG SVAY Geodetic Ground Mark 23501M001 Colombo Mark on roof (Epoch 92) 23501M002 Colombo DORIS mark 23501M003 Colombo SGOC Brass bolt on top of a concrete pillar, on the roof of the Surveyor General s office building 23501S001 Colombo COLA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 23502M001 Colombo 03 RCD1 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pillar, fixed to a concrete slab 23503M001 Pallekele PALK Reference point of an antenna mount on a shallow-drilled braced. 23601M001 Taipei TAIW GPS mark 23603M001 Taoyuan NFTL Building roof/Geodetic marker/stainless steel pillar 23603S001 Taoyuan TWT1 GPS/GLONASS Antenna/3S NAV TSA-100 CR/ ARP 23603S001 Taoyuan TWTL GPS/GLONASS Antenna/3S NAV TSA-100 CR/ ARP 23603S002 Taoyuan TWTF ASH701945C_M SCIS / CR620012101 / ARP 23604S001 Hsinchu TNML AOAD/M_T GPS Antenna/ARP 23604S002 Hsinchu TCMS LEIAT504 (SN:720) GPS antenna/ARP 23605M001 Taipei, Center Weather Bureau TACC Axis and base of a forced centering screw on top of a steel mast, fixed in the middle of a concrete pillar 23606M001 Tainan NCKU Top of a forced centering plate fixed on a roof 23606M002 Tainan CKSV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pole, fixed on a roof 23607M001 Maioli JUNA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pole, fixed on a roof 23608M001 Kinmen KMNM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in the ground 23609M001 Taichung Liming Post Office LSB0 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pole, fixed on a building roof 23610M001 National Central University NCUT Self-centering mount on a concrete pillar (2m). 23611M001 Hoping HGC6 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.5m height stainless steel tripod set on a 3m aboveground concrete pillar. 23902M001 Daejeon TAEJ KAO GPS STATION/Stainless Steel Rod In Poured Concrete Post 23902M002 Daejeon DAEG Stainless Steel Rod/Top of Ferro-concrete Pillar 23902M002 Daejeon DAEJ Stainless Steel Rod/Top of Ferro-concrete Pillar 23902M003 Daejeon DAE2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 23902S001 Daejeon TRIMBLE 4000SDT/L1 23902S002 Daejeon 7359 Intersection of axes of a permanent SLR instrument. 23903M001 Suwon-Shi SUWN Concrete base marker 23903M002 Suwon-Shi 7353 Mobile VLBI Marker 23903S001 Suwon-Shi 7353 SUWON 3.8m VLBI antenna Ref. Pt. 23904S001 Osan air base OSN1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 12121 /ARP 23904S001 Osan air base OSN2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 12121 /ARP 23904S001 Osan air base SKOR NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 12121 /ARP 23904S002 Osan air base OSN3 NGA GNSS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 103 /ARP 23904S002 Osan air base OSN4 NGA GNSS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 103 /ARP 23905M001 Cheju-Shi CHJU Pillar 23906M001 Yongsan YONS Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on a steel plate, fixed on top of a steel pillar 23907M001 Sejong Observatory SEJN Forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 23907M002 Sejong Observatory Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 23907M003 Sejong Observatory Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 23907M004 Sejong Observatory Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 23907M005 Sejong Observatory Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 23907M006 Sejong Observatory Top and axis of a domed brass mark embedded in a concrete block 23907S001 Sejong Observatory 7368 Intersection of the 22m VLBI antenna rotation axis 23907S002 Sejong Observatory 7394 Intersection of axes of a SLR station telescope 23908M001 Dokdo DOKD Top of a forced centering steel plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 23909M001 Seoul - Gwanak-Gu SG26 Top of a forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 23910M001 Gamak mountain GAMG Top and axis of a brass mark, embedded in a concrete terrace roof. 23910S001 Gamak mountain 7395 Rotation axes intersection of a permanent SLR telescope 24001M001 Al Kuwayt FG40 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 24002M001 Kuwait University KUWT Forced centering device on a roof 24101M001 VIENTANE VIEN Concrete Monument 24102M001 Champasack Province KHON Concrete Monument 24103M001 PHONGSALI PHON Concrete Monument 24104M001 HOUAXAY HOUA Concrete Monument 24105M001 LAKXAO LAKX Concrete Monument 24106M001 PHUTAKOY PHUT Concrete Monument 24107M001 SAMNUA SAMN Concrete Monument 24201M001 Ulaanbataar - Zuunmod ULAB Geodetic Pillar 24202M001 Arvaikheer ARVA Point of Gravimetric Network 24203M001 Choibalsan CHOI Point of Gravimetric network 24203M002 Choibalsan CHOB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar with steel rods, anchored to the bedrock 24204M001 Dalanzadgad DALA Point of Gravimetric Network 24204M002 Dalanzadgad DALN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar with steel rods, anchored to the bedrock 24205M001 Hovd HOVD Point of Gravimetric Network 24206M001 Murun MURN Point of Gravimetric Network 24207M001 Ulaanbataar - MonMap MONJ Top of a forced centering steel rod, anchored on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a building roof. 24207M001 Ulaanbataar - MonMap MONM Top of a forced centering steel rod, anchored on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a building roof. 24301M001 HANOI JNAV Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pillar, fixed on a building roof 24302M001 DIEN MIEN PHU QT01 Geodetic Ground Mark 24303M001 HAI PHONG QT02 Geodetic Ground Mark 24304M001 DA NANG QT03 Geodetic Ground Mark 24305M001 VUNG TAU QT04 Geodetic Ground Mark 24306M001 Da Lat DLTV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, fixed to a concrete building roof 24701M001 Abu Dhabi FG31 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 24702M001 Dubai - Emirates Institution f DUBA Top of a forced centering antenna mount of a metallic pole, fixed on a concrete block 24901M001 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) RM1-31314 DMA 35012 (OLD DOPPLER 31482) 24901M002 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) BAHR Top and center of a brass survey disk stamped WM1 DMA 32021 24901M002 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) BHR1 Top and center of a brass survey disk stamped WM1 DMA 32021 24901M002 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) BHR2 Top and center of a brass survey disk stamped WM1 DMA 32021 24901S001 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) GPS DMA TI4100 / L1 24901S002 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) BHR3 NGA GPS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-11842 / ARP 24901S002 BAHREIN (JUFFAR) BHR4 NGA GPS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-11842 / ARP 25001M001 Yibal YIBL Drilled Braced monument 25002M001 Sultan Qaboos University SQUO Top and axis of a forced centering steel rod fixed on top of a structural concrete pillar of the building 25101M001 Hadiboh - Socotra island SCTR Self centering mounting device on a Concrete Pillar on the roof of the Environment Building 25201M001 Garni GARN Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1.5 m tall steel filled with concrete, anchored in bedrock 25301M001 Baku BAKU Roof monument with forced centering on top 25501M001 Gudauri GUDA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25502M001 Kazreti KAZR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25503M001 Tsalenjikha TSAL Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25504M001 Dedoplis Tskaro DEDO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25505M001 Oni ONI_ Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25506M001 Akhaltsikhe AKHA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25507M001 Batumi BATU Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 25508M001 Kaspi KASP Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on the roof 25509M001 Poti POTI Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25510M001 Kutaisi QUTA Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25511M001 Telavi TELV Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25512M001 Tianeti TIAN Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25513M001 Tbilisi TBIL Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25514M001 Akhalkalaki AKAL Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on the bedrock 25515M001 Meore Kesalo ALGT Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25516M001 Iormuganlo IORM Reference point of a forced device on top of a steel rod, fixed on a roof 25517M001 Mestia MEST Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed on a roof. 25518M001 Trialeti TRLT Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, anchored to the bedrock. 25519M001 Chokharauri CHOK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed on a roof. 25520M001 Khashuri KHAS Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, fixed on a roof. 25521M001 Khulo XULO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 25522M001 Tsageri CAGE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 25523M001 Lagodekhi LAGD Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 25601M001 Chumysh CHUM Divot in a 5/8" S/S screw in the DOSE leveling mount. 25602M001 Kurchatov KRTV Forced centering device 25603S001 Baikonur Cosmodrome 1887 Intersection of the rotation axis of the telescope 25604M001 Astana - Eurasian National Uni ENUA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed in a metallic mast in the University building roof 25605M001 Atyrau ATRU Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the roof of a 1 storey height building 25606M001 Nazarbayev University - Astana ASKZ Top and center of a stainless steel mast on concrete block 25607M001 Aktobe AKTB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the roof of a 1 storey height building 25608M001 Semey SEME reference point of a self centring antenna mount 25609M001 Kostanay KOST reference point of a self centring antenna mount 25610M001 Kyzylorda KZRD reference point of a self centring antenna mount 25701M001 Kumtor KUMT Forced centering device on top of a mast 25702M001 Shamsi SHAS Forced centering device on top of a steel pipe 25703M001 Sumkar SUMK Forced centering device 25704M001 Talas TALA Forced centering device 26201M001 Dili DILI Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on a concrete roof 29501M001 Linah - North Area NB05 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29502M001 Abriq Kebreet ES95 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29503M001 Qatan NJ07 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29504M001 Salm Alzwaher MK84 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29505M001 Hiswah AS97 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29506M001 Ras Alkhair ES94 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29507M001 Almajaridah AS07 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29508M001 Al Khobar ES93 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29509M001 Alsalama Alfareeq MK83 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29510M001 Qurayyah 2 ES91 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29511M001 Haradh 2 ES22 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29512M001 Kabad QS99 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29513M001 Salwa ES15 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29514M001 Althabitiyah QS03 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29515M001 Albidayyiah QS05 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29516M001 Dhalm MK09 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29517M001 Qaa Hijla HL98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29518M001 Sufait HL94 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29519M001 Alneqrah QS98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29520M001 Alneqrah QS98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29521M001 Assabeyah MD93 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29522M001 Alrweidh MD92 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29523M001 Alghashiyah MD90 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29524M001 Dharah MD07 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29525M001 Arrayis MD09 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29526M001 Alasafiah TB09 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29527M001 Yanbu Al Shuruq MD95 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29528M001 Alhawja TB07 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29529M001 Ishrah MD06 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29530M001 Faydat al Mislah MK81 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29531M001 Bi'r al Murayr MD11 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29532M001 Dil`an as Sutayyir MD12 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29533M001 Aba al Akwan RY20 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29534M001 Al Bi`ithah RY76 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29535M001 Al `Usran AS90 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29536M001 Al Hajlan AS89 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29537M001 As Sidawi ES17 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29538M001 Umm Qalib ES18 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29539M001 As Sililah MD97 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29540M001 Alqalibah 2 TB08 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29541M001 An Nu`aylah TB97 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29542M001 Jabal Muraykhah AS91 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29543M001 Al `Uwaylah MK75 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29544M001 al Hashraj MK78 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29545M001 Al Humayj MD89 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29546M001 Al Birk 2 MD94 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29547M001 Bid` Ibn Huwayyit HL99 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29548M001 Al Hunayy ES21 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29549M001 Al `Addah AS98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29550M001 Al Qahab BH98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29551M001 Al Habl ES92 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29552M001 Ruway` an Nis MD05 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29553M001 Tir`ah - Almadinah Area MD80 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29554M001 Al Qahmah - Aseer Area AS04 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29555M001 Mishrif - Makkah Area MK80 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29556M001 Alnegeaah - Almadinah Area MD10 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29557M001 Umm Hishshan AS92 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29558M001 Al Mazra` BH01 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29559M001 Ash Sharar ES16 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29560M001 Al kalbah MD96 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29561M001 Al Maramiyyah MD98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29562M001 Al Hadaqah NB04 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29563M001 Al Muwayh MK10 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29564M001 Az Zahar RY17 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29565M001 `Usaylah RY71 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29566M001 Samur TB98 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29567M001 Ash Shab`an TB99 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29568M001 al Himar AS05 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount 29690M001 Huraymila HRM3 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 29691M001 Almuzahmyah - Al Andalous MUZ2 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 29692M001 Iswaq ISWA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29693M001 Bada BADA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29694M001 Alshqri ALSH Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29695M001 Wadi Al Farah WADI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29696M001 Uyun Al Jawa UYUN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29697M001 Al Uyeynah UYNH Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29698M001 Tumayr TMYR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29699M001 Jlajil JLJL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29701M001 Shaqra SQRA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29702M001 Sajir SJIR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29703M001 Sharma SHRM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29704M001 Ash Shamli SHAM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29705M001 Al Shabhah SHAB Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29706M001 Ar Rawdah RAWD Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29707M001 Riyadh Al Khabra RAKH Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29708M001 Alqasab QASB Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29709M001 Murat MURT Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29710M001 Muha MUHA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29711M001 Mawqaq MAWQ Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29712M001 Al Mangoor SITE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29713M001 Al Qalibah QALI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29714M001 Duba DUBA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29715M001 Al Beda BEDA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29716M001 Hawtatsudair HWSD Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29717M001 Hajar HAJA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29718M001 Alghat GHAT Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29719M001 Dariya DRYH Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29720M001 Aldilam DILM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29721M001 Dariyah DARI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29722M001 Biljuashi BILJ Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29723M001 Bejdda BEJD Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29724M001 Badayealedyan BDEL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29725M001 Badr BADR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29726M001 Ayshayger ASHR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29727M001 Al Uraija ALUR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29728M001 Al Naseem Municipality ALNE Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29729M001 Al Marameh ALMR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29730M001 Al Mithnab ALMI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29731M001 Al Dahariyah ALDA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29732M001 Al Aqiq ALAQ Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29733M001 Al Amar ALAM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29734M001 Al Ahmar AHMA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29735M001 Yanbu YNB2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a 1 m high metallic mast. 29736M001 Wadi Adawasi WADW Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29737M001 Uneza UNAY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29738M001 Umluj UMLU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29739M001 Uglat Asugour UGLA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29740M001 Turbah TURB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29741M001 Turaib TURA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29743M001 Thadiq THDQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29744M001 Tanomah TANO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29745M001 Sulaymi SULA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29746M001 Sulyyl SLYL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29746M002 Sulyyl SLY2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29747M001 Simira SIMI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29748M001 Shoiba SHOI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29749M001 ShifaMak SHIF Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29751M001 Samtah SAMT Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29752M001 Sabya SABY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29753M001 Rimal RMAL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29754M001 General Directory of Municipal RIYD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29755M001 Ranyah RANY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29756M001 Al Quwarah QUWA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29757M001 Qusaiba QUSA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29758M001 Al Qouz QOUZ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29759M001 Qelwah QELW Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29760M001 Qbah QBAH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29761M001 Old MOMRA Building, Riyadh OLDM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29762M001 North Municipality, Riyadh NOMU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29763M001 Nifi NIFI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29764M001 An Nabhaniyah NABH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29765M001 Al Muzaylif MUZA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29766M001 Mundaq MUND Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29767M001 MOMRA Building, Riyadh MOMR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29769M001 Kharj KHRJ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29770M001 Jubbah JUBB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29771M001 Jouf JOUF Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29772M001 Hawtat B Tamim HWBT Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29773M001 Al Huwaya HUWA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29775M001 Hariq HREQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29776M001 Hirmaz HIRM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29779M001 Gizan GZAN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29780M001 Faifa FIFA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29781M001 Ad Duawadmi DWDM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29782M001 Durma DRMA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29783M001 Dhahran Al Janub DHAH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29784M001 Dammam DAMM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29785M001 Baish Resthouse BSRH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29786M001 Al Bijadiyah BJDH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29787M001 Barza BARZ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29788M001 Balqran BALQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29791M001 Daralhamra ASSU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29792M001 Ash Shefa ASSH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29793M001 Ash Shinan ASHS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29794M001 Al Shuqaiq ASHQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29795M001 Ash Shamasiyah ASHM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29796M001 Ashayrah ASHA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29797M001 Al Rayth ARYT Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29798M001 Ar Rayn ARYN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29799M001 Artawaya ARTW Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29801M001 Khayber, Madinah Area MD03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.6 m height ground type concrete pillar 29801M002 Khayber, Madinah Area KHAY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29802M001 Bani Yazid, Makkah Area ES96 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 29803M001 Gharran, Makkah Area MK93 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 2 storeys height building 29804M001 Mastoura, Makkah Area MK95 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 29805M001 Abbor, Makkah MK99 Intersection of the 1.8m stainless steel mast with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed to the concrete roof of a 3 storeys height building 29806M001 Qaryat Al Olya, Eastern Area ES08 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29807M001 Al Uqair,Eastern Area ES04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29808M001 Azfaq,Jouf Area JW02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.9 m height ground type concrete pillar 29809M001 Haditha,Jouf Area JW04 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29810M001 Al Darb,Jizan Area JZ03 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29811M001 Tafeah,Makkah Area MK01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.7 m height ground type concrete pillar 29812M001 Buraidah,Qassim Area QS01 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 4.1 m height ground type concrete pillar 29812M002 Buraidah,Qassim Area BURD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29813M001 Al Aqer,Qassim Area QS02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29814M001 Rabegh, Makkah Area MK02 Intersection of the monument top steal plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount on top of a 2.3 m height concrete pillar, placed in the desert. 29815M001 Al Nabah,Madinah Area MD02 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.3 m height concrete pillar 29816M001 Arja, Al Duwadimi, Riyadh area RY72 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.7 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29817M001 Ash Shara, Al Duwadimi, Riyadh RY70 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.65 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29818M001 Rafa Al Jamesh, Al Duwadimi, R RY73 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.9 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29818M002 Rafa Al Jamesh, Al Duwadimi, R JMSH Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 29819M001 Al kharma Al Shimaliah, Al Qas QS07 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3 m height concrete pillar 29820M001 Al Khushaybi, Al Qassim area QS96 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.66 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29821M001 Hadeja, Al Duwadimi, Riyadh ar RY15 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3 m height concrete pillar 29822M001 Abu Jalal, Al Duwadimi, Riyadh RY74 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.69 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29823M001 Umm Hazim, Al Qassim QS95 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.7 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29824M001 Bahar, Al Duwadimi, Riyadh are RY19 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3 m height concrete pillar 29825M001 Al Dulaymiyah, Alqassim area QS97 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.67 m height steel pillar, anchored on a building concrete roof 29826M001 Shaifah, Eastern Area ES11 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.3 m height concrete pillar 29827M001 Technical college of Al Madina MD15 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.3 m height concrete pillar 29828M001 Rafha, Northern Border NB02 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.9 m height concrete pillar 29828M002 Rafha, Northern Border RAFH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29829M001 Sakakah, Jouf Area JW01 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.1 m height concrete pillar 29830M001 Dweghan,Makkah Area MK07 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.7 m height concrete pillar 29831M001 Samuda, Hafar Al Batin ES20 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29832M001 Hadabah, Hail HL05 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29833M001 Al Khwair, Hail HL06 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29834M001 Tabah, Hail HL96 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.75 m height steel pillar. 29835M001 Abu Ajram, Al Jowf Area JW05 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29836M001 Hunaydhl, Qassim Area QS04 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29837M001 Al Trfawi, Qassim Area QS06 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29838M001 Shawyah, Riyadh Area RY18 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 3.0 m height concrete pillar. 29839M001 Az Zulfi, Riyadh Area RY75 Top and center of a steel plate surface fixed on top of a 2.525 m height steel pillar. 29840M001 Yadmah, Najran Area NJ02 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar 29841M001 Kharkir, Najran Area NJ05 Intersection of the monument top stainless steel plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount, fixed on top of a 2.4 m height ground type concrete pillar 29842M001 Al Madha - Aseer Area AS94 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29843M001 Al Qawba - Aseer Area AS99 Top and axis of the 2.6 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29844M001 Al Hajrah- Al Bahah Area BH99 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29845M001 Uqaylat Al Laban- Hail Area HL95 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29846M001 Al Rashawya- Hail Area HL97 Top and axis of the 2.5 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29847M001 Al Haqu - Jazan Area JZ04 Top and axis of the 4.1 m height concrete pillar anchored to the ground 29848M001 Bahra - Makkah Area MK08 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29849M001 Bahra - Makkah Area MK76 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29850M001 Abu Rakh- Makkah Area MK77 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29851M001 Ateef- Makkah Area MK82 Top and axis of the 2.8 m height stainless steel tube, anchored to a building roof 29852M001 Samakh, Aseer Area AS06 Intersection of the monument top plate surface with the centre of the GNSS antenna mount. Antenna Height above ARP 0.0730m. 29853M001 Ras Hmade RASH Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 29854M001 Tayyab TAYS Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 29855M001 Shaybah SHYB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29855M002 Shaybah ES12 Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of a 2.3 m height ground type concrete pillar, anchored to the ground with 3.6 m depth foundation 29856M001 Khursaniyah KRSN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29857M001 Yanbu Al Sinaiyah YNBU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29858M001 Dhahran DHRN Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29859M001 Water pumping station 06 PS06 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29860M001 Water pumping station 10 PS10 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29861M001 Haradh HROB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29862M001 Shedgum SDGM Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29863M001 Abgaig ABQQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29864M001 Quarayah QRYH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29865M001 Mubarraz MBRZ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29866M001 Udhailiyah UDLH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29867M001 Khurais KHRS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29868M001 Haradh HARD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29869M001 Harmaliyah HRML Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29870M001 Hawiyah 1 HWG4 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29871M001 Hawiyah 2 HWGP Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29872M001 Berri BRRI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29873M001 Tanajib TNJB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29874M001 Abu Ali ABAL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29875M001 Ras Tanura refinery RSTR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29876M001 North Jeddah Bulk Plant JIDH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a pillar, anchored to a roof 29878M001 Abha ABHA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29879M001 Abu Arish ABUA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29880M001 Al Hakamy AHMY Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29881M001 Al Khuba AKHB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29882M001 ALAJ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29886M001 Al Butayn ALBU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29887M001 Al Fuwayloq ALFU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29888M001 Al Ghazalah ALGH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29890M001 Al Haddar ALHD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29891M001 Al Henakiyah ALHE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29892M001 Al Jumoom ALJU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29893M001 Al Khurmah ALKI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29894M001 Al Nadeem ALNA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29895M001 Alseel ALSE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29896M001 Alwaj ALWA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29897M001 Alys ALYS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29898M001 Al Mawasam AMWS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29899M001 Ar Rass ARR2 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 29901M001 Sahabat SAHA Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 29902M001 Simunjan SIMU Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 29903M001 Telupid TELU Base and axis of a forced centering bolt on a circle plate, fixed on a 6 meter concrete monument 30101M001 HELWAN PHLW Dimple in the center of a long, steel threaded pin 30101S001 HELWAN 7831 SLR IAR fixed 30102M001 ALEXANDRIA ALEX CEA/eighth floor terrace/Center of lower steel plate of the centring device fixed on the top of a concrete pillar 30102M001 ALEXANDRIA ALX2 CEA/eighth floor terrace/Center of lower steel plate of the centring device fixed on the top of a concrete pillar 30302M002 Hartebeesthoek HART Engraved plate below ROGUE antenna 30302M003 Hartebeesthoek 7501 SLR mark 1993 30302M004 Hartebeesthoek HRAO KRUGERSDORP/SS6TRI MONUMENT 30302M005 Hartebeesthoek DORIS 1 mark 30302M006 Hartebeesthoek DORIS 2 mark 30302M007 Hartebeesthoek HARK Survey and Mapping Rogue bench mark 30302M008 Hartebeesthoek Brass mark on top of a steel pole 30302M009 Hartebeesthoek HARB Brass mark on a concrete pad 30302M010 Hartebeesthoek HRAG Reference point of a forced antenna device, fixed on a wall 30302M011 Hartebeesthoek HRTB Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30302S001 Hartebeesthoek 7232 26m VLBI antenna ref. pt. 30302S005 Hartebeesthoek HBLA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 30302S006 Hartebeesthoek HBKB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30302S006 Hartebeesthoek HBLB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30302S008 Hartebeesthoek HBMB DORIS antenna reference point (starec type) 30302S009 Hartebeesthoek 7378 Intersection of rotation axes of a 15m VLBI antenna 30302S010 Hartebeesthoek 7503 Intersection of the rotation axes of a permanent SLR telescope 30302S202 Hartebeesthoek HBKA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 30304S001 Olifantsfontein 7902 Fixed SLR / Laser Mount Rotation Axes 30305M001 LE CAP I CTWN Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 30305M001 LE CAP I JCTW Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 30307M001 Simonstown SIMO Pier / Center of bottom plate of SSI self-centring mount 30310M001 Pretoria CSIR Steel Table on top of building lift tower 30310S001 Pretoria PRE1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16465 / ARP 30310S001 Pretoria PRE2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16465 / ARP 30310S001 Pretoria SAFR NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16465 / ARP 30310S002 Pretoria PRE3 NGA GNSS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-10995 /ARP 30310S002 Pretoria PRE4 NGA GNSS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS Ser# 762-10995 /ARP 30313M001 Marion Island (Prince Edward I DORIS mark 30313S001 Marion Island (Prince Edward I MARA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 30313S002 Marion Island (Prince Edward I MARB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30313S003 Marion Island (Prince Edward I MATB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 30313S004 Marion Island (Prince Edward I MARN GPS Antenna reference point (ARP) - ASH700936C_M, SN A12117 30313S005 Marion Island (Prince Edward I MAUB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 30314M001 Sutherland 7502 SLR mark 1993 30314M002 Sutherland SUTH Ref. Pt. on Stainless steel platform / pier tied to bedrock 30314M002 Sutherland SUTV Ref. Pt. on Stainless steel platform / pier tied to bedrock 30314M003 Sutherland SUTG PIER/Top of fixed antenna mount 30314M004 Sutherland SUTM Pillar in Bedrock 30315M001 Richardsbay RBAY Top of small v drilled into stainless steel with self centring platform 30316M001 De Aar DEAR Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30317M001 Umtata UMTA Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30318M001 Ulundi ULDI Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 30319M001 Thohoyandou TDOU Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30320M001 Springbok SBOK Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30321M001 Mafikeng MFKG Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30322M001 Hermanus HERM Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30322M001 Hermanus HNUS Forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30323S001 Cape Town CPTN Novatel 702GG Antenna reference point, mounted on rooftop steel mast 30324M001 Milnerton FG01 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 30325M001 Pretoria III JPRE Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast on a roof. 30326M001 Matjiesfontein MTJF Forced centering bolt on a stainless steel plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the bedrock 30602M001 Ascension II ASC1 PLATE/I-BEAM MAST/ROOF MOUNT 30602M002 Ascension III Ariane station / Concrete block / DORIS mark 30602M003 Ascension III Ariane Station / Concrete pillar / DORIS mark 30602M004 Ascension III ASCG Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic pillar, fixed on o concrete pillar 30602S001 Ascension III ASCB DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30602S003 Ascension II GPS OCS monitor station 30602S004 Ascension III ASDB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30602S005 Ascension III ASEB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30604M001 tristan Da Cunha Concrete pillar / DORIS mark 30604M002 tristan Da Cunha Tide gauge / POL mark 30604M003 tristan Da Cunha DORIS mark fixed in a concrete block 30604M004 tristan Da Cunha TCTA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast bolted to concrete pillar near tide gauge. 30604S001 tristan Da Cunha TRIA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 30604S002 tristan Da Cunha TRIB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30604S003 tristan Da Cunha TRJB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30606M002 Saint-Helena DORIS 2 mark 30606M003 Saint-Helena STHL Forced centering mounting device (SCIGN) on top of a concrete pillar 30606S002 Saint-Helena HELA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 30606S003 Saint-Helena HELB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 30606S004 Saint-Helena HEMB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 30607M001 Signy Island SIG1 GAP GPS MARKER 30607S001 Signy Island SIGA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 30608M001 Gough Island GOUG steel pipe, drilled into the rock, 5/8"screw 30609M001 Ascencion GSS station S21A Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30609M001 Ascencion GSS station S21G Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30609M001 Ascencion GSS station S21M Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30609M002 Ascencion GSS station S21B Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30609M002 Ascencion GSS station S21H Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30609M002 Ascencion GSS station S21N Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 30610M001 Saint Helena - Rupert's Bay Ti SHTA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel monument bolted to quayside near tide gauge 30802M001 DIEGO GARCIA DGAR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel bracket fixed to a roof 30802M001 DIEGO GARCIA DGAV Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel bracket fixed to a roof 30802S002 DIEGO GARCIA GPS OCS monitor station 30901M001 Mtwara MTWA Top and axis of the sxrew of a bolt fixed on top of a concrete pillar 30902M001 Tanzania CGPS - Dar es Salam TANZ Forced centering steel mast on top of a concrete pillar 30903M001 Ardhi Institute Tabora ARIT Top and center of a mark on a steel plate, fixed on top of 1 meter steel pipe 30904M001 Zanzibar - Polytechnic ZNZB Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a metallic pillar fixed on a roof. 31101M001 Windhoek WIND Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 31101M002 Windhoek WHOK Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 31102M001 Walvis Ba FG08 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 31102M002 Walvis Ba WBTA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel monument bolted to quayside near tide gauge 31103M001 Luederitz Tide Gauge Station LZTA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel monument bolted to quayside near tide gauge 31201M001 Kinshasa FIHS Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31202M001 Kinsangani FKIS Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31302M001 La Laguna ULLA Top and centre of a screw with a double nut stainless steel 31302M002 La Laguna TENE Top and axis of 1.5m metal pole bolted to rooftop 31302M003 La Laguna LLAG Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on a roof 31303M001 Maspalomas MASP PILLAR MPA1 31303M002 Maspalomas MAS1 GPS mark 31303S004 Maspalomas GMAS TRM33429.20+GP Antenna / ARP 31308M001 Puerto de la Luz (Las Palmas G PLUZ Stainless steel plate with 5/8" BSW incrusted on a concrete pillar on the roof of the tide gauge building 31309M001 Tenerife Island OIZA Atmospherical Observatory of Izana - Screw with double stainless steel nut 31309M002 Tenerife Island IZAN Brass plate on concrete pillar. Metereological Observatory garden 31310M001 Fasnia (Tenerife) FASN Top and centre of a screw with a double nut stainless steel 31311M001 Guia de Isora (Tenerife) GUIA Top and centre of a screw with a double nut stainless steel 31312M001 Icod de los Vinos (Tenerife) ICOD Top and centre of a screw with a double nut stainless steel 31313M001 Arona (Tenerife) ARON Top and centre of a screw with a double nut stainless steel 31314M001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife TN01 Brass plate in a concrete block on top of the tide gauge building 31315M001 Puerto de la Cruz TN02 Brass plate in the reinforced concrete block on top fishermen association building in El Puerto de la Cruz Port 31316M001 Los Cristianos TN03 Brass plate in a reinforced concrete block on top authority port building in Los Cristianos Port 31317M001 Tafira, Las Palmas ULP1 Top of of steel pipe bolted to solid concrete structure on a building roof 31317M002 Tafira, Las Palmas ULP2 Axis and base of a 5/8 inch screw in the center of a SECO piece, embedded on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on the terrace of a building roof 31318M001 Teide Volcano (Tenerife) TN05 Top and center of a brass plate fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 31319M001 San Miguel de Abona SNMG Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 31320M001 Tias TIAS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 31321M001 Teror - Gran Canaria TERR Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 31322M001 Aguimes - Gran Canaria AGUI Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31323M001 La Aldea - Gran Canaria ALDE Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31324M001 Haria - Lanzarote HRIA Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31325M001 Santiago del Teide - Lanzarote STEI Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31326M001 Yaiza - Lanzarote YAIZ Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31327M001 Grafcan - Tenerife GRAF Forced centering device on top of steel pipe, fixed on rooftop 31328M001 Erjos (Tenerife) TN06 Forced centering device on a brass plate, fixed in a reinforced concrete block on top of the Civic Center building 31329M001 Guajara (Tenerife) TN07 Forced centering device on a brass plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31330M001 Fuerteventura FUER Top of a forced centering brass plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31331M001 La Orotava TN08 Reference point of the self centring antenna mount (coincident with the BPA and ARP)on a reinforced concrete block on top of a building near the cable car in Teide volcano. 31334M001 Orzola, Lanzarote LZ01 Reference point of a brass "SECO" piece embebed in a concrete pillar on a building roof 31335M001 Arrecife, Lanzarote LZ02 Reference point of a brass "SECO" piece embebed in a concrete pillar on a terrace 31502M001 Addis Ababa University ADIS Geodetic marker on concrete pillar, founded in bedrock 31502M003 Addis Ababa University AAUI The top and center of a stainless steel mast, embedded in a reinforced concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 31503M001 Addis Ababa - Ethiopian Mappin ETAD Leveling adapter mounted on 1.22m pipe embedded in concrete on rooftop 31504M001 Jimma ETJI Metal plate bolted on metal structure on rooftop building 31505M001 Dire Dawa ETDD Leveling adapter mounted on 1.22m pipe embedded in concrete on rooftop 31506M001 Alem Maya DAMY Forced centering stainless steel device fixed on a steel mast 31507S001 Bahir Dar University BDUN GNSS antenna reference point (JAVAD RingAnt-G3T, S/N 00352) 31508M001 Bahir Dar University - Institu TANA Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 31509M001 Awra DA60 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a concrete building roof 31901S001 Flores FLOA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 31902M004 Dores - Graciosa AZGR Top of metal pole embedded on a concrete pillar 31903S001 Santa Maria SAMB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 31906M001 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) 7609 Ponta Delgada / Mobile VLBI mark 1992 31906M002 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) DORIS mark on the university roof 31906M003 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) Tide gauge benchmark MN B 11/92 31906M004 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) PDEL Metalic pillar on the top of a building in the Azores University 31906S001 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) PDLB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 31906S002 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) PDMB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 31906S003 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) PDNC DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 31906S004 Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel) PDOC DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec C type) 31907M001 Santa Cruz das Flores FLRS Marker on concrete pillar on top of the local Navy building 31908M001 Furnas FRNS Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31909M001 Terceira - Barraca TERC Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31910M001 Piedade PIED Top and center of a forced centering antenna mount, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 31911M001 Villa Franca Do Campo - Sao Mi VFDC Top of metal pole embedded on a concrete pillar 31912M001 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou SNTM Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a concrete pillar 31912M002 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04A Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M002 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04G Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M002 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04M Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M003 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou RAEG Brass plate with a mast in a concrete monumentation. The reference point is the top of the mast where the antenna is screwed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. 31912M004 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04B Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M004 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04H Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M004 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou S04N Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 31912M005 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou AZSM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 31912S001 Santa Maria ESA Satellite Grou 7390 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna 31913M001 Velas - Rosais Seismic Station VLAZ Self-Center antenna mount on a concrete pillar, fixed on top of the library building roof 31914M001 Agualva, Terceira Island PAGU Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 31915M001 Queimada QEMD Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 31916M001 Topo TOPO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a stainless steel structure, fixed to a concrete building wall 31917M001 Terra do Pao AZTP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored into a small building concrete roof 31918M001 Horta HORT Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on a concrete wall of a building 31919M001 Formigas FRMG Top and axis of a self-Centering antenna mount fixed on a concrete roof Top 32201M001 Douala, Akwa II SAWA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building concrete wall 32402M001 Pointe Noire FG03 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 32403M001 Brazzaville - Sciences Faculty BZVS Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel bar, fixed on a concrete block 32601M001 YAMOUSSOUKRO YKRO Raised tip (3mm) above monument plate 32701M001 Cotonou BJCO SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 3.15m concrete pillar 32702M001 Nikki BJNI SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 3.15m concrete pillar 32703M001 Parakou BJPA SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 3.26m concrete pillar 32704M001 Kandi BJKA SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 4.21m concrete pillar 32705M001 Natitingou BJNA SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 3.98m concrete pillar 32706M001 Savalou BJSA SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 4.05m concrete pillar 32707M001 Aborney BJAB SECO force centering device on top of a 1.25m metal pole embedded on a 3.15m concrete pillar 32708M001 Djougou DJOU Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 32709M001 Naholou NAHO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 32809M001 LIBREVILLE N'Koltang / Borne 1988 32809M002 LIBREVILLE NKLG Top and center of a domed brass mark in concrete block 32809M003 LIBREVILLE DORIS mark 1 in the concrete base of the building 32809M004 LIBREVILLE DORIS mark 2 in a concrete block 32809S001 LIBREVILLE TRIMBLE SLD/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 32809S002 LIBREVILLE LIBA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 32809S003 LIBREVILLE LIBB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 32809S004 LIBREVILLE LICB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 32810M001 Masuku MSKU Top of the SCIGN mount centre bolt 32901M001 Kumasi KUMA PILLAR UST 1/68/SS1 32902M001 Accra ACCR Forced centering device on top of a rooftop steel mast 32903M001 Tamale TAMA Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 33101M001 Ouagadougou OUAG Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 33104M001 Bobo Dioulasso BOBO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33105M001 Dedougou DEDG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33106M001 Diapaga DIAP Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33107M001 Dori DORI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33108M001 Fada Ngourma FADA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33109M001 Gaoua GAOA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33110M001 Manga MANG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33111M001 Ouahigouya OHGY Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33112M001 Gampela BF01 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33201M001 MALINDI MALI Center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on the concrete monument. 33201M002 MALINDI GMAL Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a plate on top of a concrete pillar 33201M003 MALINDI MAL2 Center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on the concrete monument. 33203M001 Nairobi RCMN Threaded bolt on reinforced concrete block 33204M001 Eldoret - Moi University MOIU SCIGN MOUNT MARK on a roof mounted steel pipe 33205M001 Nairobi RxN NAIR Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 33302M001 Ambohimpanompo ABPO SCIGN antenna mount (mark) 33303M001 Ambalavao VOIM Top and center of a brass nail embedded on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a concrete bunker roof 33304M001 Tolanaro FDPH Self-Center Mounting on Roof Top. 33304M002 Tolanaro FMSD Top and axis of a stainless steel pipe, fixed on a concrete wall of a building roof 33305M001 Diego Suarez DSUA Top and axis of a stainless steel pipe, fixed to a concrete block on a building roof 33306M001 Sainte-Marie MASM inox plate set on a 4-rods inox structure anchored on a concerte pillar 33401M001 Mzuzu MZUZ Reference point of a SCIGN forced mount on top of a pipe fixed on a roof. 33402M001 Zomba ZOMB Reference point of a SCIGN forced mount on top of a pipe fixed on a roof. 33502M001 Tombouctou TOMB Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 33503M001 Gao GAO1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 33702M001 Niamey NIAM Top of a forced centering device fixed on a reinforced concrete pillar 33710M002 Arlit DORIS 2 mark 33710S001 Arlit ARLA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 33710S002 Arlit ARMA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 33801M001 Port Harcourt RUST Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a three-store building 33804M001 RECTAS RECT Self-centering mounting device for GNSS equipment on top of a 2m high concrete pillar 33805M001 Abuja ABFC Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of the OSGoF headquarters 33805M001 Abuja OSGF Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of the OSGoF headquarters 33806M001 Lagos LGLA Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33806M001 Lagos ULAG Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33807M001 Yola FUTY Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33807M001 Yola YLAD Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33808M001 Zaria ABUZ Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33808M001 Zaria ZRKD Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 33809M001 Birnin Kebbi BIKE Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33809M001 Birnin Kebbi BKFP Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33810M001 Enugu ENEN Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a three-store building 33810M001 Enugu UNEC Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a three-store building 33811M001 Gembu GBTA Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33811M001 Gembu GEMB Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33812M001 Toro CGGN Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33812M001 Toro CGGT Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on top of a concrete pillar 33813M001 Akure AKON Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33813M001 Akure FUTA Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33814M001 Maiduguri MDGR Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33815M001 Katsina HUKP Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33816M001 Oweri FPNO Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33816M001 Oweri OWIM Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33817M001 Calabar CBCR Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33817M001 Calabar CLBR Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 33818M001 Eket EKAK Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33819M001 Maiduguri - Anno MGBO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 33820M001 Kano KNKN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 33901M001 Mbarara MBAR Top of the center support bolt of the SCIGN adapter 33902M001 Kampala FG04 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 33903M001 Entebbe EBBE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a mast. 33903M002 Entebbe ENTB Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33904M001 Arua ARUA Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33905M001 Kibaale KBLE Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33906M001 Lira LIRA Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33907M001 Moroto MRTO Top and center of a brass mark embedded on a concrete roof 33908M001 Masaka MSKA Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete wall of a water tank 33909M001 Mbale MBAL Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33910M001 Masindi MSND Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33911M001 Soroti SRTI Top and center of a brass mark embedded on a concrete dedicated block 33912M001 Fort Portal FPRT Top and center of a brass mark embedded on a concrete block 33913M001 Gulu GULU Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 33914M001 Jinja JING Permanent mark of a forced centering SECCO adapter on top of a 3.5 m height stainless steel mast, fixed on the concrete corner of a one storey building 34001M001 Kigali - National University o NURK Top and center of a brass nail on top of a concrete pillar, founded on a roof 34101M003 Dakar DAKA DORIS mark 34101S004 Dakar DAKA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 34106M001 Dakar University DAKA Top of pillar 34106M002 Dakar University CADU Reference point of a forced antenna device fixed on the roof of the Department of Physics 34107M001 Dakar - Plateau FG02 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 34107M002 Dakar - Plateau DATG Top and center of a triangular steel plate on top of a metallic pillar 34108M001 Dakar - DTGC DAKR Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pillar anchored to a concrete building 34302M001 Merowe Dam MRWE Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a 2m high concrete pillar, anchored on the bedrock 34303M001 Damazin - Roseires Dam DZIN Forced centering device on top of a 2m high metallic pillar, fixed on the DIU administration building concrete roof 34304M001 Heglig HGLG Top and centre of a mark set in the central of a metal base pillar 34601M001 Lusaka ZAMB Anodized aluminium self-centring plate with v-shaped hole 34602M001 Mongu MONG Reference point of a SCIGN forced mount on top of a pipe fixed on a roof. 34603M001 Itezi-Tezi TEZI Reference point of a SCIGN forced mount on top of a pipe fixed on a grouted roof. 34701M001 MAUN MAUN Building corner / Selfcentring SSI type / Intersection of the top of the bottom plate with the centre of the V notch 34701M002 MAUN MAUA Reference point of a SCIGN forced mount on top of a pipe fixed on a roof. 35001M001 Rabat IAVH Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II/5/8-inch threaded stainless steel pin cemented into roof of building 35001M002 Rabat RABT Conquest pin that is epoxied into the cement wall on the roof 35002M001 Ifrane - Al Akhawayn universit IFRN Forced centering stainless steel pin on top of a pillar 35003M001 Tetouan TETN Forced centering device 35004M001 Ifrane - Forecast weather stat IFR1 Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 35203M001 Alger - INCT DZAL Reference point of a forced centering device 35204M001 Constantine DZCO Reference point of a forced centering device 35205M001 Oran DZOR Reference point of a forced centering device 39002M001 Rodrigues RDRG Forced centering device installed on top of the Meteorological Weather Services building roof 39003M001 Vacoas Meteo VACS Geodetic marker (brass nail) on a self-centering device in a concrete pillar (1.30 m) 39004M001 Quatre Bornes FG06 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 39301M001 Nampula NMPL Marker on an iron plate located on top of the roof of the Direccao Nacional de Agricultura 39302M001 Pemba PMBA Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a one-store building 39303M001 Inhambane INHB Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39304M001 Tete MTND Top and center of a doomed brass mark embedded in a concrete block, on a roof 39305M001 City hall - Beira SOFL Reference point of a forced antenna mount on the roof of the city hall building. 39306M001 Chimoio CHMO Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39307M001 Xaixai XXAI Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39308M001 Maputo MPTB Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39309M001 Lichinga LCNG Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39310M001 Quelimane QLMN Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39401M001 Sao Tome STMP Self-centered mounting device solidly attached to a concrete pillar on top of a two floors building 39402M001 Telecomm Centre - Sao Tome FG07 Forced centering device on top of steel pipe mounted on building roof 39501M002 Luanda LNDA Reference point of a forced antenna mount. 39503M001 IGCA - Luanda IGCA Self-centering device with a circular marker mounted on a metallic structure in the roof of the IGCA building 39504M001 M'Banza Congo MBZC Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39505M001 Uige UIGE Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39506M001 Caxito CXTO Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39507M001 N'Dalatando NDLT Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39508M001 Malanje MLNJ Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed on a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39509M001 Dundo DNDO Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a one-store building 39510M001 Saurimo SRMO Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a three-store building 39511M001 sumbe SUMB Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a three-store building 39512M001 Benguela BNGL Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39513M001 Huambo HUAM Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a one-store building 39514M001 Cuito CUIT Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39515M001 Luena LUNA Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39516M001 Namibe NMBE Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a one-store building 39517M001 Lubango LBNG Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39518M001 Menongue MNNG Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a two-store building 39519M001 Ondjiva ODVJ Top and center of a brass nail on a self-centering device installed in a metallic mast in the roof of a one-store building 39520M001 Luanda - Capolo II LDIG Top of a SEGAL self centering mount device on top of a concrete block 39601M001 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau CPVG Hemispheric brass ground marker 39601M002 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau Hemispheric brass ground marker 39601M003 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau CVDS Top and center of a geodetic marker on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 39601M004 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau Met station / DORIS mark on roof 39601M005 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau DORIS mark (tied to SAMC) 39601M006 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau ESSL Top of antenna mount fixed on rooftop wall 39601S001 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau TGCV Tide gauge / LEIAT504 antenna / LEIS spherical radome /ARP 39601S002 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau SALB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 39601S003 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau SAMC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 39601S003 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau SAPC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 39601S004 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau SAQC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 39601S005 Palmeira - Cape Verde Tide Gau SARC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type, version C) 39602M001 Mindelo, Sao Vicente SVCT Brass nail on a self-centering device in a concrete pillar 39602M001 Mindelo, Sao Vicente SVCT Top of antenna mount fixed on rooftop wall 39602M002 Mindelo, Sao Vicente MISV Bottom of antenna screw 39603M001 Mosteiros, Fogo Island MFCV Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 39603M001 Mosteiros, Fogo Island MOFG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 39604M001 Monte Beco, Fogo Island FMBC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 39604M001 Monte Beco, Fogo Island MBFG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 39605M001 Sal Rei SRBV Top of antenna mount fixed on rooftop wall 39606M001 Sao Filipe SFFG Top of antenna mount fixed on rooftop wall 39607M001 Santa Cruz SCST Top of antenna mount fixed on rooftop wall 39801M001 Mahe Island SEY1 MONUMENT CONNECTED TO A CONCRETE WELL-HEAD JPL 4016-S 39801M002 Mahe Island Pointe Larue / Concrete block / 12 mm stainless steel mark (DORIS) 39801M003 Mahe Island Pointe Larue / Tide gauge jetty / concrete pad / mark UH2 39801M004 Mahe Island SEYG Top and center of a forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic pillar 39801M005 Mahe Island Pointe Larue / Concrete pillar / brass mark (DORIS) 39801M006 Mahe Island SEY2 Marker is a divot located on a stainless steel SCIGN GNSS antenna adapter welded to a 6 inch diameter steel pipe grouted 35 m into the ground. Antenna BPA is 0.0086 m above divot. 39801S005 Mahe Island MAHB Pointe Larue / DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 39801S006 Mahe Island MAIB Pointe Larue / DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 39802M001 Aldabre ALBR forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 39901M001 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art ARO0 mark 39901M002 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art Pasted target on top of a wall (DORIS 1) 39901M003 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art Top of a building wall / 12 mm domed mark (DORIS 2) 39901M004 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art Concrete pillar / threaded hole in metal part 39901M005 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art DJIG Top and axis of a brass mark embedded in a concrete pillar 39901M006 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art 12 mm in diam. domed brass mark almost under DJIA. 39901S002 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art DJIA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 39901S003 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art DJIB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 39901S004 Observatoire Geophysique d'Art PAR0 Axis and 0.025m above the antenna reference point 40101M001 ST JOHN'S ST2O 920000 Concrete pillar on bedrock/plate 40101M001 ST JOHN'S STJO 920000 Concrete pillar on bedrock/plate 40101M002 ST JOHN'S Concrete pillar / DORIS mark 40101M003 ST JOHN'S 7625 Mark in the center of the mobile VLBI antenna support 40101M004 ST JOHN'S STJ2 Forced centering bolt on a welded plate, fixed on top of a stainless steel cylinder, drilled intot bedrock 40101M005 ST JOHN'S STJ3 Forced centering bolt on a welded plate, fixed on top of a stainless steel cylinder, drilled into bedrock 40101S002 ST JOHN'S STJB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40101S003 ST JOHN'S STKB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 40102M001 Ontario - Ottawa DORIS mark on the roof of Geomatics Canada building 40102S005 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) (original location) 40102S006 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) : dubious position (1st fall) 40102S007 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) : between 1st and 2nd fall 40102S008 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) : dubious position (2nd fall) 40102S009 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) : between 2nd and 3rd fall 40102S010 Ontario - Ottawa OTTA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) : dubious position (3rd fall) 40102S011 Ontario - Ottawa OTTB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 40103M001 PRINCE ALBERT PRAL GPS Mark 40104M002 Algonquin ALGO 883160 GPS ARO N. pier 40104M003 Algonquin 7410 SLR Mark (933000) 40104M004 Algonquin ALGR CONCRETE PILLAR with BRASS PLATE and STAINLESS STEEL FORCE CENTERING PIN (No. 983002) 40104M005 Algonquin ALG2 Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a ground pillar 40104M006 Algonquin ALG3 Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a ground pillar 40104S001 Algonquin 7282 46m VLBI antenna ref. pt. 40104S003 Algonquin ROGUE SNR-8/DORNE-MARGOLIN B/L1 16-JAN-91 - 40105M001 Penticton 7283 Mobile VLBI mark 7283 40105M002 Penticton DR2O GPS MARK 887006 40105M002 Penticton DRAO GPS MARK 887006 40105M003 Penticton DRA3 The GNSS reference mark consists of a 0.125 m diameter steel cylinder, 2 m high above ground and drilled into bedrock to a depth of approx. 6 m. The top of the monument is fitted with a 0.15m diameter stainless steel cap welded to the pipe and fitted with a centered 5/8 inch bolt. The top of the stainless steel cap serves as the ARP and is fitted with a 10cm forced centering spacer. 40105M004 Penticton DRA4 The GNSS reference mark consists of a 0.125 m diameter steel cylinder, 2 m high above ground and drilled into bedrock to a depth of approx. 6 m. The top of the monument is fitted with a 0.15m diameter stainless steel cap welded to the pipe and fitted with a centered 5/8 inch bolt. The top of the stainless steel cap serves as the ARP and is fitted with a 10cm forced centering spacer. 40105S002 Penticton TI4100/L1 40105S003 Penticton ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 27-FEB-91 40114M001 Ottawa - National Research Cou NRC1 GPS MARKER 40114M001 Ottawa - National Research Cou NRC2 GPS MARKER 40114M002 Ottawa - National Research Cou NRC4 Roof of a three story high building - Forced centering deviced on top of a steel structure 40118M001 Whitehorse 7284 Mobile VLBI mark 7284 40118M002 Whitehorse 7284 Mobile VLBI mark 7284 PEQ 40120M001 Halifax HL2X Forced centering plate on concrete pillar (961000) 40120M001 Halifax HLFX Forced centering plate on concrete pillar (961000) 40124M001 CALGARY PRDS PRIDDIS/GPS Mark 40124M002 CALGARY PRD2 The top of a stainless steel cap on a 2 m high steel cylinder serves as the ARP and is fitted with a 5 cm forced centering spacer. 40124M003 CALGARY PRD3 The top of a stainless steel cap on a 2 m high steel cylinder serves as the ARP and is fitted with a 5 cm forced centering spacer. 40127M001 Yellowknife 7285 Mobile VLBI mark (LBI 829098) 40127M002 Yellowknife Mark 869211 40127M003 Yellowknife YELL Forced centering stainless steel bolt on top of a 1.8 metre high concrete pier 40127M004 Yellowknife 7296 Mobile VLBI MARK (LBI 909012) 40127M005 Yellowknife DORIS Mark on concrete pillar 40127M006 Yellowknife YEL2 Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a ground pillar 40127M007 Yellowknife YEL3 Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a ground pillar 40127S001 Yellowknife VLBI antenna 40127S003 Yellowknife TI4100/L1 01-JAN-87 - 02-JUL-89 40127S004 Yellowknife TI4100/L1 07-JUL-89 - 21-JAN-91 40127S005 Yellowknife ROGUE SNR-8/DORNE-MARGOLIN B/L1 21-JAN-91 - 19-MAR-91 40127S006 Yellowknife Mini ROGUE SNR-8C/DORNE-MARGOLIN B/L1 20-MAR-91- 40127S007 Yellowknife YELA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40127S008 Yellowknife YELB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40127S009 Yellowknife YEMB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40128M002 Churchill CHUR Top and center of a stainless steel adaptor attached to a brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt, embedded on top of a concrete pier 40128M003 Churchill CHU2 top of ground stainless steel pillar forced centering adaptor. 40129M001 VICTORIA/SIDNEY 7289 Mobile VLBI mark 40129M002 VICTORIA/SIDNEY PGC1 Marker 867001/Centre-punch on brass control-point marker set into concrete flush with ground level 40129M003 VICTORIA/SIDNEY ALBH Albert Head GPS Mark 927000 40129M004 VICTORIA/SIDNEY PGC2 Brass marker in concrete base (967007) 40129M005 VICTORIA/SIDNEY PGC3 Brass plate on top of concrete pillar (987001) 40129M006 VICTORIA/SIDNEY PGC4 Stainless Steel plate on top of concrete pillar (987002) 40129M007 VICTORIA/SIDNEY PGC5 Brass plate on top of concrete pillar (987003) 40129M008 VICTORIA/SIDNEY ALB4 The GNSS reference mark consists of a 0.125 m diameter steel cylinder, 2 m high above ground and drilled into bedrock to a depth of approx. 6 m. The top of the monument is fitted with a 0.15m diameter stainless steel cap welded to the pipe and fitted with a self centering 5/8 inch bolt. The top of the stainless steel cap serves as the ARP. 40129S001 VICTORIA/SIDNEY VICTORIA/ROGUE/L1 16-JAN-91 - 40130M001 Holberg HOLB GPS mark 40132M001 LA GRANDE 7411 Mobile SLR MARKER 7411 40133M001 SCHEFFERVILLE SCHE GPS MARKER (SCHE) 40133M002 SCHEFFERVILLE SCH2 Brass plate/bolt/concrete pier 40134M001 WILLIAMS LAKE WILL GPS MARKER 40135M001 Flin Flon FLIN GPS MARKER 965000 40136M001 WHITEHORSE GPS SITE WHIT MONUMENT 7787017 40137M001 LAC DU BONNET DUBO TOP OF CONCRETE PIER 924000 40138M001 NANOOSE NANO Brass plate on top of concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 40139M001 Cheeka Peak NEAH Brass plate on top of concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 40140M001 UCLUELET UCLU Brass plate on top of concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 40141M001 WHISTLER WSLR Brass plate on top of concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 40141M002 WHISTLER WSLB brass insert in forced centered stainless steel plate, on top of a 3 m height stainless steel pedestal, embedded in bedrock 40142M001 CHILLIWACK CHWK Stainless Steel forced centre pier (987020) 40143M001 NOOTKA ISLAND NTKA WCDA Stainless Steel forced center pier (M007000) 40144M001 ELIZA DOME ELIZ WCDA Stainless Steel forced center pier (M007001) 40145M001 BEAVER COVE BCOV WCDA Stainless Steel forced center pier (M007003) 40146M001 Fredericton FRDN Top of 15.25 cm diameter by 12 meter long steel casing / brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt (M031000) 40146M002 Fredericton UNB3 Top and centre of wall mounted pole 40146M002 Fredericton UNBJ Top and centre of wall mounted pole 40146M002 Fredericton UNBN Top and centre of wall mounted pole 40146M003 Fredericton UNBD Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a mast, fixed on a side of a Head Hall wall 40146M005 Fredericton SA26 Top of a forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 40146S001 Fredericton UNB1 JPSREGANT_DD_E (SN # RA0193) antenna reference point (ARP) 40147M001 Gatineau CAGS Bedrock / Concrete pillar / brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt (962000) 40148M001 HOLMAN HOLM Bedrock / Concrete pillar / brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt (M019000) 40149M001 RESOLUTE RESO Bedrock / Concrete pillar / brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt (M009002) 40150M001 INUVIK INVK Bedrock / Concrete pillar / brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt (M009004) 40151M001 Baie Comeau BAIE Concrete pillar attached to bedrock (M012001) 40152M001 BAKER LAKE BAKE Stainless steel plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt weldeded on top of a 1.5 metre high stainless steel pillar, 14 cm in diameter (M019002) 40153M001 Eureka, Nunavut Territory EURK Steel platform welded to a steel pole (M019001) 40153M002 Eureka, Nunavut Territory EUR2 Steel pole with forced centering device 40154M001 KUUJJUARAPIK KUUJ Brass centering plate 20.3 cm in diameter set in concrete cylinder 35.5 cm in diameter (942005) 40155M001 PICKLE LAKE PICL Concrete pillar attached to bedrock (M013001) 40156M001 VAL D OR VALD Concrete pillar (932051) 40157M001 PARRY SOUND PARY Aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 3.3 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar (M023001) 40158M001 Saint Catherine (Port Weller) PWEL Aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 3.3 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar (M023002) 40159M001 ROSSPORT ROSS Aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 3.3 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar (M023004) 40160M001 HEARST HRST Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 1.5 m high, 40 cm diameter concrete pillar (963012) 40161M001 Kingston KNGS Stainless plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 8 m high, 25 cm wide concrete abutment (M023003) 40162M001 ALERT (NUNAVUT) ALRT Brass plate with a stainless steel centring bolt on top of a 5" diametre 8 metre long galvanized steel pipe (M029001) 40163M001 SACHS HARBOUR SACH Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 1.5 m high, 13 cm diameter steel casing (M029002) 40164M001 NAIN (LABRADOR) NAIN 1.5 m high, 46 cm diameter concrete pillar/steel plate with a forced centering device (96G7000) 40165M001 Tuktoyaktuk - Northwest Territ TUKT 1.5M WOOD POLE ; TOP AND CENTRE OF A FORCED CENTERING STAINLESS STEEL BOLT SCREWED AND SEALED ON A BRASS PLATE 40166M001 Qikitarjuaq - Nuvavut QIKI Forced centering stainless steel bolt fixed on top of a steel plate, welded on top of a 1.5m stainless steel pillar anchored to bedrock 40167M001 Saskatoon SASK Brass plate with forced centered stainless steel bolt, embedded on top of a concrete pillar 40168M001 Escuminac ESCU Brass plate with forced centering stainless steel bolt set in concrete on top of a 2.3 m high steel well casing filled with concrete 40169M001 Shediac SHED Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt set in concrete on top of a 2.3m high steel casing filled with concrete 40169M002 Shediac SHE2 Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt set in concrete on top of a 2.3 m high, 20 cm diameter steel casing filled with concrete and anchored into soil 40170M001 La Pocatiere LPOC Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt, embedded on top of a concrete pier 40171S001 Shirley s Bay 7626 Mark in the center of the mobile VLBI antenna support 40172M001 Trois-Rivieres TRIV Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40173M001 Sainte-Anne-des-Monts ANNE Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40174M001 Quebec ATRI Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to H-beam of building. 40175M001 Caplan CAPL Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40176M001 Chibougamau CHIB Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to H-beam of building. 40177M001 Saguenay CHIC Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to H-beam of building. 40178M001 Saint-Georges GEOG Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to H-beam of building. 40179M001 Havre-Saint-Pierre HSTP Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40179M002 Havre-Saint-Pierre HST2 Forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building 40180M001 La Tuque LATU Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40181M001 Mont-Laurier LAUR Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building 40182M001 Riviere-du-Loup LOUP Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40183M001 Rimouski RIMO Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40184M001 Rouyn-Noranda ROUY Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to H-beam of building. 40185M001 Montreal MONT Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40186M001 Sept-iles SEPT Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40187M001 Sherbrooke SHER Stainless steel plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of 1.5 m post bolted to building. 40188M001 Hull HULL Plate with forced centering bolt embedded on top of a 1.5 m high steel post bolted to H-beam building 40188M002 Hull GATI Forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the side of a 3 storeys height building 40189M001 Pointe-au-Pere PPER Brass plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt set in the top of a concrete pillar 40190M001 Bamfield BAMF forced centered bolt on stainless steel plate / 1.2 m high tripod fastened in bedrock. 40191M001 Tofino TFNO Stainless steel pedestal fastened in bedrock using 4 stainless steel threaded rods - Stainless steel plate on top with a forced centered bolt. 40192M001 Vancouver VCVR Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 40192S001 Vancouver VANC Novatel 702GG Antenna Reference Point, mounted on a PVC mast 40193S001 Magog QBEC Novatel 702GG antenna reference point, mounted on a rooftop PVC mast 40194M001 Iqualuit IQAL Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 40195M001 Michipicoten MCHN Forced centering stainless steel bolt on an aluminum plate, embedded on top of an aluminum pillar, anchored to a concrete block 40196M001 Goderich GODR Forced centering stainless steel bolt on an aluminum plate, embedded on top of an aluminum pillar, anchored to a concrete pad. 40196M002 Goderich GOD2 Axis and base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt fixed on an aluminium plate, embedded on top of a 3.35 m high aluminum pillar 40197M001 Halifax RxN HAFX Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 40198M001 Kugluktuk KGLK Stainless steel plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt welded on top of a stainless steel pillar anchored to bedrock 40199M001 Ottawa GOTA Mark at the top and axis of a forced centering steel rod, fixed on a roof 40400M001 Pasadena - JPL Mesa 7896 Mark SLR (JPL aries 2 1975) 40400M003 Pasadena - JPL Mesa 7263 Mobile VLBI Mark 40400M005 Pasadena - JPL Mesa 7264 Mobile VLBI MARK 40400M006 Pasadena - JPL Mesa JPLM Mobile VLBI mark (JPL MV3 1983) 40400M006 Pasadena - JPL Mesa 7272 Mobile VLBI mark (JPL MV3 1983) 40400M007 Pasadena - JPL Mesa JPLM Top and center of a mobile VLBI mark (JPL MV3 1983) PEQ embedded in a concrete block 40400M007 Pasadena - JPL Mesa JPM2 Top and center of a mobile VLBI mark (JPL MV3 1983) PEQ embedded in a concrete block 40400M008 Pasadena - JPL Mesa JPLV Top and axis of an antenna mounting device fixed on top of a steel mast 40400M101 Pasadena - JPL Mesa WLSN Mt. Wilson/bedrock/concrete bloch JPL 4028-s 40400M301 Pasadena - JPL Mesa BRAN Burbank/pipe with fitting adaptor 40400M401 Pasadena - JPL Mesa VDCY Glendale/ Top of center support screw, SCIGN D3 antenna 40400S004 Pasadena - JPL Mesa ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 6-NOV-90 - 40400S201 Pasadena - JPL Mesa CIT1 CALTECH/NORTH MUDD BUILDING/ROGUE SNR-8000/DM T/ARP 40403M001 PALOS VERDES 7268 Mobile VLBI mark 40403M002 PALOS VERDES PVEP PGGA Mark 40403M003 PALOS VERDES PVRS Rolling Hills/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40403M004 PALOS VERDES PVHS Rolling Hills/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40403M005 PALOS VERDES PVE3 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40404M001 PEARBLOSSOM 7254 Mobile VLBI mark (NCMN 1983) 40404M002 PEARBLOSSOM 7253 Mobile VLBI mark 40404M003 PEARBLOSSOM DVPB Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40404M004 PEARBLOSSOM PBPP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40404M101 PEARBLOSSOM HOLC HOLCOMB RIDGE/ 3/4" Vert. Stainless steel rod 40404M103 PEARBLOSSOM HOL3 HOLCOMB RIDGE/Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40405M001 GOLDSTONE 7085 MOBLAS 7085 Goldstone val 40405M002 GOLDSTONE 7115 MOBLAS 7115-1979 standard NASA disk 40405M006 GOLDSTONE 7265 Mojave NCMN 1983 NGS station disk 40405M010 GOLDSTONE 7287 Mojave TLRS 1984 standard NASA disk 40405M011 GOLDSTONE Mojave NCMN 1 1983 40405M013 GOLDSTONE 7288 Mojave mobile VLBI and TLRS mark(Punchmark on sheared surface of 7287 mark) 40405M014 GOLDSTONE DORIS mark 40405M015 GOLDSTONE Top and axis of a stainless steel domed mark 40405S001 GOLDSTONE 1514 Mars 64m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS14) 40405S003 GOLDSTONE 1512 (26) 34m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS12) 40405S005 GOLDSTONE GOMA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40405S009 GOLDSTONE 7222 Mojave fixed 12m VLBI ref. point 40405S014 GOLDSTONE 1513 Venus 26m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS13OLD) 40405S019 GOLDSTONE 1515 Mars 34m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS15) 40405S020 GOLDSTONE TI4100/L1 11-NOV-86 - 18-JUL-88 40405S024 GOLDSTONE TI4100 FRPA-2/L1/L2 19-JUL-88 40405S025 GOLDSTONE MINI MAC 2816AT/L1 05-FEB-89 40405S026 GOLDSTONE ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 14-DEC-89 40405S028 GOLDSTONE GOLD Goldstone/ ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 14-DEC- 40405S029 GOLDSTONE MOJ1 Mojave/MINI MAC 2816AT/Bottom of the antenna 05-FEB-89 40405S030 GOLDSTONE Goldstone/ ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Top of the choke ring 14-DEC-89 40405S031 GOLDSTONE GOL2 Goldstone/ ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom choke ring PEQ 28-JUN-92- 40405S031 GOLDSTONE GOLD Goldstone/ ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom choke ring PEQ 28-JUN-92- 40405S032 GOLDSTONE Goldstone/ ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Top choke ring PEQ 40405S033 GOLDSTONE 7222 Mojave fixed 12m VLBI ref. point PEQ 28-JUN-92- 40405S034 GOLDSTONE 1515 Mars 34m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS15) PEQ 40405S035 GOLDSTONE GOLA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40405S037 GOLDSTONE GOMB DORIS 3 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40405S039 GOLDSTONE 1516 Venus 34m fixed VLBI ref. point (DSS13) 40405S040 GOLDSTONE 4252 Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS24) 40405S041 GOLDSTONE Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS25) 40405S042 GOLDSTONE Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS26) 40405S043 GOLDSTONE GONC DORIS 4 antenna ref. pt. (Starec C type) 40406M001 SAN FRANCISCO (PRESIDIO) 7252 Mobile VLBI mark 40406M002 SAN FRANCISCO (PRESIDIO) 7252 Mobile VLBI mark PEQ 40407M001 PINYON FLATS 7256 Mobile VLBI mark (NCMN 1981) 40407M002 PINYON FLATS PIN1 Pinyon 1 40407M003 PINYON FLATS PIN1 Pinyon 1 PEQ 40407M004 PINYON FLATS PIN2 Pinyon 2 40407S001 PINYON FLATS ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 6-NOV-90 - 40408M001 FAIRBANKS FAIR Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 40408M002 FAIRBANKS Range building roof / engraved cross on aluminum coating (DORIS 1 mark) 40408M004 FAIRBANKS Engraved cross on the upper surface of a 6-meter pedestal 40408M005 FAIRBANKS FAIV Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 40408M006 FAIRBANKS GCGO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount, 2.5 m high, 6 inch diameter, steel mast anchored in bedrock. 40408S001 FAIRBANKS 26m antenna ref. pt. 40408S002 FAIRBANKS 7225 26m VLBI ref. point (GILMORE CREEK) 40408S003 FAIRBANKS ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 17-JAN-91 40408S004 FAIRBANKS FAIA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40408S005 FAIRBANKS FAIB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40409S001 KAENA POINT (HAWAII) GPS OCS monitor station 40410M001 POINT REYES 7251 Mobile VLBI mark 40412M001 AUSTIN 7890 Mark SLR 7890 40412M002 AUSTIN Austin monument 40412M003 AUSTIN 7271 Mobile VLBI mark 40412M004 AUSTIN ARLT Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85408 40416M001 Yakataga 7277 Mobile VLBI mark 40416M002 Yakataga 7277 Mobile VLBI mark PEQ 40417M001 PATRICK AFB 7081 Mark SLR 40417M002 PATRICK AFB 7069 Mark SLR 40417M003 PATRICK AFB PATR Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85145 40418M001 EDWARDS AFB PHLB Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40418M002 EDWARDS AFB EDWD Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85146 40419M001 Kodiak 7278 Mobile VLBI marker / MARK 7278 MODIFIED CLASS A BENCH ROD 40419M003 Kodiak KOD5 Reference point od a self centring antenna mount. 40419S001 Kodiak KOD1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05401), ASH700829.3 (12080) 40419S002 Kodiak KOD2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (04946), ASH700829.3 (11264) 40419S003 Kodiak KODK GPS Antenna - ASH701933B_M CRN1999160190 / Bottom of pre-amplifier 40420M001 VANDENBERG AFB 7111 DMA disk MOBLAS 7111 (1981) 40420M002 VANDENBERG AFB 7223 DMA disk VLBI 7223 (1983) 40420M003 VANDENBERG AFB 7880 DMA disk TLRS 7880 (1983) 40420M004 VANDENBERG AFB 7887 DMA disk TLRS 7887 (1983) 40420M006 VANDENBERG AFB VNDP PGGA 1991 40420M007 VANDENBERG AFB VNDP PGGA 1991 PEQ 40420M101 VANDENBERG AFB HARV HARVEST PLATFORM/GPS pier 40421M001 Nome 7279 Mobile VLBI mark 40421M002 Nome AB11 Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount fixed on a metallic tripo, anchored into bedrock 40422M001 WALLOPS STATION WLPS Forced centering antenna mount 40423M001 Sandpoint 7280 Mobile VLBI mark 40423M002 Sandpoint AB07 TOp of a forced centering antenna mount on a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 40424M004 Kauai KOKB VERLOT radar building - Forced centering device on the roof of a concrete tower 40424M004 Kauai KOKV VERLOT radar building - Forced centering device on the roof of a concrete tower 40424M005 Kauai CIGNET-GPS survey marker 40424M006 Kauai JPL GPS temporary mark 40424M007 Kauai Concrete tower / DORIS 2 mark 40424M008 Kauai KOKF Reference point of a SCIGN antenna mount on top of an 8.2 m steel tower. 40424M009 Kauai KOKG Reference point of a SCIGN antenna mount on top of an 8.2 m steel tower. 40424M010 Kauai KOKR Reference point of a SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 5 m steel mast. 40424M011 Kauai KOKC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 40424S001 Kauai 1311 9m VLBI ref. point 40424S002 Kauai TI4100/L1 - -86 - 40424S003 Kauai TI4100 FRPA-2/L1 -APR-88 - 02-JUL-90 40424S004 Kauai TRIMBLE 4000SST/L1 02-JUL-90 - 17-MAR-92 40424S006 Kauai ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 21-NOV-90 - 40424S007 Kauai 7298 20-m VLBI antenna/AZ-EL 40424S008 Kauai KOKA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40424S009 Kauai KOLB DORIS Antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 40424S010 Kauai 7623 Intersection of axes of a 12m VLBI antenna 40425M001 Sourdough 7281 Mobile VLBI mark 40425M002 Sourdough 7281 Mobile VLBI mark PEQ 40426M001 CAP CANAVERAL I CAPE Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85414 40426M002 CAP CANAVERAL I CCV3 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 40426M003 CAP CANAVERAL I CCV6 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a metallic bar, fixed on a metallic pillar 40426S001 CAP CANAVERAL I CCV1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 40427M001 FORT ORD 7266 Mobile VLBI mark (NCMN 1981) 40427M002 FORT ORD 7241 Mobile VLBI mark 40427M003 FORT ORD 7241 Mobile VLBI mark PEQ 40428M001 SANTA PAULA I 7255 Mobile VLBI mark 40428M002 SANTA PAULA I KBRC Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40429S001 Albuquerque 7884 Albuquerque STARFIRE (STRLAS) /fixed laser/IAR 40429S002 Albuquerque ABQ1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 40429S003 Albuquerque ABQ2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 40430M001 BLACK BUTTE 7269 Mobile VLBI mark (NCMN 1982) 40431M001 DEADMAN LAKE 7267 Mobile VLBI mark 40431M002 DEADMAN LAKE SDHL Landers / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40432M001 ELY 7286 Mobile VLBI mark/ELY AIRPORT R.M. NO. 2 1954 40432M002 ELY 7257 Mobile VLBI mark/ELY AIRPORT 1954 40433M001 QUINCY 7051 Steel plate MOBLAS 7051 40433M002 QUINCY 7109 MOBLAS 7109 (1981) Standard NASA disk 40433M004 QUINCY QUIN QUINCY NCMN Standard NASA disk (7221-1982) 40433M004 QUINCY 7221 QUINCY NCMN Standard NASA disk (7221-1982) 40433M005 QUINCY 7886 TLRS 7886 (1982) standard NASA disk 40433M006 QUINCY 7260 Quincy ARIES 1979 40434M002 MOUNT HOPKINS 7888 Mark SLR 40434S001 MOUNT HOPKINS 7921 SLR IAR (SAO) 40436M002 SAN DIEGO - OTAY MT. 7062 Mark SLR Circular 5" steel plate 40436M003 SAN DIEGO - OTAY MT. 7035 Mark SLR 7035 1988 40437M001 MAMMOTH LAKES 7259 Mobile VLBI mark 40437M002 MAMMOTH LAKES CASA GPS Mark JPL 4087-S 40438M001 Bear lake 7082 Mark SLR (4" x 4" Steel plate) 40438M002 Bear lake 7046 SLR mark 40439M001 OWENS VALLEY 7114 MOBLAS 7114 (1979) standard NASA disk 40439M003 OWENS VALLEY 7084 MOBLAS, TLRS 7084 standard NASA disk 40439M004 OWENS VALLEY 7853 Mobile VLBI Jul 87 standard NASA disk 40439S002 OWENS VALLEY 7207 40m VLBI ref. point 40439S006 OWENS VALLEY 7616 VLBA antenna reference point 40440M001 WESTFORD 7091 MOBLAS Haystack Inter Comp 1977 40440M004 WESTFORD Monument MICRO 40440S002 WESTFORD 7205 Haystack / 37m VLBI ref. point 40440S003 WESTFORD 7209 Westford / 18m VLBI ref. point 40440S014 WESTFORD TI4100/L1 -OCT-86 - 04-AUG-88 40440S016 WESTFORD TI4100 FRPA-2/L1/L2 05-AUG-88 - 14-FEB-89 40440S017 WESTFORD MINI MAC 2816AT/L1 29-JAN-89 - 40440S019 WESTFORD WES1 MINI MAC 2816AT / Bottom of the antenna 40440S020 WESTFORD WES2 Rogue SNR-8000/DM T/BPA 08-FEB-93 40441M002 Greenbank WVGB Top and axis of a SESCO antenna mount on top of a 3m aluminum mast, fixed to a 1m high concrete pillar 40441S001 Greenbank 7204 43m radiotelescope ref. pt. 40441S004 Greenbank 7214 85-foot antenna ref. pt. NRAO85-3 40441S005 Greenbank 7248 85-foot antenna ref. pt. NRAO85-1 40441S006 Greenbank 7214 85-foot antenna ref. pt. NRAO85-3 PEQ 40441S007 Greenbank 7208 20-m antenna ref. pt. 40441S008 Greenbank 7200 100-meter RadioTelescope, AZ/EL (IVS GBT-VLBA) 40442M001 FORT DAVIS 7086 MLRS, MOBLAS, TLRS-1 standard NASA disk 40442M004 FORT DAVIS McDonald RM4 1977 40442M005 FORT DAVIS 7885 MLRS, MOBLAS, TLRS-1 standard NASA disk 40442M006 FORT DAVIS 7080 MLRS mark 7080 1988 40442M008 FORT DAVIS 7850 Mobile VLBI and SLR mark 7850 1988 40442M009 FORT DAVIS 7900 Mobile VLBI mark (Havard RM 5 1977) 40442M010 FORT DAVIS 7897 SLR Mark 7850 40442M011 FORT DAVIS 7851 SLR MARK 7851 40442M012 FORT DAVIS MDO1 GPS Mark 4011-S 40442M013 FORT DAVIS RTS2 Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1.5 m high, 5 legged deeply drilled braced steel monument 40442M014 FORT DAVIS MGO5 Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1.5 m high, 5 legged deeply drilled braced steel monument 40442M015 FORT DAVIS MGO4 Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1.5 m high, 5 legged deeply drilled braced steel monument 40442M016 FORT DAVIS MGO2 Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1.5 m high, 5 legged deeply drilled braced steel monument 40442M017 FORT DAVIS MGO3 Reference point of a self-centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a 1 m high, 4 legged short drilled braced steel monument 40442S001 FORT DAVIS 7086 LLR MLRS 40442S002 FORT DAVIS 7206 LLR McDonald 2 40442S003 FORT DAVIS 7216 85-foot VLBI ref. point (HRAS 085) 40442S017 FORT DAVIS 7613 VLBA antenna reference point 40445M001 MAUI 7210 HOLLAS fixed carriage bolt 40445M002 MAUI 7120 MOBLAS 7120 (1980) 40445M004 MAUI 7119 Marker under SLR telescope on the summit of Haleakala. Local number 71191401 40445M005 MAUI MAO0 Reference point of a forced antenna device fixed on top of a pyramidal steel mast 40445M006 MAUI HAL1 Reference point of a SCIGN antenna mount on short (1m) concrete pillar. 40445M007 MAUI HAL2 Reference point of a self centring antenna SCIGN mount on 1.99 m short -driven to resistence- braced monument (SDBM type). 40445S005 MAUI 7210 LLR Haleakala transmitter 40445S008 MAUI MAUI Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12610 / ARP center of base of pre-amplifier 40445S009 MAUI 7119 Permanent SLR instrument - Intersection of axes 40446S001 LEXINGTON SL1X Ashtech Z18/701073 ASHTECH CHOKE RING/ARP 40448M001 HOWARD COUNTY APL1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a metallic building structure 40449M001 OCOTILLO 7270 Mobile VLBI mark (NCMN 1982) 40451M006 Washington Top and axis of a stainless steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 40451M101 Washington 7101 MOBLAS 7101-1977 standard NASA disk 40451M102 Washington 7102 Mobile SLR 7102-1978 standard NASA disk 40451M103 Washington 7103 Mobile SLR 7103-1978 standard NASA disk 40451M104 Washington 7104 Mobile SLR 7104-1978 standard NASA disk 40451M105 Washington 7105 MOBLAS -7 7105-1981 standard NASA disk 40451M106 Washington 7100 Mobile SLR 7100-1977 standard NASA disk 40451M107 Washington 7064 Mobile SLR 7064 standard NASA disk 40451M108 Washington 7065 Mobile SLR 7065 standard NASA disk 40451M110 Washington Greenbelt north GEOS(GSFC) GORF 40451M111 Washington 7899 TLRS 7899-1980 standars NASA disk 40451M112 Washington 7063 STALAS fixed Laser standard NASA disk 40451M113 Washington 7106 SLR mark 40451M114 Washington 7125 SLR mark 7125 1985 standard NASA disk 40451M115 Washington 8213 SLR mark 40451M116 Washington 7130 SLR mark 7130 1985 standard NASA disk 40451M117 Washington 7920 SLR mark 7125-B standard NASA disk 40451M118 Washington 7889 SLR mark 7889 1981 standard NASA disk 40451M119 Washington 7917 SLR mark 7917 Steel plate SAO-3 40451M120 Washington 7918 SLR mark standard NASA disk 40451M121 Washington 7919 SLR mark standard NASA disk 40451M122 Washington 7083 SLR mark standard NASA disk 40451M123 Washington GODE GPS Mark East (JPL 4006) 40451M123 Washington GODZ GPS Mark East (JPL 4006) 40451M124 Washington GODW GPS Mark West (JPL 4005) 40451M125 Washington 7108 Mark SGP 7108-1993 40451M126 Washington GUSN Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a rod in a mortar rooftop parapet of the Time Service department building. 40451M127 Washington GODN Reference point of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a deep dill braced monument 40451M128 Washington GODS Reference point of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a deep dill braced monument 40451M129 Washington GODG Reference point of a forced SCIGN antenna mount on top of a steel pillar 40451M130 Washington Top and axis of a screw fixed on a stainless steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 40451M302 Washington NRL2 Intersection of antenna mount's base plate and mounting mast (5/8-inch screw)fixed on the NRL Building 53 rooftop 40451S003 Washington USNO Roof of USNO Bldg 52/AOAD/M_T(SN#309)/ARP 24-APR-1997 - present 40451S004 Washington USNX Roof of USNO Bldg 78/3S-02-TSADM(SN#12)/ARP 15-OCT-1998 - 26-AUG-1999 40451S005 Washington WASH NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1122 /ARP 40451S005 Washington WDC1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1122 /ARP 40451S005 Washington WDC2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1122 /ARP 40451S006 Washington USN1 Roof of USNO Bldg 78/3S-02-TSADM(SN#12)/ARP 21-DEC-2000 - present 40451S007 Washington USN3 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - AOAD/M_T ARP 40451S007 Washington USN4 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - AOAD/M_T ARP 40451S007 Washington USN5 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - AOAD/M_T ARP 40451S008 Washington WDC3 GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1122 /ARP. Roof of USNO building 40451S008 Washington WDC4 GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1122 /ARP. Roof of USNO building 40451S009 Washington USN7 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - Left Field Position with Topcon CR-G5 Antenna 40451S009 Washington USN8 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - Left Field Position with Topcon CR-G5 Antenna 40451S009 Washington USN9 USNO Time Service department building roof - Baseball diamond shaped aluminum structure - Left Field Position with Topcon CR-G5 Antenna 40451S010 Washington WDC5 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 117 / ARP 40451S010 Washington WDC6 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 117 / ARP 40451S176 Washington GREB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 40451S177 Washington 7622 Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI2010 12m antenna 40451S178 Washington GRFB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 40451S301 Washington NRL1 US Naval Research Laboratory - Ashtech Choke ring antenna reference point 40452M001 BLOOMINGTON 7291 Mobile VLBI mark 40452M002 BLOOMINGTON IUCO pre-amp de l antenne GPS coincidant avec le haut d un tripode amenage. Celui-ci est fixe a une baguette 40453M001 Carrollton 7228 Mobile VLBI mark 40454M001 LEONARD 7292 Mobile VLBI mark 40455M001 Miles City 7038 Mobile VLBI mark 40456M001 Pietown PIE1 Concrete GPS pier JPL 4009 S 40456S001 Pietown 7234 VLBA antenna reference point 40457M001 Seattle 7229 Mobile VLBI mark 40457M002 Seattle SEAT Mark on steel quad-pod anchored to roof of ATG building, U.W. 40458M001 MALIBU/SADDLE PEAK SPK1 STEEL MONUMENT/ROOF CONCRETE BUNKER JPL 4504-S 40460M001 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SIO1 SCRIPPS 1 1989 UCSD IGPP 40460M002 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SCRIPPS 2 40460M003 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SIO2 Peak of center support screw of lower part of the antenna adaptor 40460M004 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SIO3 SCRIPPS 3 40460M005 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SIO4 Peak of center support screw of lower part of the antenna adaptor 40460M006 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS SIO5 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40460S003 LA JOLLA/SCRIPPS ARP/DM B/(ASHTECH 700936 Rev D) SN 14723 40461M001 WHITTIER WHC1 WHITTIER COLLEGE/STEEL MON./SIDE BULIDING 4505-S 40461M002 WHITTIER WHI1 WHITTIER LIBRARY/STEEL MON./SIDE BULIDING 4502-S 40461M003 WHITTIER RHCL Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40462M001 HOLLOMAN HOLL Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85144 40463S001 Los Alamos, NM 7611 VLBA antenna reference point 40464M001 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL CARR LEXI 1989-USGS 40464M002 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL LAND Lang Parkfield/Punch mark on side of braced monument 40464M003 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL POMM Pomm Parkfield/Punch mark on side of braced monument 40464M004 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL MIDA Mida Parkfield/Punch mark on side of braced monument 40464M005 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL CAND Cann Parkfield/Punch mark on side of braced monument 40464M006 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL CARH Carrhill / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40464M007 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL HUNT Hunt / Parkfield / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40464M008 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL MNMC Mine Mountaine / Parkfield / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40464S001 PARKFIELD/CARR HILL ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945B_M / BPA 40465M001 NORTH LIBERTY NLIB Concrete GPS pier JPL 4007 S 40465S001 NORTH LIBERTY 7612 VLBA reference point (intersection of axes) 40466S001 KITT PEAK 7610 25-m VLBA antenna reference point 40469M001 CHINA LAKE COSO 1" DIAMETER RING/ 0.75" ROD /GRANITIC BASEMENT 40471S001 HANCOCK 7618 25-M VLBA antenna reference point 40472S001 Colorado springs GPS OCS monitor station 40472S003 Colorado springs AMCT TurboRogue SNR12 Ser T247; DM T ANTENNA Ser 308/ARP; 24-MAR-1998 to 14-OCT-1998 40472S004 Colorado springs AMC2 TURBOROGUE SNR12 Ser T245; DM T ANTENNA Ser 308/ARP; 15-OCT-1998 to present 40472S005 Colorado springs AMC4 Reference point of a TPS CR.G5C S/N 1364-10065 with TPSH dome antenna 40473M001 BREWSTER BREW Divot on a SCIGN mount 40473S001 BREWSTER 7614 25-M VLBA antenna reference point 40474M001 LAKE MATHEWS MATH PGGA Mark 40474M002 LAKE MATHEWS MAT2 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40475S001 WAIMEA (HAWAII) WAIA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40476S001 Hawaiian volcano observatory HVOA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40477M001 Mauna Kea MKEA GPS MARKER 40477S001 Mauna Kea 7617 25-M VLBA antenna reference point 40478M001 CHATSWORTH CHTP PGGA Mark (stainless steel pin in rock) 40478M002 CHATSWORTH ROCK ROCKETDYNE/PIPE IN SANDSTONE 40478M101 CHATSWORTH OATT Oatt Mountain/concrete bunker/ss-pin JPL 4029-s 40478S101 CHATSWORTH OAT2 OATT MOUNTAIN / DM T ANTENNA / ARP 40479M001 Blythe BLYT PGGA Mark Nov. 1993 40480M001 Bommer Canyon TRAK PGGA Mark sandstone rock/stainless steel rod 40481M001 Yucaipa CRFP PGGA Mark 40482M001 LONG BEACH CITY LBCH JPL 4500-s 40482M002 LONG BEACH CITY LBC1 Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40482M003 LONG BEACH CITY LBC2 Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40483S001 WESTLAKE/ALLEN OSBORNE AND ASS AOA1 ROGUE SNR-8000/DM T/ARP 07-SEP-94 - 40484M001 Chilao flates / San Gabriel mo CHIL 3/4" diameter stainless steel rod with brass adaptor 40485M001 LONGDON YARD/IRWINDALE LONG 3/4" Vert. Stainless steel rod with brass adaptor 40486M001 PINEMEADOW ROCH PGGA Marker 40487M001 LOS ANGELES USC1 Univ. of South Calif./Steel Pillar on Vault 40487M002 LOS ANGELES UCLP Univ. of Calif./ GPS marker 40487M003 LOS ANGELES DSHS Dorsey High School/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40487M004 LOS ANGELES FXHS Fairfax High School/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40487M005 LOS ANGELES ELSC East L.A. Science Center/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40487M006 LOS ANGELES WRHS Westchester High School/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 40487M007 LOS ANGELES MHMS Markham Middle School / Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 40487M008 LOS ANGELES PKRD Elysian Park/Top of center support screw on scign d3 antenna 40487M009 LOS ANGELES MTA1 Civic Center MTA / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40488M001 CATALINA ISLAND CAT1 STAINLESS STEAL PIN JPL 4506-S 40489M001 HAT CREEK Mark NCMN B 40489S001 HAT CREEK 7218 26m VLBI ref. point of radio telescope 40490S001 MARYLAND POINT 7217 (26m) 85-foot radiotelescope 40491M002 FLAGSTAFF 7891 Mark SLR (RMT N 4 1981) 40491M003 FLAGSTAFF 7261 Mobile VLBI mark 40492M001 VERNAL 7892 Mobile SLR and VLBI mark (NCMN 1981) 40492M002 VERNAL 7290 Mobile SLR and VLBI mark (NCMN 1985) 40493M001 YUMA 7894 Mobile SLR and VLBI mark 40495M001 CHATANIKA PFRR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a deep foundation welded steel pyramid 40496M001 PLATTEVILLE 7112 Moblas 7112-1980 standard NASA disk 40496M002 PLATTEVILLE 7258 NCMN 1981 mobile VLBI NGS station disk 40496M003 PLATTEVILLE PLTC Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 40497M001 Monument Peak 7110 ORT station 7110-1981 standard NASA disk 40497M002 Monument Peak 7220 ARIES ORION STA 7220-1981 40497M003 Monument Peak 7274 NCMN 1983 mobile VLBI NGS disk 40497M004 Monument Peak MONP PGGA MARK 40497M005 Monument Peak Domed brass screw on the DORIS concrete pillar 40497S001 Monument Peak GODDARD MOBILE LASER / IAR (ML0308) 40497S002 Monument Peak GODDARD MOBILE LASER / IAR (ML0404) 40497S003 Monument Peak LASER TLRS-1 72201101 (TL0124)/IAR 40497S004 Monument Peak LASER TLRS-1 72201102 (TL0132)/IAR 40497S005 Monument Peak LASER TL0134 40497S006 Monument Peak LASER MOBLAS-4 / IAR (ML0406) 40497S007 Monument Peak LASER TLRS-1 72201103 (TL0133)/IAR 40497S008 Monument Peak MONB DORIS antenna Reference point (Starec type) 40497S009 Monument Peak MOOB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 40498S001 VLA 7619 VLA INTERFEROMETER Ref. Pt. 40498S002 VLA 7621 Reference point of VLA antenna at pad N8 40499M001 RICHMOND Timer 1962 40499M002 RICHMOND RCM2 SLR Mark 40499M002 RICHMOND 7295 SLR Mark 40499M005 RICHMOND RCM4 Stainless steel plate (Richmond 1993) 40499M006 RICHMOND RCMV Forced centering antenna mount 40499M007 RICHMOND FLF1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tribrach with short drilled braced steel rods anchored into sedimentary bedrock 40499M008 RICHMOND FLF2 Top and center of a divot marketr on top of a concrete pillar anchored into sedimentary bedrock 40499S001 RICHMOND 7219 65 foot VLBI antenna 40499S009 RICHMOND TI4100 FRPA-2/L1/L2 09-FEB-88 - 24-FEB-89 40499S011 RICHMOND MINI MAC 2816AT/L1 05-FEB-89 - 40499S013 RICHMOND MINI MAC 2816AT/Bottom of the antenna 40499S015 RICHMOND RICA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40499S016 RICHMOND RIDA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40499S017 RICHMOND RCM3 Turbo Rogue SNR-8000/DM T/BPA 26-OCT-93 40499S018 RICHMOND RCM5 Turbo Rogue SNR-8000/DM T/BPA 11-OCT-93 40499S019 RICHMOND 7201 VLBI ANTENNA REF. POINT 40499S020 RICHMOND RCM6 Turbo Rogue SNR-8000/DM T/BPA 1-NOV-96 40502M001 Pijijiapan TNPJ Top of an SCGIN antenna mount on top of a concrete wall 40503M002 Socorro Island DORIS 2 mark 40503M003 Socorro Island Mark NGS/NOAA BM-3 40503M004 Socorro Island Mark CIFSA III "Mojonera" 40503M005 Socorro Island Mark NGS/NOAA BM-5 40503M006 Socorro Island DORIS mark 3 40503S002 Socorro Island SOCA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40503S003 Socorro Island SODA DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 40503S004 Socorro Island SODB DORIS 3 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40503S005 Socorro Island SOEB DORIS 4 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40503S006 Socorro Island SOFC DORIS 5 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 40504M001 Mazatlan 7122 MOBLAS 7122-1983 standard NASA disk 40505M001 Cabo san Lucas 7882 Mark SLR 7882 1983 40506M001 Ensenada 7883 SLR mark 7883 40507M001 Aguascalientes (INEGI) INEG Concrete pillar - GPS Epoch 92 marker 40508M001 CICESE CICE HIGH CONCRETE PILLAR JPL 3235 40508M002 CICESE CIC1 Geodetic ground marker under mobile geodetic system (GPS) 40508M003 CICESE IMIE Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a roof. 40509M001 MEXICO CITY UIGF Stainless steel spike/Concrete column 40509M002 MEXICO CITY UNIP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a shallow foundation pillar 40510M001 Popocatepetl POPN Stainless steel spike 40510M002 Popocatepetl POPW Stainless steel spike 40511M001 Sierra San Pedro SPMX Raised nipple on the lower part of the GPS antenna adaptor 40512M001 ISLA GUADALUPE GUAX Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 40513S001 Manzanillo MANZ ASH701933B_M SNOW antenna / ARP 40514M001 Campeche CAM2 Lavalle building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40514M002 Campeche ICAM Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Forced centering plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 40515M001 Toluca TOL2 Direccion Regional Centro-Sur - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40516M001 Tampico TAMP Universitario Tampico-Madero - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40517M001 Oaxaca OAX2 Direccion Regional Sur - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40518M001 Monterrey MTY2 Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40519M001 Mexicali MEXI Colegio de Bachilleres - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40520M001 Merida MERI Direccion Regional Sureste del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40521M001 La Paz LPAZ Subdireccion Estatal de Geografia del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40521M002 La Paz IPAZ Reference point of a forced centering plate on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof 40522M001 Hermosillo HER2 Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40522M002 Hermosillo IHER Reference point of a forced centering plate on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof 40523M001 Culiacan CULI Junta de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado - Reservoir - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40524M001 Colima COL2 Universidad de Colima - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40525M001 Chihuahua CHIH Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40525M002 Chihuahua ICHI Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40526M001 Chetumal CHET Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40527M001 Villahermosa VIL2 Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40528M001 Guanajuato UGTO Forced centering plate on concrete pillar. Top of a building at "Universidad de Guanajuato" 40529M001 Culiacan - Sinaloa CULC centering plate over concrete pillar. Top of a building 40530M001 San Luis Potosi USLP Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Roof of a building - Forced centering plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 40530M002 San Luis Potosi ISLP Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Roof of a building - Forced centering plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 40531M001 Puebla ICEP Instituto de Cadastro del Estado de Puebla - Building roof - Forced centering plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar 40532M001 Durango IDGO "Direccion Regional Norte" (INEGI) - Building roof - Top and center of a forced centering plate fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 40533M001 Ciudad Juarez IMIP Forced centering plate on a concrete pillar on top of building the Instituto Municipal de Investigacion y Planeacion. 40534M001 Cayaco CAYA Forced centering device 40535M001 Dos Arroyos DOAR Forced centering device 40536M001 Teoloyucan SG21 Forced centering device 40537M001 Moctezuma USMX Forced centering antenna mount 40538M001 Yautepec YAIG Forced centering antenna mount 40539M001 Yecora YESX Forced centering antenna mount 40540M001 Queretaro - Universidad Autono UQRO Basis of a forced centering threaded screw on a plate, embedded on top of a concrete pillar, on top of a building. 40541M001 Progresso tide gauge PROX Referenece point of a forced centering device on top of the concrete pillar supporting the radar tide gauge 40542M001 Veracruz tide gauge VRCX Tide gauge building s terrace - Axis and base of a 5/8inch screw fixed on the roof 40543M001 Boca del Rio UVER Forced centering plate on a concrete pillar, fixed on the top of a building of the Veracruzana University 40544M001 Tuxtla Gutierrez ITUX Axis and base of a forced centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40544M002 Tuxtla Gutierrez ICHS Coordinacion Estatal del INEGI - Building roof - Centering plate on top of a concrete pillar 40545M001 Zacatecas IZAC Top of a forced centering plate fixed on a concrete pillar on top of a buiding. 40546M001 Cancun CNC0 Reference point of a self centring stainless steel antenna mount on a building roof. 40547M001 Puerto Morelos UNPM Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a concrete pilar constructed over reinforced concrete structural node of building. 40548M001 Acapulco ACYA Top and center of a geodetic mark 1214, embedded on the tide gauge building roof 40549M001 Puerto Vallarta MPR1 Reference point of an antenna mount. 40550M001 El Camaron OXEC Top and axis of a UNAVCO stainless steel structure 40551M001 Manzanillo - University of Col UCOM Top and center of a marker, fixed on a building roof 40552M001 San Jose del Cabo MSD1 Forced centering antenna mount 40553M001 Lazaro Cardenas LZCR Forced centering antenna mount on a tide gauge building roof 40554M001 Salina Cruz SLCR Forced centering antenna mount 40555M001 Tepic INAY Top of a forced centering plate on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on top of a building 40557M001 Ciudad Victoria ICDV Top and center of a forced centering plate on a concrete pillar, on top of the INEGI building 40558M001 Ciudad de Mexico ICMX Top and center of a forced centering plate on a concrete pillar, on top of a building 40559M001 Santiago de Queretaro SDQM Bottom of screw antenna mount 40601M001 Moin MOIN UNAVCO antenna mount/Pillar/Roof RECOPE building 40602M001 Heredia ETCG brass plate on a flat roof 40603M001 Ciudad Quesada CIQU Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40603M002 Ciudad Quesada CIQE Forced centering device on top of a 5.6m long galvanized pipe, anchored to concrete stamps 40604M001 Liberia LIBE Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40605M001 Limon LIMN Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40606M001 Cuidad Neily NEIL Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40607M001 Nicoya NICY Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40607M002 Nicoya NYCO This station is part of the Costa Rica's official active geodetic network. It consists of galvanized pipe of 5 inches in diameter and 5.00 m long, which is anchored to the concrete stamps using loops with screws. It has a steel base. 40608M001 Puntarenas PUNT Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40609M001 Zapote RIDC Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40610M001 San Isidro de El General SAGE Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, anchored to a wall 40611M001 Cocos Island ISCO Reference point of a SCIGN D3 antenna adapter on top of a tripod 40612M001 Pavas AACR Top and axis of a forced centering steel mast, fixed to a concrete building wall 40612M002 Pavas CRCP Top and axis of a forced centering steel pole over a steel plate fixed on a wall. 40612M003 Pavas CRLP Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a galvanized pipe bolted to concrete located on the roof 40613M001 Batan, Limon BATA Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch stainless steel screw cemented in a pillar. 40614M001 Universidad de Costa Rica Inge UCRI Top and axis of a galvanized pipe fixed on a roof 40614M002 Universidad de Costa Rica Inge GTCR Seco antenna mount 40615M001 Punto Morales PUMO Reference point of an antenna mount. 40616M001 Lepanto LEPA Top of a SCGIN forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 40617M001 Rio Frio - Universidad Naciona RIFO Foced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 40618M001 Cerro de la Muerte CDME Foced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 40619M001 Coloradito - Universidad Nacio CDTO Foced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 40620M001 Jaco JACO Foced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to bedrock 40621M001 Orosi - Paraiso de Cartago VUKE Reference point of a self centering antenna mount at ARP. Antenna screwed to a aluminium cylinder and fitted to a steel pipe of 4 inches in diameter fixed to a mount over a concrete structure. 40622M001 Veracruz, Upala VERA SCIGN mount mark on top of a shallow-drilled Braced tripod 40623M001 Coto Brus CTCR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the bedrock 40701M001 SANTIAGO DE CUBA SCUB GPS pillar on the roof of the Geodynamical Observatory 40701S001 SANTIAGO DE CUBA 1953 SLR IAR 40801M001 Barahona BARA Concrete pilar on top of the roof 40802M001 La Vega LVEG Concrete pilar on top of the roof 40803M001 San Pedro de Macoris SPED Concrete pilar on top of the roof 40804M001 Santiago Rodriguez SROD Concrete pilar on top of the roof 40805M001 Santo Domingo RDSD Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building concrete roof 40806M001 Santiago de los Caballeros RDF2 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building concrete roof 40806M002 Santiago de los Caballeros RDSC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 2.5 aluminum mast, fixed on a 2 storeys building concrete roof 40807M001 Cabo Rojo CN08 Top of a forced centering device on top of a drilled stainless steel tripod in rock 40808M001 Valle Nuevo CN06 Top of a forced centering device on top of a drilled stainless steel tripod in rock 40809M001 Punta Cana CN05 Top of a forced centering device on top of a drilled stainless steel tripod in rock 40810M001 Puerto Plata CN07 Top of a forced centering device on top of a drilled stainless steel tripod in rock 40811M001 Cabo Frances Viejo CN27 Top of a forced centering device on top of a drilled stainless steel tripod in rock 40901S001 Guatemala city GUAT Trimble SSI / ARP 40902S001 Santa Elena ELEN GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 40903S001 Huehuetenango HUEH GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 40904M001 Santa Catarina Mita CATR Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40905M001 Chicaman CHIQ Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40906M001 Chisec CHIS Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40907M001 Coatepeque COAT Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a steel mast 40908M001 Cotzumalguapa COTZ Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40909M001 Morales MRLS Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40910M001 El Naranjo NARA Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40911M001 Poptun POPT Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40912M001 Sayaxche SAYA Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40913M001 Taxisco TAXI Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40914M001 Tikal TIKA Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a steel mast 40915M001 La Tinta TINT Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a steel mast 40916M001 Gualan ZACA Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 40917M001 Santa Cruz Barillas BARI Reference point of a forced centering device forced on top of a concrete pillar 41001M001 Centre National de l'Informati CNIG Top and center of a steel plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 41001M002 Centre National de l'Informati VOIL Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast on a building roof. 41001M003 Centre National de l'Informati PAPR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel tripod anchored into the concrete five story CNIGS building roof 41101M001 Tegucigalpa TEG2 Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof 41101S001 Tegucigalpa TEGU Trimble SSI / GPS ARP 41101S002 Tegucigalpa TEG1 GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 UNAV 41102S001 San Lorenzo SLOR Trimble SSI / GPS ARP 41103M001 Catacamas - Agricultural Unive UNAG Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a pole fixed on a building roof. 41104M001 Siguatepeque - Forest universi ESNA Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a pole fixed on a metallic mast. 41105M001 La Ceiba - Documentation centr CRED Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a pole fixe against a roof. 41106M001 Tegucigalpa - Universidad Naci UNAH Top and center of a stainless steel plate on a 1.1m height concrete pillar, anchored on a single-storey building concrete roof 41106M002 Tegucigalpa - Universidad Naci IHCT Top and center of a steel pole on a four storeis building concrete wall 41107M001 Juticalpa - CURNO CRNO Top and center of a stainless steel plate on a 2m height concrete pillar, anchored on a single-storey building concrete roof 41108M001 Danli - UNAH-TEC UNTD Top and center of a steel pod fixed on a single-storey building concrete wall 41109M001 San Pedro Sula - UNAH-VS UNVS Top and center of a steel pod fixed on a four storeys building concrete wall 41110M001 Comayagua - CURC-UNAH CURC Top and center of a steel pole anchored on a five storey building concrete wall 41111M001 Santa Rosa de Copan - CUROC-UN CROC Top and center of a steel pole, anchored on two storey building concrete wall 41112M001 La Ceiba- CURLA -UNAH CRLA Centre and top of a stainless steel mount epoxied to top of a two-stories building roof 41113M001 Olanchito, UNAH-TEC Aguan UNTA Centre and top of steel antenna mount 41201M001 Managua DORIS mark ( under MNAC antenna). 41201S001 Managua MANA Trimble SSI GPS antenna/ARP 41201S002 Managua MNAC DORIS antenna (Starec C type) / Ref. point 400 MHz. 41202S001 Esteli ESTI Trimble SSi GPS antenna/ARP 41203M001 Blue fields, Freeport CN30 Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, fixed on top of a concrete roof 41301M001 Ciudad de Chitre AZUE Plate / Steel mast on top of building. 41302M001 Ciudad de David DAVI Top and centre of a metallic triangular tower. Triangular plate on the base fixed on a concrete block. 41303M001 Panama - IGNTG IGN1 Plate / Steel mast on top of building 41304M001 Sosa Hill PMPA plate at the top of a metallic pillar / standard screw / top of Sosa Hill 41305M001 Darien DARI Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41306M001 Puerto Armuelles, El Palmar - PUAR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 2.0 m height stainless steel mast, anchored to a reinforced beam of the building of CRUBA. 41307M001 Penonome, Llano Marin - Observ PMEC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 1.55 m height stainless steel mast, anchored on a reinforced concrete slab of the building of OAP. 41308M001 Chepo - Centro Regional Univer CHEP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a 2.0 m height stainless steel mast, anchored to a reinforced beam of the building of the University. 41401M001 San Salvador AIES Force centering device embedded in a main structural column of a two-story reinforced concrete building 41401S001 San Salvador SSIA Trimble 4000SSi/GPS ARP 41402M001 Piedra Azul VMIG Force centering device mounted on roof of a concrete hut 41403M001 Santa Tecla CNR1 Force centering device embedded in a main structural column of a concrete building 41404M001 Volcan Santa Ana SNJE Force centering device on top of a 2m high reinforced concrete seismic hut 41405M001 San Salvador I SSSV Self-center mounting on roof top. 41502M001 Cordoba UCOR Forced centering device / Metal pipe in the top of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba 41503M001 Cricyt - Mendoza MZAC 2.60 high cylindrical pipe - Forced centering device fixed on top 41505M002 Buenos Aires IGM0 Terrace IGM building / Concrete pillar / Brass Mark 41505M003 Buenos Aires IGM1 INSTITUTO GEOGRAPHICO MILITAR / STAINLESS STEEL TRIPOD FIXED ON TOP OF A CONCRETE WALL / TOP AND CENTRE OF A LEVEL STAINLESS STEEL PLATE 41505M004 Buenos Aires MA02 Top and center of a metal pin fixed on a concrete pillar 41505S006 Buenos Aires GPS DMA TI4100 / L1 41505S007 Buenos Aires ARGN NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11941 / ARP 41505S007 Buenos Aires BUE1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11941 / ARP 41505S007 Buenos Aires BUE2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11941 / ARP 41507M002 Rio Grande DORIS 2 mark 41507M003 Rio Grande RIOZ Small concrete block/threaded brass mark on a triangular plate 41507M004 Rio Grande RIOG Concrete pillar / threaded brass mark on a triangular plate 41507M005 Rio Grande Mark on concrete pillar (DORIS 3) 41507M006 Rio Grande RIO2 Antenna mount on top of a steel rod fixed on a concrete pillar 41507M007 Rio Grande RGDG Top and center of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel pillar, fixed on a concrete block 41507S003 Rio Grande RIOA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 41507S004 Rio Grande RIOB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41507S005 Rio Grande RIPB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41507S006 Rio Grande RIQB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 41507S007 Rio Grande RIRB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 41507S008 Rio Grande RISC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type C) 41507S055 Rio Grande RIPB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41508M001 San Juan OAFA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 41508M002 San Juan Top and center of the DORIS brass mark 41508S003 San Juan 7406 Intersection of axes of a permanent SLR telescope (60 cm) 41508S004 San Juan SJUC Reference point of the DORIS antenna (Starec C type) 41510M001 La Plata LPGS CONCRETE PILLAR 41510M002 La Plata GLPG Mark at the top and axis of a forced steel mast, bolted to a concrete pillar 41510M003 La Plata LPG2 Brass nail on top of a pillar, embedded in a concrete block 41511M001 Cordoba GPS site CORD Center point of a buried s/s conquest pin 41511M002 Cordoba GPS site CETT antenna reference point 41512M001 Bahia Blanca VBCA Top building Universidad Nacional del Sur / brass plate with a central hole 41513M001 Rawson RWSN Screw fixed on top of metal tower 41514M001 Salta UNSA Stable pillar on the roof of a small building at the university Salta 41515S001 Ushuaia I AUTF GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW/ARP 41516S001 Base Orcadas BIOR GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW / ARP 41517S001 Caucete CFAG GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW / ARP 41518S001 Lihue Calel LHCL GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW / ARP 41519S001 Ushuaia II PNTF GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW / ARP 41520S001 Tucuman TUCU GPS ASH700936D_M SNOW / ARP 41521M001 Mar del Plata MPLA Screw fixed on top of a metal tower 41522S001 Bardas Blancas GAS1 LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 41522S002 Bardas Blancas GAS2 LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 41522S003 Bardas Blancas GAS3 LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 41523S001 Mendoza MZ01 LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 41524M001 Puerto Deseado PDES Forced centering device fixed on a metal tower 41524M002 Puerto Deseado PDE2 Foced centering device on top of a 1.72m high metal tower 41524M003 Puerto Deseado PDE3 Reference point fo a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic structure, fixed to a concrete floor 41525M001 Universidad de Rosario UNRO Forced centering device fixed on a metal tower 41526M001 Mercedes, Corrientes MECO Marker under a metal tripod. Top of a building. 41527M001 Universidad Nacional de San Ju UNSJ Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed on a concrete wall of the San Juan University 41528M001 San Rafael - Mendoza MZAS Forced centering device on metal pipe (3.8 m) in the top of a building 41528M002 San Rafael - Mendoza MZSR Forced centering pin fixed on top of a metal column. 41528M003 San Rafael - Mendoza MZRF Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41529M001 Estacion Azul AZUL Forced centering device. Bronze post cemented into a concrete pillar / roof of 15m high building. 41530M001 Santa Rosa (Este) - Mendoza MZAE Brass nail on top of 5.3 m steel mast / roof of building 41531M001 Santiago del Estero TERO pin on metal base welded to a steel tower / roof of a building 41532M001 Santa Rosa, La Pampa SRLP Concrete roof - Top and center of a forced centring device 41533M001 Esquel ESQU Top and axis of a metallic mast fixed on a roof 41534M001 San Fernando del Valle de Cata CATA Top and axis of a metallic mast fixed on a roof 41535M001 Mina Bajo de la Alumbrera ALUM Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41536M001 San Vicente SVIC Metal mast fixed to a roof - Forced centering device on top 41537M001 Juan Bautista Alberdi JBAL Top and axis of a metallic mast, fixed on a concrete column 41538M001 Ente Binacional Yacireta Posad EBYP Force centering metal structure fixed to a concrete wall. 41539M001 Balcarce BCAR Top and center of a forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a building roof 41540M001 Complejo Astronomico El Leonci CSLO Forced centering device fixed on top of a steel post 41541M001 Chalten CHLT Forced centering device on top of a steel post 41542M001 Neuquen MA01 Forced centering device on top of a metal structure, fixed to a conrete roof 41542M002 Neuquen NEQN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on a custom-made leveling tribach attached to concrete rooftop 41543M001 San Luis - Universidad de la P SL01 Forced centering device on top of a metallic plattform attched to a concrete wall 41544M001 Universidad de Mar del Plata MPL2 Forced centering mounting device on top of a steel mast, fixed on top of a concrete wall 41545M001 Sarmiento CSJ1 Top and center of a metal structure fixed to a concrete roof. 41546M001 General Conesa NESA Top and axis of a plate fixed on top of a metallic mast. 41547M001 Avia Terai NGAQ Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete roof 41548M001 Veladero VELA Top of a forced centering plate, fixed on top of a metallic pillar 41549M001 Villaguay GUAY Forced centering pin on a steel plate, fixed on top of a stainless steel pillar. 41550M001 Rio Gallegos - Santa Cruz UNPA Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on top of a building 41551M001 Pehuajo PEJO Forced centering device on top of a steel plate fixed on a metal column, anchored on a concrete roof 41552M001 San Cristobal SBAL Forced centering pin on a steel plate, fixed on top of a metal column 41553M001 Chaco CHAC Reference point of a forced centering device on a metallic structure, fixed to a concrete pillar 41554M001 Parana PRNA Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metallic mast 41555M001 Rio Cuarto RIO4 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metal structure fixed to a concrete wall. 41556M001 La Consulta - Mendoza MZAU Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metal structure fixed to a concrete roof. 41557M001 Santa Fe EPSF Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metal structure fixed to a concrete block 41558M001 Malargue MGUE Top and axis of a forced centering stainless steel pole embedded in a concrete block 41559M001 Corrientes COCA Top and center of a forced centering pin fixed to a concrete pillar 41560M001 Coronel Suarez SUAR Top and center of a forced centering pin fixed to a concrete pillar 41561M001 General Villegas GVIL Top and center of a forced centering pin fixed to a concrete pillar 41562M001 Federal FEDE Base of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41563M001 Tilcara TILC Top and axis of a forced centering pin on top of a metal column 41564M001 Ichigualasto DINO Top and axis of a forced centering pin on top of a metal column 41565M001 Trancas TRNC Top and axis of a forced centering pin on top of a metal column 41566M001 25 de Mayo 25MA Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metal column. 41567M001 Dolores DORE Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metal column. 41568M001 Lavalle MZAL Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metal column. 41569M001 Laguna Yema YEMA Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metal column. 41570M001 Tres arroyos 3ARO Axis and base of a pin fixed to a metal column. 41571M001 Carmen de Patagones PATA Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate mounted on a metal column 41572M001 Tafi del Valle TAVA Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate mounted on a metal column 41573M001 Bariloche BCHE Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate mounted on a metal column 41573M002 Bariloche BCH1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed to a metal column. 41574M001 Villa Maria VIMA Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate mounted on a metal column 41575M001 Abra Pampa ABRA Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate mounted on a metal column 41576M001 Base Esperanza SPRZ Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41577M001 Base Marambio MBIO Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41578M001 Rufino RUFI Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41579M001 Pinto SURY Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41579M002 Pinto SUR1 Top and axis of a pin fixed to a 1.5 m height steel reticulated structure fixed on the roof of a 1 storeys height building. 41580M001 General Alvear MZGA Forced centering pin fixed on top of a metal column 41581M001 Reconquista RECO Forced centering pin fixed on top of a metal column 41582M001 Castelli CAEP Top of a forced centering pin, fixed on a stainless steel plate on top of a metallic pillar 41583M001 Paso de los Libres PACO Top of a forced centering pin, fixed on a building concrete structure 41584M001 Nueva Galia NUGA Top of a forced centering pin, fixed on a stainless steel plate, on top of a metallic mast 41585M001 Joaquin Victor Gonzalez JVGO Forced centering pin fixed on top of a metal column 41586M001 Pergamino PEBA Forced centering pin fixed on top of a metal column 41587M001 Rivadavia MZAR Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed to a metal column 41588M001 Chos Malal CHMA Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal column on a roof. 41589M001 Zapala ZPLA Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal column on a roof. 41590M001 Chimpay CHIM Reference point of a pin fixed to a metal column. 41591M001 La Rioja I LARJ Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal tower. ARP not dependent. 41592M001 San Jose de Jachal JCHL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a metal column fixed on a roof. 41593M001 Chivilcoy CHOY Reference point of a self centring antenna mounted on top of a shrouded metal mast on a roof. 41594M001 Rodeo RODE Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41595M001 Rafaela RASF Base of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column. 41596M001 La Plata - Argentinean German AGGO Reference point of a self-centering plate on top of a concrete monolith (5m tall and 1m in diameter monolith). 41596M002 La Plata - Argentinean German 7408 SLR marker. 41596S001 La Plata - Argentinean German 7408 SLR rotation axis intersection. 41596S002 La Plata - Argentinean German 7641 VLBI radiotelescope rotation axis intersection. 41597M001 Gualeguay GGUA Top of a forced centering pin, fixed on a steel plate on top of a metal column 41598M001 Santa Isabel SAIS Top and centre of a steel pmlate with forced centering pin, fixed to a metal pillar, anchored to a concrete building roof 41599M001 Formosa FOSA Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 41601M002 San Jose dos Campos SJSP Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of a ground concrete pillar. 41602M001 Forteleza FORT Bronze plate SAT92009 41602M002 Forteleza BRFT Forced centering device fixed atop a 2-m tall steel tripod 41602M003 Forteleza CEEU Forced centering device on top of concrete pillar (0.95m). INPE building 41602S001 Forteleza 7297 45-foot VLBI antenna 41603M001 Cuiba CUIB Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a water reservoir (92583) 41604S001 Natal 7929 SLR IAR 41605M002 Joao Pessoa JOAO Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 41606M001 Brasilia BRAZ CONCRETE PILLAR JPL 4024-S 41608M001 Rio de Janeiro RIOD Concrete pillar (height 0.96m) with forced centering device / 91720 41609M002 Cachoeira Paulista DORIS mark 41609M003 Cachoeira Paulista CHPI Concrete Pillar / Dimple on a steel pin 41609M004 Cachoeira Paulista CHPG Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a steel pillar 41609M005 Cachoeira Paulista CHPE antenna reference point 41609S001 Cachoeira Paulista CACB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41609S002 Cachoeira Paulista CADB DORIS Satrec antenna reference point (CADB) 41610M001 Curitiba - Parana PARA Concrete pillar with forced centering device near the Space Geodesy Lab of UFPR (91105) 41610M002 Curitiba - Parana UFPR Forced centering device on concrete pillar (height : 1.2 m). Same pillar as PARA. 41611M001 Presidente Prudente UEPP Concrete pillar with forced centering device (91559) 41611M002 Presidente Prudente PPTE Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41611M003 Presidente Prudente LGE1 Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, on top of a building 41612M001 Bom Jesus da Lapa BOMJ Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a one-floor building (93030) 41612M002 Bom Jesus da Lapa BABJ Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a build concrete roof 41613M001 Vicosa VICO Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a two-floor building (91696) 41614M001 Manaus MANU Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a two-floor building (91300) 41614M002 Manaus NAUS Top of a building of the Operation and technical centre of SIPAM - Concrete pillar with forced centering device on top (93770) 41615M001 Imperatriz IMPZ Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a two-floor building (92165) 41616M001 Porto Alegre POAL Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / two-floor building / concrete pillar / forced centering device 41617M001 Recif RECF Concrete pillar with forced centering device 41617M002 Recif PERC Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 41618M001 Salvador SALV Concrete pillar with forced centering device 41619M001 Crato CRAT Concrete pillar with forced centering device / 92300 41620M001 Cananeia CANA Concrete pillar with forced centering device 41620M002 Cananeia NEIA Brass plate embedded in a concrete monument over a rock 41621M001 Santa Maria SMAR UFSM OFFICE, BUILDING ROOF / METALLIC PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A FORCED CENTERING DEVICE 41622M001 Belem BELE Concrete pillar on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41623M001 Governador Valadares GVA1 Concrete pillar on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41623M001 Governador Valadares GVAL Concrete pillar on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41624M001 Montes Claros MCL1 Concrete pillar on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41624M001 Montes Claros MCLA Concrete pillar on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41624M002 Montes Claros MGMC Concrete pillar (1.20 m of height) build at a structure of a building, with force centering device. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41625M001 Uberlandia - CRIU UBE1 3m height metallice tower on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41625M001 Uberlandia - CRIU UBER 3m height metallice tower on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41626M001 Varginha VARG 2.5m height metallic tower on top of a one floor building - Forced centering device on top 41626M002 Varginha MGV1 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41626M002 Varginha MGVA Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41627M001 Ubatuba UBAT Concrete pillar with forced centering device 41627M002 Ubatuba UBA1 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41628M001 Porto Velho POVE Top of the building of Operation and Technical Centre of SIPAM - Concrete pillar with forced centering device 41629M001 Macapa MAPA Top of a building of the Operation and technical centre of SIPAM - Pillar with forced centering device on top 41629M002 Macapa APMA Top of a building of the Operation and technical centre of SIPAM - Pillar with forced centering device on top 41630M001 Sao Paulo University POLI Forced centering device on top of a 14m high steel mast 41631M001 Ourinhos OURI Top and axis of a screw embedded on top of a concrete pillar. 41632M001 Rosana ROSA Tob and axis of a screw embedded on top of a concrete pillar 41633M001 San Jose do Rio Preto SJRP Forced centering device fixed on the roof edge of the UNESP administration building 41634M001 Ilha Solteira ILHA Tob and axis of a screw embedded on top of a concrete pillar 41635M001 PRedio da Hora - Observatorio ONRJ Concrete building roof - Forced centering device on top of a 4m height steel structure 41636M001 Boa Vista BOAV Steel force centering pin on concrete pillar (height: 3m) at DTCEA 41637M001 Vitoria CEFE Forced centering device on 1.2 m concrete pillar. Roof of 3 floor building. 41638M001 Imbituba IMBT forced centering device on concrete pillar. Roof of a 4 floor building. 41639M001 Sao Gabriel SAGA Forced centering device on concrete pillar (height: 1.23 m) at DTCEA. 41640M001 Sao Luis SALU Forced centering device on ground concrete pillar (height: 1.2 m) at University of Maranhao State 41641M001 Cruzeirao do Sul CRUZ Forced centering device on ground concrete pillar (height: 1.2 m) 41642M001 Maraba MABA Forced centering device on ground concrete pillar (height: 3.1 m), in INCRA-Marab 41643M001 Salvador INCRA SAVO Forced centering device on concrete pillar (height: 1.57 m) on roof of 2 floor building. 41644M001 Salvador Capitania SSA1 Forced centering device on concrete pillar (height: 5.5 m) at Capitania dos Portos 41645M001 Rio Branco RIOB Forced centering device on concrete pillar (height: 2.0 m). Station installed in INCRA Rio Branco 41646M001 Humaita AMHU Top and center of force centering device on 5.1 m high ground concrete pillar. 41646M002 Humaita AMHA Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar with 1.35 m of height, clamped to a structural column on a building. 41647M001 Inconfidentes MGIN Top of force centering device / 1.2 m high concrete pillar / 2 floor building 41648M001 Palmas TOPL Top of forced centering device on 1.4 m high concrete pillar. Top of building. 41649M001 Campo Grande MSCG Top of force centering device. 1.3 m high concrete pillar on top of a building. 41650M001 Petrolina PEPE Top of force centering device on 1.4 m high pillar. Top of a building. 41651M001 Guajara-Mirim ROGM Top of force centering device on 4.0 m high concrete pillar. 41652M001 University of Uberlandia MGUB Top of force centering device on 1.2 m high concrete pillar / roof of a building 41653M001 Arapiraca ALAR Concrete pillar (1.20m of height) built at a structure of a building, with force centering device. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41654M001 Jatai GOJA Force centering device installed at the top of a structure of 2 floor building. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41655M001 Sao Felix do Araguaia MTSF Concrete pillar (2,85 m of height) built at top of one floor building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41656M001 Campina Grande PBCG Concrete pillar (1,40 m of height) built at top of a building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41657M001 Campos dos Goytacazes RJCG Concrete pillar (1,20 m of height) built at a roof of a building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41658M001 Ji-Parana ROJI Concrete pillar (1,20 m of height) built at a structure of a building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41659M001 Chapeco SCCH Concrete pillar (0,60 m of height) built at the structure of one floor building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41660M001 Lajes SCLA Concrete pillar (3,0 m of height) built at top of a building, with force centering device on top. The reference point of the station is the top of th force centering device. 41661M001 Gurupi TOGU A force centering device installed at the top of a building structure (8 m of height). The reference point of the station is the top of the force centering device. 41662M001 University of Rio Grande do No NATL Geodetic marker (brass nail) on a self-centering mount device (SCIGN type) on the top a concrete pillar (1.70m). 41663M001 Barra do Garcas MTBA INCRA office - Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar built on a two floors building roof 41663M002 Barra do Garcas MTGA Concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, with forced centering device, at Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Barra do Garcas, Mato Grosso. 41664M001 Mossoro RNMO Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido (UNIFERSA) - Concrete pillar built on a three floors building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top 41665M001 Irece BAIR CODEVASF office - Concrete pillar built on a one floor building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top 41666M001 Teixeira de Freitas BATF Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) - Concrete pillar built on a one floor building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top 41667M001 Belo Horizonte MGBH Instituto Nacional de Colonizacao e Reforma Agraria (INCRA) - Concrete pillar built on a three floors building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top 41668M001 Natal - INPE RNNA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) - Concrete pillar built on a two floors building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top 41669M001 Vitoria da Conquista BAVC Universidade do Estado da Bahia - Two floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41670M001 Colider MTCO INCRA office - One floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41671M001 Guarapuava PRGU Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste (UNICENTRO) - Building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device 41672M001 Dourados MSDO Campus of the University UNIDERP - Three floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41673M001 Sao Raimundo Nonato PISR Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco (UNIVASF) - One floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41674M001 Maringa PRMA Universidade Estadual de Maringa (UEM) - Two floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41675M001 Santana APSA Compania Docas de Santana - One floor building roof - Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 41675M002 Santana APS1 Forced centering device on top of a ground concrete pillar 41676M001 Aracatuba SPAR Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on a watertank concrete tower 41677M001 Lins LINS Brass nail on top of a metallic stem, fixed agains a wall 41677M002 Lins SPLI Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building. 41678M001 Campinas SPCA Forced centering device on top of a concrete mast, fixed on a concrete block 41678M002 Campinas SPC1 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 41679M001 Colorado d Oeste ROCD Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 41680M001 Rio Paranaiba MGRP Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 41681M001 Balsas MABS Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 41682M001 Docas do Ceara CEFT Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a the guard building roof 41683M001 Altamira PAAT Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar built on a building 41683M002 Altamira PAAR Concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, with forced centering device, at Universidade Federal do Pata. 41684M001 Barreiras BABR Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41685M001 Itaituba PAIT Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41686M001 Jaboticabal SPJA Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar 41687M001 Canarana MTCN Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar 41688M001 Juina MTJU Top of a forced centering device fixed on a conrete pillar, clamped to a structural column on a building 41689M001 Sorriso MTSR Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building 41690M001 Vila Bela da Santissima Trinda MTVB Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building 41691M001 Teresina PITN Top of a forced centering device fixe on a concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column of a building 41692M001 Botucatu SPBO Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 41693M001 Franca SPFR Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete block, on top of a building 41694M001 Escola de Engenharia de Sao Ca EESC Top of the forced centering pin over a steel tower, fixed on the roof of the school building 41694M001 Escola de Engenharia de Sao Ca ESSC Top of the forced centering pin over a steel tower, fixed on the roof of the school building 41695M001 Santarem PAST Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a concrete roof 41696M001 Coari AMCO Reference point (top and centre) of a forced centering device, fixed on a ground concrete pillar, located in the Petrobras base in Urucu. 41697M001 Aracaju, Sergipe SEAJ Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar of a building 41698M001 Joao Pessoa PBJP Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar of a building 41699M001 Alegrete RSAL Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 41703M001 Easter Island 7061 TLRS-2 7061-1983 NASA-GSFC station disk 41703M002 Easter Island 7097 TLRS-2 7097-1986 NASA brass disk 41703M003 Easter Island EISL Divot in brass plate embedded on top of a concrete pillar - GPS mark JPL 4008-S 41703M004 Easter Island DORIS mark 41703M005 Easter Island Concrete block / 12 mm domed brass mark (DORIS 2) 41703M006 Easter Island Tide gauge / mark Instituto Hidrografico CF-18a 41703M007 Easter Island ISPA SCIGN ANTENNA MOUNT (MARK) 41703S008 Easter Island EASA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 41703S009 Easter Island EASB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41705M001 Santiago 7400 Mark SLR 41705M002 Santiago GPS Mark (GIG'91) 41705M003 Santiago SANT GPS Mark JPL 4001-S 41705M004 Santiago 7404 SLR MARKER 7404 41705M005 Santiago SANG Brass disk / .3m x .3m x 1.m concrete block (Marker 12M-A 92) 41705S004 Santiago ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 15-JAN-91 - 41705S006 Santiago 1404 12m VLBI antenna IAR 41705S007 Santiago SANA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 41705S008 Santiago SAOB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41705S009 Santiago SANB DORIS 3 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 41705S010 Santiago GSAN TRM33429.20+GP Antenna / ARP 41706M001 Cerro Tololo 7401 Mark SLR 41708S001 Iquique IQUB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 41708S002 Iquique IQQE Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12470 / BPA 41709S001 Sest 7239 VLBI antenna 41710S001 Cariquima CARB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 41712M001 Valparaiso VALN Axis and base of a screw, fixed in SHOA premise - Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada de Chile. 41712M002 Valparaiso BN05 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41712S001 Valparaiso VALP Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N:CR14321/ARP 41713S001 Antuco ANTC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12462 / BPA 41714M001 Copiapo BN03 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41714S001 Copiapo COPO Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12473 / BPA 41715S001 Coyhaique COYQ Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12479 / BPA 41716S001 Punta Arenas I PARC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12472 / BPA 41716S002 Punta Arenas I PNTR Novatel 702GG Antenna Reference Point, mounted on a steel mast 41717S001 Puerto Williams PWMS Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # 12481 / BPA 41718M001 Punta Arenas II PUN1 GPS MARKER PARE 41719M001 Concepcion 7405 Geodetic ground marker / SLR TIGO 41719M002 Concepcion CONZ Concrete pilar with stainless steal construction with 5/8" thread 41719M003 Concepcion 7761 Steal plate on the top of Steal tube vertically mounted at wall of house for gravimeter 41719M004 Concepcion CONT TIGO site - Survey marker bolt on a concrete pillar 41719M005 Concepcion BN08 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41719S001 Concepcion 7640 Intersection of axes of TIGO-radiotelescope 41719S002 Concepcion 7405 Intersection of TIGO SLR telescope axes 41720M001 Angol ANGO Forced centering device on top of a steel tripod, embedded in a concrete block 41721M001 Arica IACR Forced centering device on top of a steel tripod, embedded into the bedrock 41721M002 Arica UTAR Axis and base of a screw, fixed on the Tarapaca University roof. 41721M003 Arica BN15 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41722M001 Osorno OSOR Forced centering device on top of a steel tripod, embedded in a concrete block 41723M001 Iquique Airport AEDA Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41724M001 Tongoy BTON Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41725M001 Combarbala CMBA Axis and base of a screw, on top of a concrete pillar. 41726M001 Canela Baja CNBA Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41727M001 Constitucion CONS Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41728M001 Carizalillo CRZL Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41729M001 Curico CURI Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41730M001 Santiago University Chili DGF1 Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41730M002 Santiago University Chili BN13 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41731M001 Caletta El Maiten EMAT Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock . 41732M001 Fuerte Baquedano FBAQ Screw axis and base. 41733M001 Humberstone HMBS Axis and base of a screw, on top of a concrete pillar. 41734M001 Iloca ILOC Axis and base of a screw, embeded in concrete. 41735M001 Junta El Toro JUNT Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41736M001 Pichilemu LEMU Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41737M001 La Serena LSCH Axis and base of a screw, fixed on a roof. 41738M001 Los Vilos LVIL Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41739M001 Cerro Mica MICA Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41740M001 MiniMini MNMI Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41741M001 Navidad NAVI Axis and base of a screw, on top of a concrete pillar. 41742M001 Ovalle OVLL Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41743M001 Calama PCAL Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41744M001 Pachica PCHA Screw axis and base. 41745M001 Pedregal PEDR Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41746M001 Pelluhue PELL Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41747M001 Parc Fray Jorge PFRJ Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41748M001 Pica PICB Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41748M001 Pica PICN Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41748M002 Pica PICC Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41749M001 Laja PLAJ Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41750M001 Punta Mejillones PMEJ Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41751M001 Pisagua PSGA Axis and base of a screw, on top of a concrete pillar. 41752M001 Quella, Cauquenes QLAP Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41753M001 Quillagua QUIL Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41754M001 Radomiro Tomic Mine RADO Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41755M001 Roca Santo Domingo DGAC RCSD Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41756M001 Roble ROBL Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41757M001 La Silla SILL Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41758M001 San Javier SJAV Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41759M001 Salamanca SLMC Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41760M001 Tocopilla TOCO Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41761M001 Antofagasta, Univ. Cat. Norte UCNA Screw axis and base, fixed on top of a wall. 41761M002 Antofagasta, Univ. Cat. Norte UCNF Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41761M003 Antofagasta, Univ. Cat. Norte BN02 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41762M001 Punta Urcu URCU Axis and base of a screw, embeded on a rock. 41763M001 Iquique - Arturo Prat Universi UAPF Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41763M002 Iquique - Arturo Prat Universi UAPE Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41764M001 Vallenar VALL Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41765M001 Vegas de Itata VITA Screw axis and base, fixed on a roof. 41766M001 Valle Nevado VNEV Screw axis and base. 41767M001 Zapalar ZAPA Screw axis and base, embeded in the rock. 41768M001 Santiago - University of Santi USCL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on a metal mason anchored to wall on building roof. 41769M001 Valdivia B914 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a building roof 41770M001 Castro BN20 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building roof 41771M001 Iquique, Edificio de SEREMI Re BN91 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41772M001 Ovalle, Edificio de Servicios BN17 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41773M001 Temuco BN89 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41774M001 Rancagua BN06 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete chimney 41775M001 Talca BN07 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, amnchored to a concrete wall 41776M001 Coihaique, Edificio de SEREMI BN11 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel placed, anchored to a concrete pillar on a building roof 41777M001 Punta Arenas, Edificio de SERE BN12 Reference point of a forced cetering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 41778M001 Chillan, SEREMI Bienes Naciona BN16 ARP 41801M001 Santa Cruz SCRZ Force centering device on top of a steel tripod built-in a concrete block fundation. 41802M001 Oruro URUS Forced centering device on top of a steel tripod built-in a concrete block 41803M001 Yacuiba YCBA Force centering device on top of a 1.5m metal tower, anchored on a main estructural building pillar. 41804M001 Uyuni UYNI Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tripod 41805M001 El Alto BLPZ Force centering device on top of an aluminium tower, fixed on a concrete block 41805M002 El Alto EMIB Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top a steel bars tripod 41806M001 Potosi LPTS Force centering device on top of a metallic tower, fixed to a building 41807M001 Cochabamba CBMB Forced centering device on top of an aluminium pole, anchored to the bedrock 41810M001 Tarabuco BTRC Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41811M001 Ibuelo IBLO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41812M001 Tarija IBOB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41813M001 Beni RRNB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41814M001 Cobija LCOB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41815M001 Riberalta LRIB Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41816M001 Puerto Suarez PUSU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41817M001 San Ignacio de Velasco SIVE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41818M001 San Jose de Chiquitos SJCH Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41819M001 Sucre BSUC Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel bars tripod 41820M001 Tupiza TPZA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41821M001 Trinidad TRDD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41822M001 Villa Montes VMON Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel tripod 41823M001 Challapata RDEO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a steel bars tripod. 41901M001 Bogota BOGT GPS MARKER JPL 4022-S/INGEOMINAS COMPLEX 41901M002 Bogota BOGA Brass plate on a flat roof under a pillar 41902M001 Cartagene CART Aluminium plate/Top of Pillar 41903S001 Cali CALI Forced centering screw on top of a concrete pillar, anchored on a concrete roof 41904S001 Cucuta CUCU Antenna Reference point of the topcon CR4 Choke Ring antenna 41905S001 Pereira PERA Antenna Reference Point of the TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring antenna 41906S001 Valledupar VALL Antenna Reference Point of the TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring antenna 41907M001 Aguachica AGCA Top of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block on a building roof 41907S001 Aguachica AGUA TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0156 41908S001 San Andres ANDS LEIAT504 with LEIS radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 102803 41909S001 Arauca ARCA TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0169 41910S001 Puerto Berrio BERR TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0160 41911M001 Bucaramanga BNGA Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed on the roof of a eight-storey building 41911S001 Bucaramanga BUCA LEIAT504 with LEIS radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 102832 41912S001 Buenventura BUEN TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0163 41913S001 Puerto Carreno CANO TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0168 41914S001 Caucasia CASI TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0159 41915S001 La Dorada DORA TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0165 41916S001 Florencia FLOR TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0161 41917S001 San Jose del Guaviare GUAV LEIAT504 with LEIS radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 102828 41918S001 Ibague IBAG Antenna Reference Point: TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with Radome (CONE) - SN 265-0162 41919M001 Leticia LETA Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fxied to a roof 41919S001 Leticia LETI TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference point (ARP) - SN 265-0171 41920S001 Magangue MAGA TOPCON CR4 with CONE radome antenna reference" point (ARP) - SN 265-0158 41921S001 Medellin MEDE Forced centering screw on top of a steel mast, fixed on concrete block 41922S001 Monteria MOTE Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radome - SN 102830 41923S001 Neiva NEVA Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radome - SN 102824 41924M001 Popayan POVA Forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument. 41924S001 Popayan POPA Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radome - SN 102823 41925S001 Pasto PSTO Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radomes - SN 102831 41926S001 Quibdo QUIB Antenna Reference Point. TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with radome (CONE) - SN - 265-0170 41927S001 Riohacha RIOH Antenna Reference Point. TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with radomes (CONE) - SN 265-0164 41928S001 Santa Marta SAMA Antenna Reference Point. TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with radome (CONE) - SN 265-0173 41929M001 Tumaco TUCO Forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument. 41929S001 Tumaco TUMA TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with radome (CONE) - SN 265-0172 41930S001 Tunja TUNA Antenna Reference Point. TOPCON CR4 Choke Ring with radome - SN 265-0166 41931S001 Villavicencio VIVI Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radome - SN 102829 41932S001 Yopal YOPA Antenna Reference Point. LEIAT504 LEIS with radome - SN 102826 41933S001 Apartado APTO Antenna Reference Point ASH701945E_M Choke Ring 41934S001 Barranquilla BQLA Antenna Reference Point ASH701945E_M Choke Ring 41935S001 La Calera CARA Antenna Reference Point ASH701945E_M Choke Ring 41936S001 Fuquene FQNE Antenna reference point of GPS choke ring AT504 41937M001 Lebrija - Palonegro Airport PALO Forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument. 41938M001 Corozal - Las Brujas Airport CORO Forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument. 41939M001 Bogota - Fontibon ABCC Centro de Control of Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota - Top and center of a metallic mast fixed to a roof 41940M001 Bogota - Calera ABPW Planta Wiesner of Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota - Top and axis of a metallic mast fixed on a roof 41941M001 Bogota - Usme ABPD Planta El Dorado of Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota - Top and axis of a metallic mast fixed on a roof 41942M001 Bogota - Universidad Distrital UD01 Top and axis of a forced centering iron tube, fixed on top of a concrete building column 41943M001 San Alberto ALBE Top and axis of a forced centering rod on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof 41944M001 Pamplona PAMP Top and axis of a forced centering rod on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof 41945M001 Garagoa GARA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete roof 41946M001 Sincelejo SINC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete roof 41947M001 Barrancabermeja BEJA Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fxied to a roof 41948M001 Bosconia BOSC Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fxied to a roof 41949M001 San Jose del Guaviare GVRE Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fxied to a roof 41950M001 Zarzal ZARZ Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fxied to a roof 41951M001 Becerril BECE Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete roof 41952M001 Sonson SNSN Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof 41953M001 Puerto Gaitan RUBI Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a roof 41954M001 Magangue GGUE Top of a steel mast fixed on a concrete block, anchored on a building roof 41955M001 Riohacha, Almirante Padilla Ai ALPA Reference point of a forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument 41956M001 Bogota, Distrital University A UDAP Reference point of an adapter fixed to a deep drilled braced monument 41957M001 Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo Airport VDPR Reference point of a forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument 41958M001 Jose Celestino Mutis Airport,B BASO Reference point of a forced centering adapter fixed to a stainless steel pipe drilled into the bedrock and embedded in reinforced concrete monument 41959M001 Gustavo Artunduaga Paredes Air AEFO antenna reference point 41960M001 Guaymaral Airport AEGU bottom of antenna mount 41961M001 General Navas Pardo Airport AECH bottom of antenna mount 41962M001 Tuquerres TUQU Bottom of antenna mount 41963M001 Malpelo Island MALO Bottom of antenna mount 41964M001 Chingaza National Natural Park ABCH Bottom of antenna mount 42003S003 Quito III ECUA NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11935 / ARP 42003S003 Quito III QUI1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11935 / ARP 42003S003 Quito III QUI2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11935 / ARP 42003S003 Quito III S061 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 11935 / ARP 42003S004 Quito III QUI3 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 116 / ARP 42003S004 Quito III QUI4 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 116 / ARP 42004M001 Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - Isla GALA GPS Inocar Mark on roof (Epoch 92) 42004M002 Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - Isla DORIS mark 42004S001 Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - Isla GALA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 42005M001 Santa Cruz GALA DARWIN STATION / GPS MARKER 42005M002 Santa Cruz GLPS Short drill braced monument with a SCIGN antenna mount 42005S001 Santa Cruz SCRB DORIS antenna Ref. Pt. (Starec type) 42006M001 Rio Bamba RIOP 5/8-inch threaded stainless steel pin cemented into concrete pillar 42007M001 Guayaquil GYEC Force centering device on top of concrete pillar (3.8 m of height). Top of IGM building. 42008M001 Portoviejo PTEC Army School - Roof of a three floor building - Top and axis of a forced centering device fixed on top of a 2m high concrete pillar 42008M002 Portoviejo PVEC 2.00 m height concrete pillar built at top of four floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in GADM PORTOVIEJO building, Portoviejo city, Manabi Province. 42008M003 Portoviejo POEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42009M001 cuenca CUEC ETAPA building - Top and axis of a forced centering device fixed on a 3m high metallic pillar 42010M001 Loja - UTPL LJEC Top of a three floor building - Top and center of a forced centering device fixed on top of an iron pillar 42011M001 Esmeraldas ESMR Top and center of a bolt with cross haris fixed into a cement pad on top of a three storey building. 42012M001 Quevedo QVEC Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on the roof of a three floor building 42013M001 Macas MAEC Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on the roof of a three floor building 42014M001 Lorocachi LREC Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 42015M001 Montalvo MTEC Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar. 42016M001 Santiago STEC Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 42017M001 Auca AUCA Reference point of a forced centering antenna support, screwed into top of a metallic pyrimid structure, anchored into ground 42018M001 Bahia de Caraquez BAHI Reference point of a forced centering antenna support, screwed into top of a metallic pyrimid structure, anchored into concrete roof 42019M001 Nuevo Rocafuerte NORE Reference point of a forced centering antenna support, screwed into top of a metallic pyrimid structure, anchored into ground 42020M001 Puengasi QUEM Reference point of a forced centering antenna support on top a USGS reference point, fixed on a building roof 42021M001 San Lorenzo SNLR Reference point of a forced centering antenna support, screwed into top of a metallic pyrimid structure, anchored into ground 42022M001 Machala MHEC Top and axis of the forced centering steel pole fixed on top of a concrete pillar 42023M001 Cueva de Osos COEC Rod reference point on top of an iron structure, fixed on a five-storeyed building. 42024M001 Ibarra IBEC Reference point of a centring device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building. 42025M001 Ecuador naval base - Isla San SCEC Top of a forced centring device on top of a metallic structure fixed on a building roof 42026M001 Tena TNEC Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a shrouded steel pole, fixed on a one-storeyed building. 42027M001 El Carmen ECEC Top of a force centering device fixed on a 2m high concrete pillar, built on a three floor building. 42028M001 Naranjal NJEC Top of a force centering device fixed on a 3m high concrete pillar, built on a building. 42029M001 Alausi ALEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42030M001 El Chaco CHEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42031M001 Celica CLEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 3.2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42032M001 Gualaquiza GZEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42033M001 Palanda PDEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 4.6m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42033M002 Palanda PLEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42034M001 Pajan PJEC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace roof. 42035M001 Palora PREC Forced centering Trimble device on top of a 2m high concrete column, fixed on a terrace. 42036M001 Santa Elena SEEC Base of a forced centering screw on top of iron pyramidal structure, fixed on a terrace roof. 42037M001 Riobamba - Empresa Electrica EREC Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a 2.8m high concrete pillar, built on top of four floor building. 42038M001 Cotopaxi CXEC Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 42039M001 Sangolqui EPEC Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar 42040M001 Ambato ABEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the GADM Ambato. 42041M001 Francisco de Orellana FOEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the GADM Francisco de Orellana. 42042M001 Guayaquil GUEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the INOCAR. 42043M001 Las Penas LPEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the Hotel Maria Jose, GADM Eloy Alfaro. 42044M001 Chone ONEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro Manabi-Chone. 42045M001 Machala OREC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the Colegio Militar COMIL. 42046M001 Pedernales PEEC Concrete pillar built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the GADM. 42046M002 Pedernales PAEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42047M001 Santa Isabel SIEC Stainless steel pyramidal structure built at top of three floor building with force centering device on top. The station is installed in the building of the GADM. 42048M001 Babahoyo BHEC Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar on a four floor building. 42049M001 Tiputini TPEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42050M001 Taisha TSEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42051M001 Posorja DPEC The antenna device is screwed into the Trimble forced centering 42202M001 Arequipa BM. CHR-5 5 1961 42202M002 Arequipa East satellite 1961 Mar. Ref. 2 42202M003 Arequipa 7403 Mark SLR 42202M004 Arequipa East satellite 1961 Mar. Ref. 1 42202M005 Arequipa AREQ Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a 0.7m concrete pillar. 42202M005 Arequipa AREV Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a 0.7m concrete pillar. 42202M006 Arequipa AREA DORIS 1 mark 42202M007 Arequipa AREB Concrete pillar / mark (DORIS 2) 42202M007 Arequipa ARFB Concrete pillar / mark (DORIS 2) 42202M008 Arequipa AREG Top and axis of a brass mark embedded in a concrete pillar 42202M009 Arequipa NASA GSFC brass disk stamped 7403 RM2 89 42202M010 Arequipa Aux Satellite 1958 - IGM Peru 42202S001 Arequipa 7907 SAO-2 fixed laser 42202S005 Arequipa AREA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 42202S006 Arequipa AREB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 42202S007 Arequipa ARFB DORIS antenna Reference Point (Starec type) 42203M001 Lima II LI01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm x 51 cm sided and 1.34 m high concrete pillar on the roof of National Geographic Institute three storey building. 42203S001 Lima II LIMA Novatel 702GG Antenna Reference Point, mounted on a steel mast 42204M001 Iquitos IQUI Top and center of a brass plate on top of a concrete pillar. 42204M002 Iquitos LR01 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the ground 42205M001 Callao CALL Top and center of a brass plate on top of a 1.475m high concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof. 42206M001 Bayovar BAYO Top and center of a stainless steel pin fixed on the rock 42207M001 Cerro Azul CAZL Top and center of a stainless steel pin fixed on the rock 42208M001 Huarmey HUAR Top and center of a stainless steel pin fixed on the rock 42209M001 Salaverry SALY Top and center of a stainless steel pin fixed on the rock 42210M001 San Lorenzo SLRZ Top and center of a stainless steel pin fixed on the rock 42211M001 Piura PI01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 5.45 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey administrative building. 42212M001 Chiclayo LB01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 5.45 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey Lambayeque building. 42213M001 Trujillo LL02 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 0.5 m in diameter and 2.5 m high concrete pillar, anchored in the ground. 42214M001 Cajamarca CJ01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey Cajamarca building. 42215M001 Ica IC01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey Ica building. 42216M001 Moquegua MQ01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 0.3 m sided and 2.5 m height concrete pillar, anchored in the ground. 42217M001 Llo MQ02 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 40 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Llo municipality. 42218M001 Tacna TC01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Tacna regional gouvernment. 42219M001 Chachapoyas AM01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Amazonas regional gouvernment. 42220M001 Bagua AM02 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building from Bagua provincial municipality. 42220M002 Bagua AM03 Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a 2.5m high concrete pillar, anchored to a building roof 42221M001 Moyobamba SM01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 0.4 m sided and 3.0 m height concrete pillar, anchored in the ground, in the San Martin regional gouvernment premise. 42222M001 Cerro de Pasco PA01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Pasco regional gouvernment. 42223M001 Huancayo JU01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 50 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from a military building. 42224M001 Huancavelica HV01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Huancavelica regional gouvernment. 42225M001 Ayacucho AY01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Ayacucho regional gouvernment. 42226M001 Abancay AP01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 50 cm sided and 5.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Abancay regional gouvernment. 42227M001 Mollendo AQ02 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building from Islayo provincial municipality. 42228M001 Juliaca PU02 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 40 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building from Juliaca university. 42229M001 Arequipa I AQ01 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.5 m high concrete pillar, anchored in the ground. 42230M001 Huaraz AN01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 3 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey COFOPRI building. 42230M002 Huaraz AN04 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42231M001 Chimbote AN02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 35 cm sided and 2.8 m high concrete pillar anchored located in a governmental agency. 42232M001 Tauca AN03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 40 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42233M001 Aplao AQ03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.4 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42234M001 Coracora AY02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42235M001 Cusco CS01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on the roof of a two storey building. 42236M001 Chumbivilcas CS02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 35 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42237M001 Pichari CS03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 35 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42238M001 Huanuco HC01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 40 cm sided and 3.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42238M002 Huanuco HC03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar fixed on the roof of a two storey building of the Huanuco regional government. 42239M001 Puerto Inca HC02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.2 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42240M001 Pisco IC02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42240M002 Pisco IC04 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 6M high concrete pillar. 42241M001 Nazca IC03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 40 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42242M001 La Merced JU02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.8 m high concrete pillar located on a military camp. 42242M002 La Merced JU03 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42243M001 Lima-Ancon LI02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42244M001 Lima-Chaclacayo LI03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 4.5 m high metallic pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42245M001 Lima-Pucusana LI04 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42246M001 Lima-Pativilca LI05 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 3.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42247M001 Madre de Dios MD01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.2 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42248M001 Huancabamba PI02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 50 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42248M002 Huancabamba PI04 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to a concrete building roof 42249M001 Talara PI03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42250M001 Macusani PU01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 35 cm sided and 2.8 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42250M002 Macusani PU04 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar, fixed on a roof. 42251M001 Yunguyo PU03 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 1.5 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a one storey building. 42252M001 Juanjui SM02 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 3.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a three storey building. 42253M001 Tumbes TU01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42254M001 Pucallpa UC01 Top and axis of a forced antenna mount on top of a 30 cm sided and 2.0 m high concrete pillar on the roof of a two storey building. 42255M001 Santa Maria de Nieva AM04 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored into the ground 42256M001 Atico AQ04 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed to the ground 42257M001 Lari AQ05 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42258M001 Cotahuasi AQ06 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on the ground 42259M001 Huancasancos AY03 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42260M001 Olmos LB02 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the ground 42261M001 El Alto PI05 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42262M001 Las Lomas PI06 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42263M001 Sechura PI07 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed onto a concrete building roof 42264M001 Tocache SM03 Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the ground 42301M001 Montevideo MON1 Bolt and screw 5 / 8 " at the center of masonry Construction section square 46 cm wide and 1.08 m high 42301M001 Montevideo UYMO Bolt and screw 5 / 8 " at the center of masonry Construction section square 46 cm wide and 1.08 m high 42302M001 Tacuarembo UYTA Forced centering device on top of a 2m mast cemented into rock 42303M001 Santa Teresa Nacional Park UYRO marker in concrete construction 42304M001 Paysandu UYPA Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 42305M001 Sarandi del Yi, Durazno UYDU Forced centering device on top of a tower concrete wall 42306M001 La Paloma UYLP Reference point of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, on the roof of a concrete tower 42307M001 Mercedes UYSO Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 42308M001 Rivera UYRI Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete block 42309M001 Melo - Cerro Largo UYCL Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete tower 42310M001 Colonia del Sacramento UYCO Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete wall 42311M001 Trinidad - Barrio del Cuardel UYFS Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete wall 42312M001 Artigas UYAR Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete wall 42313M001 Florida UYFD Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete building roof 42314M001 Minas - Barrio Estacion UYLA Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete building roof 42315M001 Ciudad de Salto UYSA Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete wall 42316M001 San Gregorio de Polanco UYSG Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete wall 42317M001 Termas del Arapey UYTD Top and axis of a steel mast fixed on a concrete pillar 42318M001 Ciudad de Treinta y Tres UYTT Top and axis of a steel mast, anchored on a concrete wall 42319M001 Vichadero UYRV Top and axis of a steel mast anchored to a concrete roof 42320M001 San Jose de Mayo UYSJ Top and axis of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete roof 42321M001 Paso de los Toros UYPT Reference point of a self centring antenna pole fixed on top of a brick tower. 42322M001 Isla de Flores UYIF Reference point of a self centring antenna mount - Concrete landmark. 42323S001 Montevideo - Palermo MTV1 NGA GPS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS / ARP 42323S001 Montevideo - Palermo MTV2 NGA GPS antenna TPSCR.G5 SCIS / ARP 42324M001 Laguna del Sauce, Maldonado UYMA Top and axis of a steel mast attached to concrete ceiling 42401M001 Caracas CRCS Steel tower with screw on top to fix the antenna 42402M001 Maracaibo MARA Concrete pillar with forced centering on the top of the building "Facultad de Ingenieria" 42403M001 Barinas BANS Steel tower with screw to fix the antenna 42404M001 Cumana CUM3 Brass plate on the top of a pillar. The distance from marker to the ARP is 0.144 m. 42405M001 San Cristobal CRIS Forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to the building structure. 42406M001 Quebrada Arriba CN39 GPS antenna over short-drilled braced (marker to ARP distance is 0.0083 m). 42407M001 El Baul CN41 GPS antenna over short-drilled braced (marker to ARP distance is 0.0083 m). 42408M001 Los Roques CN42 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod 42409M001 Isla de Margarita CN44 Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod 42410M001 Quebrada Arriba - Isla de Aves CN49 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel pole, fixed to a concrete building roof 42501M001 BERMUDA 7067 Mark SLR 42501M002 BERMUDA 7294 Mobile VLBI mark 42501S004 BERMUDA BRMU Turbo Rogue SNR-8000/DM T/BPA 12-MAR-93 42506M001 Trants - Montserrat TRNT Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount, fixed on a conrete pillar 42601S001 KINGSTON JAMA GPS ARP / AOAD/M_TA_NGS S/N: 114 42701M001 King Edward Point - Brown Moun KEPA Forced centering device on top of a 1m UNAVCO Polar monument, anchored into the rock outcrop 42702M001 King Edward Point - Research S KRSA Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a UNAVCO 1m polar monument, fixed on a 1m high concrete pillar 42801M001 Georgetown - Guyana Lands and GEOR Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 42802M001 Linden - Guyana Lands and Surv LNDN Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 42803M001 Supenaam stelling - Essequibo SUPE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building 42804M001 Mahdia MDIA Top of a forced antenna mount on a stainless steel extension mast, fixed on a heavy metallic pillar 42805M001 Olive Creek OLCK Top of a forced antenna mount on a stainless steel extension mast, fixed on a heavy metallic pillar 42806M001 New Amsterdam NWAM Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete building wall 43001M001 Thule THU1 BUILDING ROOF/RECTANGULAR PLATE 43001M002 Thule THU2 Bolt in 1.5m high concrete pillar 43001M002 Thule THU3 Bolt in 1.5m high concrete pillar 43001M003 Thule THGL Top and center of a bolt embedded on top of a concrete pillar 43001M003 Thule THU4 Top and center of a bolt embedded on top of a concrete pillar 43001M004 Thule Marker directly above the THUB DORIS reference point. 43001S005 Thule THUB DORIS Antenna reference point (Starec type) 43003M001 Kulusuk KULU top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 43005M001 Kellyville (Kangerlussuaq) KELY KELLYVILLE/1M CONCRETE PILLAR/STEEL PLATE 43005M002 Kellyville (Kangerlussuaq) KELY Current IGS Marker 43006M001 Scoresbysund (Illoggortoormuit SCOB Top of 4 meter steel mast 43006M002 Scoresbysund (Illoggortoormuit SCOR Top and centre of a brass mark in a 1.5m concrete pillar 43007M001 Qaqortoq QAQ1 BRASS BOLT IN 21/2 M CONCRETE PILLAR 43007M002 Qaqortoq QAQ2 Top and center of a mount plate on a 2 meter aluminium mast. 43008M001 Qeqertarsuaq QEQE Steel plate on pillar with forced centring device 43009M001 Ilulissat ILUL Steel bolt 43010M001 Aasiaat AASI Steel bolt 43011M001 Station Nord NORD Brass bolt in 1.5 meter concrete pillar 43012M001 Kapisillit KAPI Center of top of 2 meter aluminium mast 43013M001 Nuuk NUUK Center of top of 2 meter aluminium mast 43014M001 Danmarkshavn DMHN Center of top of 1 meter aluminium mast 43015M001 Kangerlussuaq KLSQ Top of a force centering mount console fixed on top of a 2.5m high concrete pillar 43016M001 Doecker Smith Gletscher DKSG Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43017M001 Hjornefjeldet HJOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43018M001 Kap Morton KMOR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43019M001 Steenstrup Nordre Brae KSNB Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43020M001 Kullorsuaq KULL Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43021M001 Lynaes LYNS Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43022M001 North Niviarsiat Nunatak NNVN Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43023M001 Pilappik PLPK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43024M001 Quaarsuut QAAR Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43025M001 Rinks Isbrae RINK Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43026M001 Sermip Nuunataa SRMP Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43027M001 Timmiarmiut TIMM Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43028M001 Trefoldighedens TREO Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a bedrock bolted mast. 43102S001 Sint Maarten, Prinses Juliana SMRT Antenna Reference Point: BPA (Bottom of Preamplifier). Building roof. Marker Type: STAINLESS STEEL Monument Desc: 5/8" SS rod. With SS cub and brass adapter. Cemented 10" into wall. Antenna height: 0.000 m. 43201M001 SAINTE CROIX CRO1 VLBA RM 1 JPL 4023 43201S001 SAINTE CROIX 7615 25-M VLBA antenna reference point 43302M001 Calder Hall CALD Axis and base of a threadred screw fixed into the top of the pole, tied to a concrete wall 43303M001 Sangre Grande SNGD Axis and base of a threadred screw fixed into the top of the pole, tied to a concrete wall 43304M001 Port of Spain POST Axis and base of a threadred screw fixed into the top of the pole, tied to a concrete wall 43305M001 Point Fortin PFRT Axis and base of a threadred screw fixed into the top of the pole, tied to a concrete wall 43401M001 BRIDGETOWN BDOS Roof - Bolt 43401S001 BRIDGETOWN BARB BPA/Ashtech Chokering with Dome CR1537 43501S001 Grenada GRE0 Antenna Reference Point: BPA (Bottom of Preamplifier). Building roof. Marker Type: STAINLESS STEEL Monument Desc: 5/8" stainless steel threaded rod. Antenna mount is a stainless steal cup with SS adapter Antenna height: 0,000 m 43501S002 Grenada GRE1 ARP. Steel rod anchored in a building roof. 43602M001 GRAND TURK Mark SKI 1952 43602M002 GRAND TURK 7068 Mark SLR 43602S007 GRAND TURK GTK0 Antenna Reference Point: BPA (Bottom of Preamplifier). Building roof. Marker Type: STAINLESS STEEL Monument Desc: 24" 5/8" SS rod. Drilled 8" into cement roof above a cross beam. SS cup with brass adapter for antenna mount. Antenna height: 0.000 m 43605S001 FREEPORT FREE ASH701933B_M SNOW antenna / ARP 43605S002 FREEPORT BHMA West End/ LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 43606M001 Exuma International Airport EXU0 Building wall. Marker Type: STAINLESS STEEL Monument Desc: 5/8" stainless steel threaded rod cemented within a 3" pipe. Pipe is mounted to concrete slab with additional brace on side of building to assist in monument stability. Antenna height: 0.1310 m 43607S001 Nassau NAS0 Antenna Reference Point: BPA (Bottom of Preamplifier). Building roof. Marker Type: STAINLESS STEEL Monument Desc. Antenna height: 0.000 m. 43701S005 PARAMARIBO AIRPORT ZANDERIJ SRZN Antenna ARP 43702S001 PARAMARIBO PMB1 ARP / Trimble Zyphyr geodetic antenna 43703M001 Nieuw Nickerie SRNW Building - Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 47001M001 San Miguel del Monte SMDM top of antenna mount, ARP not dependent. 47002M001 Sierra Colorada SICO bottom of screw antenna mount, ARP not dependent. 47003M001 General Roca GRCA Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal column 47004M001 Pedro Luro PELU Antenna mounted on steel mast attached to rooftop 47987M001 Obera OBRA Top and axis of a metal steel fixed on top of a 1.5m height stainless steel mast anchored in bedrock 47988M001 Los Altares ALTA Top and axis of a 0.5 m height stainless steel mast anchored in bedrock 47989M001 Monte Quemado TATU Top and axis of a pin fixed to a metallic pillar 47990M001 Sarmiento SARM Top and center of a pin fixed to a metal steel 47991M001 Galvez EPGZ Top and axis of a custom-made leveling tribach attached to rooftop. 47992M001 El Calafate ECAR Ref point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building roof 47993M001 Virasoro VIRA Top and axis of a pin fixed to a metal column, anchored to a concrete wall 47994M001 Villa Ojo de Agua OJOA Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a metallic pillar, fixed on a building roof 47995M001 San Martin de los Andes SMAN Top and axis of a stainless steel plate fixed on a stainless steel column on a building roof 47996M001 San Ramon de la Nueva Oran ORAN Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal column. ARP not dependent. 47997M001 Tintina PUMA Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a metal column. ARP not dependent. 47998M001 Nogoya NOYA Antenna mounted on a pin fixed to a concrete roof. ARP not dependent. 47999M001 San Javier SAJA Top of a forced centering pin fixed to a metal column 48031M001 Arraial do Cabo RJAC Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48032M001 Umuarama PRUR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48033M001 Porto Murtinho MSPM Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48034M001 Mundo Novo MSMN Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48035M001 Jardim MSJR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48036M001 Bela Vista MSBL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48037M001 Teofilo Otoni MGTO Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 48038M001 Juiz de Fora MGJF Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48039M001 Nova Venecia ESNV Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a concrete base 48040M001 Paulo Afonso BAPA Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to a building roof 48041M001 Sao Paulo - USP Leste EACH Forced centering device on top of a 2.83m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48042M001 Maracaju - MS MSMJ Forced centering device on top of a 1.94m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48043M001 Caceres - MT MTCA Forced centering device on top of a 2.83m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48044M001 Itiquira - MT MTIT Forced centering device on top of a 1.88m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48045M001 Nova Mutum MTNM Forced centering device on top of a 1.9m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48046M001 SESC Pantanal - Varzea Grande MTSC Forced centering device on top of a 2m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48047M001 IFSC, Campus Cacador - Floria SCCA Forced centering device fixed on top of a building 48048M001 Ourinhos - UNESP SPOR Forced centering device on top of a 2.83m heiht concrete pillar, built on a concrete base 48049M001 Navirai MSNV Ground concrete pillar with 1.930 m height, with forced centering device on top, built on a 1.736 m wide square and 0.800 m of height concrete base, at Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul. 48050M001 Primavera do Leste MTLE Ground concrete pillar with 2.043 m height, with forced centering device on top, built on a 1.736 m wide square and 0.640 m of height concrete base, at Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso. 48051M001 Pontes e Lacerda MTLA Concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, with forced centering device, at Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso. 48052M001 Maceio ALMA Concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, with forced centering device, at Universidade Federal de Alagoas. 48053M001 Saint Peter and Saint Paul Arc SPSP Self-centring mount on top of a concrete pillar. 48054M001 Passo Fundo RSPF Concrete pillar built on the roof of a building , with forced centering device, at UPF - Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul. 48055M001 Ponta Pora MSPP Ground concrete pillar with 2.491 m height, with forced centering device on top, built on a 1.736 m wide square and 0.800 m of height concrete base,at Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Ponta Pora, Mato Grosso do Sul. 48056M001 Corumba - Embrapa MSCB Ground concrete pillar with 1.863 m height, with forced centering device on top, built on a 1.700 m wide square and 0.800 m of height concrete base, at Inhumirim farm of EMBRAPA Company, Corumba, Mato Grosso do Sul. 48057M001 Monte Camerlo MGMT Forced centering device ontop of a concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, at Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais. 48058M001 Foz do Iguacu - Itaipu ITAI Ground concrete pillar with 6.10 m of height, with forced centering device on top, at ITAIPU BINACIONAL Company, Foz do Iguacu, Parana. 48059M001 Nova Xavantina MTNX Forced centering device on top of a ground concrete pillar 48060M001 Braganca Paulista SPBP Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building concrete roof 48061M001 Barcelos AMBC Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof 48062M001 Aquidauana MSAQ Forced centering device on top of a ground concrete pillar 48063M001 Santarem - INCRA PASM A forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar with 1 m of height, built at the top of a building in Superintendencia Regional do INCRA Santarem, Para. 48064M001 Florianopolis I IFSC A forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, built at the top of a building. 48065M001 Uruacu GOUR A forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar with 0.40 m of height, built at the top of a building in Instituto Federal de Goias - IFG Uruacu, Goias. 48066M001 Itaberaba BAIT A forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar with 0.70 m of height, built at the top of a building in UNEB, Itaberaba, Bahia. 48067M001 Maues - UEA AMMU Concrete pillar with 1.30 of height, clamped to a structural column of a building, with forced centering device on top. 48068M001 Tabatinga - UEA AMTA A forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, built at the top of a building. 48068M002 Tabatinga - UEA AMTG forced centering device axis 48069M001 Itacoatiara ITAM Reference point of a self centring device on top of a concrete pillar. 48070M001 Manaus - UEA AMUA Reference point of a self centring device on top of a concrete pillar built on the roof of a building. 48071M001 Parintins AMPR Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 48071M002 Parintins AMPT Forced centering device 48072M001 Belem - INPE BEPA Top of a forced centering device on top of a 2.85m high concrete pillar, anchored on the ground 48073M001 Coari - UEA COAM Top of a forced centering device on top of a 3.5m high concrete pillar, anchored on the ground 48073M002 Coari - UEA AMCR Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar anchored to the ground 48074M001 Jaiba JAMG Top of a forced centering device on top of a 3.5m high concrete pillar, anchored on the ground 48075M001 Juina - IFMT MTJI Top of a forced centering device on top of a 3.5m high concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column of a building 48076M001 Laranjal do Jari APLJ Top of a forced centering device on top of a 2.2m high concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column of a building 48077M001 Fortaleza - UFC FRTZ Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building. 48078M001 Floriano PIFL Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a building roof. 48079M001 Pau dos Ferros RNPF Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building 48080M001 Cerro Largo RSCL Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 48081S001 Campus Universitario Darcy Rib 7407 Intersection of axes of a permanent SLR instrument 48082M001 Fernandopolis - Sao Paulo SPFE Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic pillar 48083M001 Sorocaba - Sao Paulo SPSO Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic pillar 48083M002 Sorocaba - Sao Paulo SPS1 Forced centering device clamped to a structural column of a building 48084M001 Piracicaba - Sao Paulo SPPI Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 48085M001 Tupa - Sao Paulo SPTU Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a concrete pillar 48086M001 Dracena - Sao Paulo SPDR Top of a forced centering device fixed on top of a metal tower 48087M001 Corumba MSCO Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building 48087M002 Corumba CORU Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar built on the roof of a building, at Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Corumba. 48088M001 Araquari, Santa Catarina SCAQ Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar of a building 48089M001 Bacabal, Maranhao MABB Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 48090M001 Sobral, Ceara CESB Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar of a building 48091M001 Tefe AMTE Forced centering device fixed on a 4m high concrete pillar 48091M001 Tefe TEFE Forced centering device fixed on a 4m high concrete pillar 48092M001 Corrente PICR Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column on a building. 48093M001 Afogados da Ingazeira PEAF Top of a forced centering device fixed on a concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column on a building 48094M001 Florianopolis SCFL Top of a forced centering device, on top of a concrete pillar, built on a rooftop. 48095M001 Goiania GOGY Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, clamped to a structural column on a building. 48096M001 Dourados - Federal University MSDR Top of a forced centering device, clamped to a structural pillar on a building 48097M001 Cascavel PRCV Top of a forced centering device on top of a ground concrete pillar 48098M001 Ilheus BAIL Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 48099M001 Pelotas RSPE Top of a forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, built on a building 48101M001 Laboratorio de Gravimetria - RJVA forced centering device axis 49101M001 Calgary - Novatel GCAL Top and axis of a forced centering steel mast, fixed on the roof of a building 49102M001 Cobourg - Ontario CBRG Axis and base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt on an aluminum plate fixed on top of an aluminum pillar, anchored to a concrete pad on the wharf 49103M001 Kingsville - Ontario KNGV Axis and base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt on an aluminum plate fixed on top of an aluminum pillar, anchored to a concrete pad on the wharf 49104M001 Little Current - Ontario LCUR Axis and base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt on an aluminum plate fixed on top of an aluminum pillar, anchored to a concrete pad on the wharf 49105M001 Rankin Inlet RNKN Axis and base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt welded on top of a 1.5 m high stainless steel pillar anchored to exposed bedroc. 49106M001 University of Calgary UCAL Forced centering stainless steel bolt screwed on top of a 3 inch diameter steel pipe 49108M001 Repulse Bay REPL Base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49109M001 Ennadai Lake ENNA Forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49110M001 Tukto Lodge TKTO Forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49111M001 Daring Lake DRNG Forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49112M001 Arichat ACHT Axis and base of a forced centering steel bolt on top of a galvanized steel mast 49113M001 Baddeck BDCK Axis and base of a stainless steel bolt in the middle of a brass plate at the top of a concrete pillar 49114M001 Chester CHSR Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49115M001 Digby DGBY Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49116M001 Hebbville HEBB Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49117M001 Louisbourg LSBG Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49118M001 Liverpool LVPL Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49119M001 Mabou MABU Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49120M001 Meteghan River MTGN Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49121M001 Neil's Harbour NHBR Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49122M001 Port Hawkesbury PTHK Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49123M001 Sydney SDNY Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49124M001 Shelburne SHEL Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a steel mast 49125M001 Tusket TSKT Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a concrete pillar 49126M001 Windsor WDSR Axis and base of a steel bolt at the top of a galvanized steel mast 49130M010 Quadra Island QUAD Top of a forced centered stainless steel plate on top of a stainless steel pedestral fastened in bedrock 49131M001 Cape Dorset CDOR Base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high, 14 cm diameter aluminium pillar anchored to bedrock 49132M001 La Grande 1 LG1G Base of a forced centering stainless steel bolt, embedded in a concrete pillar, anchored to the bedrock 49133M001 Kluane Lake Research Station KLRS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pipe, bolted and epoxied to concrete building slab 49134M001 La grande 4 LG4G Top of a forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49135M001 Charlevoix CRLV Top of a forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 1.34 m high concrete pillar anchored to bedrock 49136M001 Gaspe GAS2 Forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building 49136M001 Gaspe KLPK Forced centering mounting device on top of a stainless steel mast fixed on the side of a 1 storey height building 49137M001 Collingwood CLWD Top and center of an aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 4.0 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar, anchored the concrete slab foundation of the Canadian Hydrographic Service building 49138M001 Norman Wells NWEL Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a UNAVCO shallow-drilled braced monument anchored into exposed bedrock 49139M001 Port Stanley PSTA Top and center of an aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 6.5 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar, anchored with steel rods and a large concrete base to the concrete slab foundation of the Central Elgin Fire Rescue Service - Marine Rescue boathouse 49140M001 Tobermory TOBY Top and center of an aluminum plate with a forced centering stainless steel bolt embedded on top of a 4.0 m high, 15 cm diameter aluminum pillar, anchored the concrete slab foundation of the Canadian Hydrographic Service building 49141M001 Taloyoak TALO Forced centering stainless steel bolt in the top of a 2 m high aluminium pillar anchored to exposed bedrock 49368M001 Southern Great Plains Observat SGPO Top and base of a brass bolt on top of a 1.5m height concrete pillar anchored in 1.0 m deep bedrock 49369M001 Mauna Loa Solar Observatory HAO2 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a shallow braced monument anchored to the bedrock 49370M001 Armorel High School ARML Axis and base on an forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar 49371M001 University of California San F UCSF Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, bracketed to reinforced concrete shear wall 49372M001 Galveston tide gauge TXGV Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a tide gauge building wall 49373M001 Middle Township NJCM Top of a forced centering antenna mount fxied on a steel mast, anchored to a masonry building wall 49374M001 Point Arena P059 Top and axis of a UNAVCO steel structure, anchored into bedrock 49375M001 Hopkins Marine station - Pacif P231 Top and axis of a UNAVCO steel structure, anchored into bedrock 49376M001 Kingshill VIKH Top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 49377M001 Yakutat - Akwe peak AB42 Forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored to the bedrock 49378M001 Columbia COLA Top and center of a steel plate fixed on top of a guyed steel mast 49379M001 Rural - San Andreas Geophysica SAOB Top of washer at center of a steel rod, cemented into a reinforced concrete monument 49380M001 Kodiak - Pillar Mountain AC67 Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount fixed on a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49381M001 Adak AB21 Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49382M001 Longs - South Carolina SCHY GPS antenna mounting bracket attached to masonry building. 49383M001 Charleston Ports - South Carol SCHA Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast attached to a solid brick building. 49384M010 Queens - New York NYQN Top of an aluminium mast, fixed to a masonry building 49385M001 Philadelphia Water Department PAPH Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast. 49386M001 Battery Park - New York NYBP Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 49387M001 Stockton College - Galloway To NJGT Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast. 49388M001 Loyola 2 COOP - Chesapeake - V LOY2 Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast on a roof. 49389M001 Skidaway Island - Georgia GASK Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast BRACKETED AND BOLTED TO A MASONARY BUILDING. 49390M001 Framingham - MTS FRAM COOP FMTS Reference point of an antenna mount on top of an aluminum mast. 49391M001 Crescent City CACC Reference point of an antenna mount on a mast on pier. 49392M001 Nunes - Castra Ranch Road - Ca NUNE Reference point of an antenna mount. 49393M001 Point Molate - California MOLA Reference point of an antenna mount. 49394M001 Columbia College CMBB Reference point of an antenna mount. 49395M001 Briones Reservoir BRIB Reference point of an antenna mount. 49396M001 Dauphin Island - Alabama ALDI Reference point of an antenna support mounted on a two story building (Dauphin Island Sea Lab). 49397M001 Cooper Landing AC15 Top of a forced centering device on a metallic tripod, anchored to bedrock 49398M001 Port Angeles P435 Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a permanent monument 49399M001 Grand Isle GRIS Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a wall 49400M001 Janeau AB50 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49401M001 Skagway AB44 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49402M001 Cordova EYAC Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel pole, fixed on a concrete pillar 49403M001 Putnam CTPU Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a galvanized steel pole, fixed to a wall 49404M001 Groton CTGR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a galvanized steel pole, fixed on a building roof 49405M001 Berkeley - Sibley Volc P224 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49406M001 Col Of Charleston SCCC Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, on a building roof 49407M001 Angleton TXAG Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a steel mast, fixed to a building 49408M001 Loleta - Table Bluff P162 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a metallic tripod, anchored into bedrock 49409M001 Union - Kean SA22 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a permanent monument 49410M001 Baltimore - University of Mary SA15 Top of a forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 49410M002 Baltimore - University of Mary UMBC Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 49411M001 Unalaska AV09 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on an steel tripod, anchored into bedrock 49412M001 Cross City XCTY Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored into bedrock 49413M001 Pensacola PCLA Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel mast, anchored to a concrete wall 49414M001 Stony Brook university - Geosc SG06 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a permanent monument 49415M001 San Bruno SBRN top of a forced centering SCIGN adaptor on top of a tube 49415M002 San Bruno SBRB Reference point of an antenna mount on the roof of a single story concrete structure. 49416M001 Mount Hamilton - Bard station MHCB Top of a forced centering rod, cemented in a concrete roof parapet on top of a concrete building 49417M001 Reedy Point - Delaware RED5 Reference point of an antenna mount. 49418M001 Coos Bay P365 Reference point of aa antenna mount. 49419M001 Wales - Alaska AB09 Reference point of an antenna mount. 49420M001 Lamont LMNO Top of a forced centering antenna mount 49421M001 Tongue point - Arizona TPW2 Top of of forced centering antenna mount fixed on a metallic mast 49422M001 Purcell PRCO Top of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel mast 49423M001 Hayward - BARD station WINT Forced centering device fixed on top of a deep-driven rod braced 49424M001 GOSH_BRGN_UT1996 - Nevada GOSH Forced centering SCGIN antenna mount fixed on top of a stainless steel tripod 49425M001 Hopland HOPB SCGIN adaptor fixed on top of a threaded rod, cemented in a reinforced concrete block 49426M001 Tiburon Peninsula - BARD Stati TIBB SCGIN adaptor fixed on top of a threaded rod, cemented in a reinforced concrete wall 49427M001 Point Reyes Lighthouse PTRB Forced centring device on top of a threaded rod cemented into rock 49428M001 Parkfield - BARD station PKDB Forced centring device on top of a reinforced concrete monument 49429S001 White sands complx 7041 Intersection of telescope az/el axes 49430S001 Stanford university STFU GNSS antenna reference point (TRM57971.00, S/N 30123268) 49431M001 Austin III AUT0 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pole fixed on the side of a wall 49432M001 Saint George Public Utilities SGU1 Axis and base of a 5/8 inch brass on top of an antenna mount adapter, fixed to a concrete building corner 49433M001 Table Mountain Gravity Observa TMGO Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tower 49434M001 Sutter Buttes SUTB Forced centering device fixed on top of a shallow foundation mast 49435M001 Seldovia SELD Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel rod, fixed on a concrete pillar 49436M001 Potrero Park POTR Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar 49437S001 El Paso RRP PASO GPS ARP / TRM22020.00+GP 49438M001 Greensboro NCG1 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49438M002 Greensboro NCG5 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49439M001 Lake Houston LKHU Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast 49440M001 Somerset KYSC forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 49441M001 La junction - Texas JCT1 Forced centering device on concrete 49442M001 Fort Macon FMC2 Reference point of an antenna mount. 49442S001 Fort Macon FMC1 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11386 49443M001 Farallon Islands FARB Forced centering device fixed on top of a threaded rod, cemented into rock 49444S001 Egmont Key EKY1 ASHTECH ZXII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11945 49444S002 Egmont Key EKY2 ASHTECH ZXII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11933 49445M001 Aldot - Troy AL70 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 49446M001 Addicks 1795 - Houston ADKS Axis and base of a forced centering thread fixed on top of a metallic mast 49447S001 Sunspot, New Mexico 7045 Intersection of alt-az axes of 3.5 m APOL telescope 49448S001 The Surveyors Exchange Anchora TSEA Upright metal I-beam bolted to the side of a one-story pre-fabricated concrete building. 49449M001 Springfield - Vermont VTSP Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a mast, bolted to a brick building. 49450M001 Dunlap - Tennessee TN22 Top and centre of a forced centering device fixed on top of a mast, bolted to a brick building. 49451M001 Driggs - Idaho IDDR Top and centre of a standard tribrach adapter fixed on top of a 2.m high concrete column. 49452M001 New Markham, TN NMKM Forced centering device. 5 leg, drilled braced monument in unconsolidated Mississippi River meander sediments. 49453M001 Lake County High School, Tipto LCHS Forced centering device. 5 leg, drilled braced monument in unconsolidated Mississippi River meander sediments. 49454M001 Cochise County 2 - Bisbee - Ar AZCO Building roof - Triangular plate with forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic structure, anchored to a concrete wall 49456M001 CITY OF MOUNT VERNON OTIS Forced centering device / antenna ARP 49457M001 Walterboro SCWT Centre of 5/8-inch hole in metal GPS antenna mounting bracket 49458M001 NRME NRME threaded steel rod set into the concrete parapet 49459M001 Stennis Space Center NDBC Forced centering device on top of a steel pylon 49459S001 Stennis Space Center MSSC antenna attached to a Metal pole by threaded rod with a nut stopper 49460S001 FLIU FLIU Wall mount on side building. Antenna ASH701945C-M 49461S001 Azah, Ashler Hills antenna supported on a UNI Channel Frame 49462M001 VABG Virginia VABG top of the center support screw of a SCIGN mount attached to the interior roof parapet wall by a stainless steel frame 49463S001 Adepaz NWBG BPA = ARP .TRM41249.00 montee sur un mat en ascier 49464M001 Wilkes Barre, Lehman, Pennsylv WIL1 pre-amp de l antenne GPS. L antenne est vissee dans un ecrou cimente dans une cheminee 49465M001 Stoker Ohio University, Athens STKR om of the GPS antenna pre-amp. The antenna is screwed onto an upright bol 49466M001 Penn State, State College, Pen PSU1 Bottom of a GPS antenna screwed in a bolt fixed to a rod. 49467M001 Gloucester Point, Virginia GLPT bas du pre-amp de l antenne. L anBottom of antenna pre-amp, screwed in a bolt cemented into the masonary of the building. 49467M002 Gloucester Point, Virginia VAGP Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 49468M001 Gaithersburg, Maryland GAIT pre-amp de l antenne coincidant avec un adaptateur fixe a une tige en acier 49469M001 City of Tucson, Tucson, Arizon COT1 antenna pre-amp coincident with the top of the body of a tribach 49470M001 Dover, Delaware DNRC bottom of the antenna Trimble 4700 pre-amp coincident with the top of the body of the tribrach 49471M001 Condor, Stockton, California CNDR pre-amp and Junction of a vertical bolt with the top of a horizontal steel plate, coinicident with the bottom of the antenna pre-amp 49472M001 Vandenberg AFB 1 - California VAN1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49473M001 Sandy Hook - New Jersey SHK1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49473M002 Sandy Hook - New Jersey SHK5 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete block 49474M001 Savannah 1 - Georgia SAV1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49475M001 Saginaw 1 - Michigan SAG1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49476M001 Reedy Point 1 - Delaware RED1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49477M001 Penobscot 1 - Maine PNB1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49478M001 Pickford 1 - Michigan PCK1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49479M001 Macon 1 - Georgia MCN1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49479M002 Macon 1 - Georgia MCN5 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49480M001 Chico 1 - California CHO1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49481M001 Billings 1 - Montana BIL1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49482M001 Omaha 1 - Pisgah - Iowa OMH1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed on a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49483M001 Moriches 1 - New York MOR1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed on a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49484M001 Millers Ferry - Alabama MLF1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed on an end of a crossbrace, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49484M002 Millers Ferry - Alabama MLF5 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on an end of a crossbrace, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49485M001 Hartsville 1 - Tennessee HTV1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed on an end of a crossbrace, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49486M001 Driver 1 - Virginia DRV1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed on an end of a crossbrace, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49487M001 Clark 1 - North Dakota CLK1 Base and centre of a bolt fixed on an end of a crossbrace, attached on top of a steel Rohn Tower mast 49488M001 Winnfield - Louisiana WNFL Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel paltes and a bolt fixed on centre 49489M001 Wood Lake - Minesota WDLM Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49490M001 Vici - Oklahoma VCIO Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49491M001 Syracuse - New York SYCN Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49492M001 Slater - Iowa SLAI Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49493M001 McCook - Nebraska RWDN Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49494M001 Okolona - Mississippi OKOM Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49495M001 Merriman - Nebraska MRRN Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49496M001 Medicine Bow - Wyoming MBWW Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49497M001 Lathrop - Missouri LTHM Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49498M001 Fairbury - Nebraska FBYN Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49499M001 Conway - Missouri CNWM Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre 49501M001 Blue River, Wisconsin BLRW Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel plate made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on top and centre 49502M001 Bloomfield, Missouri BLMM Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on top and centre 49503M001 Blacksburg, Virginia BLKV Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates with bolt fixed on top and centre 49504M001 Aztec, New Mexico AZCN Galvanized corner post - Top and centre of a stainless steel adapter made of 2 parallel plates and a bolt fixed on centre and centre 49505S001 White Plains WECO Antenna Reference Point of a geodetic Zephyr antenna TRM41249.00 (SN 12235325) 49506S001 Suny-New Paltz NYNP AT503 GPS antenna - ARP 49507M001 Boulder, Colorado NISU NIST - US Department of Commerce - NGS PID AI7564 located on the roof of the 4th floor - Top and centre of a pole fixed above elevator shaft 49507M002 Boulder, Colorado NIST Metal tower sits on the roof of NIST Building 1 - Forced centering threaded rod bolted to. 49508M001 BARROW - ALASKA SG27 Wooden piling / Top and centre of a SCIGN-type adaptor fixed on top 49508M002 BARROW - ALASKA UTQI Reference point of a self centering antenna mount on top of a 0.5 m height steel pipe fixed on the side of a platform (drilled 6 m deep into Tundra). 49509M001 USFS CUSTER - BLACK HILLS FORE SDCU BUILDING / STEEL MAST BOLTED TO THE ROOF AND A SECOND STORY CONCRETE FLOOR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A STEEL PLATE FIXED ON TOP 49510M001 NAVARRO, TEXAS TXNA CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF BOLT (LEIAT504 BPA) 49511M001 KAUFMAN, TEXAS TXKA CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF BOLT (LEIAT504 BPA) 49512M001 ELLIS, TEXAS TXES CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF BOLT (LEIAT504 BPA) 49513M001 DENTON, TEXAS TXDE CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF BOLT (LEIAT504 BPA) 49514M001 DALLAS, TEXAS TXDA TOP OF BUILDING / STEEL MAST / STAND PILE / TOP AND CENTRE OF PLATE (LEIAT504 BPA) 49515M001 COLLIN, TEXAS TXCO CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF BOLT (LEIAT504 BPA) 49516S001 PRUDHOE, ALASKA PUO1 TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49517S001 PRUDHOE BAY II (CORS), ALASKA EDOC TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49518S001 PRUDHOE BAY I (CORS), ALASKA DSL1 TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49519S001 JUNEAU, ALASKA JNU1 NOV_WAAS_600 / MPL_WAAS_2224NW / BPA 49520S001 ANCHORAGE (FAA), ALASKA ZAN1 Nov_WAAS / MPL_WAAS_2224NW 49521S001 MIAMI II (DOT), FLORIDA RMND ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49522S001 MIAMI I (DOT), FLORIDA MTNT ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933C_M / BPA 49523S001 STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CE SLAC LEIAT504 / BPA 49524S001 JACKSONVILLE II, FLORIDA ZJX1 NOV_WAAS / MPL_WAAS_2224NW / BPA 49525S001 BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA BKVL ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49526S001 ZEPHYRHILLIS, FLORIDA ZEFR ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49527S001 ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA ORMD ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49528S001 NAPLES, FLORIDA NAPL ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933C_M / BPA 49529S001 BARTOW, FLORIDA BRTW ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49530S001 Santa Fe, New Mexico NMSF TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41429.00 / BPA 49531S001 LINCOLN, CALIFORNIA LNC1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49531S002 LINCOLN, CALIFORNIA LNC2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49532S001 YORK, SOUTH CAROLINA SCYC TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49533S001 KINSINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA KNS1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49533S002 KINSINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA KNS2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49534S001 YORK, PENNSYLVANIA YORK TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM33429.00+GP / BPA 49535S001 PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA PAPT TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49536S001 WARMINSTER, PENNSYLVANIA PARL TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49537S001 WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA LYCO TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.00+GP / BPA 49538S001 HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA GTS1 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49539S001 Kingman - Arizona KING TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.00+GP / BPA 49540S001 TUCSON, ARIZONA COT2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700936E / BPA 49541S001 GLOBE, ARIZONA AZGB TRIMBLE 4000SSE / TRM22020.00+GP / BPA 49542S001 NEW YORK, NEW YORK ZNY1 NOV_WAAS_600 / MPL_WAAS_2224NW / BPA / BPA 49543S001 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK NYMC TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49544S001 BUFFALO, NEW YORK BFNY TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49545S001 HACKELBURG, ALABAMA HAC1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49545S002 HACKELBURG, ALABAMA HAC2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49546S001 CLEVELAND, OHIO ZOB1 NOV_WAAS_600 / MPL_WAAS_2224NW / BPA 49547S001 Garfield - Ohio GARF TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49548S001 MEDORA, NORTH DAKOTA MDR1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49548S002 MEDORA, NORTH DAKOTA MDR2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49549S001 PAHOE, HAWAII PAH1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49549S002 PAHOE, HAWAII PAH2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49550S001 HARBOR BEACH, MICHIGAN HBCH TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49551S001 POINT IROQUOIS, MICHIGAN PTIR TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49552S001 LANSING, MICHIGAN LANS LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49553S001 SMITHS CREEK, MICHIGAN OKEE LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49554S001 BROWNSDOWN, MICHIGAN SIBY LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49555S001 FORT GRATIOT, MICHIGAN FRTG LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49556S001 MARINE CITY, MICHIGAN CLRE LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49557S001 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49558S001 AVOCA, MICHIGAN AVCA LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49559S001 MIO, MICHIGAN MIO1 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49560S001 HENRY RUFF, MICHIGAN HRUF LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / BPA 49561S001 GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA GAST TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49562S001 DOBSON, NORTH CAROLINA DOBS TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49563S001 MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA NCMR TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49564S001 CONCORD, TEXAS NCCO TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49565S001 MARION, NORTH CAROLINA ASUB TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49566S001 PITTSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA PITT TRIMBLE 4700 - TRM33429.20+GP - BPA 49567S001 CLYDE, NORTH CAROLINA HAYN TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49567S001 CLYDE, NORTH CAROLINA HAYW TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / BPA 49568S001 LEDBETTER, TEXAS LDBT TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM33429.00+GP / BPA 49569M001 Angleton - Texas ANG5 Forced centering device on top of a steel mast 49569S001 Angleton - Texas ANG1 ASHTECH Z-XII2 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49569S002 Angleton - Texas ANG2 ASHTECH Z-XII2 / ASH700829.3 / BPA 49570S001 AMARILLO, TEXAS TXAM TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49571S001 ARLINGTON, TEXAS TXAR TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49572M001 Odessa - Texas ODS5 Forced centering device on top of a metallic tripod 49572S001 Odessa - Texas TXOD BPA / TRM41249.00 49573S001 LUBBOCK, TEXAS TXLU TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49574S001 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS TXWF TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49575S001 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS TXSA TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49576M001 SIOUX FALLS SDSF CONCRETE PIER / Top Antenna Mount 49577M001 Houston RRP - Texas HOUS Forced centering pillar on top of a metallic mast 49577S001 Houston RRP - Texas TXHU TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49578S001 CORPUS CHRISTI RRP2, TEXAS TXCC TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49578S002 CORPUS CHRISTI RRP2, TEXAS CORC Trimble 4000SSE / TRM22020.00+GP 49579S001 AUSTIN RRP2, TEXAS TXAU TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49579S002 AUSTIN RRP2, TEXAS AUS5 TRIMBLE 4000SSE / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49580M001 Beaumont RRP - Texas BEA5 Forced centering device on top of a metallic tripod 49580S001 Beaumont RRP - Texas TXBM TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49581S001 San Antonio RRP - Texas TXAN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49581S002 San Antonio RRP - Texas ANTO Trimble 4000SSE / TRM22020.00+GP 49582M001 KEY WEST, FLORIDA CHIN Reference point of an antenna mount. 49582S001 KEY WEST, FLORIDA KWST ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49583S001 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA TALH ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49584S001 PANAMA, FLORIDA PNCY ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49585S001 PALATKA, FLORIDA PLTK ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49586S001 PERRY, FLORIDA PRRY ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49587S001 OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA OKCB ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49588S001 MARATHON, FLORIDA MTHN ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49589S001 APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA MRKB ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49590S001 KESSIMMEE, FLORIDA KSME ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49591S001 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA JXVL ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701933A_M / BPA 49592S001 GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA GNVL ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49593S001 DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, FLORIDA DFNK ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49594S001 PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA CRLT ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945C_M / BPA 49595S001 Toledo - Ohio TLDO TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49596S001 MT VERNON, OHIO MTVR TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49597S001 LISBON, OHIO LSBN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49598S001 KENTON, OHIO KNTN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49599S001 GEORGETOWN, OHIO GRTN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49600S001 Gallipolis - Ohio GALP TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / BPA 49601M001 PARKFIELD HOGS Hogs / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49601M002 PARKFIELD MASW Mason West / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49602M001 SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS MJPK Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49603M001 LAKE FOREST WHYT Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49604S001 DARLINGTON FDTC TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49605S001 PALISADES LAMT TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / DOME / ARP 49606S001 FAN MOUNTAIN UVFM TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / DOME / ARP 49607M001 ST. LOUIS NIMA Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85401 49608M001 NEENACH ALPP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49609M001 PARKFIELD/LOWES LOWS Lowes/Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49610M001 PARKFIELD/RANCHITA RNCH Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49611M001 EL CARISO ECFS Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49612S001 SAGINAW BAYR LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49613S001 BRIGHTON BRIG LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49614S001 CONOVER CONO TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / ARP 49615S001 GRAND RAPIDS GRAR LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49616S001 HAWK RUN HRN1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49616S002 HAWK RUN HRN2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49617S001 AUBURN HILLS METR LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49618S001 CADILLAC NOR1 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49619S001 GAYLORD NOR2 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49620S001 ALPENA NOR3 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49621S001 KALAMAZOO SOWR LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49622S001 L Anse SUP1 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49623S001 ASCANABA SUP2 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49624S001 JACKSON UNIV LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49625S001 LIBERTYVILLE LCDT TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / ARP 49626M001 PARKFIELD/CAMP ROBERTS CRBT Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adapotor. 49627M001 PARKFIELD/TABLE TBLP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49628M001 NEEDLES NDAP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49629S001 NEWBERRY SUP3 LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49630S001 Pueblo, Colorado PUB1 ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49630S002 Pueblo, Colorado PUB2 ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49631S001 Lebanon, Ohio LEBA TRM29659.00 / ARP 49632S001 Gustavus, Ohio GUST TRM29659.00 / ARP 49633S001 McConnelsville, Ohio MCON TRM29659.00 / ARP 49634S001 Ellensburg, Washington (CORS) SC00 TRM29659.00 / ARP 49635S001 Tumwater Hill, Washington TWHL ASH701945B_M / ARP 49636S001 Bismark, North Dakota BSMK TRM41249.00 / ARP 49637S001 Adrian, Michigan ADRI LEIAT504 / ARP 49638M001 Twentynine Palms BEMT Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49639S001 MT. PLEASANT MPLE LEICA RS500 / LEIAT504 / ARP 49640S001 PRUDHOE BAY CCPT TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM4124900 / ARP 49640S002 PRUDHOE BAY PBOC TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM4124900 / ARP 49641S001 Columbus, Ohio COLB TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49642M001 La Grande, Washington CPXF Charles Pack Experimental Forest / Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49642M001 La Grande, Washington CPXX Charles Pack Experimental Forest / Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49642S001 La Grande, Washington CPXF ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH701945_M / ARP 49643S001 Defiance, Ohio DEFI TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 /ARP 49644S001 Freeport, Ohio FREO TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49645M001 Laredo - Texas LRDO Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 49645S001 Laredo - Texas LARD TRIMBLE 4000SSE / TRM22020.00+GP / ARP 49645S002 Laredo - Texas TXLR TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49646S001 Myton - Utah MYT1 ASHTECH Z-X113 / ASH700829.3 / ARP 49646S002 Myton - Utah MYT2 ASHTECH Z-X113 / ASH700829.3 / ARP 49647S001 Houston - Texas NETP TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49648S001 PHARR, Texas PHAR TRIMBLE 4000SSE / TRM22020.00+GP / ARP 49648S002 PHARR, Texas TXPR TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM41249.00 / BPA 49649S001 Piketon, Ohio PKTN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49650S001 Pine River, Minnesota PNR1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / ARP 49650S002 Pine River, Minnesota PNR2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / ARP 49651S001 Sidney, ohio SIDN TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM39659.00 / ARP 49652S001 Tiffin, Ohio TIFF TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29569.00 / ARP 49653S001 Wooster, Ohio WOOS TRIMBLE 5700 / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49654M001 Stafford 7865 Brass marker with divot 49654M002 Stafford MRC1 Bottom of antenna mount 49655M001 ANACAPA ISLAND ANA1 Shallow rod/braced antenna mount (Anacapa One 2002) 49656M001 SANTA BARBARA ISLAND BAR1 Shallow rod/braced antenna mount 49657M001 Blyn Mountain BLYN Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49658M001 Burns Junction, Oregon BURN Divot in top of stainless steel rod anchored in bedrock 49659M001 Corvallis, Oregon CORV Pin in concrete pad of USGS satellite dish 49660M001 Husband, Bend, Oregon HUSB Divot on threaded rod / Monument is 2" stainless rod in bedrock 49661M001 Johnson Ridge, Castle Rock JRO1 Divot on threaded rod mounted on SW corner of roof 49662M001 Kelso KELS Divot in stainless steel threaded rod, atop deep drill braced monument in alluvium 49663M001 Gold Mountain, Bremerton KTBW Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49664M001 Lake Chaplain, Sultan LKCP Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49665M001 Medicine Mountain, Bly MDMT Divot in threaded rod / Monument is 2.5cm invar rod in bedrock 49666M001 Newport, Oregon NEWP Mark at base of antenna tripod 49667M001 Pine Marten, Bend PMAR Divot on threaded rod grouted into top of lodge roof/wall 49668M001 Poo Poo Point, Issaquah, Orego PUPU Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49669M001 Satsop, Washington SATS Divot on threaded rod mounted on SW corner of roof 49670M001 Friday Harbor, Washington SC02 Divot in center support post of SCIGN D3 adaptor 49671M001 ACUSHNET, MASSACHUSETTS ACU6 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel tower 49671S001 ACUSHNET, MASSACHUSETTS ACU1 ACU1 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 49671S002 ACUSHNET, MASSACHUSETTS ACU2 ARP / ASH700829.3 49672S001 CASTLE HAYNE, NORTH CAROLINA CASL GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49673S001 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CHME GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49674S001 COCODRIE, LOUISIANA COCD GPS BPA / TRM29659.00 49674S002 COCODRIE, LOUISIANA LUMC GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 49675S001 SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA COSA GPS ARP / TRM41249.00 49676S001 CHESAPEAKE LIGHT, VIRGINIA COVX GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49677S001 HAMMOND, LOUISIANA HAMM GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 49678S001 HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA HILB GPS BPA / TRM33429.20+GP 49679S001 HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND HTCC GPS ARP / TRM23903.00 49680S001 LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA KJUN GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 49681S001 LILLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA LILL GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49682S001 MIDVALE, UTAH MIDV GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49683S001 FALLON, NEVADA NFLN GPS ARP / TRM33429.00+GP 49684S001 NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND NPRI GPS ARP / TRM29659.00 49685S001 HERCULES, CALIFORNIA OHLN GPS ARP / ASH701945B_M 49686S001 ADA, OKLAHOMA OKAD GPS BPA / ASH700718B 49687S001 ANTLERS, OKLAHOMA OKAN GPS BPA / ASH700936D_M 49688S001 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA OKDT GPS ARP / TRM22020.00+GP 49689S001 LAWTON, OKLAHOMA OKLW GPS BPA / TRM22020.00+GP 49690S001 OSWEGO, NEW YORK OSPA GPS ARP / ASH701945B_M 49691S001 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SLCU GPS ARP / TRM33429.00+GP 49692S001 SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA SNFD GPS ARP / TRM33429.20+GP 49693S001 TOLLESTON, ARIZONA SRP1 GPS ARP / TRM22020.00+GP 49694S001 URBANA, ILLINOIS UIUC GPS ARP / TRM33429.00+GP 49695M001 Whitney - Nebraska WHN1 Base and axis of a bolt fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49695S001 Whitney - Nebraska WHN2 GPS ARP / ASH00829.3 49696S001 ALBUQUERQUE II ZAB1 GPS ARP / MPL_WAAS_2224NW 49696S002 ALBUQUERQUE II ZAB2 GPS ARP / MPL_WAAS_2224NW 49697S001 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA ZOA1 GPS ARP / MPL_WAAS_2224NW 49697S002 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA ZOA2 GPS ARP / MPL_WAAS_2224NW 49700M001 ISLA VISTA COPR Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49701M001 Niland GLRS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49702M001 Coachella CACT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49703M001 Corona CNPP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49704M001 Santa Monica CIRX Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49705M001 Encino VIMT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49706M001 South El Monte WNRA Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49707M001 Ojai HVYS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49707M002 Ojai NHRG Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49708M001 Tajiguas TJRN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49709M001 Llano LL01 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49710M001 Santa Barbara RCA2 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49711M001 Barstow ORMT Shallow rod/braced antenna mount 49712M001 Los Olivos FGST Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49713M001 Ludlow CDMT Shallow rod/braced antenna mount 49714M001 San Luis Obispo USLO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49715M001 Unincoropated Kern County RAMT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49716S001 DYER/ESMERALDA DYER GPS/ARP TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49717S001 ECHO CANYON STATE PARK ECHO GPS ARP/ TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49718S001 FERNO MESA FERN GPS ARP/ TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49719S001 FREDONIA FRED GPS ARP/ TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49720S001 GABBS GABB GPS ARP/ TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49721S001 GARLIC/EMPIRE GARL GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29650.00 49722S001 HUDSON FALLS HDF1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 ASH700829.3 SNOW 49722S002 HUDSON FALLS HDF2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 ASH700829.3 SNOW 49723M001 NEW BERN NBR5 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic mast 49723M002 NEW BERN NBR6 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a metallic mast 49723S001 NEW BERN NBR1 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN1999120106 49723S002 NEW BERN NBR2 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN16027 49724S001 RAILROAD VALLEY RAIL GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49725S001 UPSAL HAGBACK UPSA GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM29659.00 49726M001 OJAI/ROSE VALLEY RSVY Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49727M001 KELSO GMRC Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49728M001 AVALON CAT2 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49729M001 SOLVANG BBDM Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49730M001 GRAPEVINE/EDMONSTON PUMPING PL EDPP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49731M001 EAGLE ROCK OXYC Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49732M001 SILVER LAKE SILK Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49733M001 SANTA PAULA/SOUTH MOUNTAIN SOMT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49734M001 SANTA ROSA ISLAND SRS1 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49735M001 NEWBERRY SPRINGS/TROY TROY JPL 0.0614 m fixed-height spike mount over survey mark reference point 49736M001 West SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS BRPK Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49737M001 ARVIN ARM1 Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49737M002 ARVIN ARM2 Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49738M001 FRAZIER PARK CCST Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49739M001 OZENA OZST Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49740M001 CASITAS SPRINGS CSST Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49741M001 SAN MIGUEL ISLAND MIG1 Drilled hole in top of center support of antenna adaptor 49742M001 VENTURA VNCO Drilled hole in top of center support of antenna adaptor 49743S001 SUMMERFIELD SUM1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49743S002 SUMMERFIELD SUM2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49744S001 POLSON PLS1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49744S002 POLSON PLS2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49745S001 SPOKANE SPN1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49745S002 SPOKANE SPN2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 / SNOW 49746S001 CORBIN CORB GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI / AOAD/M_T 49747S001 BARTLETT BARN GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM33429.00+GP 49748S003 El Paso ELP3 GPS ARP /TRM22020.00+GP 49748S004 El Paso TXEL GPS ARP / TRM41249.00 49749S001 LAS VEGAS VALLEY LVWD GPA ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM23903.00 49750S001 PRICE/CARBON COUNTY PUC1 GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP 49751M001 MARICOPA BCWR Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49752M001 S. SIERRA NEVADA BEPK Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49753M001 BAKER BKAP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49754M001 TAFT BVPP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49755M001 RIDGECREST CCCC Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49756M001 BORON CPBN Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49757M001 CAMARILLO CSCI Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49758M001 CALIFORNIA VALLEY GDEC Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49759M001 BRISTOL MOUNTAIN I40A Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49760M001 BARSTOW/LANE MOUNT. LNMT Drilled hole in top of center support / bolt of antenna adaptor 49761M001 TEHACHAPI THCP Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49762M001 VENTUCOPA VCST Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49763M001 CAPE BLANCO, OREGON CABL punch mark on top of drilled braced monument 49764M001 TILLAMOOK, OREGON CHZZ punch mark on top of drilled braced monument 49765M001 ROSEBURG, OREGON DDSN Center punch on top of invar rod 49766M001 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON GOBS center punch on top of drilled braced monument 49767M001 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON LIND center punch on top of rod mounted on top of building 49767M002 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON LINH Lind Hall / Divot in threaded rod / Monument is short column anchored to roof parapet 49768M001 PACIFIC BEACH, WASHINGTON PABH center punch on top of drilled braced monument 49769M001 POINT ST. GEORGE, CALIFORNIA PTSG Center punch on top of drilled braced monument 49769S001 POINT ST. GEORGE, CALIFORNIA PTSG ASHTECH UZ-12 / ASH701945B_M / BPA 49770M001 REDMOND, OREGON REDM center punch on top of invar rod set in bedrock 49771M001 DENIO, NEVADA SHLD center punch on top of drilled braced monument 49772M001 TRINIDAD HEAD, CA TRND center punch on top of invar rod set in bedrock 49773S001 Paul Smith College PSC1 GPS ARP / ASH701933B_M SNOW 49774S001 WILMINGTON WILR GPS ARP / TRM22020.00+GP 49775S001 WASHINGTON (NC) WASR GPS ARP / TRM33429.00+GP 49776S001 RALEIGH RALR GPS ARP / TRM22020.00+GP 49778S001 Mac Dill AFB MCD1 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN120003301 49778S002 Mac Dill AFB MCD2 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN120003302 49778S005 Mac Dill AFB MCD5 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN60100969 49778S006 Mac Dill AFB MCD6 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN120003301 49779M001 MENTONE 7ODM Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49780M001 WILLMINGTON (CA) HBCO Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49781M001 SILVERADO OEOC Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49782S001 TIPTONVILLE RLAP Reelfoot Lake Airpark / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11762 / ARP / (901) 253-3179 49782S002 TIPTONVILLE NWCC Northwest Correctional Center / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #503 / ARP (901)253-5244 49783S001 PORTAGEVILLE PTGV Delta Research Center / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11405 /ARP / (573) 3792314 49784S001 NORTH LITTLE ROCK CJTR Camp JT Robinson Army Nat. Guard / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11943 / ARP (501) 212-5849 49784S001 NORTH LITTLE ROCK CRAR Camp JT Robinson Army Nat. Guard / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11943 / ARP (501) 212-5849 49785S001 PARK HILLS MACC Minearal Area Community College / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11755 /ARP / (573) 5182321 49786S001 CHARLESTON (MO) MAIR Mississippi County Airport / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #11408 / ARP / (573) 6838683 49787S001 PIGGOTT (AR) PIGT Water Treatment Plant / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #401 /ARP / (870) 5982946 49788S001 CARUTHERSVILE (MO) MCTY Pemiscot County R-III School / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #782 / ARP / (573) 3330060 49789S001 STEELE (MO) STLE U.S. Supply Handling Equipment / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #402 / ARP / (573) 6953730 49790S001 COVINGTON CVMS Crestview Middle School / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #405 /ARP / (901) 4752534 49791S001 TROY (TN) HCES Hillcrest Elementary School / ASH700936D_M SNOW antenna serial #502 / ARP / (901) 5364609 49792M001 SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS CGDM drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49793M001 CHINO HILLS TWMS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49794S001 BOISE IDTD ASHTECH UZ-12 / ASH700936E / ARP 49795S002 NEWARK NJI2 LEICA SR9500 / LEIAT303 / ARP 49796S001 Level Island LEV1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49796S002 Level Island LEV2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49797S001 GREENVILLE GVLT TRIMBLE 4600 / TRM29659.00 / ARP 49798S001 HAGERSTOWN HAG1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW /ARP 49798S002 HAGERSTOWN HAG2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW/ ARP 49799M001 JOSHUA TREE NAT. PARK KYVW Drilled hole in top of center support bolt on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49800M001 Glamis GMPK Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49801S001 POTATO POINT/ALASKA POT1 GPA ARP 49801S003 POTATO POINT/ALASKA POT3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05508), ASH700829.3 (12079) 49801S004 POTATO POINT/ALASKA POT4 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05507), ASH700829.3 (11943) 49802S001 GUSTAVUS/ALASKA GUS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05072), ASH700829.3 (11038) 49802S002 GUSTAVUS/ALASKA GUS2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05058), ASH700829.3 (11272) 49803S001 Cape Hinchinbrook - Alaska CHI1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49803S003 Cape Hinchinbrook - Alaska CHI3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05501), ASH700829.3 (11948) 49803S004 Cape Hinchinbrook - Alaska CHI4 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05502), ASH700829.3 (11947) 49804M001 Cold Bay - Alaska Domed brass mark on top of a concrete block 49804S001 Cold Bay - Alaska BAY1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (04955), ASH700829.3 (11265) 49804S002 Cold Bay - Alaska BAY2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05277), ASH700829.3 (11269)) 49804S003 Cold Bay - Alaska CDB7 NOV_WAAS_600 / MPL_WAAS_2224NW / BPA 49804S004 Cold Bay - Alaska COBB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 49804S005 Cold Bay - Alaska BAY5 Forced centering device at the far end of a steel brace on top of a Rohn tower 49804S006 Cold Bay - Alaska BAY6 Forced centering device at the far end of a steel brace on top of a Rohn tower 49805S001 Eielson AFB ALAS NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR 16559 / ARP 49805S001 Eielson AFB EIL1 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR 16559 / ARP 49805S001 Eielson AFB EIL2 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR 16559 / ARP 49805S002 Eielson AFB EIL3 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 127 / ARP 49805S002 Eielson AFB EIL4 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 127 / ARP 49806M001 Johnson Valley AGMT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49807M001 Twentynine Palms/BEARMAT Hill BMHL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49808M001 Lancaster/Challenger Middle Sc CHMS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49809M001 New Cuyama CUHS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor 49810M001 Castaic/Foothill Feeder Facili FHFF Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49810M002 Castaic/Foothill Feeder Facili CTDM Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49811M001 Fillmore FMTP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49811M002 Fillmore FMVT Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of antenna adaptor 49812M001 Newberry Springs/Hector Mine HCMN Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49813M001 Ludlow LDSW Top of drilled divot on N side of monument 49814M001 Lancaster/Lancaster Injection LINJ Top of a drilled divot in the vertical leg of the monument 49815M001 Twentynine Palms/Noble Pass Fi NBPS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49816M001 Norco NOCO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49817M001 Escondido OGHS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49818M001 Twentynine Palms/Obs. Point Bu OPBL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49819M001 Twentynine Palms/Obs. Point Cr OPCL Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49820M001 Twentynine Palms/Crampton OPCP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49821M001 Twentynine Palms/Obs. Point Cr OPCX Top of drilled divot on N side of monument 49822M001 Twentynine Palms/Obs. Point Ro OPRD Top of drilled divot on N side of monument 49823M001 San Dimas PSDM Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49824M001 Newberry Springs/Rodman Mounta RDMT Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49825M001 Mission Viejo SBCC Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49826M001 Piru SFDM Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49827M001 San Gabriel SGHS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 adaptor 49827M002 San Gabriel GVRS Monterey Park / Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49828M001 Ludlow SIBE JPL 0.0614 m fixed-height spike mount over survey mark reference point 49829M001 Thermal TMAP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49830M001 Grapevine WGPP Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49831M001 Castaic/Whitiker Peak WKPK Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49832M001 LA CANADA BTDM Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49833M001 SANTA CLARITA SKYB Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49834M001 Biorka Island BIS5 Reference point of an antenna mount. 49834S001 Biorka Island BIS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH7000829.3 SNOW 49834S002 Biorka Island BIS2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH7000829.3 SNOW 49835M001 SANTA CRUZ ISLAND CRU1 Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49836M001 PARKER GNPS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49837S001 WOODINVILLE DWH1 JPS LEGACY MT312431807 & JPSREGANT_DD_ERA0083 49838S001 Titusville UPTC GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM2390.00 (SN#0220109634) 49839S001 ORONO ORO_ GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700936E_C 49840S001 BRUNSWICK BRU1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49841S001 Chatham CHT1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49842S002 NEW CASTLE POR2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49842S004 NEW CASTLE POR4 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 49843S001 MONTAUK POINT MNP1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49844S001 MONTPELIER VCAP GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM22020.00+GP 49845S001 CAPE HENLOPEN CHL1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49846M001 KITTY HAWK NCDU Reference point of an antenna braced steel mount on a masonary and concrete building. 49846S001 KITTY HAWK DUCK GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM22020.00+GP 49846S002 KITTY HAWK NCDK Bottom of antenna pre-amplifier (BPA). Antenna screwed onto a threaded rod. Roof of a building. 49847S001 CAPE HENRY CHR1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49848S001 RICHMOND RIC1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700936E_C 49849S001 Youngstown YOU1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 49850S001 PITTSBURGH PIT1 GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM22020.00+GP 49851S001 CHARLESTON CHA1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49852S001 KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION KYW1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW11931+5432 49852S002 KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION KYW2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11937 49852S005 KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION KYW5 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN60051968 49852S006 KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION KYW6 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN60052024 49853S001 ASHEVILLE ASHV GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49854S001 DETROIT DET1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49855S003 NEEBISH ISLAND NEB3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49856S001 CHEBOYGAN CHB1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49857S001 CINCINNATI GALB GPS ARP / LEICA SR9500, LEIAT303 LEIC 49858S001 MARIETTA ATL1 GPS ARP / LEICA SR9500, LEIAT303 49859S001 ERLANGER ERLA GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700936C_M 49860S001 WHITEFISH POINT WHP1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49861S001 STURGEON BAY STB1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49862S001 MILWAUKEE MIL1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49863S001 MOBILE MOB1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49864S001 UPPER KEWEENAW KEW1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49865S003 SUMMERFIELD STL3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49866S001 ENGLISH TURN ENG1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49867S002 FRENCH BAYOU MEM2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49868S001 TEEDS GROVE RIS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49869S001 VICKSBURG VIC1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49870S001 ALMA STP1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49871S001 WISCONSIN POINT WIS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49872M001 GALVESTON TXGA Top of a forced centering antenna mount of a steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 49872S001 GALVESTON GAL1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49873S001 SALLISAW SAL1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49874S001 PERRY KAN1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49875S001 NEODESHA NDSK GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM22020.00+GP 49875S101 NEODESHA NDS1 GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI / TRM22020.00+GP 49876S001 PALESTINE PATT GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM22020.00+GP 49877S001 MORRIS HKLO GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM23903.00 49878M001 ARANSAS PASS ARP7 Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel tower. 49878S003 ARANSAS PASS ARP3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49879S001 HAVILAND HVLK GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM22020.00+GP 49880S001 WACHAPREAGUE VIMS GPS ARP / ROGUE SNR-8000, AOAD/M_T 49881S001 JAYTON JTNT GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM22020.00+GP 49882S001 GRANADA GDAC GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM22020.00+GP 49883S001 TUCUMCARI TCUN GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSE, TRM22020.00+GP 49884S001 White sands WSMN GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM23903.00 49885S001 SALT LAKE CITY / RED BU RBUT GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI, TRM29659.00 49886M001 POINT LOMA PLO5 Forced centering antenna mount fixed on a steel structure 49886S003 POINT LOMA PLO3 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49887S001 Point Arguello PAR1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49888S001 APPLETON GWEN GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49889S001 ROBINSON POINT RPT1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49890S001 PIGEON POINT PPT1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49891S001 POINT BLUNT PBL1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49892S001 WHIDBEY ISLAND WHD1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49893M001 FORT STEVENS FTS5 Reference point of an antenna mount. 49893S001 FORT STEVENS FTS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49894S001 MENDOCINO CME1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49895S001 UPOLU POINT UPO1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW 49896S001 Kokole point KOK1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW SN10925 49896S002 Kokole point KOK2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3, ASH700829.3 SNOW SN10932 49896S005 Kokole point KOK5 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN12694100 49896S006 Kokole point KOK6 GPS ARP / TRM41249USCG SCIT SN60052006 49897M001 Coronados Island CORX Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49898M001 Chula Vista NSSS Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49899M001 Imperial IVCO Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49900M001 LOS ALAMOS, CA ORES Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49901M001 Wrightwood TABL TABLE MOUNTAIN/SCRIPPS TETRAPOD MONUMENT 49901M001 Wrightwood TABV TABLE MOUNTAIN/SCRIPPS TETRAPOD MONUMENT 49901S001 Wrightwood 7040 Intersection of the telescope axis 49902M001 MOUNT LEE LEEP SCIGN GPS MARKER 49903M001 HOLLYDALE HOLP SCIGN GPS MARKER 49904M001 DURMID HILL DHLG PGGA GPS MARKER /HOLE IN STAINLESS STEEL ROD 49905M001 PACOIMA DAM1 SCIGN GPS MARKER/THREADED ROCK PIN 49905M002 PACOIMA DAM2 SCIGN GPS MARKER/BUILT PIER 49905M003 PACOIMA CMP9 FIRE CAMP 9/ SCIGN GPS MARKER /THREADED ROCK PIN 49905M004 PACOIMA WMAP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49906M001 CLAREMONT/LA VERNE CLAR CLAREMONT/SCIGN GPS MARKER/DRIVEN-ROD 49906M002 CLAREMONT/LA VERNE LORS LA VERNE/Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49907M001 SOLOMONS ISLAND MDSI Reference point of an antenna top mount on a roof. 49907S001 SOLOMONS ISLAND SOL1 DM T ANTENNA /BPA 49908M001 ANNAPOLIS ANP5 Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel tower. 49908S001 ANNAPOLIS USNA DM T ANTENNA /BPA 49908S101 ANNAPOLIS ANP1 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49908S102 ANNAPOLIS ANP2 ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700829.3 SNOW / ARP 49909S001 SAN NICOLAS ISLAND SNI1 DM T ANTENNA / ARP /JPL 4507-S 49910S001 NORTHRIDGE CSN1 DM T ANTENNA / ARP 49911M001 AZUSA AZU1 GPS MARKER 49911M002 AZUSA MRDM Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49911M003 AZUSA SGDM drilled hole in top of center support bolt on scign d3 antenna adaptor 49912M001 TORRANCE AIRPORT TORP SCIGN GPS Marker/Drilled hole in the vertical pipe 49913S001 HORN POINT HNPT Rogue SNR-12/DM T/ARP/Bottom of Flange 13-DEC-1995 49914M001 Virginia Key - Miami MIA3 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49914M002 Virginia Key - Miami MIA4 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 49914S001 Virginia Key - Miami AOML BPA/Dorne Margolin T 148 49914S002 Virginia Key - Miami MIA1 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11086 49914S003 Virginia Key - Miami MIAB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 49915M001 SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND SCIP Divot on north-facing antenna tripod leg 49916M001 LAKE SKINNER BILL Peak of center support screw of lower part of the antenna adaptor 49917M001 WIDE CANYON WIDC Peak of center support screw of lower part of the antenna adaptor 49917M001 WIDE CANYON WIDE Peak of center support screw of lower part of the antenna adaptor 49918S001 IRVINE 3SNA 3S Navigation R100/40T / TSA-100 / ARP 49919M001 AVOCADO HEIGHTS VYAS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49920M001 CARSON CSDH Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49920M002 CARSON CRHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49921M001 COVINA CVHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49921M002 COVINA WCHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49922M001 DOWNEY DYHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49923M001 LA PUENTE LPHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49924M001 PARAMOUNT PMHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49925M001 PICO RIVERA BKMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49926M001 LEBEC FZHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49926M002 LEBEC LJRN Frazier Park/ Top of center support screw on SCIGN D3 antenna adaptor 49927S001 BAR HARBOR BARH TRIMBLE 4000SSI 3748A21042/TRIMBLE CHOKERING 0220088091/ARP 49928S001 EASTPORT EPRT TRIMBLE 4000SSI 3748A20591/TRIMBLE CHOKERING 02200108548/ARP 49929M001 COSTA MESA FVPK Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49930M001 SOMIS MUSD Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49931M001 SAN CLEMENTE SCMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49932M001 DIAMOND BAR SPMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49933M001 ATHENS/LOS ANGELES LASC Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49934M001 Palmer - Alaska ATWC 0.7 m concrete pad/Reference point on SCIGN antenna adaptor 49934M002 Palmer - Alaska ATW2 Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount on top of a braced structure in concrete pad 49935M001 COLLEGE/ALASKA CLGO Concrete pillar/top of brass rod 49936M001 GARNER/ALASKA GRNR Bedrock/concrete pillar/bottom of threads of an invar rod 49937M001 BIG BEAR BBRY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49938M001 PALOMAR MOUNTAIN PMOB Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49939M001 LAKE ARROWHEAD MSOB Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49940M001 BARSTOW BSRY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49941M001 RIALTO RTHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49942M001 SANTA BARBARA UCSB Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49943M001 WESTMORLAND CRRS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49944M001 IDYLLWILD DSSC Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49945M001 RIVERSIDE MLFP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49946M001 PLACENTIA CCCS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49947M001 COMPTON CCCO Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49948M001 YUCCA VALLEY CTMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49949M001 CALABASAS CBHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49950M001 LANDERS LDES Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49951M001 MOORPARK MPWD Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49952M001 APPLE VALLEY AVRY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49953M001 WEST CAJON VALLEY CJMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49954M001 PERRIS PPBF Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49955M001 BEAUMONT BMRY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49956M001 SAN PEDRO VTIS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49957M001 GRANADA HILLS VNCX Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49958M001 VICTORVILLE SCIA Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49959M001 TWENTYNINE PALMS OAES Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49960M001 HEMET ESE2 Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49960M001 HEMET ESRE Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49960M002 HEMET ESRW Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49961M001 RANCHO CUCAMONGA EWPP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49962M001 RANCHITA MVFD Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49963M001 TORRANCE ECCO Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49964M001 LA HABRA SNHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49965M001 BELL GARDENS BGIS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49966M001 HUNTINGTON PARK HPHS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49967M001 BEVERLY HILLS LFRS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49968M001 INGLEWOOD NOPK Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49969S001 ANN ARBOR UOFM Novatel GPS Antenna/ARP 49970M001 Honolulu ZHN1 Top of a forced centering device on top of a monument 49970S001 Honolulu HNLC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna/ARP 49970S002 Honolulu HAWI Novatel 702GG antenna reference point, mounted on a steel mast 49971M001 ANZA AZRY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49972M001 SALTON CITY SLMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49973M001 WOODLAND HILLS LAPC Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49974M001 THOUSAND OAKS TOST Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49975M001 PALMDALE LLAS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49976M001 SANTA ANA SACY Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49977M001 SANTA PAULA II OVLS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49978M001 PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT PSAP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49979S001 Hilo airport HILO Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 11943 49980S001 LIHUE, KAUAI LHUE Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: CR16132 49981M001 HIGH VISTA HIVI Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49982M001 QUARTZ HILL QHTP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49983M001 ROSAMOND RSTP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49984M001 OCOTILLO WELLS USGC Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49985M001 HOLTVILLE IID2 Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49986M001 KERNVILLE ISLK Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49987M001 VINCENT VNPS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49988M001 PALM DESERT COTD Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49989M001 LUCERNE VALLEY WOMT Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49990M001 CHIRIACO SUMMIT HNPS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49991M001 RICE IMPS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49992M001 LOCKWOOD LVMS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49993M001 SAN BERNARDINO GHRP Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49994M001 CABAZON SGPS Raised nipple on the lower part of the antenna adaptor 49994M002 CABAZON WWMT WhitewaterMountain / Drilled hole in top of center support bolt of SCIGN D3 antenna adapotor 49995M001 Kenai - Alaska KEN5 Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast on a concrete block. 49995S001 Kenai - Alaska KEN1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05275), ASH700829.3 (11034) 49995S002 Kenai - Alaska KEN2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (04946), ASH700829.3 (11264) 49996S001 GLENNALLEN/ALASKA GNAA GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI (3626A16314), TRM22020.00+GP (0220049324) 49997S001 CENTRAL/ALASKA CENA GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI (3638A15780), TRM22020.00+GP (0220050480) 49998M001 Annette Island - Alaska AIS5 Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a steel mast. 49998S001 Annette Island - Alaska AIS1 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (04952), ASH700829.3 (11276) 49998S002 Annette Island - Alaska AIS2 GPS ARP / ASHTECH Z-XII3 (05064), ASH700829.3 (11274) 49999S001 Talkeetna - Alaska TLKA GPS ARP / TRIMBLE 4000SSI (3626A16312), TRM22020.00+GP (0220054209) 50102M001 Carnarvon CARN Standard survey mark in concrete / QUOBBA 115 50103M106 Tidbinbilla 7843 Orroral/center ground mark 7843 50103M107 Tidbinbilla ORRO Orroral/Mark AU005/PLATE ON COLLIMATION TOWER 50103M108 Tidbinbilla TID1 Tidbinbilla/SPC40 (AU017) (JPL 4002 - S 1992) 50103M108 Tidbinbilla TID2 Tidbinbilla/SPC40 (AU017) (JPL 4002 - S 1992) 50103M108 Tidbinbilla TIDB Tidbinbilla/SPC40 (AU017) (JPL 4002 - S 1992) 50103M108 Tidbinbilla TIDV Tidbinbilla/SPC40 (AU017) (JPL 4002 - S 1992) 50103M109 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/NM/C/194 50103M110 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/NM/C/196 50103M111 Tidbinbilla DORIS mark 50103S001 Tidbinbilla 1543 DSS43 Antenna 50103S003 Tidbinbilla 7943 SAO-3 fixed laser 50103S005 Tidbinbilla 1542 DSS42 Antenna 50103S006 Tidbinbilla 1544 DSS44 Antenna 50103S007 Tidbinbilla 7843 NLRS (coude mirror 7) 50103S010 Tidbinbilla 1545 DSS45 Antenna 50103S012 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 20-MAR-90-03-FEB-92 50103S013 Tidbinbilla Orroral/TRIMBLE SST /L1 50103S014 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 03-FEB-92-10-MAY-92 50103S015 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 11-MAY-92- 50103S016 Tidbinbilla Orroral/ASHTECH/L1 15-MAY-92- 50103S017 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 11-MAY 50103S018 Tidbinbilla Orroral/ASHTECH/Bottom antenna 15-MAY-92- 50103S019 Tidbinbilla Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Top of the choke ring 20-MAR-90 50103S020 Tidbinbilla DS40 Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 20-MAR 50103S021 Tidbinbilla DS41 Tidbinbilla/ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/Bottom of the choke ring 03-FEB 50103S025 Tidbinbilla 1534 Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS34) 50103S026 Tidbinbilla Intersection of the rotation axis of a 34m VLBI antenna (DSS35) 50103S201 Tidbinbilla ORRA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 50103S202 Tidbinbilla ORRB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. 50106S005 Smithfield GPS DMA TI4100 / L1 50107M001 Yarragadee 7090 MOBLAS 7090 brass disk 50107M004 Yarragadee YAR1 Mark 7090-RM4 50107M004 Yarragadee YAR2 Mark 7090-RM4 50107M005 Yarragadee DORIS ground mark / Centre punch mark in a brass pin set in concrete 50107M006 Yarragadee YARR Plate on secondary GPS mark/centre of base of 5/8" spigot of GPS antenna / AU053 50107M007 Yarragadee DORIS mark / Top and centre of a 5/8 inch spigot put on top and centre of a 250mm diametre stainless steel plate, set in the top of a 400mm diametre concrete pillar of 1.5m high 50107M008 Yarragadee YAR3 Intersection of the top of the stainless steel plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8" threaded pin. 50107S005 Yarragadee ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 15-DEC-90 - 50107S006 Yarragadee YARA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 50107S007 Yarragadee LASER MOBLAS-5 / IAR (ML0511,0513) 50107S009 Yarragadee 7847 PSLR 50107S010 Yarragadee YARB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 50107S011 Yarragadee YASB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 50107S012 Yarragadee 7376 12M Patriot radio telescope - Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 50108M001 Parkes PARK 2m high concrete pillar - 0.25 idameter stainless steel plate on top with centred threaded spigot 50108S001 Parkes 7202 64-m Radiotelescope Ref. point 50109S001 Salisbury ADE1 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1121/ ARP 50109S001 Salisbury ADE2 NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1121/ ARP 50109S001 Salisbury AUST NIMA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M 1121/ ARP 50116M001 Hobart UF05 West pillar 50116M002 Hobart UF03 North pillar 50116M003 Hobart HOB1 U-Chanel plate 50116M004 Hobart HOB2 Pillar/stainless steel plate (AU16) 50116M005 Hobart HOBT Brass plaque in concrete wharf / SPM 9927 50116S002 Hobart 7242 VLBI antenna ref. pt. 50116S003 Hobart MINIMAC 2816AT/L1 21-JAN-90 - 50116S004 Hobart MINIMAC 2816AT/Bottom of the antenna 50116S007 Hobart 7374 Intersection of axes of a 12m Patriot radio telescope 50119M001 Mount Stromlo STR2 Fundamental pillar/plate/centre of base of 5/8 inch spigot of GPS antenna/AU045 50119M002 Mount Stromlo STR1 North pillard/plate/centre of base of 5/8" spigot of GPS antenna / Local number AU052 50119M003 Mount Stromlo DORIS mark : 3-metre cylindrical steel pole / top and centre of a 5/8" steel bolt 50119M004 Mount Stromlo DORIS mark / north east corner of the SLR building / 400 mm diametre steel pole / Intersection of the top of a steel plate and the centre of a central spigot fixed on top 50119M005 Mount Stromlo STR3 Intersection of the stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded stainless steel spigot 50119S001 Mount Stromlo 7849 Stromlo SLR / intersection of the elevation and azimuth axes of the telescope 50119S002 Mount Stromlo MSOB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 50119S003 Mount Stromlo 7825 Intersection of axes of SLR sysytem 50119S004 Mount Stromlo MSPB DORIS Starec antenna reference point (MSPB) 50119S007 Mount Stromlo 7826 Intersection of axes of 1.8m LLR telescope 50123M001 Ipswich IPSR Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel tube, fixed on top of a building roof 50124M001 Sydney LINR LINDFIELD/National Measurement Laboratory building/steel mounting plate (NML2) 50124M002 Sydney COVE Brass plaque in rock / SSM 118849 50124M003 Sydney SYDN 1.5 metre high concrete pillar / Top and centre of plate mounted on top 50126M001 Townsville Pillar on the office building roof 50126M002 Townsville TWVL Steel bolt in concrete / 114711 50126S002 Townsville TRIMBLE 4000SST/L1 25-JUL-90 - 50126S004 Townsville TOWN TRIMBLE 4000SST/Bottom of the antenna 50127M001 Coco Islands COCO MOMUMENT AU018 50128M001 THURSDAY ISLAND TITG Reference point of self centring antenna mount on top of a 3.0 m high mast anchored to wharf 50132M001 Alice Springs 21NA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pole, affixed to concrete on roof top of a building. 50133M001 Perth PERT Axis and base of a 5/8 inch bolt at the center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on the concrete monument. 50133M002 Perth PERR Concrete block/Brass Plaque (gnan 73) 50133S002 Perth GPER TRM33429.20+GP Antenna / ARP 50133S003 Perth PRTH Novatel 702GG Antenna Reference Point, mounted on a steel mast 50134M001 Darwin I DARR Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 50134M001 Darwin I DARW Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 50135M001 Macquarie Island MAC1 pillar/atainless steel plate 50136M001 Jabiru JAB1 ERISS/MONUMENT AU043 50136M002 Jabiru JAB2 Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate on 1.5m high concrete pillar 50137M001 Alice springs - Telegraph hill ALIC MONUMENT AU012 50138M001 Ceduna CEDU UTAS / MONUMENT AU019 50139M001 Karratha KARR HARDING DAM TELSTRA TOWER/MONUMENT AU013 50140M001 Townsville - Cape Ferguson TOW2 AIMS/MONUMENT AU028 50140M002 Townsville - Cape Ferguson AIM4 Bolt in rock / PSM12150 50140M003 Townsville - Cape Ferguson FERG Deep-driven stainless steel rod / SSM 83469 50141M001 Hillarys - Perth HILS Deep-driven stainless steel rod / Hammersly 164 50141S001 Hillarys - Perth HIL1 Ashtech Geodetic III (ground plane) antenna (Model 7007/ARP (Hamersly 130) 50142M001 Bellevue - Perth BELR Bellevue 157/DOLA building/Stainless steel pole surrounded by concrete 50142M002 Bellevue - Perth BETR Bellevue 157 T/DOLA building/Stainless steel plate 50143M001 Brisbane - Woolloongabba SUNM STEEL PILLAR ON ROOF OF LANDCENTRE BUILDING (SUNMAP PILLAR 703022) 50143M002 Brisbane - Woolloongabba BRIS Brass plaque in concrete / PM 53010 50143M003 Brisbane - Woolloongabba WOOL Forced centering device on steel Bracket fixed to the inside face of a concrete parapet wall. 50144M001 BURNIE BUR1 Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate/ST1139 50144M002 BURNIE SPM9 Brass plaque in rock / SPM 9089 50144M003 BURNIE BUR2 Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate 50145M001 Port Kembla FLAG Brass rod in concrete / TS 7374 50145M002 Port Kembla PKEM Brass Plaque inscribed "RAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE H1/98" / TS 7409 50145M003 Port Kembla KEMB Metal rod in rock / PM 70948 50145M004 Port Kembla PTKL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on a plate, on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 50145S001 Auckland II AUKL Novatel 702GG Antenna Reference Point, mounted on a steel mast 50146M001 COFFS HARBOUR NSW COFF Stainless Steel pin in concrete / PM 109723 50147M001 Bathurst MYL0 Pillar Plate on Concrete pillar / TS 5517 50147M002 Bathurst MYL1 Pillar Plate on Concrete pillar / 5517-1 50148M001 Albany ALBA Standard survey mark in concrete / ALB 133 50149M001 Bunbury BUNB Brass plaque in Concrete / Bunbury North 45 50150M001 Fremantle FREM Deck Spike in bitumen / NMVF6AT 50150M002 Fremantle FMTL Top of a self center 5/8 thread antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored to the bedrock 50151M001 GERALDTON GERA Brass plaque in concrete / GN284 50152M001 PORT HEDLAND PHED Brass plaque in concrete / KH226 50153M001 Eucla - Western Australia EUCL Aluminium plaque on concrete observing pillar / 4634/1045 50153M002 Eucla - Western Australia UCLA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 50154M001 WHYNDAM WYND Brass plaque in concrete / EC71 50155M001 Thevenard MURP Aluminium plaque on concrete observing pillar / 5633/1680 50155M002 Thevenard THVP Concrete observing pillar / 5633/1679 50156M001 Port Lincoln PLIN Deck Spike in wharf decking / 6028/3764 50157M001 LORN, VICTORIA LORN Aluminium rivet in concrete / Lorne 69 50157M002 LORN, VICTORIA LAAC Deep driven, copper-coated steel rod / PM 86 50157M003 LORN, VICTORIA BENW Deep driven, copper-coated steel rod / PM 76 50158M001 Portland, Victoria HENT Aluminium rivet in concrete / PM 393 50158M002 Portland, Victoria PORT Deep-driven stainless steel rod /PM80 50158M003 Portland, Victoria PTLD Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 50159M001 POINT LONSDALE, VICTORIA PLON Deep driven, copper-coated steel rod 50160M001 Stony point - Victoria STPT Aluminium rivet in concrete / Bittern 293 50160M002 Stony point - Victoria STNY Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 50161M001 PORT FAIRY, VICTORIA PFAI Brass plaque in concrete / 1571-10 50162M001 SPRING BAY - HOBART SBAY Brass disc in concrete / SPM 9404 50162M002 SPRING BAY - HOBART SBCP Concrete observing pillar / SPM9529 RM4 50162M003 SPRING BAY - HOBART TRIP Concrete observing pillar / SPM9261 RM4 50162M004 SPRING BAY - HOBART SPBY Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GNSS antenna plate on steel pylon attached to concrete pylon which is driven into bedrock. 50163M001 BARREN TIER TIER Brass plaque in concrete / ST336 RM5 50164M001 PORT ARTHUR PTAR Brass nut on top of galvanised pole / ST 1140 50165M001 KARUMBA KARU Brass plaque in concrete / 10178 50166M001 BAMAGA BAMA Deep driven galvanised iron star picket with a concrete collar / 128716 50167M001 BUNDABERG BUND Brass plaque in concrete / 3853 50168M001 CAIRNS CAIR Brass plaque in concrete / 128688 50169M001 COOKTOWN COOK Brass plaque in concrete / 92489 50170M001 Mackay MACK Brass plaque in concrete / 9131 50171M001 Weipa WEIP Steel Pillar / 9047 50172M001 Rockhampton MULA Brass plaque in concrete / 95189 50172M002 Rockhampton YEPP Deep driven stainless steel rod / 82477 50173M001 Groote Eylandt GRTG Stainless steel mast with GPS antenna mounting plate / NTS904 50173M002 Groote Eylandt GROO Stainless steel bolt in rock / NTS653 50173M003 Groote Eylandt ALYA Deep driven steel rod in concrete / NTS652 50173M004 Groote Eylandt GROT Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 50174M001 CENTER ISLAND CENI Triangle cut in rock with imscription "BM1 AHS 1966" 50175M001 DARWIN II PILL Concrete observing pillar / NTS302 50175M002 DARWIN II WINN Deep-driven stainless steel rod / BM4563 50175M003 DARWIN II RAAF Brass plaque in concrete / NTS664 50176M001 Broome BRME Deep driven stainless steel rod / Broome 184 50176M002 Broome BROO Deep driven stainless steel rod / Broome 173 50176M003 Broome BRO1 Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on 1.5m high concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 50177M001 Esperance ESPE Stainless steel pin in granite / Esperance 171 50177M002 Esperance ESPA Centre of base of a bolt fixed on a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in Granite bedrock 50178M001 Port Stanvac RFNP Concrete observing pillar / 6527/8432 50178M002 Port Stanvac STNP Concrete observing pillar / 6627/22981 50178M003 Port Stanvac PTSV Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on 1.5m high concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 50179M001 PORT MACDONNELL PMAC Aluminium plaque on concrete observing pillar 7021/1562 50180M001 Victor Harbour VICH Aluminium plaque on concrete observing pillar 6626/3810 50181M001 New Norcia NNOR Mark at the center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on a concrete monument 50181M002 New Norcia GNNO Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a plate on top of a concrete pillar 50182M001 Melbourne Observatory MOBS Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate fixed to 1.5m stainless steel pole. 50183M001 Christmas Island XMIS 2.5m high concrete pillar - Forced centering device fixed on top of a stainless steel plate 50184M001 Darwin ARMS DARM Center of threaded bolt located in centre of aluminium disk, mounted on 3 levelling pins set in concrete on top of 0.3 m diameter 1.5m high concrete pillar 50185M001 Bundaberg ARGN BNDY Top and center of stainless steel plate with 5/8" screw fixed into the top of a pillar 50186M001 Burnie / TAFE campus 7370 Geodetic ground marker 50187M001 Burnie, round hill point LH RHPT Centre of base of 5/8" threaded bolt on GNSS antenna mounting plate set into top of 2m high pillar. 50188M001 Kalgoorlie KALG Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m high with 0.4m diameter, in bedrock 50189M001 Norfolk Island NORF Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m high with 0.4m diameter, base material 50190M001 University of New South Wales UNSW Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate, mounted on a steel pole top of the roof of a building 50190M002 University of New South Wales UNX2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pole fixed on a roof 50190M002 University of New South Wales UNX3 Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pole fixed on a roof 50190M003 University of New South Wales UNW2 Intersection of the top of stainless steel CORSnet-NSW adjustable antenna mount (CAAM) on stainless steel mast attached to building wall, and the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 50191M001 Albany ALBY Centre of base of a 5/8" bolt to a GPS antenna plate on a concrete pillar 1.6m high with 0.4m diameter, anchored into bedrock. 50192M001 Liaweenee LIAW Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar with 0.4m diameter, anchored in bedrock 50193M001 Burakin BURA Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 50194M001 Norseman NORS Concrete pillar - Centre of base of a bolt on top of a stainless steel plate 50195M001 Hyden HYDN Centre of base of a bolt on a center of a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in Granite bedrock 50196M001 Bairnsdale BDLE Centre of base of a bolt on a center of a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in Granite bedrock 50197M001 Kellerberrin KELN Center of base of a forced centering bolt on a plate, fixed on 1.95m high concrete pillar, anchored in Granite bedrock 50198M001 Warakurna WARA Centre of base of a 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 50199M001 Yellowdine YELO Centre of base of a 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 50204M001 Mount John MTJO Lake Tekapo / Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50207M001 Chatham Island (Waitangi) CHAT PILLAR/15CM DIAMETER PLATE 50207M002 Chatham Island (Waitangi) Concrete block / DORIS mark 50207M003 Chatham Island (Waitangi) Concrete block / Stainless steel pin (mark 5503) 50207M004 Chatham Island (Waitangi) Concrete wharf / Brass mark near the tide gauge 50207S001 Chatham Island (Waitangi) CHAB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 50208M001 Wellington Pillar on the DOSLI building roof 50208M002 Wellington WEL2 AIRPORT/MONUMENT AUS360 50208M003 Wellington WGTN Geodetic Ground Mark 50208S001 Wellington TRIMBLE 4000SST/L1 15-FEB-90 - 50208S002 Wellington WELL TRIMBLE 4000SST/Bottom of the antenna 50208S003 Wellington NEWZ NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16562 with SNOW dome /ARP 50208S003 Wellington WEL1 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16562 with SNOW dome /ARP 50208S003 Wellington WEL2 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16562 with SNOW dome /ARP 50208S004 Wellington WGTT Wellington tide gauge / Leica CRS1000 / DM / ARP 50208S005 Wellington WEL3 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16562 with SCIS dome /ARP 50208S005 Wellington WEL4 NGA GPS antenna ASH700936B_M CR16562 with SCIS dome /ARP 50209M001 Auckland AUCK PILLAR/15CM DIAMETER PLATE 50210M001 Niue Island NIUM Center of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of reinforced concrete pillar 50210S001 Niue Island NIUC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12477/ARP 50211M001 Hokitika HOKI Airport/Permanent survey pillar 2m high (1421) 50212M001 Dunedin OUSD Otago University Surveying Department/Pillar 50212M002 Dunedin OUS2 Otago University Surveying Department / 200mm diameter steel pillar / Roof 50212M003 Dunedin DUND Center of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of reinforced concrete pillar 50212M004 Dunedin GOUS Top and axis of a forced centering steel plate on top of a metallic pillar fixed on top of building (School of Surveying) 50212M005 Dunedin OUS3 Otago University Surveying Department / Brass nail on top of a steel pillar, fixed on a building roof 50212S001 Dunedin DUNT Port Chalmers Tide Gauge / Leica CRS1000 /DM Antenna /ARP 50213M001 Rarotonga RART Arorang, Ministry of Works / Steel Rod, approx 1m long 50213M002 Rarotonga RABM Rarotonga International Airport / Stainless Steel Pin (BM 29) 50213M003 Rarotonga CKIS Rarotonga / Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50214M001 Christchurch MQZG McQueens Valley / Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50214S001 Christchurch LYTT Lyttelton Tide Gauge / Leica CRS1000 / DM Antenna / ARP 50215M001 Paekakariki PAEK Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50216M001 Auckland tide gauge AUKT Top of stainless steel mast bolted to concrete pier. 50216S001 Auckland tide gauge TAKL Leica CRS1000 / DM / ARP 50217M001 Taupo Airport TAUP Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50218M001 Whangarei WHNG Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50219M001 Tauranga TRNG Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50220M001 Masterton MAST Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50220M002 Masterton WRPA Reference point of a stainless steel forced centering antenna mount. 50221M001 Hastings HAST Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50222M001 Hamilton HAMT Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50223M001 Gisborne GISB Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50224M001 Dannevirke DNVK Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar; height reference is the stainless plate 50225M001 Hicks bay HIKB Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar 50226M001 Whitianga CORM Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar 50227M001 New Plymouth NPLY Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar 50228M001 Wanganui WANG Centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar 50229M001 Mahoenui MAHO CONCRETE PILLAR / TOP AND CENTRE OF A 5/8 INCH THREAD STUD FIXED ON TOP AND CENTRE OF A STAINLESS PLATE 50230M001 Golden Bay GLDB Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50231M001 Kaikoura KAIK Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50232M001 Nelson II NLSN Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50233M001 Lake Taylor LKTA Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced conrete pillar 50234M001 Bluff BLUF Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50235M001 Mavora Lakes MAVL Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50236M001 Alexandra LEXA Top and centre of a stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of a reinforced concrete pillar 50237M001 Haast HAAS Top and centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of reinforced concrete pillar 50238M001 Westport WEST Top and centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded std in top of reinforced concrete pillar 50239M001 Waimate WAIM Top and centre of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of reinforced conrete pillar 50240M001 Puysegur Point PYGR Top center of stainless steel block welded to the top of the vertical stainless steel rod that forms one of the five legs of a UNAVCO-style short braced monument. 50241M001 Kaitaia-Tatarakihi KTIA Top center of stainless steel block welded to the top of the vertical stainless steel rod that forms one of the five legs of a UNAVCO-style deep braced monument. 50242M001 Chatham Island North CHTI Top center of stainless steel block welded to the top of the vertical stainless steel rod that forms one of the five legs of a UNAVCO-style short braced monument. 50243M001 Warkworth WARK Top center of stainless steel block welded to the top of the vertical stainless steel rod 50243S001 Warkworth 7377 Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 50244M001 Whakatane WHKT UNAVCO-style deep braced monument - Top center of stainless steel block welded to the top of a vertical stainless steel rod 50246M001 Conical Hill CNCL Forced centering device on top of a pillar 50247M001 Hoophorn Spur HORN Forced centering device 50248M001 Karangarua KARA Forced centering device 50249M001 Annette Plateau NETT Forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 50250M001 Quarry QUAR Forced centering device 50251M001 Methven METH Top and center of stainless steel block welded on top of a UNAVCO-style deep braced monument. 50252M001 Mangateitei VGMT 5/8 thread in centre of a stainless steel plate set in a concrete pipe. 50253M001 Owenga (Chatham Island) OWNG Top of a forced centering stainless steel plate on top of a metallic pillar. 50253M002 Owenga (Chatham Island) DORIS mark (IGN) embedded in concrete under the antenna 50253M003 Owenga (Chatham Island) DORIS mark embedded in concrete under the OWFC DORIS antenna. 50253M004 Owenga (Chatham Island) OWMG REGINA mark. 50253S001 Owenga (Chatham Island) OWEC DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 50253S002 Owenga (Chatham Island) OWFC DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type C) 50254S001 Marlbourough MRL1 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 130 / ARP 50254S001 Marlbourough MRL2 NGA GPS antenna ITT3750323 SCIS, SN 130 / ARP 50255M001 Awarua AWAR Top and axis of a forced centering steel rod, fixed on top of a concrete pillar, anchored into the bedrock 50256M001 Lauder LDRZ Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored to a concrete block 50305M001 BETIO ISLAND - KIRIBATI KIRG Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50305M001 BETIO ISLAND - KIRIBATI KIRI Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50305M002 BETIO ISLAND - KIRIBATI Domed brass mark on DORIS concrete pillar 50305S001 BETIO ISLAND - KIRIBATI BETB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 50501M002 GUAM GUAM GUAM OBS./ROOF/GUMO 1992-LAMONT-DOHERTY EARTH OBSERVATORY 50501S001 GUAM GUAB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 50503M001 AMERICAN SAMOA 7096 Mark SLR 50503S006 AMERICAN SAMOA ASPA TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / ARP 50505M001 KWAJALEIN ATOLL I 7092 Mark SLR 50505S003 KWAJALEIN ATOLL I 4968 Tardex 26m antenna ref. pt. 50505S004 KWAJALEIN ATOLL I GPS OCS monitor station 50506M001 KWAJALEIN ATOLL II KWJ1 GPS MARKER/ROOF MOUNT 50512M001 CAPITAL HILL/SAIPAN CNMR Top and centre of a 9m tall steel pipe attached to a building 50512S001 CAPITAL HILL/SAIPAN CNMI TRIMBLE 4700 / TRM33429.20+GP / ARP 50601S001 FALEOLO AIRPORT/SAMOA FALE Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12627/ARP 50602M001 APIA-UPOLU AOBS Apia Observatory / Brass Plaque set in concrete (RASC 11236) 50603M001 APIA SAMO Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50701M001 NAURU NAUR Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate 50801M001 Suva FIJI UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH PACIFIC/MONUMENT AU361 50801M002 Suva SUVF Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 50801S001 Suva SUVA Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12478/ARP 50803M001 VALEBASOGA-LAMBASA ULUI 10mm stainless steel pin in solid rock 50804M001 LAUTOKA VITI Saweni Beach flats / 10mm stainless steel pin in solid rock 50804M002 LAUTOKA LAUT Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50805M001 ROTUMA ISLAND ROTU West end of Rotuma Island / 9cm Bronze Plaque set in concrete /SOLMEA 50806M001 University of South Pacific, S SVFJ Reference point of a forced antenna device fixed on the roof of the Department of Physics 50901S001 VAVA U AIRPORT VAVC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N:12468/ARP 50902M001 Nuku Alofa TONG Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 50902M002 Nuku Alofa TOGT Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot on top of a stainless steel platform mounted to concrete wharf 51001M002 Port Moresby MORE Permanent Survey Mark PSM15832 51001M003 Port Moresby NMB2 Top and centre of a brass antenna holder on top of 6.4 m steel mast 51001M004 Port Moresby Concrete pillar / DORIS mark 51001S001 Port Moresby MORA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 51001S002 Port Moresby MORB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 51001S003 Port Moresby MOSB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 51002M001 Lae - University of Technology LAE1 Roof / Plate on the top of a metallic pole 51003M001 Lorengau MAS2 Nabu Wharf / 6mm copper rod in concrete / TG-Manus 51004M001 Buka Airstrip BUKA Brass Plaque PSM4871 51005M001 Vanimo town VANI Nail set in concrete PSM 63/1 51006M001 Lombrum/Manus island PNGM Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 51007M001 Waigani - Port Moresby WAIG Top of a forced centering stainless steel plate fixed on parapet of new Lands Department Building. 51101M001 FUNAFUTI TUVA Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 51102M001 Tuvalu Tide gauge TUVT Stainless steel plate with centred 5/8" spigot on a stainless steel platform mounted to the wharf. 51201S001 Nusa Tupe Island NUSA Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: CR14322/ARP 51202M001 Solomon Islands SOLO Centre of base of a 5/8 bolt to a GPS antenna plate on a concrete pillar 1.85m high with 0.4m diameter, anchored into bedrock. 51401S001 ESPIEITO SANTO SANC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12466/ARP 51402M001 PORT VILA VANU Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate embedded in top of 0.4m diameter, 1.5m high concrete pillar 51402M002 PORT VILA PTVL Centre of base of 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 51402M003 PORT VILA PVVU Self-Center mounting in a concrete pillar in the Library building top. 51402S001 PORT VILA VILA Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna/ARP 51403M001 Wusi TGWS Forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 51404M001 Abnetare AVUN Forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 51405M001 Samna SSAN Forced centering device on top of a permanent monument 51406M001 Naone MAEW Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 51407M001 Walaha AMBA Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 51408M001 Matao Tiupeniu DVIL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 51409M001 Wowo ESPI Forced centering antenna mount on top of a permanent monument 51501M001 MAJURO MAJU 5/8" threaded stainless bolt on 2m high concrete piller 51601M001 POHNPEI POHN Centre of base of 5/8" spigot on GPS antenna mounting plate 51701M001 Alofi tide gauge station NIUT Intersection of a stainless steel plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot. 59701M001 Wyaralong WYRL bottom of antenna screw 59887M001 Winton WNTN Top and center of a stainless steel plate on top of a 1.5 m height concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 59888M001 Rubyvale Queensland RBYL Top and center of a stainless steel plate on top of a 1.5 m height concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 59889M001 Miles Airport Queensland MLAP Top and center of a stainless steel plate on top of a 1.5 m height concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 59890M001 Emmdale, New South Wales EMMD Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8" Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot on top of a 1.5 m high concrete pillar anchored in bedrock. 59891M001 Nullarbor - South Australia NULA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot on top of a concrete pillar constructed on bedrock. 59892M001 Mount Hope, New South Wales MHOP Intersection of the top of the stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot, fixed on top of a 1.5 m high concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 59893M001 Riveren RIVN Intersection of stainless steel pillar plate with centre of 5/8 inch threaded spigot on top of a concrete Pillar 59894M001 Walhallow WALH Intersection of a stainless steel plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 59895M001 Kidman springs KMAN Intersection of a stainless steel plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot, fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored into bedrock 59896M001 Borroloola BRLA Intersection of a stainless steel plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot. 59897M001 Eromanga BOCH Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59897M001 Eromanga ERMG Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59897M001 Eromanga 1888 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59897M001 Eromanga 1889 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59897M001 Eromanga 4047 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59897M001 Eromanga 7828 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59898M001 Mulgathing MULG Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot. 59899M001 Symonston SYM1 Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on a concrete pillar 59901M001 Tambo TMBO Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59902M001 Aramac ARMC Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot 59903M001 Nebo NEBO Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a threaded spigot. 59904M001 Eidsvold EDSV Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a threaded spigot. 59905M001 Mitchell - Queensland MCHL Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59906M001 Blinman BMAN Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59907M001 Hernani - New South Wales HERN Top of a stainless steel pillar plate and vertical axis of a 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59908M001 Mount Isa MTIS Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna on top of steel plate on a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59909M001 Normanton NMTN Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna on top of steel plate on a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59910M001 King Island KGIS Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna on top of steel plate on a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59911M001 Gascoyne Junction GASC Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna on top of plate on concrete pillar 1,5 m. 59912M001 Port Hedland I PTHL Centre of base of bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59913M001 Murchison Radio Observatory MRO1 Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch threaded stainless steel spigot. 59914M001 Yanakie, Victoria YNKI Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59915M001 North Bourke, New South Wales NBRK Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59916M001 Northcliffe NCLF Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59917M001 Laura LURA Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59918M001 Kilkivan KILK Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59919M001 Meadow Station MEDO Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59920M001 Georgetown, Queensland GGTN Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59921M001 Coen COEN Centre of base of bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59922M001 Mount Doreen MTDN Centre of base of 5/8inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59923M001 Jervois JERV Centre of base of 5/8inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59924M001 Mareeba MRBA Centre of base of 5/8inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59925M001 Lambina LAMB Centre of base of 5/8inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59926M001 Yulara YULA Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59927M001 Neutral Junction NTJN Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59928M001 Julia Creek JLCK Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59929M001 Hughenden HUGH Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59930M001 Boulia BULA Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59931M001 Birdsville BDVL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59932M001 Stonehenge STHG Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on a steel plate on top of a 1.5m concrete pillar 59933M001 Cooladdi COOL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on a steel plate on top of a 1.5m concrete pillar 59934M001 North Star, New South Wales NSTA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8" whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59935M001 Tom Price TOMP Centre of base of 5/8inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on 1.5m high concrete pillar. 59936M001 Flinders Island FLND Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59937M001 Fitzroy Crossing FROY Reference point (centre of base) of a 5/8" bolt of GPS antenna plate on top of a concrete pillar 1,5 m. 59938M001 Caval Ridge Mine CAVL Reference point of a forced 5/8th thread antenna mount on a brass plate on top of a concrete pillar. 59939M001 Exmouth EXMT Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt on a plate, fixed on a 1.5 m high concrete pillar 59940M001 Thevenard I THEV Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 1.5 m 59941M001 Rocklands RKLD Centre of base of a 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 59942M001 Bingleburra, New South Wales BING Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59943M001 Renner Springs RNSP Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59944M001 Mainoru MAIN Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59945M001 Bentley CUT0 Reference point of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed to the concrete structure of a building 59945M002 Bentley CUTA Axis of the 5/8 inch screw and the horizontal plan of the top of steel pipe fixed to a concrete wall 59945M003 Bentley CUTB Self-centering antenna mount in a metallic mast, fixed to a concrete roof. 59945M004 Bentley CUTC Self-Center Mounting in a metallic mast on the roof of Building 402, Curtin University. 59946M001 Arubiddy - Western Australia ARUB Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59947M001 Balladonia - Western Australia BALA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59948M001 Marengo - Victoria state MNGO Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59949M001 Coonabarabran CNBN Axis and base of a 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot fixed on a stainless steel pillar plate. 59950M001 Wallal WLAL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on top of a concrete pillar 59951M001 Broken Hill - New South Wales BKNL Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59952M001 Larrakeyah LKYA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59953M001 Roslyn Bay RSBY Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59954M001 Mount Emu - Victoria MTEM Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59955M001 Bald Rock, Victoria BROC Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot 59956M001 Tuross Head TURO Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59957M001 Leonora Airport LONA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59958M001 Mt. Magnet MTMA Intersection of the stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of a 5/8" whitworth threaded stainless steel spigot 59959M001 Horn Island - Queensland HNIS Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59960M001 Nhill - Victoria State NHIL Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59961M001 Warramunga WMGA Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59962M001 Ivanhoe - New South Wales IHOE Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59963M001 Tibooburra - New South Wales TBOB Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59964M001 Wiluna WILU Centre of base of a forced centering 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 59965M001 Mount Cavenagh - Northern Terr MTCV Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59966M001 Wagin - Western Australia WAGN Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59967M001 Ravensthorpe - Western Austral RAVN Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59968M001 Katherine - Northern Territory KAT1 Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59968M002 Katherine - Northern Territory KAT2 Intersection of the top of stainless steel pillar plate with the vertical axis of the 5/8 inch Whitworh threaded stainless steel spigot. 59968S001 Katherine - Northern Territory 7375 12M Patriot radio telescope - Intersection of axes of a permanent VLBI antenna 59969M001 Darwin DRWN Forced centering device on a rooftop steel mast 59970M001 Coober Pedy COOB Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 59971M001 Andamooka ANDA Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt fixed on a steel plate on top of a concrete pillar 59972M001 Alice Plaza Building 20NA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pole, affixed to concrete on roof top of the Alice Plaza building. 59973M001 Royal Darwin Hospital 02NA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pole, affixed to concrete on roof top of the Royal Darwin Hospital building. 59974M001 Palmerston 01NA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pole, affixed to concrete on roof top of the Palmerston City Council building. 59975M001 Darwin Supreme Court Building 00NA Forced centering device on top of a stainless steel pole, fixed to concrete on roof top of the Darwin Supreme Court building. 59976M001 Robina ROBI Foced centering device on top of a steel bracket fixed to the top of a steel beam on top of a building 59977M001 Gatton GATT Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed to the steel frame of a building 59978M001 Cleveland CLEV Forced centering device fixed to a concrete wall 59979M001 Caboolture CBLT Forced centering steel bracket fixed to the outside face of a concrete parapet wall 59980M001 Beenleigh BEE2 Forced centering steel Bracket fixed to the inside face of a concrete parapet wall 59981M001 Beaudesert BDST Concrete parapet wall on building roof - Top and center of a threaded bolt on steel bracket 59982M001 Toowoomba TOOW Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 1.6m high concrete pillar 59982M002 Toowoomba TOO1 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with centre of a 5/8 inch threaded spigot. 59983M001 Gabo Island GABO Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 0.6m high concrete pillar 59984M001 Larrimah LARR Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59985M001 Douglas Daly DODA Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate fixed on top of a 1.5m high concrete pillar 59986M001 Beechworth BEEC Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59987M001 Saltier SA45 Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59988M001 West Wyalong WWLG Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59989M001 Karridale KDAL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59990M001 Midland MIDL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59991M001 Cunderdin CUND Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59992M001 Collie COLL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59993M001 Busselton BUSS Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59994M001 Balingup BALI Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59995M001 Kununurra KUNU Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59996M001 Yeelana YEEL Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59997M001 Buckleboo BBOO Centre of base of 5/8 inch bolt of GPS antenna plate on concrete pillar 59998M001 Lord Howe Island LORD Centre of base of a 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 59998M002 Lord Howe Island LDHI Top of a steel pole, fixed on a building roof 59999M001 Leonora LORA Centre of base of a 5/8 inch bolt on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete pillar 66001M001 Mac Murdo MCMU GPS mark (MCMGPS) (11-FEB-92 - 31-OCT-93) 66001M003 Mac Murdo MCM4 GPS MARK new location 66001M003 Mac Murdo MCMC GPS MARK new location 66001M004 Mac Murdo CRAR STEEL PLATE ON MAST/GPS+GLONASS MARKER 66001M005 Mac Murdo ARHT Top of a forced centering SCIGN mount divot on top of a 1.5m tall 3 inch diameter steel pipe secured 1.5 m into ground 66001S001 Mac Murdo ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 11-FEB-92/31-OCT-93 66001S006 Mac Murdo MCM2 ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/ARP 31-OCT-93 - ? 66004M001 Mawson station MAW1 MONUMENT AUS64 66005M001 Palmer station PAL1 GAP GPS MARKER 66005M002 Palmer station PAL2 Divot in bolt on top of a steel mast 66005M002 Palmer station PALM Divot in bolt on top of a steel mast 66005M002 Palmer station PALV Divot in bolt on top of a steel mast 66006M001 Syowa DORIS mark 66006M002 Syowa SCAR mark 66006M003 Syowa DORIS 2 mark in concrete pillar 66006S001 Syowa SYOB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 66006S002 Syowa SYOG TurboRogue/DM T/ARP 15-MAR-1995 66006S003 Syowa SYPB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 66006S004 Syowa 7342 Fully steerable 11m Cassegrain antenna with AZ/EL mount / IAR 66006S005 Syowa SYQB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 66007M001 Rothera ROT1 GAP 1995 mark 66007M002 Rothera DORIS concrete pillar / domed brass mark 66007M003 Rothera ROTH Axis and base of a 5/8 inch thread on top of a tech2000 mast (UNAVCO) 66007M004 Rothera DORIS concrete pillar / domed brass mark 66007S001 Rothera ROTA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 66007S002 Rothera ROTB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 66007S003 Rothera ROUB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 66007S004 Rothera ROVB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 66007S005 Rothera ROWC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec C type) 66007S006 Rothera ROXC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec C type) 66008M001 O'higgins OHIG METAL PLATE/PILLAR K5 66008M002 O'higgins BOLT/PILLAR K5 66008M003 O'higgins OHG1 GAP GPS MARKER on PILLAR K1 66008M004 O'higgins OHIZ Marker on Steel Plate 66008M005 O'higgins OHI2 Marker on Pillar K 6 66008M006 O'higgins OHI3 Marker on the concrete survey pillar K3 66008S001 O'higgins 7245 9-m VLBI antenna 66009M001 Sanae VESL steel pipe, drilled into the rock, 5/8" screw 66010M001 Davis DAV1 Pillar - Stainless steel plate (AUS99) 66010M001 Davis DAVR Pillar - Stainless steel plate (AUS99) 66011M001 Casey CAS1 pillar/atainless steel plate (AUS100) 66012M001 King George Island - Base Frei GRW1 GREAT WALL/GPS MONUMENT PILLAR 66012M002 King George Island - Base Frei REYJ Base and axis of a bolt drilled into rock 66012S001 King George Island - Base Frei FREI Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # CR13219 / BPA 66013M001 DOME C 1 Top of a metallic rod in the ice 66013S001 DOME C 1 DOMB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 66013S002 DOME C 1 DO2B DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 66014M001 DOME C 2 Top of a metallic rod in the ice 66014S001 DOME C 2 DO1B DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 66015M001 Ferraz FERR Steel Pillar/91900 66015M002 Ferraz EACF Steel pillar close the VLF modulo - King George Island 66016M001 Arctowski ARCT GPS MARKER, STEEL NAIL IN CONCRETE PILLAR 66017M001 Base Artigas ART1 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete landmark. 66017M001 Base Artigas UYBA Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete landmark. 66018M001 Belgrano BEL1 Referenzpunkt 222/ Estacion 222 66018M002 Belgrano BELG GAP MARKER 66018S001 Belgrano BELB DORIS Starec antenna reference point (BELB) 66018S002 Belgrano BEMB DORIS Starec antenna reference point (BEMB) 66019M001 Dallmann DAL1 GAP GPS MARKER 66019M002 Dallmann DALL PILLAR PERMANENT GPS ANTENNA 66021M001 Elephant Island ELE1 GAP MARKER 66022M001 Esperanza ESP1 GAP marker 66023M001 Forster - Schirmacher Oase FOR1 FOR1 GPS MARKER NEAR THE RUSSIAN BASE NOVOLASEREVSKAJA 66023M002 Forster - Schirmacher Oase FOR2 FOR2 GPS MARKER 66024M001 Fossil Bluff FOS1 GAP GPS MARKER 66025M001 Haag Nunatak HAAG GAP GPS MARKER 66026M001 Kliment Ohridski KOH1 GAP GPS MARKER 66026M002 Kliment Ohridski KOH2 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount. The reference point is coincident with the top surface of a geodetic bolt, welded on a metal plate on top of a 0.5 m concrete pillar. The pillar is fixed in bedrock via steel rods. 66027M001 Kottas Berge KOTA GAP MARKER 66028M001 Maitri MAIT GPS MONUMENT, PILLAR 66029M001 Marambio MAR1 GAP MARKER 66030M001 Zhong Shang ZHON GPS OBSERVING SITE 66031M001 NOTTER POINT/ ANTARCTIC PENINS NOT1 GAP GPS MARKER 66032M001 Peter I Island PET1 GAP GPS MARKER 66033M001 Arturo Prat PRA1 GAP GPS MARKER 66034M001 San Martin SMR1 GAP GPS MARKER 66034M002 San Martin SMR5 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar 66035M001 PUNTA SPRING - ANTARCTIC PENIN SPR1 GAP GPS MARKER 66036M001 Terra nova Bay TNB1 GPS TNB1 66037M001 Troll TROL NP GPS MARKER 66037M002 Troll GVES Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a plate, on top of a concrete pillar 66037M003 Troll S20A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66037M003 Troll S20G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66037M003 Troll S20M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66037M004 Troll S20B Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66037M004 Troll S20H Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66037M004 Troll S20N Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 66038M001 Vernadski VER1 GAP GPS MARKER 66038M002 Vernadski VNAD Reference point of an antenna mount on top of an 1m mast bolted in bedrock. 66039M001 Wasa WASA MARKER 9201 66040M001 Amundsen-Scott Station, South AMUN Stainless Steel Rod, 5/8th-inch, top and center, projecting from wood block attached to top of roof of building called the Skylab 66040M002 Amundsen-Scott Station, South AMU2 New main building - Top and centre of a metal plate mounted on a wood block 66041M001 ALLAN HILLS NUNATAK ALN0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66042M001 Ant Hill ANT0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66043M001 BEAUFORT ISLAND BFT0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66044M001 Cape Bird BIR0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66045M001 BRATINA ISLAND BRA0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66046M001 Brimstone Peak BRM0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66047M001 BETTLE PEAK BTL0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66048M001 Mount Crean CRN0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66049M001 CAPE CROZIER CRZ0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66050M001 Mount Dewitt DWT0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66051M001 ESSER HILLS ESH0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66052M001 FRANKLIN ISLAND FRK0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66052M002 FRANKLIN ISLAND FIE0 CORS station - forced centering device on top of a 60cm high monument 66053M001 MASON SPUR MAS0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66054M001 Minna Bluff MBF0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66055M001 Cape Ross ROS0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66056M001 CAPE ROYDS ROY0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66057M001 Cape Reynolds RYN0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66058M001 MARBLE POINT WAL0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66059M001 WARREN RANGE WRN0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66060M001 WHITE ISLAND WTE0 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66061M001 MOUNT FLEMING FLM2 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66061M002 MOUNT FLEMING FLM5 Forced centering device. 60 cm higth monument drilled into bedrock 66062M001 FISHTAIL POINT FTP1 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66062M002 FISHTAIL POINT FTP4 Forced centering device. 60 cm high monument 66063M001 CAPE ROBERTS ROB1 DIMPLE ON GEODETIC GROUND MARKER 66063M002 CAPE ROBERTS ROB4 Forced centering device. 60 cm higth monument drilled into bedrock 66064M001 BROSNAHAN ISLAND BRO0 1mm dimple in the top of a bedrock pin sunk 25cm into bedrock 66065M001 Butcher ridge (un-named peak) BUR0 1mm dimple in the top of a bedrock pin sunk 25cm into bedrock 66065M002 Butcher ridge (un-named peak) BURI Top and center of a cap plate, on top of a 1m mast 66066M001 NORTHERN CONWAY RANGE SITE CON0 1mm dimple in the top of a bedrock pin sunk 25cm into bedrock 66067M001 CAPE KERR KER0 1mm dimple in the top of a bedrock pin sunk 25cm into bedrock 66068M001 LONEWOLF NUNATAK LWN0 Forced centering device. 60 cm higth monument drilled into bedrock 66069M001 WESTHAVEN NUNATAK CORS WHN0 Forced centering device. 60 cm high monument 66070M001 Island King Georges - Bay Almi MAPI Top and centre of a steel mark embedded on a concrete block 66070M002 Island King Georges - Bay Almi MTH1 Top and centre of a steel mark embedded on a concrete block 66071M001 Scott base SCTB Centre and top of stainless plate with 5/8 inch threaded stud in top of concrete pillar 66072M001 Utsteinen ELIS Top and center of the stainless steel mast, embedded into the bedrock 66072M002 Utsteinen LXAA Reference point of a forced device fixed on top of a UNAVCO polar monument, mounted to the bedrock 66073M001 Bunger Hills BHIL Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with a vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded stainless steel spigot 66074M001 Grove Mountains A351 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with a vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded stainless steel spigot 66075M001 Wilsons Bluff A368 Intersection of a stainless steel pillar plate with a vertical axis of a 5/8 inch threaded stainless steel spigot 66076M001 Mount McKibben MKIB Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 inch thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66077M001 Bean Peaks BEAN intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66078M001 Traverse Mountains TRVE Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66079M001 Welch Mountains WLCH intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66080M001 Brennecke Nunataks BREN Top of a small countersink in a 3" stainless steel pin, epoxied into a hole drilled into the granite. 66081M001 Horseshoe Island BSA1 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66082M001 Cornish Islands BSA2 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66083M001 Gomez Nunataks GMEZ Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66084M001 Hutton Mountains HTON Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66085M001 Jensen Nunataks JNSN Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66086M001 Lyon Nunataks LNTK Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast, anchored into bedrock 66087M001 Commonwealth Bay CBTG Top of a forced centering stainless steel geodetic survey mark, anchored to the bedrock 66088M001 Mid-Ellsworth Mountains MELM Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 inch thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66089M001 Mount Woollard WLRD Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66090M001 Mount Johns MTJN Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8" thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66091M001 Snyder Rocks CAD5 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66092M001 Mount Brown CAD2 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66093M001 Mount Strathcona CAD4 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66094M001 Mamelon Point SGP5 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66095M001 Cape Disappointment SGP1 Intersection of top surface and centre of 5/8 thread of UNAVCO-style Polar Mast 66096M001 Mount Coates COTE Top and center of a cap plate, on top of a 1m mast drilled into bedrock. 66097M001 Antarctic Peninsula PRMV Self-centring mount on top of a stainless steel pillar. 67701S001 MALAKAL PALA LEIAT504 LEIS GPS antenna / ARP 80101M001 Noord CN19 Reference point of a forced centering SCIGN device on top of a metallic tripod 80401M001 George Town GCGT Forced centering device on top of a steel scaffold pole, attached to a wall on roof of Government Administration building in George Town 80402M001 STAKE BAY CBSB Forced centering device / steel bracket 80601S001 Port Stanley - Lookout hill LKTH Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna serial # CR16377 / BPA 80602M001 Stanley FALK SCIGN MOUNT MARK on a shallow foundation mast 80602M002 Stanley S35A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M002 Stanley S35G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M002 Stanley S35M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M005 Stanley S351 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M005 Stanley S35P Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M005 Stanley S35V Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M008 Stanley S35B Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M008 Stanley S35H Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 80602M008 Stanley S35N Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 81701M001 La Palma LPAL Reinforced concrete pillar on roof of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (108330) 81702M001 El Hierro (Valverde) EH01 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar. 81703M001 Volcan de San Antonio - La Pal LP01 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 81704M001 El Time - La Palma LP02 Forced centering antenna mount on top of a reinforced concrete pillar anchored in bedrock 81705M001 Pozo de la Salud - El Hierro EH02 Pillar of concrete block. 81706M001 Orchilla - El Hierro EH05 Pillar of concrete block. 81707M001 La Restinga LRES Brass plate embebed in a concrete monumentation with a 5/8" screw. The reference point is the center of the screw where the antenna is screwed. 81708M001 Jedey LP03 Reinforced concrete basement on the top of a rock 81709M001 El Pinar HI08 Reinforced concrete basement on top of building of the nursing home in El Pinar town 81710M001 La Lajita (Fuerteventura) LALA Top and center of the screw in a brass plate, embedded in a reinforced concrete block on the roof of the Sports Building 82001M001 Isabella PUR2 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 82001M002 Isabella PUR6 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 82001M003 Isabella PUR5 Forced centering antanna mount fixed at a crossbrace end, attached on top of a steel Rohn tower mast 82001S003 Isabella PUR3 GPS ARP / ASH700829.3 SNOW SN11931 82002M001 Magueyes Island PRMI Tribrach adaptor fixed on a concrete reinforced wall 82003M001 Humacao HUPR Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on a roof. 82004M001 Guayama IGPR Top of a forced centering SCIGN mount fixed on top of a 4 meter deep foundation reinforced concrete Pillar 82005M001 Manati EMPR Top of a forced centering SCIGN antenna mount, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar 82006M001 Rio Piedras UPRR Top and center of a geodetic marker, embedded in a concrete roof. 82007M001 San Juan - Luiz Munoz Marin in ZSU1 Top of a forced centering antenna mount on a permanent monument 82008M001 Culebra Island CUPR Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a non-standard, 3 legged monument built with one vertical leg and two angled legs at ninety degrees to one another anchored in a very poor bedrock. 82009M001 Bayamon Science Park BYSP Reference point of an antenna mount on top of a shallow-drilled braced. 82010M001 Mayaguez MAYZ Reference of an anttenna mount on top of a mast. 82010M002 Mayaguez PRSN Axis and base of a forced centering antenna mount (SCIGN) fixed on top of a concrete pillar 82010M003 Mayaguez GEOL Top and center of a geodetic marker, embedded in a concrete roof 82011M001 Patillas PDPR Axis and base of a forced centering antenna mount (SCIGN) fixed on top of a concrete pillar 82012M001 Aguadilla AGPR Top and axis of a UNAVCO-type short-drilled braced monument 82101M001 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands STVI Reference point of an antenna mount. 82301M001 USGS of Guam GUUG Atop 0.3m thick concrete roof 82301M002 USGS of Guam Hexagonal domed brass marker under MLAC DORIS antenna. 82301S001 USGS of Guam MLAC DORIS antenna (Starec C type) / Ref. point. 90101M001 Dzaoudzi MAYG Hemispheric brass ground marker 90102M001 M'Tsangamouji GAMO Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 90103M001 Bandrele BDRL Top and axis of a stainless steel triangular plate fixed on top of a stainless steel mast 90104M001 Chembenyoumba MTSA Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete walll 90105M001 Kaweni KAWE Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete walll 90106M001 Poroani PORO Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete walll 90107M001 Mtsamboro MTSB TOP OF INOX MAST 90108M001 Kanikeli KNKL TOP OF INOX MAST 90109M001 Pamandzi PMZI TOP OF INOX MAST 91101M001 Glorieuses GLOR TOP OF INOX MAST 91201M002 Kerguelen KERG IGNF BRASS MARK RBGM 91201M003 Kerguelen EX-PRARE PILLAR / TOP OF STAINLESS STEEL PLATE 91201M004 Kerguelen Axis and base of a forced centering threaded screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a concrete NIVMER pillar 91201M005 Kerguelen Upper face of the base plate of the DORIS tower / axis of the tube 91201M006 Kerguelen Ex-PRARE pillar / top of the threaded bolt (DORIS 2 mark) 91201M007 Kerguelen KRGG Top and axis of a brass mark embedded in a concrete block 91201M008 Kerguelen S25A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 91201M008 Kerguelen S25G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 91201M008 Kerguelen S25M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 91201M009 Kerguelen KETG Top and axis of a forced centering triangular steel plate fixed on top of the NIVMER concerte pillar 91201M010 Kerguelen S25B Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 91201M010 Kerguelen S25H Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 91201M010 Kerguelen S25N Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block 91201S002 Kerguelen KERA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 91201S003 Kerguelen KERB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91201S004 Kerguelen KESB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91201S005 Kerguelen KETB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 91201S006 Kerguelen KEUC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec C type) 91201S007 Kerguelen KEVC DORIS antenna reference point (Starec C type) 91301M001 ILE DE LA POSSESSION (PORT ALF Domed brass mark on the DORIS concrete pillar 91301M002 ILE DE LA POSSESSION (PORT ALF CZTG Top and axis of a doomed brass mark, fixed on top of a conrete pillar. 91301S001 ILE DE LA POSSESSION (PORT ALF CROB DORIS Starec antenna reference point 91301S002 ILE DE LA POSSESSION (PORT ALF CRPB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 91301S003 ILE DE LA POSSESSION (PORT ALF CRQB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 91401M001 Amsterdam DORIS 1 mark 91401M002 Amsterdam DORIS concrete pillar / lower triangular plate / stainless steel mark 91401M003 Amsterdam NIVMER pillar 91401S001 Amsterdam AMSA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Alcatel type) 91401S002 Amsterdam AMSB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91401S003 Amsterdam AMTB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91401S004 Amsterdam AMUB DORIS antenna Reference point (Starec type) 91401S005 Amsterdam AMVB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91402M001 Saint-Paul (Island) SPTG Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge structure. 91402M002 Saint-Paul (Island) SPT2 Reference point of a forced antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge structure. 91501M001 Ile des Petrels DUM1 Plate/GPS pillar (SCAR 95) 91501M002 Ile des Petrels Concrete pillar / DORIS 2 mark 91501M003 Ile des Petrels DUMG Top and center of a marker, anchored into the bedrock 91501M004 Ile des Petrels DUM2 Top and axis of a brass mark embedded on a concrete block, anchired to the bedrock 91501S001 Ile des Petrels ADEA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 91501S002 Ile des Petrels ADEB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 91501S003 Ile des Petrels ADFB DORIS Starec antenna reference point (ADFB) 91501S004 Ile des Petrels ADGB Starec antenna reference point (400 MHz) 91501S005 Ile des Petrels ADHC Starec antenna reference point (400 MHz) 92201M003 Papeete (Tahiti) PAMA IGN brass mark 92201M004 Papeete (Tahiti) DORIS 1 mark (under PAPB) 92201M006 Papeete (Tahiti) TAHI 12 MM DOMED MARK UGP1 92201M007 Papeete (Tahiti) 7124 MOBLAS-8 7124-1997 Standard NASA disk 92201M008 Papeete (Tahiti) DORIS 2 mark (under PAPB and PATB) 92201M009 Papeete (Tahiti) THTI IGS mark THTI on a terrace roof 92201M010 Papeete (Tahiti) Brass disks cemented in concrete/GPS Station 85414 92201M011 Papeete (Tahiti) PAPE MARK PAPE ON CONCRETE PILLAR 92201M012 Papeete (Tahiti) FAA1 Top and centre of a plate embedded on top of a geodetic concrete pillar 92201M013 Papeete (Tahiti) TAHT NGA GPS tracking station - Top and centre of a brass mark embedded in a concrete block 92201M014 Papeete (Tahiti) GTHT Mark at the center and base of a forced centering supporting cylinder fixed on a plate on top of a concrete pillar 92201M016 Papeete (Tahiti) THTG Top and center of a geodetic mark embedded on the edge of a terrace roof 92201M017 Papeete (Tahiti) 7822 Top and center of a geodetic ground marker embedded in a concrete slab 92201S003 Papeete (Tahiti) ASHTECH/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91- 92201S004 Papeete (Tahiti) ROGUE SNR-8/DM R/L1 01-JAN-92 92201S007 Papeete (Tahiti) PAPB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92201S008 Papeete (Tahiti) PAQB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92201S009 Papeete (Tahiti) PAMB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 19-08-1993 - 28-09-1993 92201S010 Papeete (Tahiti) PATB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 92201S010 Papeete (Tahiti) PAUB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 92201S011 Papeete (Tahiti) TAH1 GPS ARP ASH700936B_M 12108 92201S011 Papeete (Tahiti) TAH2 GPS ARP ASH700936B_M 12108 92202M001 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) Tube Huahine no. 5 92202M002 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) 7121 MOBLAS-1 7121-1982 standard NASA disk 92202M003 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) TLRS-2 7123 CSR reference 92202M004 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) 7123 TLRS-2 7123 standard NASA disk 92202M005 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) Mark RM-1 92202S008 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) ASHTECH/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 92202S009 Huahine (Motu Hiumoo) HUAA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 92203M001 Papenoo S17A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92203M001 Papenoo S17G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92203M001 Papenoo S17M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92203M004 Papenoo S17B Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92203M004 Papenoo S17H Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92203M004 Papenoo S17N Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92204M001 Port Vairao VRTG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge building terrace. 92301M001 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) DORIS domed mark in concrete block 92301M003 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) GAMB Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 92301S001 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) MGRB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 16-06-1995 - 27-06-1995 92301S002 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) RIKB DORIS antenna Reference point (Starec type) 92301S003 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) RILB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 92301S004 Rikitea (Ile Mangareva) RIMB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 92401M002 Tubuai TBTG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge building terrace. 92401S001 Tubuai TUBB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 07-10-1993 - 27-10-1993 92402S001 Rurutu RURB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 08-05-1995 - 29-05-1995 92403M001 Rapa DORIS mark 92403S001 Rapa RAQB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92403S002 Rapa RAPB DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 11-03-1995 - 30-03-1995 92501M002 Rangiroa RGTG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge building terrace. 92502S001 Hao HAOB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 15-02-1994 - 09-03-1994 92504S001 Anaa ANAB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 09-11-1993 - 26-11-1993 92505S001 Napuka NAPB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 26-01-1995 - 06-02-1995 92506S001 Nukutavake NKTB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 15-02-1995 - 28-02-1995 92507S001 Moruroa MURB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 19-01-1994 - 14-02-1994 92508S001 Apataki APAB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 17-12-1993 - 28-12-1993 92509M001 Makemo tide gauge MKTG Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on top of the tide gauge building terrace. 92601S001 NUKU HIVA NUKB DORIS antenna ref. pt (Starec type) 04-12-1993 - 04-12-1993 92701M002 Noumea DORIS mark 92701M003 Noumea NOUM Center of stainless steel plate fixed to the top of 4" steel pillar 92701M004 Noumea Tide gauge auxiliary benchmark L-1 92701M005 Noumea NRMD Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 92701M005 Noumea NRMG Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 92701S001 Noumea NOUA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 92701S002 Noumea NOUB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92701S003 Noumea NOWB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92701S004 Noumea NOXB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92722S001 WANAHAM/ILE LIFOU LIFB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 92726M002 Hienghene HGHN Top and center of a forced centering device on top of a 3 m steel mast, fixed on a wall of a municipal building 92727S001 Koumac KOUC Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna S/N: 12463/ARP 92732S001 WE-LIFOU LPIL Ashtech Dorne-Margolin chokering antenna/ARP 92733M001 Noumea - DITTT NMEA DITT building roof - Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast 92734M001 Tontouta TTTA Civil aviation technical building - Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast fixed to the wall 92735M001 Goro GORO In front of Goro nickel factory medical center - Forced centering device on top of a steel mast in a concrete pillar 92736M001 Yate YATE Municipal school building wall - Forced centering device fixed on top of a metallic mast 92737M001 La Foa LFOA Centre Socio-Culturel building - Forced centering device on top of a 4m high steel mast fixed on a wall 92738M001 Pouembout PMBT Bottom and center of the antenna mount fixed on top of a 2.5m steel mast 92739M001 Thio THIO Bottom and center of the antenna mount fixed on top of a 2.5m steel mast 92740M001 Bourail - Le Cap LCAP Technical Building of the Office des Postes et Telecommunications - Top and axis of an adaptor fixed on top of a 3m steel mast 92741M001 Houailou HLOU Technical Building of the Direction de lamenagement Nord - Top and axis of an adaptor fixed on top of a 3m steel mast 92741M002 Houailou HLOB Top and axis of an adaptor fixed on top of a 3m steel mast on a building. 92742M001 Poum POUM Top and center of a forced centering device on top of a 3 m steel mast, fixed on a wall of a municipal building 92742M002 Poum POUE Top and axis of an adaptor fixed on top of a 3.34m steel mast 92743M001 Poindimie PDME Top and center of a forced centering device on top of a 3 m steel mast, fixed on a wall of a municipal building 92744M001 Ouaco UACO Top and center of a forced centering device on top of a 3 m steel mast, fixed on a wall of a municipal building 92745M001 Pouebo PEBO Top and centre of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast, fixed to a building wall 92746M001 Bourake S10A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92746M001 Bourake S10G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92746M001 Bourake S10M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92746M004 Bourake S10B Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92746M004 Bourake S10H Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92746M004 Bourake S10N Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 92747M001 Numbo NBTG Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 92748M001 Tadine - Ile Mare MRTG Reference point of a stainless steel self centring support on top of Tadine tide gauge building. 92749M001 Hwadrilla - Ile Ouvea IAAI Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a 1.2 m height stainless steel mast fixed on the top of a 7 meters height building 92750M001 Kopeto KOPT To be determined 92751M001 Tiebaghi-la Laverie TBG2 To be determined 92751M002 Tiebaghi-la Laverie TBG1 To be determined 92802S001 TANNA TANB DORIS Ant. Ref. Pt. 92901M001 Wallis DORIS mark 92901M002 Wallis MUTG Top and axis of a stainless steel mast fixed on top of a building roof. 92901S001 Wallis WALA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 92902M001 Futuna Metal pipe / DORIS supporting plate / mark 92902M002 Futuna Top and center of a mark fixed on a concrete pillar 92902S001 Futuna FUTB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92902S002 Futuna FTNA Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a steel mast 92902S003 Futuna FUUB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 92903M001 Leava tide gauge FTTG Top of a forced centering device, clamped on the tide gauge building concrete roof 97101M001 Le Moule RBGM / Borne 97101S001 Le Moule ASHTECH/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 97102M001 Houelmont HOUE Geodetic mark on top of a concrete pillar 97103M001 Les Abymes - Raizet airport ABMF Forced centering device on top of a metallic pillar, fixed on the concrete roof of a Meteo France building 97104M001 Anse Bertrand ABD0 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in a concrete block 97105M001 La Desirade - Grande Anse ADE0 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in a concrete block 97106M001 Fort Napoleon - Terre de Haut FNA0 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 97107M001 La Soufriere - Saint-Claude SOUF Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 97108M001 Pointe-a-Pitre PPTG Marker vertically below the antenna ARP. 97201M006 Fort de France FFTG Reference point of a forced centering triangular plate on top on a steel mast, fixed on a concrete roof 97201M007 Fort de France FFT2 Top and centre of a stainless steel triangular plate on top of a metallic mast. 97204M001 Fonds Saint-Denis FSDC Geodetic marker fixed on top of a concrete pillar 97205M001 Lamentin Airport LMMF Forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on the concrete roof of a Meteo France building 97205S001 Lamentin Airport LAOB DORIS antenna reference point (Starec type) 97206M001 La Croix - Saint-Pierre LAM0 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a concrete pillar, anchored in bedrock 97301M201 KOUROU Pillar Diane I (84) 97301M210 KOUROU KOUR Mark at the center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on a concrete monument 97301M211 KOUROU GKOU Mark at the center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on a concrete monument 97301M211 KOUROU KOU1 Mark at the center of a horizontal metal plate embedded on a concrete monument 97301M401 KOUROU DORIS 2 mark 97301M402 KOUROU KOUG Top and center of an aluminium plate, fixed on top of a steel mast 97301M403 KOUROU Top and center of a brass mark 97301S001 KOUROU ASHTECH/L1 22-JAN-91 - 13-FEB-91 97301S004 KOUROU KRUB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 97301S004 KOUROU KRVB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 97301S005 KOUROU KRUA DORIS 1 antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 97301S006 KOUROU KRWB DORIS antenna ref. pt. (Starec type 52291) 97302M002 Cayenne CAYN Montabo / Top and axis of an inox plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar 97308M001 Kourou - Pariacabo S15A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97308M001 Kourou - Pariacabo S15G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97308M001 Kourou - Pariacabo S15M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97308M004 Kourou - Pariacabo S15B Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97308M004 Kourou - Pariacabo S15H Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97308M004 Kourou - Pariacabo S15N Top of a forced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97309M001 Ile Royale IRYL Top and center of a forced antenna mount on top of a steel mast 97401M002 La Reunion DORIS mark 97401M003 La Reunion REUN Pillar/Brass mark 12mm diameter 97401M004 La Reunion DORIS mark set in the central tube of the metal base 97401S001 La Reunion REUA DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) 97401S002 La Reunion REUB DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) 97402S001 Bras Panon PANO Metallic rod fixed on a roof - LEIAX1202 Antenna Reference Point (ARP) 97403M001 Saint Leu SNTL Forced centering antenna mount on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall 97403S001 Saint Leu SLEU Metallic rod fixed on a roof - LEIAX1202 Antenna Reference Point (ARP) 97404M001 Mare a Vieille Place SPAU Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97405M001 Saint-Joseph JOSE Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97405M002 Saint-Joseph STJS Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 97406M001 Le Tampon LTAM Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97407M001 Mare a Vieille Place MAVP Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97408M001 La Plaine des Palmistes PDPA Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97409M001 Saint-Denis SDEN Forced centering device on top of an iron tube, fixed on the side of a wall 97410M001 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06A Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97410M001 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06G Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97410M001 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06M Center of base plate on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97410M004 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06B Top of a foced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97410M004 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06H Top of a foced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97410M004 Sainte Marie - Riviere des Plu S06N Top of a foced centering antenna mount on top of a steel mast, fixed on a concrete block 97411M001 Bra-Panon I BPAN Reference point of a forced antenna mount on top of a pipe, fixed on the side of a wall. 97412M001 Maido atmospheric Observatory MAIG Top of steel mast 97413M001 Le Port LEPO Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a stainless steel mast, fixed to a concrete wall 97414M001 Pierrefonds PIER Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete bollard 97415M001 Saint-Denis, Le Chaudron STDE Top and axis of a forced centering device on top of a concrete building roof 97416M001 Saint-Andre STAN Top and center of a forced entering steel plate on top of a metallic mast, fixed to a concrete wall 97417M001 Cilaos CILA Top and center of a forced entering steel plate on top of a metallic tripod, fixed on a building roof 97418M001 Plaine des Cafres - Le Tampon PLCF Top and center of a forced entering steel plate on top of a metallic tripod, fixed on a building roof 97419M001 Sainte Rose SROS Top and center of a forced entering steel plate on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a building roof 97501M001 Saint-Pierre S31A Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M001 Saint-Pierre S31G Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M001 Saint-Pierre S31M Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M004 Saint-Pierre Top and axis of a steel plate fixed on top of a metallic pillar. 97501M005 Saint-Pierre STPM Top and axis of a doomed brass mark 97501M006 Saint-Pierre S311 Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M006 Saint-Pierre S31P Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M006 Saint-Pierre S31V Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M009 Saint-Pierre S31B Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M009 Saint-Pierre S31H Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97501M009 Saint-Pierre S31N Top and axis of a steel plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into concrete block 97801M001 Galisbay Harbour STMT Reference point of a stainless steel rod embedded on the tide gauge roof. (8702 lignes)